For those that have read the comics
posted02/09/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
I haven't seen the comics and probably won't by the time the game is released but from what I have seen Bi-Han has made an appearance? Has this explained how he is no longer Noob. The only reason I ask is Noob is my main and we are getting deeper in the roster and zero mention this far.
02/09/2015 05:17 AM (UTC)
The only SZ we've seen has been what appears to be Kuai Liang in something close to his MK3 outfit.
02/09/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
Fantastic so there's still hope.... Thx
02/09/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
The only SZ we've seen has been what appears to be Kuai Liang in something close to his MK3 outfit.

That's not quite true. Raiden's vision showed a Sub-Zero in the game costume.
02/09/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
The only SZ we've seen has been what appears to be Kuai Liang in something close to his MK3 outfit.

That's not quite true. Raiden's vision showed a Sub-Zero in the game costume.

Killing me here.... Need Noob.
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02/09/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
Raiden's vision of the future seemed to show two different Sub-Zero's. I mean, why have the same Sub-Zero twice on the same splash page showing what various characters will be up in the future, and in two different costumes, if it is the same guy in both instances?

02/09/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Raiden's vision of the future seemed to show two different Sub-Zero's. I mean, why have the same Sub-Zero twice on the same splash page showing what various characters will be up in the future, and in two different costumes, if it is the same guy in both instances?

There was only one Sub-Zero in that vision.
02/09/2015 06:34 AM (UTC)
Reading the future comics previews, I think the Sub-Zero Raiden saw in his vision is the same one that appeared in the first chapter, using the secondary costume (both costumes are confirmed to be in the game btw) and IMO it's Kuai Liang (not confirmed, but I believe there is more than enough evidence for Kuai Liang so I'm fine until the game releases).

Scorpion is going after Raiden now and after the issue of their battle, he and Takeda go searching for Sub-Zero, I think this means that after the battle with Raiden, he tells Hanzo of his visions and probably after the encounter with Kano Sub-Zero is going onslaught mode with the kamidogu curse and it will be Scorpion's and Takeda's job to release him from the curse. Maybe during this period is when Sub-Zero defeats the cyborg Lin Kuei if the kamidogu thing is giving him a fighting advantage to defeat alone an army of cyborgs.
02/09/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
Bugsy2188 Wrote:
I haven't seen the comics and probably won't by the time the game is released but from what I have seen Bi-Han has made an appearance? Has this explained how he is no longer Noob. The only reason I ask is Noob is my main and we are getting deeper in the roster and zero mention this far.

Noob is my main to man and I am sweating his announcement don't worry about it though I am confident he will be in either as Noob/bi Han, Noob/split from bi Han or a theory I think is possible Noob/Smoke not as a tag team but in a story where he got split from bi Han in the soulnado then returned to the netheralm where somehow he combined with smoke to make a new Noob wth the powers of both Noob and smoke this would work well with the variation system and bring back two very Awesome and popular characters for the price of one! I think this may be possible as a while back I saw a tweet asking ed boon about a new ninja and he replied by saying; "define new?" Which sort of reads to me that a brand new one won't be appearing but perhaps a new take on an old ninja hence a Noob/smoke combination deviating from the original Noob/bi Han character

Who knows I am just a mad noob fan and hoping against hope that he makes it in one way or another! As for sub zero in the game and comics there is no rel indication which one he is anything you will read is just speculation it's anyone's guess who he is personally I think he is bi Han but then o have read some convincing arguments for him being kuei Lang as well so who knows
02/09/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
I would prefer just plain old Noob over the Noob-smoke combo but anything would be better than nothing. Hopefully it wouldn't be like the tag team deal before. That was alright for its surprise attacks at time but mk9 Noob has been my favorite out of all his iterations.
02/09/2015 06:59 AM (UTC)
The evidence from the comic, combined with what we know of the game... to me... would seem to suggest both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are alive and active as Sub-Zero's in MKX.

We see both an unmasked Sub-Zero get scarred in the comic (we assume it's Kuai, though I don't think it's actually confirmed. But he seems to be a good guy, looks similar to MK3 Sub, and gets scarred, which... suggests it's him)...

We've also seen a masked Sub-Zero in Scorpion's vision of the past (which is presumably Bi-Han, but it's the past, so he doesn't matter much) and more importantly, Raiden's vision of the future who doesn't have a scar...

