posted04/01/2012 06:18 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/21/2012 12:22 AM (UTC)
In Ermac's arcade mode ending we learn that one of his souls is that of Sindel's husband/Kitana's father Jerrod. Apparently it is Jerrod who ultimately manifest's itself so that Jerrod has control over Ermac. So does this mean that Ermac should from now on be linked to Jerrod, and give him a meaningful storyline with Jerrod's wife and daughter, or would you rather him go back to being Shang's puppet?
03/14/2012 01:57 PM (UTC)
I'd stick with Jerrod being in control of Ermac. He'll be able to save his wife and daughter.
03/14/2012 02:43 PM (UTC)
Arcade endings don't have that much significance since we have story mode to focus more on the canon story.
03/15/2012 01:24 AM (UTC)
Ermac could still be jerriod because he survived the story mode and it could have happened after shao Kahn death much like in the original timeline he became good so don't claim something you don't know just cuz its not on storymode does not make it non Canon
03/15/2012 02:54 AM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:
Ermac could still be jerriod because he survived the story mode and it could have happened after shao Kahn death much like in the original timeline he became good so don't claim something you don't know just cuz its not on storymode does not make it non Canon

Um... You do realize that arcade mode and story mode doesn't interact with each other right? Because if it did, we'd be seeing Sub-Zero and Scorpion tag teaming it up, and the mysterious woman coming to life.

And don't tell me what to claim and what not.
03/15/2012 03:26 AM (UTC)
Um you do realize In past games some endings were Canon and others were not so what's your point and I could say what I want your nobody to tell me otherwise
03/15/2012 04:52 AM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:
Um you do realize In past games some endings were Canon and others were not so what's your point and I could say what I want your nobody to tell me otherwise

What the hell are you talking about "what's my point?" Do you not read my posts all the way through or are you just trying to pick a fight for no apparent reason? I've stated it very clearly, but since you obviously haven't read my posts, I'll explain it... in full detail just for you:

You do realize that until MkvsDC, MK did NOT have a story mode and an arcade mode in one game? All we had was a background story of the game and the character endings. The next game after that tells us who's ending was true and who's was just some random ending. Even in MK1-3, it was still a bit hard to understand who's got the canon ending and who's didn't, but if people read the bios and endings for each game throughout these few games, it's not that hard to tell.

MK4 was and still is the only game to feature movie endings, some had a canon ending while others did not.

As soon as Deadly Alliance came into play, things got a bit easier understand the story, since it had a beginning, a middle, and an obvious end when it came to Deception. As soon as we got to play conquest, understood the story on how it was brought up, played through the middle, and saw the ending of each characters, when Armageddon came, we knew exactly what happened.

Just because there's two different modes with endings doesn't mean they need to interact with each other. Because then the whole purpose of Jade meeting that mysterious woman would be completely stupid now if that didn't carry along with her character for the next game. Mileena and Kitana becoming sisters? Sub-Zero and Scorpion joining forces? Havik?!

To make a long story short, arcade mode is a mere "what if" scenario, where we get to see exactly what happens to each character if they were the victors of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Those endings serve nothing greater than as a "what if" thing. And if you don't see my point from this, I really have nothing else to say to you.
03/15/2012 05:27 AM (UTC)
Well I don't see your point because I feel storymode and konquest was basically the same thing at least in my opinion I see no big difference in the two modes like in mka konquest was there story mode was it not and in the end taven won but we find out shao Kahn wins so that's my point and if every ending is just what if I see no point to that because it wont have purpose like the mysterious women in jade ending I'm not saying its cannon cuz she died but to put that for no reason and not to have her in future games or story's I feel would be stupid but whatever lets agree to disagree you have your opinions and I got mine
03/15/2012 05:31 AM (UTC)
Oh and thanks for going all detailed just for me I feel all important now lmfao furious
03/15/2012 11:57 AM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:
Well I don't see your point because I feel storymode and konquest was basically the same thing at least in my opinion I see no big difference in the two modes like in mka konquest was there story mode was it not and in the end taven won but we find out shao Kahn wins so that's my point and if every ending is just what if I see no point to that because it wont have purpose like the mysterious women in jade ending I'm not saying its cannon cuz she died but to put that for no reason and not to have her in future games or story's I feel would be stupid but whatever lets agree to disagree you have your opinions and I got mine

