Do you think the Mortal kombat franchise would benefit from another MK Mythologies game?
posted05/02/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)by
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03/31/2006 05:19 PM (UTC)
I would like to see a second MK Mythologies: Sub-zero game within the newly established timeline but I think for the sake of consistency within the series this game should act as a prequel to the main mortal kombat story and it should not reboot or retcon the first MKM title or any other title in the franchise. I think it would be really beneficial if we could establish a deeper history between Bi-Han and Quai-Lang and their role as assassins within the Lin Kuei and their relationships as brothers. If a game like this ever comes to fruition I think it should be about their very first missions. The cucial missions that tests them as men and legitimizes their rank among the top rank and file in the Lin Kuei fraternity. Of course the primary enemy within this game should be the members of the Shirai Ryu. I mean how cool would that be? How neat would it be to see the brothers grow up, how their relationships with sector, cyrax, tremor and smoke came to be? Did these assassians' function better on their own or did they prefer to work as a team? It could answer a lot of questions folks like me have about the series.
04/23/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
Panther10 Wrote:
I would like to see a second MK Mythologies: Sub-zero game within the newly established timeline but I think for the sake of consistency within the series this game should act as a prequel to the main mortal kombat story and it should not reboot or retcon the first MKM title or any other title in the franchise. I think it would be really beneficial if we could establish a deeper history between Bi-Han and Quai-Lang and their role as assassins within the Lin Kuei and their relationships as brothers. If a game like this ever comes to fruition I think it should be about their very first missions. The cucial missions that tests them as men and legitimizes their rank among the top rank and file in the Lin Kuei fraternity. Of course the primary enemy within this game should be the members of the Shirai Ryu. I mean how cool would that be? How neat would it be to see the brothers grow up, how their relationships with sector, cyrax, tremor and smoke came to be? Did these assassians' function better on their own or did they prefer to work as a team? It could answer a lot of questions folks like me have about the series.

While yeah, it would be nice to see the two brothers growing up together and seeing how they were like, as well as seeing another Mythologies game, I don't think this will ever happen. I personally believe that anything that has to do with Sub-Zero is the most developed out of the entire series, but I don't think we're gonna see more of these kinds of games any time soon. If anything, they're going to make an adventure game, and I'm going to assume they're going to take the Shaolin Monk-side and make it similar towards that. I didn't mind the challenge that Mythologies brought, and I did like the 2d that the game had, but I just don't think it'll ever happen.
04/23/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
Oh I wouldn't expect the new game to be 2D anyway. I should have been more clear. I was kind of expecting the gameplay to mimic that of Assassins creed.
04/23/2014 02:11 AM (UTC)
I agree with what Icebaby said that the Sub-Zeros are already the most developed characters.

They don't really need more spotlight, if there's ever to be another platformer game, it should be used to develop someone whose backstory is still a mystery.
04/23/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
Not only do I want another spin-off MK game after MK10, but I fully expect it to happen. Whatever characters they decide to base the game on, I'd expect it to play more like Shaolin Monks rather than SZ:Mythologies. Wouldn't be surprised if they went with something totally new though in the gameplay department.

Any one know or heard anything about Injustice becoming a franchise? Just wondering if NR will be making a sequel in the future or if they're just going to stick with MK.
04/23/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
Maybe someone like Stryker or Kabal. Oh wait, Kabal wouldn't have his powers in the new timeline. And those two would be handling non-magical crimes. Unless, a new sorcerer appears and the only way to stop him is to fill his minions with lead. And police issued grenades.

But I doubt Johnny Cage would get one. He didn't believe the monsters were real at the start of the alternate timeline so he didn't deal with that kind of stuff in his movie career. Also he's a bit of a douche
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04/23/2014 01:59 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say another Mythologies per se, but another Adventure game that establishes backstory for several characters. Maybe have several playable characters. I guess a glorified, deeper Konquest mode
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04/23/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
They need to do one with Shang Tsung or Kenshi

Both of their pasts are very interesting which means the stories will be unique.

Each "learned" their powers over time and we have a way of exploring their growth with power. This gives it a perfect set up for XP-based rewards.

they both have a rising action, climax, and fall in their past.

the two characters could even be in the same game since they have a history together

..and all this happens before MK1 for both characters so theres every reason to make it a MK Mythologies while preserving the current established canon
04/26/2014 03:19 AM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
They need to do one with Shang Tsung or Kenshi

Both of their pasts are very interesting which means the stories will be unique.

Each "learned" their powers over time and we have a way of exploring their growth with power. This gives it a perfect set up for XP-based rewards.

they both have a rising action, climax, and fall in their past.

the two characters could even be in the same game since they have a history together

..and all this happens before MK1 for both characters so theres every reason to make it a MK Mythologies while preserving the current established canon

Fuck yeah!
04/26/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
Even though I think those two characters are amazing in their own right, I'm not sure Kenshi is even a popular enough character to warrant his own game. He's certainly popular within the MK fandom for sure, But it would be risky for Netherrealm Studios to produce a game for a character like Kenshi and have it appeal to casual gamers. Even players who have never played the more recent Mortal Kombat games and aren't even aware that Kenshi is among the roster could potentially pass over this title. Might be a good title for X-Box marketplace or Playstation plus though.
04/26/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
I'd really love a non-fighting game based on MK3. Like MK:SM, it shouldn't be canon, thus they could take certain liberties with the story, and not be completely faithful to the MK3 half of the last game.

I'd love to see how Sheeva, Motaro, Rain, Sindel, Skarlet etc would be handled as bosses.