Combined with the fact the in-game one doesn't seem to have a scar and wears a mask, even though the more present one in the comic book does have a scar and doesn't wear a mask... leads me to believe that Bi-Han will be the masked one in the game... and Kuai Liang will be the unmasked/scarred MK3 look, which will be the other costume (who is the alt and who is the main, could still be up in the air, based on the comment made in the last webcast). They were both represented as the main and the alt of the playable Sub-Zero in MK9... and both appeared in story mode as such. I assume that will be the case again in MKX... at this point.

We haven't seen hide nor hair to suggest Noob is still around. I'm personally sad about it too, as I love Noob. I assume he might be back someday though. No ninja in MK will stay gone forever.
02/09/2015 07:22 AM (UTC)
My idea for the noob-smoke combo would be similar to this;

After being hurled into the soulnado the entity known as Noob Saibot was split in two, all that was good in him was returned to earth realm and returned to his original form however all that was evil was thrown to the darkest part of the netherealm where it bonded with another fallen Lin kuei warrior, a warrior that possessed a dark secret from his former life. Noob Saibot was born anew more powerful then before, part shadow warrior and part enera. Or something like that!

I see him as being a black ninja emitting smoke clouds just a mash up of his and smokes appearance but more ninja like then his MK9 costume.

Shadow: lots of shadow based attacks etc
Enera: smoke inspired attacks, invisibility, the towards and away teleport etc
Assassin: a mix up of smoke and Noob based moves

Don't worry about the variation names I lack imagination but that is what I hope for this in game I think he would make an awesome character!!!
02/09/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
The only SZ we've seen has been what appears to be Kuai Liang in something close to his MK3 outfit.

That's not quite true. Raiden's vision showed a Sub-Zero in the game costume.

I don't think that means all that much. Reptile had human skin, grey mask and armor in that same picture.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing somethings intentionally to throw us off.
02/09/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
It's really funny how people just jump to conclusion.

Evidence point to both brothers.

Outfit means nothing, If I wear my brothers clothes that does not make me my brother, if I get a scar like my brother that doesn't mean I am my brother.

But apparently some people do believe that if you wear somebody else's Outfit that automatically makes you him.

By the end of MK9 both brothers had corrupt souls.

Kuai Liang was under Quan Chi's Control and Bi-Han was also working for Quan Chi as Noob-Saibot.

So when Ermac says to Sub-zero "Your soul is corrupted" that could mean either one of the two brothers.

When Quan Chi says "Your brother succumbed easily" He could mean any of the two brothers.

There are no hard evidence that point to either of the brothers, I have no problem with speculation I actually love speculation but I just wish that people would have actual basis for speculation.

I'd love to talk about who this Sub-zero is, but my problem is that people as usual will be like.

"This is Kuai Liang because he has his MK3 outfit in the comics"


"This is Bi-Han because Ermac said that his soul is corrupted"

When in fact they mean "This is Bi-Han because I would like this to be Bi-Han"

As of now from what we know based on Facts.

It's one of the two brothers, either Kuai Liang or Bi-Han.

Why can't it be a new sub-zero?

Here is why, because as I mentioned above Quan Chi says to the Sub-zero in MKX "Your brother succumbed easily"

Unless there is a third brother that we don't know about, then it's one of the two.

I personally, again I'll say that again. PERSONALLY.

Think it's Bi-Han. Because that would make more sense than a cyborg becoming fully human again.

As of now there is no way to know which one it is, if you have a strong proof that it's Kuai Liang or Bi-Han for sure. then I would love to see it.
02/09/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
I didn't know it was speculation until I created this thread. Everyone kept referring to Bi-Han in other threads so I was curious if it was explained how he returned from being Noob Saibot. He's my favorite character and I was curious because I haven't seen that mentioned. Me personally I hope it isn't Bi because that'll leave hope that my boy may return. Granted MK9 shows that we can have the brothers and Noob but that was through the story mode progression. I don't see that being feasible this go round. I take that back. It's possible but it would be pointless to show Bi fall and be corrupted twice in a row. I'd rather him stay corrupt. Either way MKX will be outstanding. Just a little wishful thinking on my part that Noob returns. Although at this point I think his chances are slim....
02/09/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
The only SZ we've seen has been what appears to be Kuai Liang in something close to his MK3 outfit.

That's not quite true. Raiden's vision showed a Sub-Zero in the game costume.

That's not true either, Raiden's vision showed an entirely new costume not the game costume.

Scorpions vision from the demon showed bi han represented by the in-game costume which tells me that the Subby we have seen in the game so far is indeed bi han.

The subby that got cut by the dagger is most likely kuia Liang.

The third representation (Raiden's vision) of subby is still unknown
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