Ermac should convert Rain into fighting for Earth Realm,two former assasins for Shao Kahn now working together for a better cause in MK 7.
Mortal Kombat X
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Ermac should convert Rain into fighting for Earth Realm,two former assasins for Shao Kahn now working together for a better cause in MK 7.
posted06/20/2005 06:05 AM (UTC)byMember Since
01/30/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
I think that since Ermac is good now,he should help Rain somehow and amke him good and pure like he once was before Edenia got conquered by Shao Kahn.He turned on his people of Edenia once,he decided to turn his back on his true homeland(Edenia) and joined Saho Kahn rather than to see the destruction of it with him being killed most likely.
Now Rains a stray pretty much,i think that with Kitana and Ermac's help they can convince Rain to join the Earth Warriors and fight for good.
What do you think??????????Since Rains story line is open for anything just about.
Now Rains a stray pretty much,i think that with Kitana and Ermac's help they can convince Rain to join the Earth Warriors and fight for good.
What do you think??????????Since Rains story line is open for anything just about.

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First off, it's surprising that Ermac has free will as well as a sense of honor and a desire for redemption. As for Rain, I wouldn't want him to be good as much as I'd like him to be neutral. He could help the Earth warriors defeat Kahns army, but he shouldn't have a solid interest beyond that. There aren't enough neutral people to keep it interesting. There really should be at least some kind of balance between good, neutral, and evil.
Well the main balance is between Good and Evil but i wouldn't mind seeing Rain as a neutral guy,of coarse you do know though that if he claimed to be neutral and helped the Earth Warriors then technically isn't that more good than evil???

I don't see these two working together at all. Ermac would be sceptical of Rain. though Rain could be willing to fight with the Earth warriors to gain redemption for being a traitor to his realm. He could gain favour in the eyes of Sindel, Kitana and Jade for this. However, he doesn't know he's from Edenia, so he cannot be blamed for siding against it.
The good guys have the lasrgest team already, and what unique asset could Rain (a character intended as a joke, with unoriginal powers -electricity, water vapor, well, perhaps weather pattenrs, but thats not enough) provide? Besides, we have enough "ninjas" already. Ermac has decided to help the good guys, no further defector needed (would only prove what kind of loyalty Rain had...a second swap of sides. Geez.)
Overall no.
The good guys have the lasrgest team already, and what unique asset could Rain (a character intended as a joke, with unoriginal powers -electricity, water vapor, well, perhaps weather pattenrs, but thats not enough) provide? Besides, we have enough "ninjas" already. Ermac has decided to help the good guys, no further defector needed (would only prove what kind of loyalty Rain had...a second swap of sides. Geez.)
Overall no.
I could swear that Rain knew that he betrayed Edenia,if you read the Bio for him in the MKT guides,it should say,i believe he is a traitor by choice.

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I'd like him to be Neutral.
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