Dont get too much excited afterall...
posted06/07/2010 02:43 AM (UTC)by
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03/09/2010 01:07 AM (UTC)
Here is's take:

GamePro: Warner obviously comes with a whole library of IP. What should we be looking for from Warner next?

MT: If you look at the landscape of publishers, you'll see is everyone has their own crown jewel. They have their own key franchises that they are they developing for a specific audience, that are expecting that game to come out, with quality. We're no different. We're very serious about Batman, we think Batman: Arkham Asylum showed that taking care of our own franchises can really change things, and can make for a very appealing game. Lord of the Rings is clearly very important to our future. Lego is clearly important. Mortal Kombat, you haven't seen anything yet, but we're very proud of what we have so far. We'll be showing very well at E3.

When you read the bold line by itself it makes it sound like he's talking only about Mortal Kombat being shown at E3. He's actually talking about the Warner Bros Entertainment game catalog will be "showing well" at E3 this year. He's not specifically "confirming" Mortal Kombat to be at E3, just that they will be having a good showing of their many franchises. The best part about that line is actually the "Mortal Kombat, you haven't seen anything yet." That's a clear sign of enthusiasm coming from WB on their upcoming game. That is something to get excited about.

Now we have been seeing a lot of teasing on Twitter from various MK team members about working hard the past few weeks. So it's incredibly likely they have some massive effort under way to finally premiere what they have been working on for the past two years. So we do believe it'll be there in some form, but there is yet to be no official confirmation of anything from Warner Bros. about the game's status for E3 2010. I wouldn't bet against it though
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06/06/2010 02:27 AM (UTC)
Even if the article doesn't directly indicate MK is going to be present, I think it would be a safe guess anyway. I can't think of a reason in the world why they wouldn't want MK at E3.
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06/06/2010 02:48 AM (UTC)
This guys state of mind was clearly thinking towards whats going to be coming up for E3 at the time of the interview. And WB has told people to have tight lips regarding mortal kombat. I believe its the first time the words "Mortal Kombat" have even been spoke by anybody representing WB since the aquisition of Midways assets.

This clearly means Mortal Kombat is going to be at E3 or he wouldnt have braught it up at all. He felt the need or ambition to mention it while he was on the subject knowing that this information will apply to E3 in a manor of speaking.

MK9 will be at E3, Everybody get your hopes up because if its not, I will personally pay for everybodys copy of MK9. Hahaha well maybe not that far, but thats how clear this seems to me.
06/06/2010 04:58 AM (UTC)
The bottom line is that the game has been in the making for 2 years and is being released this year, so it will have to be shown at E3. They did they same thing before MK vs DC. IF FOR SOME REASON this game isn't shown at E3, then you might as well forget about it coming out this year.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 was just announced, is being shown at E3, and is scheduled to come out in 2011, so its a safe bet that if MK9 isn't shown , it won't be coming out until then END of 2011, and we know thats total bullshit considering Boon has been talking about the game so much on his twitter.

The game will be shown at E3, and in fact I would bet good money that we will see it revealed before E3.

MK vs DC was teased 2 days before E3 with the embargo hint.

ITS COMING FOLKS, DONT WORRY ! I just hope its worth it since we have all been waiting for a decent MK game since Deception.
06/06/2010 05:35 AM (UTC)
Maybe they are still developing it and planning to release it in 2011 despite being in development for 2 and a half years.. Highly unlikely of course, but expect the unexpected. WB is unpredictable, and if the release it in 2011 it wouldn't surprise me, although I'm running out of patience and hoping to get something soon....

06/06/2010 10:26 AM (UTC)
MK9 will be shown in E3 else we will gather and break into WB studios stealing all MK9 info. Don't worry you will see MK9 this month.
06/06/2010 01:45 PM (UTC)
I believe MK9 will have a presence at E3. The fact that WB mentions specific games, followed up with the "We'll be showing very well at E3" sure sounds like they plan on showing it off. This is not a 100% confirmation, but given that statement, it sounds likely.

Also, I've seen several people point out the quote "Mortal Kombat, you haven't seen anything yet..." and they take it as a statement describing MK9's gameplay, etc. Maybe I'm way off here, but given the context of the article, aren't they literally saying "you haven't seen anything yet" in "we have not shown you anything". Right? Is it just me?

06/06/2010 02:00 PM (UTC)
You guys are looking to deep into the situation. The game will most likely be there, if not.... life goes on.... in pain and agony! aargh furious need mk9 info now!
06/06/2010 03:32 PM (UTC)
To me it seems pretty obvious that the line "you haven't seen anything yet" is referring to their whole catalog of games, not Mortal Kombat.
Sorry, but I'm already too excited...

