Does anyone else think MK9 will be a reboot?
posted03/30/2010 05:19 AM (UTC)by
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12/22/2003 05:23 PM (UTC)

Those redesigns that were done of the original cast, combined with the fact that you can't really top the storyline of Armageddon in terms of scope ("The ultimate battle to determine the fate of all the realms" is hard to top.) I'm starting to think that MK9 will actually be a reboot of MK1.

I for one wouldn't be opposed to this. I actually started writing a rough draft of a fan fic for an MK1 reboot. Getting back to the roots would eliminate tons of unnecessary characters and would allow future sequels to relate better to the first one.

Instead of just adding onto the story, they would be able to say from the beginning "This is where we want the story to go." This would prevent unnecessary death/resurrection loopholes, and annoying retcons.

A reboot would also only require moderate retooling storywise, so more attention could be focused on gameplay. Overall, I think it's a win win instead of milking a dead cow.
02/25/2010 06:15 AM (UTC)
Yeah, to hell with all the development and progress characters like Sub-Zero, Raiden, and Kitana have gone through and to hell with fresh characters like Sareena, Havik, Kenshi, and Nitara who I'd actually want to see grow and continue on.

Let's start the whole thing over because maybe this time...THIS time...characters like Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano, and Sonya might actually be interesting.
02/25/2010 06:18 AM (UTC)

They spoiled the chance to do meaningful development when instead of following MKD up with an equally character driven game, they just through 65 characters, half of which were dead, at the base of a pyramid beating the crap out of each other.
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02/25/2010 10:19 AM (UTC)
It's appealing in one sense. If the crew knows ahead of time what the next five sequels will be like in terms of story, then they'd finally be able to tell the story without any retcons or inconsistencies. Hopefully, we'd also get the endings that actually happen and no more what-if scenarios. It would also be nice seeing human Smoke again.

But all things considered, I don't really want a reboot. There are still some large organizations that could be the center thread in the next story's tapestry. As matter of fact, I would have no problem turning one of the standard characters into a boss at this point. I don't think there's further need to bring in villains; let's use what we have. More on that point in a thread on making.

If they do reboot MK1, they MUST put in the Error Macro message! Though they should revise it to say, "Error Macro (lol!)." Seriously, Ermac should actually be a hidden character in the reboot.
02/25/2010 03:04 PM (UTC)

I hope so.

A reboot would refresh the series.
02/25/2010 03:36 PM (UTC)
Do I think MK9 will be a reboot? I think there is a 50/50 chance of it happening. Ed Boon wanted to get rid of a lot of the old characters, and MK games have had major design changes in the past. So it won't be that Surprising if it is a reboot.

Do I want MK9 to be a reboot? Hell no! They can still get rid of a lot of the stale characters, and make a good story without rebooting it. I want new characters and bosses without rehashing the same ideas. However, I also want the classic characters to come back, and have more development to their story. I also bought MKA, and I have been waiting a while to find out exactly what the hell happened. So having a reboot game will only make it take longer.
02/25/2010 06:05 PM (UTC)
See I think a lot of the new story ideas suck. The only one remotely interesting is the on-going Noob/ Sub-Zero saga. Rain is also an interesting character after turning out to be a demi-god. But quite frankly, I want to flush 95% of all characters post MK2 down the toilet, and never acknowledge them again.
02/28/2010 07:17 AM (UTC)
it should be a reboot just called mortal kombat thats it
02/28/2010 11:58 AM (UTC)
burger Wrote:
it should be a reboot just called mortal kombat thats it

Nooo it should be called "Mortal Kombat Begins" wow /sarcasm
02/28/2010 01:42 PM (UTC)
I had a very bad dream *LOL* I have dreamed that the new MK is a New Mythology with Sonya Bladewow
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02/28/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
MkDan Wrote:
I had a very bad dream *LOL* I have dreamed that the new MK is a New Mythology with Sonya Bladewow

We all have dreams about Mortal Kombat: Special Forces, but you just gotta take that breath and keep going forward.

