Fictional characters for the next MK
posted06/07/2006 01:54 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

Member Since
06/01/2006 07:20 PM (UTC)
Post your own characters names,story or bio here are mine:

1-Haze(the son of Sub-zero and Sareena): During her time in the lin kuei Sareena fell in love with Sub-zero and had a child from him at the age of ten Haze's Kori(ice) powers awakened but because of his oni blood his entire body up to his neck became Iced(like Sub-zero's arms) causing him to be more powerful than Sub-zero when he was at that age. at the age of 20 haze was the strongest warrior in his group so strong that he could make a kori-blade without the dragons amulet. there is a day each year when Sub-zero goes to Outworld to pray for his fallen comrades who died at armageddon at the cryomancers temple one day he did not return causing Sareena and Smoke(who became a trainer in the lin kuei) to worry. Haze decides to look for his father lacking proper fighting experience Smoke knew that Haze may die in Outworld so he and Sareena wanted to stop him by force the two easily knocked him to the wall(after a short fight) when he was about to give up he accidentally grabed the dragons amulet while getting up. the amulet did not freeze him infact it extended his powers even more allowing him to make 2 kori-blades and enhance his kori powers. now he had the upper hand and was victorious against them when he was about to leave Sareena told him to bring his father back safely he looked at her smiled and said "don't worry I'll bring dad back home,mom" and so his quest begins.

2-Ruby(yes the fake Kitana look a like): Ruby was an orphen whs parents died in the war with Shao Khan,but was later taken into the Edenian palace by Jade. she was trained by both Kitana and Jade to be a covert-ops expert(spying and assassination) Kitana considered Ruby a younger sister while Jade was more of a mother to Ruby after she became old enough she was assigned to monitor any unusual activity in Out-wold, one day while she was there she heard rumours of someone who resembels the former emporer of out world who just returned from an icy temple.this emporer wants to rule Out-world and begins gathering troops. Ruby infeltrated his hide out but was discovered by some guards while running away from the guards she saw the emporer he looked like Shao Khan but was smaller in size and was never called by his name outside. of the hide out she was confronted by centaur who was an ally to the emporer she tried to use Edenian magic to beat him but centaurs arn't affected by magic when her back was to the wall the centaur wanted to finish her off as he was about to strike he was literly frozen then an angry warrior walked up to him created a sword of ice and used it to cut the centaures head off the warrior said that the emporer had somthing that belongs to him Ruby asked what it was he responded angerly:"My fathers soul"
06/05/2006 10:15 PM (UTC)
Nice bios deadman_222222! here are some of mine

Emperor DeSade

After overthrowing Kahn, DeSade hopes to defeat the Earthrealm Champion Liu Kang. DeSade is hell bent on merging all realms together and calling them as a whole the Afterrealm. Although DeSade fears Kang will be the death of him, he thinks that his servant and assassin D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R. will be able to defeat Kang for him. As a result, being pre-occupied by Kang could be the end of DeSade, if he does not watch out for Quan-Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shao Kahn, who want to destroy DeSade for the supreme ruler of all realms.

His mission: Destroy Liu Kang!!!

Hell Retro

When Emperor DeSade gave his life back to Scorpion he caused the furies to become unbalanced. As a result, the God of Tormented Souls sent a spectre to return Scorpion to his rightful realm. Only his most powerful spectre would have the capability to return a reluctant person to a place of such torment. Hell Retro, the ultimate hellish ninja, was given this task. His notorious reputation for using the most painful and hellish fighting tactics was known by all ninjas worldwide.

His mission: Bring Scorpion home!!!


When DeSade hears of Blaze’s plan to bring an uprising against him, he gets a rival clan of icepeople to take arms against Blaze‘s. He recruits "Sarok" the leader of the "Arcticans" to attack the Emberlions and destroy them before it is too late. In the midst of battle Sarok is bestowed by the power and looks of Sub-Zero. Now Sarok is torn between the survival of her people and the passion in her heart.

Her mission: She is out to prove there is heat and compassion within the heart of Arcticans!!

Soul Reavor

When Shao Kahn is left by Shang Tsung in his attempt to ally with him to destroy DeSade, he sends his new appointed sorceror Soul Reavor out to kill him. Soul Reavor who was the student of Shang is more than happy to oblige his master. Soul Reavor knows the only way for him to become the most powerful of sorcerers is to take the soul of the very person who trained him, Shang himself. Don't be deceived by his feeble looks, for he has the gift of morph. He also possesses the ability to become transparent.
His mission: He is sent into the Netherrealm to kill Shang Tsung!!


