Dvorah is a boss!!! (Spoilers)
posted04/17/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)by
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

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06/17/2007 06:48 PM (UTC)
All the hate for her is why I love her. She kills Baraka and Mileena, betrays Kotal for the fucking Brotherhood of Shadow and comes away unscathed.
I have to give her two thumbs for her performance.

Well this one is a fan of hers.grin
04/17/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
She is hated? I thought people liked her, I personally liked her when she first appeared and that has not changed. Her story of betrayal wasn't interesting but she does have a lot of personality which is why I like her.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

04/17/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
She is hated? I thought people liked her, I personally liked her when she first appeared and that has not changed. Her story of betrayal wasn't interesting but she does have a lot of personality which is why I like her.

From what I recall she was hated for defeating Baraka and killing Mileena. Some also stated that she had taken Tanya's story.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/17/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
I really like her, I was pretty meh when she was revealed, but she grew on me in the comics and even more in the games. I didn't like her being a traitor, but i'll live. As for her taking Tanya's role, treachery is not a new concept limited to one character in a game about fighting for the safety or distruction of the realms.
I just feel like they tried too hard to make her important and make her mannerisms really stand out.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/17/2015 01:02 AM (UTC)
Ya know, as much as I really do like D'Vorah, I don't really care about her Tanya 2.0 story. When she betrayed Kotal and did that grimy shit I just rolled my eyes. She also killed my homeboy, Baraka, so that stings a bit.

With those complaints from me I have to say she has one of the coolest designs in the game. Really dig the bug look.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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04/17/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
dvorah is a generic famewhore who is just trying to find relevance in her fifteen minutes of fame in the MK world.

But seriously, she's the biggest flop for a traitor, only killing Mileena and Baraka, both enemies of her enemies, only to betray kotal right after, and by just leaving him, not killing him too. Or any of his other minions. (Besides the two guards)

If she was smart and while working for shinnok the whole time, she could of done just as rain and just 'sided' with Mileena and advise her to use the amulet until it killed her and then took it.

Rain > Dvorah.

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art by blacksaibot

04/17/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
dvorah is a generic famewhore who is just trying to find relevance in her fifteen minutes of fame in the MK world.

But seriously, she's the biggest flop for a traitor, only killing Mileena and Baraka, both enemies of her enemies, only to betray kotal right after, and by just leaving him, not killing him too. Or any of his other minions. (Besides the two guards)

If she was smart and while working for shinnok the whole time, she could of done just as rain and just 'sided' with Mileena and advise her to use the amulet until it killed her and then took it.

Rain > Dvorah.

Just stop lol, the only reason you're saying any of those things is because she wrecked your favorite character. Go beat D'vorah up in practice mode to calm down.

Anyway, I love D'vorah. She's my favorite new character and probably my 2nd favorite character. Her mannerisms are literally the most beautiful thing. I'm also very glad she isn't just a random lackey. Feel bad for Ferra/tor and Erron Black fans though. Erron Black did have some relevance in the comics though. But really glad D'vorah isn't another Reptile. Poor reppie.
04/17/2015 01:21 AM (UTC)
Was thinking the same thing. Before I started story I didn't feel strongly about her one way or another (I haven't finished it btw) but based on what I have seen she is pretty damn awesome, though I was a little let down when it was revealed she is working for Quan Chi, mainly because I don't like him lol

Anyway yeah other than that she is pretty f****** cool grin

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ill admit her killing Mileena slightly rustled This One's jimmies though lol
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

04/17/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Was thinking the same thing. Before I started story I didn't feel strongly about her one way or another (I haven't finished it btw) but based on what I have seen she is pretty damn awesome, though I was a little let down when it was revealed she is working for Quan Chi, mainly because I don't like him lol

Anyway yeah other than that she is pretty f****** cool grin

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ill admit her killing Mileena slightly rustled This One's jimmies though lol

LOL at your spoiler tag!
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/17/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
dvorah is a generic famewhore who is just trying to find relevance in her fifteen minutes of fame in the MK world.

But seriously, she's the biggest flop for a traitor, only killing Mileena and Baraka, both enemies of her enemies, only to betray kotal right after, and by just leaving him, not killing him too. Or any of his other minions. (Besides the two guards)

If she was smart and while working for shinnok the whole time, she could of done just as rain and just 'sided' with Mileena and advise her to use the amulet until it killed her and then took it.

Rain > Dvorah.

Just stop lol, the only reason you're saying any of those things is because she wrecked your favorite character. Go beat D'vorah up in practice mode to calm down.

Anyway, I love D'vorah. She's my favorite new character and probably my 2nd favorite character. Her mannerisms are literally the most beautiful thing. I'm also very glad she isn't just a random lackey. Feel bad for Ferra/tor and Erron Black fans though. Erron Black did have some relevance in the comics though. But really glad D'vorah isn't another Reptile. Poor reppie.