EDIT: Though Sonya wasn't in that... so I guess my joke doesn't work. Oh well.
Adam Ronin
03/01/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
I've been saying this for months now. I totally think it's going to be a reboot and dammit I am all for it. I think all the new characters are stale and I think the story has gotten silly. It's time for a re-imagining. I know I am in the minority on this, but yeah. Dope.
03/02/2010 10:19 AM (UTC)
true it should
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03/02/2010 02:59 PM (UTC)
How do you reboot the first MK game though? Do you just say... Okay, every character that was hidden or a boss or implied in MK1 is a character in the game now. That would give you:

Sub Zero
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung

You seriously want that to be your ENTIRE roster? Because that's what you get when you reboot MK1. That's it. If you REALLY wanted to stretch things, you could include Jax, since he was supposed to be in MK1, even though he ended up being Sonya.

But still, anyone that wants to play an MK game with 11 or 12 characters, more power to you. I seriously doubt that Ed Boon shares your opinion.
03/02/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
I don't think that Mortal Kombat 8 is going to be a reboot. If a reboot were to do be done, it should be done later on and have the story be in a separate universe/canon. I've been thinking about various story and character ideas for a reboot though the first story arc (MK1-MK3) is essentially the same in terms of premise save for MK2.

However, at this point, Mortal Kombat in terms of story, characters, gameplay, etc. should more forward.
03/03/2010 04:15 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
How do you reboot the first MK game though? Do you just say... Okay, every character that was hidden or a boss or implied in MK1 is a character in the game now. That would give you:

Sub Zero
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung

You seriously want that to be your ENTIRE roster? Because that's what you get when you reboot MK1. That's it. If you REALLY wanted to stretch things, you could include Jax, since he was supposed to be in MK1, even though he ended up being Sonya.

But still, anyone that wants to play an MK game with 11 or 12 characters, more power to you. I seriously doubt that Ed Boon shares your opinion.

All MK2 characters such as Kung Lao, Jax, Mileena, and Kitana can be added too. So the secret characters would be Reptile, Ermac, Goro, Shang Tsung, Kintaro, Shao Khan, Noob Saibot, Smoke, and Jade.

New characters can be introduced too.
03/03/2010 02:29 PM (UTC)
I'm not against the idea of a reboot, per se. It's just if it comes at the expense of the storyline going forward. I think a large reason people are for this idea is the nostalgia and the safe feelings it provides. But think about this:

You make the storyline messier. Because everything we knew about Mortal Kombat is thrown out. If you are going to bring back more than the characters that had a reason to be in the first game. Throw Kitana in there, and the entire story is pretty much out of whack. Everything we've held dear for almost two decades is shat on.

If they want to go back and do a "remake" of Mortal Kombat, I think it should be an entirely different project to "MK9." It should only feature the characters that were in the story. This means an exclusive story mode of Liu Kang, Kano, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Johnny Cage and Raiden. Perhaps you could make Goro playable; or Shang Tsung a character you can use in "Versus Mode." Reptile, Ermac, Bo' Rai Cho and even, ugh, Chameleon would also fit into a Versus Mode -- and you could perhaps unlock Noob Saibot for it if you complete his storyline. At the very most, that is 14 characters -- 7 for the storyline and 7 that are unlockable for multi-player. I don't actually mind that concept right there. New characters -- could be done, but then we know they will be killed off, and all drama is taken out of them and their story becomes "non-canon."

I'd want a remake to actually give us the proper story -- and let us know everything that happened between Sonya and Kano, for example -- without betraying any truths we know (something Shaolin Monks fucked up).

The positives behind this (besides the clearing up of the story), is that we'd get a leaner roster. This would allow them to really focus on each character with more focus in the technological age. I assume we'd get a really smooth fighter that would be a fucking ball to play. It could also sell a lot, and that is always good.

If, and only if this is successful, you can then go on and remake the other games. This would also stop people bitching about their favourites coming back, because they would know that there is a remake coming up featuring them.

