Does this mean that they wont be many more MK9 characters returning?
posted01/01/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/27/2014 05:25 AM (UTC)
Well as we all know, this is Mortal Kombat so it is normal for dead characters from previous games to return.

Even if thats the case, theres always a creative way that they are brought back,
for example MK9, where a lot of the MK9 characters died way back, and they were brought back by Raiden from the future sending Raiden from the past, visions of the terrible outcome so raiden from the past could prevent them.
even if raiden tried, lots of characters still died as we already know.

long read but year me out, it gets more interesting.

even though he died, basically twice lol, in mk9
he returned for MKX
It is almost certain that is another subzero, Bihan perhaps, or another member of subzero's clan, thats a creative and realistic way to bring a character back.

However, we also have kung Lao, Who also died in MK9, returning for MKX
Im very curious to know the story behind the way that he was brought back to live but this is not the point of this thread

Now that we have two returning characters that died in MKX, does it make it less likely for other characters who also died in MK9, return for MKX?

Just because it slims down the realistic ways that characters could be brought back?

01/01/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)
Personal opinion-

As much as I love Kung Lao, I was not expecting his return at all.
I was completely shocked. I understand why subzero returned, He's very iconic, I get it. but Kung Lao is not as iconic.

Now there is many others who also died in MKX that could probably return but in my opinion, what is the point?

might as well call it MK9 PART 2- THE RETURN OF THE DEAD, if thats the case.

I just hope Kung Lao is the only dead character that returns to MKX
And I don't hate the ones who died, Kitana, Sindel, smoke, Noob, night woolf, are winners for me. is just very unrealistic and annoying to be honest, especially because most of this characters have been part of mostly 3 games already

However I don't mind characters like
and even Rain
-in order-
to return because they did survived and are still cool characters.

01/01/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
plus what about the new characters and the MK4- POST ERA CHARACTERS!??!!?!?!?!?

I'm just going to sit and wait to see what happens but i hope for the best.
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