That definitely plays into it (her killing Mileena), and perhaps jealousy that the first and only evil character chapter were for newbie d'vorah where she proceeds to kill off two classic characters of over twenty years mid story, (mainly jabbing the writers her). I wouldnt of mind it as much if she was part of MK9's story as it was semi depicted but they just threw her in there just to piss people off.

and also because it just wasnt necessary if she was working for the netherrealm the whole time. She was obviously trying to 'fill her role' to Kotal by killing her, but what was the point if she was just going to 'betray' and leave him right after?
Why not just have her take off with the amulet after she retreived it from Mileena's camp?

In terms of her choices, I wish she wasnt working for the brotherhood of shadows, but I wish it turned out she served Havik. She influenced the uprising against Mileena, for seemingly chaotic purposes, and had Kotal assuming she sided with earthrealmers, leading them into conflict. She just gives me more of the havik vibe.

04/17/2015 01:40 AM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Was thinking the same thing. Before I started story I didn't feel strongly about her one way or another (I haven't finished it btw) but based on what I have seen she is pretty damn awesome, though I was a little let down when it was revealed she is working for Quan Chi, mainly because I don't like him lol

Anyway yeah other than that she is pretty f****** cool grin

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ill admit her killing Mileena slightly rustled This One's jimmies though lol

LOL at your spoiler tag!

Haha for some reason I love how she refers to herself as "This One" instead if "I" or "Me" lol
04/17/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
This One hopes that Dvorah returns in future MKs. She is awesome.grin
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/17/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
i figured out what I'm trying to say in regards to D'vorah's role/character in the story.

This is nothing against D'vorah herself, since she is just the creation of the developers, but I feel like they just handed everything to her, and too soon. She didnt have to wait until her next appearance to achieve her goals, which is why I have a hard time respecting her in this game. She didnt have to slowly earn anything. It would have helped if she made an appearance in MK9 if she was truly one of Shao Kahn's servants as seen in Raiden's flashback chapter. It was too much, too quick.

Other characters like Kenshi and Li Mei both shined in their sequel versions, because they had a foundation to build on. Same with other classic characters like Mileena in deception, Ermac, Kabal, Tanya, Smoke, Cyrax, etc.

I don't feel as though her story has no where to evolve from her, but it will be tough for her to 'out traitor' herself in the next game.

04/17/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
I see what you are saying, but that might have been intentional. We have seen what happens to characters that aren't important or don't do anything notable and I think by having D'vorah being the one to kill 2 classic and well known characters, it kind of makes her unforgettable to those who play the story.

This is all speculation on my part of course :)
04/17/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
Don't hate her at all, she is my new favorite character next to Cassie. I guess they are giving her a push since she killed one of the most popular female characters in the franchise. I have a feeling Mileena will return in MK 11 and her and D'Vorah are going to have a feud.
04/17/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
Regarding the whole "D'Vorah stole Tanya's gimmick" angle, when Tanya was first introduced, she indeed came off as a good person, she didn't look evil, her bio seemed like she was a freedom fighter, etc, so when the big reveal came in her ending, it was quite a surprise.

Of course, then came Deception, where she definitely looked evil, and there was more betrayals and backstabbing in her bio and ending, so it became an established part of her character. Even in the new timeline, she looks pretty sinister.

Certainly, NRS could have dialed back her appearance, and found a place in the story for her to try and beguile our heroes, but we, the player, knows she is a treacherous snake, and it wouldn't have had that same charm as when MK4 came out.

So, D'Vorah, who had no hint of being a manipulator and deceiver, worked out quite well, as it came as a true surprise this time around. At least, to me.
04/17/2015 12:52 PM (UTC)
Ah, so you've done a worldwide survey that people hate her, check!
I on the other hand really like her. She had loooads more screentime in story than I expected.
Cool voice too. I think that one will return in future mk's.
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04/17/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
dvorah is a generic famewhore who is just trying to find relevance in her fifteen minutes of fame in the MK world.

But seriously, she's the biggest flop for a traitor, only killing Mileena and Baraka, both enemies of her enemies, only to betray kotal right after, and by just leaving him, not killing him too. Or any of his other minions. (Besides the two guards)

If she was smart and while working for shinnok the whole time, she could of done just as rain and just 'sided' with Mileena and advise her to use the amulet until it killed her and then took it.

Rain > Dvorah.

Lol @ salty Mileena fans. I feel for you, I really do. That was messed up.

I really like D'Vorah both design and gameplay-wise but didn't expect her to be this evil. I thought she'd be more neutral and betray Kotal for Earthrealm or something. It never even crossed my mind she might do Quan Chi's bidding.
04/17/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
Tanya started as a fake good character that betrayed everyone.

D'Vorah was never good to begin with. She just faked being with Kotal in order to help Shinnok.

I think maybe you'd have a case of D'Vorah taking the spot written for Tanya if Tanya was nowhere to be found, but the fact that she's also in the story and announced as DLC before the game was released tells me this isn't a case of changing up characters like in MK4.
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04/17/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah is the best of the new characters. I love her design.
Only thing I don't like about D'vorah was her heel turn.
04/17/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
I was disappointed with her being a traitor, but her design is awesome and her gameplay seems fun. She definitely brings something new to the world of MK and I appreciate that. Hopefully she returns in the next game already.
04/17/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
I don't like her. She sucks.

But yeah she has an unique design.
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