When the Lin Kuei clan learns that all human forms of ninja are unreliable, they turn to robotics. After the fall of their two original robots the clan makes drastic improvements. They realized that they must combine all the elements into one cyber ninja. They make D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R. A Robot-Ninja that combines not only water, fire, ice but now earth, wind, light, and darkness. DeSade then learns of this lethal warrior and captures him and reprograms him as his servant. He is sent into the Netherrealm for his final testing and effectiveness in battle.

His mission: Win in the Netherrealm and bring the head of Liu Kang back to DeSade.

What do you think?grin
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/06/2006 03:19 AM (UTC)
Nice bios veary creative I might add, heres 2 more:

The emporer: once a general in Shao Khans army this warrior saw Shao Khan as an Idol and soon became obssessed with him wanting to be like him after armageddon Khan disappeared and out world was left with no ruler. the emporer took this chance to become the same man that he once Idolized. he took Khans helmet and armor ,but he lacked the power to rule, at that moment a huge Oni appeared before him"I am Belokk" said the oni, the oni was a serveant of Kochal the true god of the nether realm he told the emporer that his master will make him a better ruler than Shao Khan under the condition that he pledges his loyolty to Kochal and rule in his name, the emporer accepts Belokk than gave the emporer a scepter that has the ability to absorb the souls of the dead and told him to meet his first general at an Icy temple. the emporer went there where he found a strange creature who resembels a zebra he was Zebron and he wanted to test his soon to be master's strength the emporer mocked him thinking he was a weak animal but was surprised at his strength during the fight Zebron stopped the fight kneeled on one knee and said now you are my master, after the battle a flame appeared in front of the emporer revealing an image of Kochal who told the emporer to beat his first victom a warrior from earth who can use ice powers and then go with Zebron to a hide out where his next mission awaits, the emporer also recived more strength from Kochal, later the emporer and Zebron waited to ambush the warrior in the temple. when he arrived Zebron attacked while the emporer waited to get his chance the warrior froze Zebron ,but was struck from behind when he turned around he was shocked "It's been a long time Sub-zero" Sub-zero replied "It can not be Reiko???!!!!" he then stabs Sub zero with the scepter draining his soul in th prossess he then said "Reiko is no more, you will remmember me in the after life as The Emporer!!!!!". Deima: A beutiful yong out-world lady who charmed nearly ever male who saw her she is a dancer as well as w skilled martial artist she was traveling from realm to realm performing belly dancing and other activities to earn her money and fame. in the past she was a slave who was sold in out world to a villiage of shokan warriors most of them were nice to her but one night a shokan was drunk and he raped her then many others did the same thing in the nights that followed one day the villiage was raided by centaures one centaur found her and knew what they did to her, the centaures then brought the prisoners to her and told her to take revenge on them she killed all shokans and laughed menacly after words the centaures raised her into a warrior she now uses her charm,skills,and her tricks to get what she wants she heard that a new emporer was going to rise to power in out world ,this was her chance to get revenge on the entire shokan race her plans were to get close to this new emporer in order to have him give superiorety to the centaures, little did she know that her plan would take a turn the other way arouned.
06/07/2006 01:54 AM (UTC)
Dwayne(i couldn't come up with anything else) oh yeah cool bios
Allies:Special Forces Team
Foes:Kano,Jarek,Shang Tsung
He has been undercover in the Armed Special Forces Team for a long time and tried to help Sonya and Jax capture Kano.Shang Tsung one day morphed into Sonya and Jax to try to covince him to join the Mortal Kombat Tournament and was a successful for Shang Tsung.Now Dwayne teamed up with Jax and Sonya to defeat his foes while Shang Tsung tries to make him suffer...until he dies.
Dwayne(evil bio)
Allies:Shang Tsung
Dwayne came alone to Sahng Tsungs palace while Jax and Sonya were fighting off the masked guards.As he made his way through the palace Shang Tsung came out of nowhere and pushed him into the soulnado.He was getting ripped apart until Shang Tsung pulled him out.Shang Tsung then Drained his soul while Dwayne was weak.He absorbed Dwayne's soul and felt even more powerful.Shang Tsung got an evil soul from the soulnado and put it inside Dwayne's body.After that he was to be Shang Tsungs servant.Shang Tsung then ordred Dwayne to kill anyone who got in his way...he was also ordered to kill Sonya Blade and Jax Briggs.

Thats all i got.Your thoughts please.
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