But this game doesn't even have a conquest mode in it, it just has a story and an arcade mode. Every ending in arcade mode is a what if ending if they were the people who won Mortal Kombat. It's not your opinion, that's a fact! There's nothing to disagree with because there isn't anything to disagree on. The fact that these endings in arcade mode aren't true or even relevant to the story that MK2011 had doesn't mean that it's pointless to have. There's a lot of people who wanted their characters to be the victors of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang unfortunately was that person for the longest time. These endings that are true in some aspects to the ones that aren't shows what would have happened if this character won the tournament. I've played this game since I was two years old, I think I know what I'm talking about when it comes to what's canon and what isn't.

And stop being a smartass, seriously.
03/15/2012 03:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
collegegeek Wrote:
Ermac could still be jerriod because he survived the story mode and it could have happened after shao Kahn death much like in the original timeline he became good so don't claim something you don't know just cuz its not on storymode does not make it non Canon

Um... You do realize that arcade mode and story mode doesn't interact with each other right? Because if it did, we'd be seeing Sub-Zero and Scorpion tag teaming it up, and the mysterious woman coming to life.

And don't tell me what to claim and what not.

You got a valid point, but still...the non canon endings might be some interesting hint about POSSIBLE/PROBABLE future story plots, or at leas any indication of sorta.
So, they can stick for a good 95% to the Story mode adn still get some elements from the arcade endings.
Some of them were so good and mysterious, that could be a intruiguing addition. I think mainly about Cage, Jade, Raiden, Ermac and Sonya's endings.

Other endings are explanatory to the characters. In Smoke's ending, basically, is explained how he got his smoke powers, which is a senses and honest way to justify his powers.
03/15/2012 03:50 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
collegegeek Wrote:
Ermac could still be jerriod because he survived the story mode and it could have happened after shao Kahn death much like in the original timeline he became good so don't claim something you don't know just cuz its not on storymode does not make it non Canon

Um... You do realize that arcade mode and story mode doesn't interact with each other right? Because if it did, we'd be seeing Sub-Zero and Scorpion tag teaming it up, and the mysterious woman coming to life.

And don't tell me what to claim and what not.

You got a valid point, but still...the non canon endings might be some interesting hint about POSSIBLE/PROBABLE future story plots, or at leas any indication of sorta.
So, they can stick for a good 95% to the Story mode adn still get some elements from the arcade endings.
Some of them were so good and mysterious, that could be a intruiguing addition. I think mainly about Cage, Jade, Raiden, Ermac and Sonya's endings.

Other endings are explanatory to the characters. In Smoke's ending, basically, is explained how he got his smoke powers, which is a senses and honest way to justify his powers.

Yes, the endings that are non canon can be used for future ideas/stories, but do they hold a huge significance throughout the main story? No.

I will not say that these endings cannot come true in the story, however, the endings in the arcade mode do not effect any bit of the ending that we saw in story mode. They would have to go to at least some sort of a length for an explanation to have Ermac suddenly posses a soul of an Edenian. It can't just be, "Oh, you have to play his arcade self in order to find out that this happened." That would be kind of a silly thing to do.

So, yes, what you said can happen, but it's not happening as of lately.
03/15/2012 05:00 PM (UTC)
Icebaby, I wouldn't even bother lol.

I certainly don't think this implies to anything in the story. It might in a non-canon timeline, but nothing canon.

@Geek, I suggest you read the FAQ.. You need to read this and you will further understand on what to post and if it's a good question or not. Thank you for being active, however.
03/15/2012 08:29 PM (UTC)
I don't know I don't think there's any reason to believe that the endings are completely non-canon or vice versa. I think you two are arguing about something we know nothing about.

Everyone wants to say these are non-canon but they can completely turn out true.

Take MKvsDC for example. Everyone died in each story. The only survivors were Superman and Raiden. Yet people like to think that the endings in that game are what the character did after the events with Dark Kahn.

It's the same here. We just don't know because this format has only been used in two games. One of which we don't have a sequel too and possibly won't ever get a sequel too.

So that leaves MK9 to go off of which is one game. We don't know if they will use endings or not, but if history from before Armageddon serves true then most of the endings will play out one way or another. The endings usually steer us into the direction of future games.

