Fake Sindel MKA Bio. What do you think about it?
posted06/26/2007 01:55 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
I'm gonna post a made-up MKA Sindel bio here since it's not getting any attention at the MKA forum.

I think it's pretty good. I doubt anything like this will happen, but it's nice to share still. It takes Mileena's bio and her new plan to take over Edenia into consideration.


"Fed up with invasions and evil corruption, Sindel attempts to close the portals to Edenia once and for all. She leaves the establishment of beauty and spirituality behind and instead forms large military groups along with reuniting with the shokan forces for ultra support. Edenia is guarded with knights and shokans on every part of the realm. She then harnesses her realm's advanced technology to create machines that release concentrated magnetic fields that disrupt and disallow successful portal openings.
With Edenia now sealed from outside worlds, she and her citizens will finally live in uninterrupted peace. As she returns to her palace, she finds Mileena in her thrown room. She had been so preoccupied with closing Edenia away from outside forces, she forget of any inside forces that might be possibly lurking. Mileena, accompanied by a dozen armed men, circled around Sindel. Sindel screamed, unleashing thunderous sonic waves that tore through windows and alerted her troops within mile-long distances. Before her shriek ripped them apart, Mileena's men struck Sindel and she fainted.
Once awake, she found herself chained. She realized that Mileena had undone the magetism shields, dropped down more of her men, and forced Edenia's army to surrender at the cost of murdering the beloved queen. Mileena explained that Edenia will be now molded to her liking, and Sindel would have to live as a worker slave or her citizens would be destroyed.
Though, devastated once again, Sindel was not hopeless. With the portals now open, it was inevitable that Shao Kahn would soon learn of Mileena's reign and take the Edenian crown from her. Knowing Shao Kahn, he would not allow Sindel slavery. Her only hope was her most hated enemy."

So what do you think? Please post comments.

This surely has holes in it and all that, I think. And it could probably incorporate Jade and Kitana somehow, but I know something like this won't happen. Midway wouldn't "waste" time doing something new like putting Mileena against Sindel because they stick to traditional feuds more often. Oh well. It's a nice fantasy though.

I just hope we see Sindel doing something new instead of being Kitana's mother and Edenia's boringly serene queen, for once. Cross your fingers with me people.

Well, how bout any fantasy bios you guys have?

I'd like to read bios from your favorite characters or whatever as long as they aren't trashy or made up in like 2 seconds.
06/15/2007 05:24 PM (UTC)

"After Sindel closed all portals to the other realms, Rain knew he would be trapped in Edenia forever, a realm where he was not welcome. He hid in the ruins of Blaze's Pyramid and slowly turned insane of the lonelyness. He began to believe he truly was the true heir of the Edenian throne, something he only had a suspicion of before after he found out he was the bastard son of Argus, the dead god of Edenia. While hiding, a man found him. He introduced himself as Aries and with his guidance, Rain build the confidence to take his throne. Rain traveled to the queendom only to find Mileena had taken over Edenia and held Sindel as slave. Rain fled and found an open portal which Milenena had used to summon her forces. He ended up in Outworld where he sought refuge at Shao Kahn's palace. Kahn was furious to know of Mileena's actions and had Rain guide him to Edenia to take back what was once his. Aries however told Rain to defy the emperor when he was weakened after the battle with both Mileena's army and the Edenian army, and take the throne for himself. The thought of power being within his reach was more tempting than Rain would ever admit, but to defy the emperor could be a dangerous act. Only time will tell what Rain will do..."

"Rain and Reiko joined together and defied the emperor when time was right. Shao Kahn was weak of fatigue after the battle of retaking Edenia and his vast forces were slayed by the Edenian Army and the Shokan Forces. Rain and Reiko killed Kahn before he could reach the throne. the deal was set. Rain took the throne of Edenia which was rightfully his, and Reiko grabbed shao Kahn's helmet and went to take the throne of Outworld."

"Rain proved to be a worthy king with the guidance of his advisor Aries. but no one other ever got to see Aries..."

Note: Because of Rain going insane, he became scizophreniac and made up this Aries character who gave him his confidence back.
06/16/2007 05:12 AM (UTC)
Well, I'm surprised that you took my made-up Sindel bio into consideration to make up a bio about Rain.

Didn't see that coming.

It really fits with what I came up with though. Cool. It all works out. I like it.
06/16/2007 01:07 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Well, I'm surprised that you took my made-up Sindel bio into consideration to make up a bio about Rain.

