Evil Raiden?
posted08/27/2005 07:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/22/2005 03:30 AM (UTC)
Just throwing a new idea out here guys.

Ok, in Raiden's ending in MK:D he literally is fed up with jinko's attempt to "save" the realm, and literally beats the crap out of him. Also, his red eyes in MK:D. Perhaps setting something up for a future game? Perhaps the return of Fujin as the defender of Earthrealm?

This is my first post on this section of these forums and i would appreciate your guys feedback.

08/26/2005 04:49 AM (UTC)
NO no no no no raiden is good he should not be evil he had a mental break down fujin should come himwow
08/26/2005 05:02 AM (UTC)
If you blew yourself to bits with your god-like essence, you'd probably be pretty pissed too.
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08/26/2005 08:30 AM (UTC)
Raiden obviously blew a fuse when he lost his essence. Now he is the overzealous protector of Eartrealm. It does open a plot hole for Fujin to become the Protector of Earthrealm.
08/26/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Just a couple of petty corrections- Raiden was enraged at Shujinko's *stupidity* which endangered Earthrealm, and also at the mortal's seeming lack of motivation to defend their home. He also didn't beat the crap out of 'Jinko, he *killed* him. With extreme prejudice.

I don't think we can say Raiden is evil; I can't ever see him *becoming* evil, at least not in the traditional sense. It's more likely that he'll get so mad at something (perhaps the endless soap-opera-like, trivial goings on) that he decides Earthrealm is too sick to save...and must be destroyed, in order to be reborn anew.

On a side note, anyone notice that the first time we *explicitly* know Raiden loses just one fight, he goes all psycho? That's an online-style bad loser... wink

Good topic, that man.
08/27/2005 03:58 AM (UTC)
cloneofdan Wrote:
Just a couple of petty corrections- Raiden was enraged at Shujinko's *stupidity* which endangered Earthrealm, and also at the mortal's seeming lack of motivation to defend their home. He also didn't beat the crap out of 'Jinko, he *killed* him. With extreme prejudice.

I don't think we can say Raiden is evil; I can't ever see him *becoming* evil, at least not in the traditional sense. It's more likely that he'll get so mad at something (perhaps the endless soap-opera-like, trivial goings on) that he decides Earthrealm is too sick to save...and must be destroyed, in order to be reborn anew.

On a side note, anyone notice that the first time we *explicitly* know Raiden loses just one fight, he goes all psycho? That's an online-style bad loser... wink

Good topic, that man.

lol...Your idea of Raiden possibly wanting Earth to be destroyed sounds rather Ras Al Ghul-ish which is interesting. I guess releasing his god-like essence made him go nuts.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

08/27/2005 07:05 AM (UTC)
I think it's pretty universal that Raiden will turn evil, but through no fault of his own. He's most likely tainted by the One Being, who we all know is influencing Onaga, and that taint is driving him mad, twisting his morals to that of near-fanaticism. It would be interesting to see him as a sub-boss for Onaga/the One Being/whoever the hell's the next boss.
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