The whole concept is risky, though, because Shaolin Monks proved that the MK Team fucks up when they do retrospectives. It'd just be a waste of resources, too, as they can just drop us information in the continuation of the story about what's happened to our favourites (I can imagine a Krypt where you unlock the full bios of deceased characters, and finally work out what happened to them). It'd solely be a money venture -- and that just says "creative fuck-up" all over the place.
03/06/2010 08:41 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I'm not against the idea of a reboot, per se. It's just if it comes at the expense of the storyline going forward. I think a large reason people are for this idea is the nostalgia and the safe feelings it provides. But think about this:

You make the storyline messier. Because everything we knew about Mortal Kombat is thrown out. If you are going to bring back more than the characters that had a reason to be in the first game. Throw Kitana in there, and the entire story is pretty much out of whack. Everything we've held dear for almost two decades is shat on.

If they want to go back and do a "remake" of Mortal Kombat, I think it should be an entirely different project to "MK9." It should only feature the characters that were in the story. This means an exclusive story mode of Liu Kang, Kano, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Johnny Cage and Raiden. Perhaps you could make Goro playable; or Shang Tsung a character you can use in "Versus Mode." Reptile, Ermac, Bo' Rai Cho and even, ugh, Chameleon would also fit into a Versus Mode -- and you could perhaps unlock Noob Saibot for it if you complete his storyline. At the very most, that is 14 characters -- 7 for the storyline and 7 that are unlockable for multi-player. I don't actually mind that concept right there. New characters -- could be done, but then we know they will be killed off, and all drama is taken out of them and their story becomes "non-canon."

I'd want a remake to actually give us the proper story -- and let us know everything that happened between Sonya and Kano, for example -- without betraying any truths we know (something Shaolin Monks fucked up).

The positives behind this (besides the clearing up of the story), is that we'd get a leaner roster. This would allow them to really focus on each character with more focus in the technological age. I assume we'd get a really smooth fighter that would be a fucking ball to play. It could also sell a lot, and that is always good.

If, and only if this is successful, you can then go on and remake the other games. This would also stop people bitching about their favourites coming back, because they would know that there is a remake coming up featuring them.

The whole concept is risky, though, because Shaolin Monks proved that the MK Team fucks up when they do retrospectives. It'd just be a waste of resources, too, as they can just drop us information in the continuation of the story about what's happened to our favourites (I can imagine a Krypt where you unlock the full bios of deceased characters, and finally work out what happened to them). It'd solely be a money venture -- and that just says "creative fuck-up" all over the place.

I LOVE your thoughts regarding this.

I 100% agree with your views. And the whole idea of having exclusive story modes for the characters (a lot more elaborated, deep, and complex than MKvsDC of course, even though I 100% love the story mode of that game) could be so much fun an dinteresting.

Your opinion is basically how I feel regarding a reboot/remake. That's the way it should be done. I'm not totally against the idea either.
03/07/2010 12:29 AM (UTC)
Honestly, as long as Raiden's in it and is well-portrayed, I could care less what the rest of the game's like. Too bad I don't actually like the way he's been portrayed in the past about 80% of the time. tongue Props to MK:DA ~ MK:A for making me remember why I liked this character to begin with. If I can get to see more of THAT Raiden, then I'm good.

Though, a good game on the side would of course be nice, too.
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03/30/2010 05:19 AM (UTC)
I'm fifty/fifty on it. On the one hand it'd be a royal waste to have a lot of the new characters forgotten about before they've had their chance to shine. I've come to like Kenshi, Havik, Hotaru and Bo Rai Cho. I'd love to see more of them, and I really would like it if the events of MKA could be kindly explained, we got a death list and just moved on. I'll never be satisfied until I know if poor Smoke will ever get his humanity back, heh.

On the other hand, as someone said - where do you go after deciding the fate of the universe? What happens next? Time travel? Not to mention the current state of the canon is, to be blunt about it, a complete mess, and we've built up a lot of chaff over the ages...there's even more than a few classic characters that I'd be in favor of killing off because they've become bloody stagnant (I won't name names, to avoid offending anyone). A reboot is a great chance to start fresh. I wouldn't expect a complete remake of MK1 - a remake and a reboot aren't necessarily the same thing - but the prospect of that, I confess, does make me drool a bit.

There was a list above posted with MKII characters inserted into a potential MK1 remake...the concept of bringing the first two games together into one package sounds like an awesome idea. Imagine fighting Goro and Shang....only to find that after your victory celebration screen or ending cinematic, the tower extends again by a half, and bam! You're in Outworld, and Kintaro and Kahn are further up waiting for you!
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