Didn't see that coming.

It really fits with what I came up with though. Cool. It all works out. I like it.

I really like your Sindel bio, so I thought I would work my bio out from that :P
06/16/2007 09:31 PM (UTC)
Oh I see.

06/17/2007 04:50 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I know something like this won't happen. Midway wouldn't "waste" time doing something new like putting Mileena against Sindel because they stick to traditional feuds more often. Oh well. It's a nice fantasy though.

Its ashame too. I like how in Deception she took a bold step and posed as Kitana in order to try and become ruler of Edenia. But I don't understand why she never goes after Sindel or Jade because even if she were to defeat and kill Kitana, She'd still have to deal with the other two in order to claim Edenia.

I really like your Bio though. The only problem I had with it is Sindel becoming a victim again and is in need of rescuing. The things I liked about Kitana and Sindel are that they're not stereotypical royal damsels in distress like most storied portray Queens and princesses. They can kick ass and look good doing it. But there were those situations when they did need to be rescued... -_-. Screw it, I want Sindel to stand up and be the bitch she is. She needs to kick Shao Kahn's, Onaga's, and Blaze's asses. I'd cry tears of joy if Midway made that canon..
06/17/2007 05:34 AM (UTC)
King_Of_Edenia Wrote:
I really like your Bio though. The only problem I had with it is Sindel becoming a victim again and is in need of rescuing. The things I liked about Kitana and Sindel are that they're not stereotypical royal damsels in distress like most storied portray Queens and princesses. They can kick ass and look good doing it. But there were those situations when they did need to be rescued... -_-. Screw it, I want Sindel to stand up and be the bitch she is. She needs to kick Shao Kahn's, Onaga's, and Blaze's asses. I'd cry tears of joy if Midway made that canon..

I know what you mean about the victim thing. It's just that I wanted Sindel to take a turn so I thought making her go from a queen to a slave would be an interesting twist. At least I let her have some initiative in the beginning, I think.

She doesn't seem to be very dominant and interfering so I don't know how she would go against the evil bosses unless they personally put her, her realm, or Kitana in danger. I too would cry tears of joy if Midway made a bolder, bitchier Sindel canon, though.

Like I said, I've got my fingers crossed for when her official MKA bio gets released.
06/22/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Her only hope was her most hated enemy."

WOW, kick-ass finishing sentence. And something new with Mileena also, but too bad Midway doesn't like making up new rivalries. It's a good idea though, turning Edenia into an isolationist realm, what choice do they have anyway? Finally a new turn, with Edenia. Plus, you can work with this story to make Edenia's role in Mortal Kombat much more interesting. Hey, maybe Sindel could become a dictator and develop nuclear weapons. tongue
06/25/2007 01:00 PM (UTC)
Fantasy Scorpion bio for MK8 (well, its not related to armageddon, but since you guys are posting your fantasy bios, i created my own):

"After the defeat of Blaze at the hands of Taven, Scorpion faced the sorcerer Quan Chi, and after a brutal combat, Quan Chi gained the upper hand. When the sorcerer was about to destroy Scorpion, the spectre remembered his family, murdered at the hands of the one who was trying to kill him. Scorpion unleashed a blind rage, a fury that he has never tasted, and he managed to defeat Quan Chi. In the end, Scorpion beheaded Quan Chi and burned his body to make sure he was destroyed. After his revenge, Scorpion took his rightfull place as Grandmaster of the Shiray Ryu clan. Although the clan was formed by specters and wraiths, Scorpion reformed it, recruiting and training children to become Ninja warriors. One of this children was Ukyo Hasashi, who was Scorpion's son. Both this boy and his mother, the once murdered Scorpion's family, have been ressurected as human's and not spectres like the rest of the clan for some reason. Over the years, Ukyo grown strong, taugh in the ways of the Shiray Ryu, he eventually learned to control the element of fire by the hands of his father (although Scorpion gained this power after his ressurection, he was able to teach it to his human son) and became a great warrior. By this time, the Shiray Ryu was a half human clan, the other half were the specters that were ressurected, and so they remained loyal to the clan. Scorpion felt his task was complete, he had avenged his family's death, and he has reformed his clan, now he could rest. And in flames, Scorpion passed away to the afterlife, leaving only his mask and his Ninja costume. Ukyo became the new leader of the Shiray Ryu, and transformed the clan into an active force. The clan was again a mercenary group, but now, under Scorpion's last desires: before Scorpion passed away, he tolf his son, that he would be the next Grandmaster, and that the clan would never serve evil. He told him that the Lin Kuei were not to be harmed, and Sub Zero is an ally, too many battles have been fought in the past, although the ideals of both clans are very different, they would never again cross swords. Ukyo took his fathers costume, mask and code-name. He was the new Scorpion, leader of the newly reformed Shiray Ryu clan, he is human, mortal, but posseces the power of a superior being, by being trained by a spectre, someone who has seen the other side of life, and had a superior look over it."

