Favorite and least favorite endings *Obvious spoilers
posted05/22/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)by
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art by blacksaibot

Member Since
03/23/2010 12:08 AM (UTC)
What's your most loved endings? What's your most hated endings? Which endings do you think are canon? Anything about endings!!!!

Some of my personal favorites are

Sub Zeros: Dragons are super cool. Lin Kuei dragon riders are even cooler.

D"VORRAAAH: My god, her ending is freaky. But probably my favorite ending i've ever seen in Mortal Kombat. She impregnates shinnok forcefully creating swarms of Half Elder God Kytinn that take over the world. That is so bad ass and very creative.

Kotal Kahn: I HOPE this is canon even though I don't know if Netherrealm has the guts to do it. But imagine that for Mk11! Raiden has gone crazy so he tries to take over outworld and the sides are switched so the main focus is on Outworld trying to defend themselves. Imagine a story that doesn't focus on the Kombat Kidz but instead focuses on Kotal Kahn and his squad instead. Gahhh That'd be a dream come true.

Some of my least favorites are

Reptile: What a lame and uninspired ending. Unless it's canon, which could make for some interesting story opportunities, than this ending just sucks. It's like his MK9 ending but without the whole bad ass "forcing shang tsung to restore his race and then commit genocide" part of it.

Mileena: Somehow was able to be even more lame than Reptiles. She finds an army of Mileenas then takes over the world? CMONNNN that is so god damn uncreative. Especially for some one who has such potential for a real good ending, but instead they go with this generic bullcrap. The only good thing about this ending is the possibility that there are more Mileenas out there so she can come back in the next game.

Scorpion: lol i'm not even mad about how lame this ending is since I think that Scorpion has become quite lame over the past few games so it's quite fitting. But you would think since Ed Boon and NRS love kissing scorpions boots, that they'd give him a super cool ending, right? Nope wrong, he just feels bad and becomes guardian of the Jin Sei Chamber.

Sonya: Seriously, what the hell?

That's all I have right now, I have not seen all the endings yet.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/21/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:

Kotal Kahn: I HOPE this is canon even though I don't know if Netherrealm has the guts to do it. But imagine that for Mk11! Raiden has gone crazy so he tries to take over outworld and the sides are switched so the main focus is on Outworld trying to defend themselves. Imagine a story that doesn't focus on the Kombat Kidz but instead focuses on Kotal Kahn and his squad instead. Gahhh That'd be a dream come true.

My thoughts exactly. I'd love to have the chapter system focus on the opposing side. Really enjoyed that ending and it's consistent with the story mode canon so it is a possibility.
05/21/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
I do think something is bound to happen at that air transport, I have a feeling Jax might actually die.
05/21/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
Imagine that. Jax comes out of retirement to help against Shinnok and accepts to temporary lead the team while Johnny gets back on track. And he dies. It would help push Jacqui has an even more important character. I'd love it.

You know, this time around, I hope most of the endings are canon.

Outworld being forced to defend against Earthrealm.
Jax dying.
Reptile discovering members of his race.
Kung Jin saving Kung Lao.
Scorpion working for Raiden as enforcer and protector of the Jinsei.
Ferra/Torr being in Xi as new/Ferra with Ferra as the big guy.
Zombie Quan Chi working for the Elder Gods.
Sub-Zero defending earthrealm with dragons? DRAGONS?
Shang Tsung bringing himself back to life by absorbing parts of Ermac, then ressucitating Mileena by just dumping her soul in another body?(forget the RE clone thing)

There are a few obviously non-canon lke Shinnok and D'Vorah and I'm not sure what to make of Cassie being deceived into killing Shunjinko(except that it ties into the whole deception thing) and Kotal tricking Jacqui into bringing back a skull to earthrealm, but most of them would be a great and fun way to continue the story.
About Me

art by blacksaibot

05/21/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Imagine that. Jax comes out of retirement to help against Shinnok and accepts to temporary lead the team while Johnny gets back on track. And he dies. It would help push Jacqui has an even more important character. I'd love it.

You know, this time around, I hope most of the endings are canon.

Outworld being forced to defend against Earthrealm.
Jax dying.
Reptile discovering members of his race.
Kung Jin saving Kung Lao.
Scorpion working for Raiden as enforcer and protector of the Jinsei.
Ferra/Torr being in Xi as new/Ferra with Ferra as the big guys.
Zombie Quan Chi working for the Elder Gods.
Sub-Zero defending earthrealm with dragons? DRAGONS?
Shang Tsung bringing himself back to life by absorbing parts of Ermac, then ressucitating Mileena by just dumping her soul in another body?(forget the RE clone thing)

There are a few obviously non-canon lke Shinnok and D'Vorah and I'm not sure what to make of Cassie being deceived into killing Shunjinko(except that it ties into the whole deception thing) and Kotal tricking Jacqui into bringing back a skull to earthrealm, but most of them would be a great and fun way to continue the story.

That actually sounds quite amazing. I too hope most endings are canon.
05/21/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
Least favorites: Erron Black, Jaqquie, Jax, Sonya. Just a really lame string of endings playing off of eachother and I am hoping that is not them making an effort to kill off Jax.

Because he deserves better than that. Give the vet who came back into duty a proper ceremonious death instead of something just as pitiful as a high heel to the esophagus.