I think Mortal Kombat will be at E3. I don't see any reason why it would not be.
06/06/2010 04:12 PM (UTC)
There's no way MK won't be at E3, especially if the game is going to be released at the end of 2010. Even if they release it early 2011, they'd still show it at E3. Ed has been saying SOON for a while now and I don't think there's a better place to announce the game between now and the game's release.
I don't just think it's going to be at E3 anymore, I know it will be. Because _JRF_ said that not only will it be at E3, it will also be playable. And like I said a few times before, I trust him.
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06/06/2010 04:54 PM (UTC)
I dont even understand why you guys are debating this. _JRF_ is batting 1000 at this shit. Everythign hes ever said has been right. EVERYBODY said "F*** you MKvsDC is a joke"...

look what happened...
case closed. see you guys at E3.

06/06/2010 05:13 PM (UTC)
Actually Cassleman, he HAS been wrong. I recall a time where he once told me in the MK IRC way back before MK:DA came out, that Sektor would be in the game. As we all know, that wasn't the case. Sure, maybe they had planned for him in early developement, but he assured everyone including myself that he'd be in the game all the way leading up to the reveal of the characters in the game. So no, he hasn't always been right, and I highly doubt that's the only time he's been wrong.

That's not to say I don't think he knows someone with some sort of credible knowledge, because obviously he has made some good predictions, but if you were smart, you should NEVER put all your eggs in one basket. Unfortunately a lot of people on here seem to love to jump to conclusions and believe anything any random person proposes as fact.

With that said, I do think MK will be at E3. Does it have to be? Of course not, but I don't think they'd miss the biggest chance to make a splash and get their game seen and played for the first time by all the journalists and media out there that will eventually be reviewing it.

If there's one thing I have learned in my 9-10 years of coming here, it's that it's best not to allow yourself to get too excited, thus being surprised if all goes well, rather than get your hopes up only to be let down when things aren't as they seem.
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06/06/2010 05:18 PM (UTC)
Ok well thats logical knowing I personally have only been following him since MKD. But in his defense, Sektor was included in the handheld version of MKDA entitled (tournament Edition). Maybe he was heavily planned and then they were unable to include him, or his moves were unballanced. But they did put him in the handheld version which gives some sort of credable walnuts in terms of predictions.

The MKvsDC one was what made me drop all my cash on him. there was no hint, nothing that would point to it and he called it.

Im still betting on him. But your right, I should be a little mroe challanging.

damn... I do wish he was right about Sektor tho... hahaha. thanks for the info aswell. Cheers!!

06/06/2010 05:39 PM (UTC)
Well in his defense, guys from the MK Team have released statements that turned out not to be true. Clothing damage in MK vs. DC? It even shows up in one trailer, but didn't make it into the actual game. Bios for everyone in MKA? Ha. Yeah, sure. These were things we were told directly by the MK Team and didn't come about.

The guy's only reporting what he's being told, and if it were me, I'd pass on the info too. And then when not everything came true, people would spread lies, horrible lies about me too! *sniff* I cry now. tongue
06/06/2010 06:13 PM (UTC)
yeah,just because what he is told is legit does not mean it will be in the final build of the game. if i am correct,this incident happened to cyberdog. when a game is being made there are likely to be changes in mid development so you can not place judgment on everything said. there are times i question my faiths in _jrf_ and times where i am on the same page. either way i say thanks in advance to all the people giving legit info.
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06/06/2010 07:34 PM (UTC)
There WAS clothing damage in MK vs DC? am i reading something wrong??? I remmeber that very vividly.
06/06/2010 08:00 PM (UTC)
Yes there was clothing damage in MKvsDC. I think it's the first MK game to have that feature. Every game after Deadly Alliance only had facial bruising.
06/06/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
Because PS2/Xbox/NGC can't do it well. Damage clothing in MK9 is a safe bet.
06/06/2010 11:59 PM (UTC)
Right now, we need _JRF_'s take....

What about you _JRF_? What is your opinion to all of this?lol
06/07/2010 12:08 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
There WAS clothing damage in MK vs DC? am i reading something wrong??? I remmeber that very vividly.

He probably meant MKDA. Ed did say there was going to cloth damage but it never happened.
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06/07/2010 01:40 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Ok well thats logical knowing I personally have only been following him since MKD. But in his defense, Sektor was included in the handheld version of MKDA entitled (tournament Edition). Maybe he was heavily planned and then they were unable to include him, or his moves were unballanced. But they did put him in the handheld version which gives some sort of credable walnuts in terms of predictions.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Sektor thing actually proves true, since that's the most high-risk thing he's said so far. E3, the 2.5D gameplay... I consider those pretty safe guesses.

The reboot... well, that's a really big claim. That will make-or-break JRF as an insider.
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06/07/2010 02:05 AM (UTC)
The Sektor Claim was back in MKDA. He diddnt claim it for MK9. hope you were not mis-lead about it budd. So far were still in teh dark about way too much.
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06/07/2010 02:31 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
The Sektor Claim was back in MKDA. He diddnt claim it for MK9. hope you were not mis-lead about it budd. So far were still in teh dark about way too much.

I took it away from the "red robots are cool" comment. Since he did the whole winking thing, I thought maybe... well, you know.
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