hope you guys like it
About Me

06/25/2007 09:45 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
Fantasy Scorpion bio for MK8 (well, its not related to armageddon, but since you guys are posting your fantasy bios, i created my own):

"After the defeat of Blaze at the hands of Taven, Scorpion faced the sorcerer Quan Chi, and after a brutal combat, Quan Chi gained the upper hand. When the sorcerer was about to destroy Scorpion, the spectre remembered his family, murdered at the hands of the one who was trying to kill him. Scorpion unleashed a blind rage, a fury that he has never tasted, and he managed to defeat Quan Chi. In the end, Scorpion beheaded Quan Chi and burned his body to make sure he was destroyed. After his revenge, Scorpion took his rightfull place as Grandmaster of the Shiray Ryu clan. Although the clan was formed by specters and wraiths, Scorpion reformed it, recruiting and training children to become Ninja warriors. One of this children was Ukyo Hasashi, who was Scorpion's son. Both this boy and his mother, the once murdered Scorpion's family, have been ressurected as human's and not spectres like the rest of the clan for some reason. Over the years, Ukyo grown strong, taugh in the ways of the Shiray Ryu, he eventually learned to control the element of fire by the hands of his father (although Scorpion gained this power after his ressurection, he was able to teach it to his human son) and became a great warrior. By this time, the Shiray Ryu was a half human clan, the other half were the specters that were ressurected, and so they remained loyal to the clan. Scorpion felt his task was complete, he had avenged his family's death, and he has reformed his clan, now he could rest. And in flames, Scorpion passed away to the afterlife, leaving only his mask and his Ninja costume. Ukyo became the new leader of the Shiray Ryu, and transformed the clan into an active force. The clan was again a mercenary group, but now, under Scorpion's last desires: before Scorpion passed away, he tolf his son, that he would be the next Grandmaster, and that the clan would never serve evil. He told him that the Lin Kuei were not to be harmed, and Sub Zero is an ally, too many battles have been fought in the past, although the ideals of both clans are very different, they would never again cross swords. Ukyo took his fathers costume, mask and code-name. He was the new Scorpion, leader of the newly reformed Shiray Ryu clan, he is human, mortal, but posseces the power of a superior being, by being trained by a spectre, someone who has seen the other side of life, and had a superior look over it."

hope you guys like it

Eh, the Scorpion defeating Quan Chi part was...unispired, and seen all too many times. Do you want to know what happens if you release your rage in combat? Even an unskilled amateur would pwn you.

Other factual errors and inconsistencies:
Quan Chi is back in MKA, despite being literally blown to atoms in MKD. Scorpions burning is thus rendered laughably ineffective.

Scorpion could not take any rightful place as grandmaster, as he was not the grandmaster of the shirai-ryu. In truth, he was just another grunt.

Scorpions wife and child ressurecting as alive reeks of deus ex machina, and is pretty ungrounded. Do not delierately cause logical inconsistencies if you do not have a plan with them. -Intended writers fallacy-

Note that Scorpion is not aligned with the fire element. He is neither an elemental or controls elemental orces. He can combust some things, but he is definitely not a fire-based warrior. Also, fire =/= hell. Bear in note that the Netherrealm hell is anzthing but the judeo-christian depiction of Sheol.

What purpose does the Shirai-ryu serve if they basically become Refor-med Lin Kuei no.2? And ad that that they were morally ambiguous, and that Scorpion wishing for abolishment of evil is extremely unlikely from an assassin. Sub-zero may be mercyful and avoid kills whenever possible, but it still does not warrant abstinence from killing. That is far from good.

Redo this, and check your priorities on what do you want to do with the horrible shipwreck Scoprion has became. For this is slightly none the better than the MKA ending he had.