Liu Kang - Fuck Liu Kang's stupid nonsensical character assassinating ending. If he were depicted as he trully is in the game then fine. But that was revived Liu Kang and he wouldn't do that so fuck that ending.

Kitana - Just...fuck off. If you are going to erase the old time line and then do such a piss pour job of retelling certain events and doing such an awful job of adapting the stuff from the previous. Then stop reminding us of it!

It also makes no sense seeing how Edenia was the realm which the Amrageddon event took place in and Shao Kahn was about to end all of reality. Not just take Earthrealm.

Kung Lao - It makes no sense. This whole revenant situation is over simplified and some how also convoluted as fuck. So what, they can just be talked out of being evil? What?!

Quan Chi - It's just stupid because I refuse to believe the Quan Chi in story mode was actually him. He was just making too many mistakes. Quan Chi seldom makes mistakes and if he does most of the time an act.

Side note though and not to toot my own horn too much but heh before MKX was announced I had a very similar idea for Shao Kahn. That the Elder gods seeing him as too much of a risk to set loose through the natural system of death.

Would take his soul for themselves, lobotomize him and force him to be their loyal champion who would assist Raiden against the war of the Netherrealm.

All the rest are fine in my books. For the most part.

Takeda - I hope we see Deagon get brought back into the fold and become the nemesis of Takeda.

Reptile - pleeease god damn it, let that ending from Reptile be canon.
05/21/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
I didn't see Kung Lao's ending as being talked out of being a revenant, but more along the line of Kung Jin using the powers of the shaolin/white lotus(light, purity, etc) they have to make Kung Lao snap out of the brainwashing that clouded his mind. I assume it didn't happen in a few minutes. At the same time, it gives hope for the other revenants.
05/21/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
I liked Errons because of the backstory, second half of it was just shit though.

Kotals was probably my favorite overall. Raidens wasnt too bad either.
redman Wrote:
I liked Errons because of the backstory, second half of it was just shit though.

Kotals was probably my favorite overall. Raidens wasnt too bad either.

I can't think of the ones I really hated, but the ones I did hate were the stupidest endings MK has ever had. Like the writers of the endings just gave up, or they thought what the wrote was actually good and no one told them how shit it was.
05/21/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I didn't see Kung Lao's ending as being talked out of being a revenant, but more along the line of Kung Jin using the powers of the shaolin/white lotus(light, purity, etc) they have to make Kung Lao snap out of the brainwashing that clouded his mind. I assume it didn't happen in a few minutes. At the same time, it gives hope for the other revenants.

Didn't Sareena say emotion freed her in the story mode as well? I don't know if she was a Revenant but she was under Quan Chi's control.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/21/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
Least favorites:

Sub Zero. What the fuck is up with this ending? We were all worried about Sub Zero turning Cyborg, only for him to immediately be turned back and dropped into an episode of "How to Train Your Dragon". It was just so cheesy. Not even the good kind of b-movie cheesy...just bad.

Mileena. I don't know what the hell is Vogel and company's obsession with the whole "army sharing a single consciousness" thing, but they have used this ending, or a variation of this ending in every NRS game since Smoke in Armageddon was turned into a cloud of nanobots. Batman in MKvsDCU, Kano and to a lesser extent Raiden in MK9, Cyborg in IGAU and now Mileena. The concept has not aged well. Plus someone actually looked at a piece of paper and saw the words "the architect of the Mileenas" and said, "yep, sounds good".

Quan Chi. " Hmm, we need an ending for the driving force behind our whole story this game...I KNOW! Let's smash Scorpion's MKD story and Shang Tsung's ending together and see just how much we can disappoint everyone."

A lot as it turns out.


Shinnok. Really awesome ending...yup.

Ermac. Any ending involving the resurrection of my boy Shang Tsung is a good ending in my book. Got legitimately hyped when I saw it.

Kotal Kahn. One of the better endings in the whole game and one I did not see coming. Really awesome way to bring it full circle.

Ferra/Torr. I had a hunch from the beginning that I would like this character. But I never thought they would end up being one of my favorite characters ever. The lore surrounding them is just fucking inspired. I felt horrible when it was revealed that Torr just withered away, and shocked when I found out why it happens. Props to NRS on this character from the ground up. Amazing work.

D'vorah. SAVAGE!

Jason. Intestine strangulation for the win!
05/22/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
I agree to some extent about Kuai Liang's ending. Sub-Zero's endings since Deception have been major let downs. And this one felt like a waste too.

I mean I kind of liked it because it shows Sub-Zero gaining more power and turning the Lin Kuei into a truly powerful force for earth. But still, no progression for Kuai Liang or anything just another ending for him that feels too, well not good but, grand to be true.

Nothing about him trying to save Smoke (yeah that again) or trying to find a way to revive Bi-Han or build bridges with the Shirai Ryu. Or heck, just show us a glimpse of his relationship with Frost this time around.

God I wish Kuai Liang was still a cyborg...
05/22/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
Favorite: Honestly, Sonya. I love the rawness and the strange Criminal Minds-Law&Order feel it gives off to me. I hope it's canon someday.

Least Favorite: Sub Zero. No thanks, HTTYD.
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