I don't believe that all the characters who died will return. However, I do believe a few of them will. I've said it before Jade's can easily happen. Very easily. Smoke's demon form will probably release him from Quan chi, and somehow some way we will, hopefully, see Sub-Zero.

The others may sit out a game. However, I feel that those three will definitely find a way to return.

Ermac may play a part in Sindel and Kitana's ressurection.

No one should count endings out yet completely though because this is the first canon mk game of this timeline and we just don't know.
03/15/2012 09:22 PM (UTC)
Except I do know what I am talking about, because the arcade endings are supposed to show us what would happen if THAT character that you're playing won the MK tournament instead of you-know-who. Does anyone besides Redman understand that or at least understand the concept between the two modes? There's clearly a distinguishing factor amongst the two modes that differs from each other, one showing us what happens if other characters were the victors of the tournament, while the other is showing us the real story of what's going on during this game. There's clearly a huge difference in both of them. One being canon, the other non-canon.

Since this thread is talking about Ermac and Jerrod, let me ask you these questions that surely would need some explaining to do if it were to suddenly conflict with story mode:

Why would Jerrod suddenly come into the next game's story fused with Ermac when we last saw him getting his ass handed by Cyber Sub-Zero? He's just supposed to randomly come back as Ermac with Jerrod's soul fused inside of him, protecting his "queen" who is dead, as well as serving Edenia? Not to mention, Kitana is also alive... So, yeah, his ending being canon wouldn't possibly come true if both Sindel and Kitana are both alive and well and are in shock that Jerrod is amongst the living somehow.
03/15/2012 10:01 PM (UTC)
That's the part I didn't explain though. Even though endings could be canon, they don't have to be fully canon. Sindel and Kitana most certainly aren't alive you're correct. However that doesn't mean that he won't come back learning that he has Jerrod's soul inside of him. It could most certainly happen.

Jade could awaken from death with the knowledge that these events aren't happening how they should be.

Shang Tsung could even become a good guy in the next game. He has mastery over souls so it would be logical if he helped return the warriors to life. If we find out he's still alive.

That's what Mk is about. They have always gave us the endings to give us a guess as to what could happen next. I don't see any reason that has to change now just because we have a story mode.
03/15/2012 10:17 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I don't see any reason that has to change now just because we have a story mode.

Why can't we suddenly have a change though?

Why make endings that has to be toyed around due to the story mode? They can obviously have ideas that they want to expand, but actually adding a character's arcade ending to the story in story mode would not make any sense all becuase the creators still has to keep with that whole '"we need to have characters with real endings and fake endings."

Why can't they change that? They've obviously changed Mortal Kombat within the time they went bankrupt to the time they were bought out.

03/15/2012 10:39 PM (UTC)
I'm not saying they have to be. They all could be completely non-canon. However I don't feel that anything is concrete at the moment. That's my argument.

I simply think that some of the endings would be good. The top of the list for me would be: Jade's ending (obviously), Noob Saibot's ending ( a good way to incorporate Chaosrealm and Havik), Johnny's ending (make him a more serious character, Ermac's ending (he's free of quan's control now why not?), Sub-Zero's ending (I've wanted them to team up for a while. I don't want the two to stay teamed however one game to bring down Quan Chi wouldn't hurt.) Smoke's ending ( gives him something to work with besides Sub-Zero sidekick).

I just feel that a lot of the endings could play some relevancy. Other's like Kitana's powerpuff girl ending. I don't think they should play any role. There are bad endings and there are good endings. I feel the good endings should be used though. Like I said I'm not saying they all won't be non-canon. I'm just making the argument that none of us know for sure if they will be or not.
03/15/2012 11:02 PM (UTC)
You're right, nothing is concrete at the moment. They can gather ideas for the story during these endings, but to actually put them into the story mode as if it was happening right underneath our noses or in the background, it would be a bit silly and lazy on the writer's parts to rely on arcade mode to also explain our story to us.
I like this idea of Jerrod being in Ermac.

In the past, all we've seen of Jerrod is headless statues. Ermac's invisible man/mummy bandages fit in well with Jerrod's air of mystery. Gives him more of a Man in the Iron Mask feel as well.


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