06/26/2007 01:32 AM (UTC)
Look at the title... LOOK!!! It says "Fake Sindel MKA Bio"... And these bios... can you see them? The bios are fake too... They are "fantasy bios"! Which means the person who posted the bio has depicted his wishes and fantasy into it! It means that it does not have to be realistic!
Nightcrow simply wrote a wish-bio for Scorpion... Do you know what that means? It means you don't have to analyze every aspect of what he wrote, but simply enjoy the fact that you can make your fave character do whatever you want! Like I did with Rain, like the fake sindel bio, and like this Scorpion bio... So please, Chrome, don't spoil the fun by analyzing it from top to bottom. Thank you!

Chrome Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
Fantasy Scorpion bio for MK8 (well, its not related to armageddon, but since you guys are posting your fantasy bios, i created my own):

"After the defeat of Blaze at the hands of Taven, Scorpion faced the sorcerer Quan Chi, and after a brutal combat, Quan Chi gained the upper hand. When the sorcerer was about to destroy Scorpion, the spectre remembered his family, murdered at the hands of the one who was trying to kill him. Scorpion unleashed a blind rage, a fury that he has never tasted, and he managed to defeat Quan Chi. In the end, Scorpion beheaded Quan Chi and burned his body to make sure he was destroyed. After his revenge, Scorpion took his rightfull place as Grandmaster of the Shiray Ryu clan. Although the clan was formed by specters and wraiths, Scorpion reformed it, recruiting and training children to become Ninja warriors. One of this children was Ukyo Hasashi, who was Scorpion's son. Both this boy and his mother, the once murdered Scorpion's family, have been ressurected as human's and not spectres like the rest of the clan for some reason. Over the years, Ukyo grown strong, taugh in the ways of the Shiray Ryu, he eventually learned to control the element of fire by the hands of his father (although Scorpion gained this power after his ressurection, he was able to teach it to his human son) and became a great warrior. By this time, the Shiray Ryu was a half human clan, the other half were the specters that were ressurected, and so they remained loyal to the clan. Scorpion felt his task was complete, he had avenged his family's death, and he has reformed his clan, now he could rest. And in flames, Scorpion passed away to the afterlife, leaving only his mask and his Ninja costume. Ukyo became the new leader of the Shiray Ryu, and transformed the clan into an active force. The clan was again a mercenary group, but now, under Scorpion's last desires: before Scorpion passed away, he tolf his son, that he would be the next Grandmaster, and that the clan would never serve evil. He told him that the Lin Kuei were not to be harmed, and Sub Zero is an ally, too many battles have been fought in the past, although the ideals of both clans are very different, they would never again cross swords. Ukyo took his fathers costume, mask and code-name. He was the new Scorpion, leader of the newly reformed Shiray Ryu clan, he is human, mortal, but posseces the power of a superior being, by being trained by a spectre, someone who has seen the other side of life, and had a superior look over it."

hope you guys like it

Eh, the Scorpion defeating Quan Chi part was...unispired, and seen all too many times. Do you want to know what happens if you release your rage in combat? Even an unskilled amateur would pwn you.

Other factual errors and inconsistencies:
Quan Chi is back in MKA, despite being literally blown to atoms in MKD. Scorpions burning is thus rendered laughably ineffective.

Scorpion could not take any rightful place as grandmaster, as he was not the grandmaster of the shirai-ryu. In truth, he was just another grunt.

Scorpions wife and child ressurecting as alive reeks of deus ex machina, and is pretty ungrounded. Do not delierately cause logical inconsistencies if you do not have a plan with them. -Intended writers fallacy-

Note that Scorpion is not aligned with the fire element. He is neither an elemental or controls elemental orces. He can combust some things, but he is definitely not a fire-based warrior. Also, fire =/= hell. Bear in note that the Netherrealm hell is anzthing but the judeo-christian depiction of Sheol.

What purpose does the Shirai-ryu serve if they basically become Refor-med Lin Kuei no.2? And ad that that they were morally ambiguous, and that Scorpion wishing for abolishment of evil is extremely unlikely from an assassin. Sub-zero may be mercyful and avoid kills whenever possible, but it still does not warrant abstinence from killing. That is far from good.

Redo this, and check your priorities on what do you want to do with the horrible shipwreck Scoprion has became. For this is slightly none the better than the MKA ending he had.

06/26/2007 03:39 AM (UTC)
Must people bring Scorpion in a thread all about the Queen? Get him out of here.
06/26/2007 01:55 PM (UTC)
She did say: Post your fantasy bio... Scorpion is an MK character as all the others.

MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Must people bring Scorpion in a thread all about the Queen? Get him out of here.
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