Unlike MK:SM, the story should focus on more than two characters (in other words, it shouldn't be MK:SM: Urban Edition), and you should have different outcomes based on your choices. Like say, spare Sindel and help her recover her true self, unlocking her as a playable character, or kill her. The same could be done with Sheeva, as I feel she could have become an ally as a result of Shao Kahn's betrayal of the Shokans.

There should be a villain campaign, where you get to play as several villains (duh), and fight the heroes as bosses, with soldiers, cops, shaolin monks etc as generic enemies.

Boss fights could differ based on who you play as, and the choices you make. Sindel, as a villain, could fight every heroes at once, in the church.

Some events from MK3 I'd like such a game to cover is Kitana escaping to Earth as stated in her UMK3 bio, and Sheeva's attempt to murder Shao Kahn (mentioned in Kano's konquest mode in MK:DA). the former interests me mostly because I'd want to see how Kitana reacted to our world. What places did she visit? I can imagine her exploring the subway, humans looking at her funny because of her outfit, and low-life thugs attacking her (could be a training segment for Kitana).

Noob Saibot should be a spy for Shinnok, and the netherrealm's involvement should be a secret, even for Shao Kahn, like it was in the old timeline. The Lin Kuei should be neutral, and not ally with Shao Kahn.

There's various gameplay types they could use for such a game. Third person beat'em up like MK:SM, or something more similar to Resident Evil 6, FPS, stealth, etc. They could even have them all, with the gameplay changing depending on the segments and/or characters. For instance, Stryker could start out seperated from the other heroes, and he would have to sneak around the city trying to avoid detection from the extermination squads. Alternately, his segment could play like a FPS.

To conclude, and as you can see from the previous paragraphs, I want this game to be based not only on MK3, but on the old timeline's version of it.
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04/27/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
How the hell would a game based on MK3 be considered a MYTHOLOGIES game? did u guys read the thread title?

04/27/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
You know, if they were to ever DO make another game like this, I hope their main character is Reptile. I would like to see how this character came to be, despite that we kinda know who he is and such. I'm not sure about you guys, but I kinda want to physically see his entire race just get destroyed and how he becomes this stealthy little bugger. I mean, despite that I hated what he became from Deadly Alliance-Deception, still, I've been always intrigued by this character and want to just see stuff.

Mythologies wasn't that bad of a game, and it is disappointing to see that they haven't done another. I feel like basing a game on one character would really be cool to see, especially characters that we don't know. If they were to make another, they just don't need to make the same mistake and make the game hard. I mean that was one of the issues I see repeating itself.

That and, I personally hate it where games force you to play hardened difficulties in order to complete the entire game. It's one thing to play a game hard, it's another when they FORCE you to play it. I don't mind playing hardened difficulties, I really don't. But I can't stand it when they make you play these modes in order to get the most out of their game. You can't beat it unless you play it harder. Like, you can't be a pussy about it, you just have to do it. Maybe it's me, but I just hate it when a game forces you to do something you don't want to do. Not that you can't do it, it's just that you HAVE to do it to get the best out of it. Blah.
04/27/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
How the hell would a game based on MK3 be considered a MYTHOLOGIES game? did u guys read the thread title?

Yeah, I read the title, genius. I could have posted a separate thread for my idea, but I felt it appropriate to post it in this thread. Besides, I've suggested that it covers a few events that we know happened in the old timeline, so it would be in part a mythologies game.

Anyway, I'd like a Baraka game. I read that they wanted to make one once. It could fully explore Tarkatan culture, the species' origin (as in, which Outworld species and which Demonic ones procreated in order to create the Tarkatans), female Tarkatans, Baraka's survival of the ritual of blood, and his single-handed defeat of a rebel faction, both of which were mentioned in his MK9 bio.

Hotaru could make an appearance, as his MKD bio mentions that he fought Baraka in the past. Speaking of Hotaru, that's another character with plenty of potential for a solo game.
04/27/2014 06:21 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You know, if they were to ever DO make another game like this, I hope their main character is Reptile. I would like to see how this character came to be, despite that we kinda know who he is and such. I'm not sure about you guys, but I kinda want to physically see his entire race just get destroyed and how he becomes this stealthy little bugger. I mean, despite that I hated what he became from Deadly Alliance-Deception, still, I've been always intrigued by this character and want to just see stuff.

The best idea you've ever had. I want to see Chameleon/Khameleon getting killed maybe in front of Reptile. However I feel MK X SF should be what comes next after MKX.
I think its a great idea Panther, wish they would make it man :'(
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04/29/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
I guess if depends on what backstory you're looking for. I wouldn't mind playing Noob's descent from Bi-Han down to the depths of the Netherealm and maybe he has to start at the bottom and work and scene has way out if hell, d the while his past I'd revealed, perhaps the game takes him on during different time periods. Either way, he's got potential and I think that others do as well.
04/29/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
As I said this game this game would take place before the mortal kombat tournaments and even before the first mkm game so scorpion isn't even dead at this point. Most likely it would play out as a coming of age tale so much like the assassins creed games, this mythologies title would focus on the two sub-zeros as they exit their late teens and work their way into the upper echelon of the Lin Kuei clan by the time they reach adulthood through various victories and what have you. I also think this game should be an open world sandbox type of environment so you can freely travel from China to japan routinely. And since the Lin Kuei is a reclusive group, Raiden, the elder gods and various sorcerers from the traditional titles would not make an appearences until much later. Like I said before this game should be centered on the rivalry between the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu clans.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/02/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
If we get an adventure game about Scorpion, so we can develop him more, I'd buy it!
05/02/2014 11:58 AM (UTC)
Xman321 Wrote:
If we get an adventure game about Scorpion, so we can develop him more, I'd buy it!

Yeah right! Now how boring would that be? No hell-spawn related moves because he'd just be the human Hanzo Hasashi. Just another boring ninja adventure game. May as well go play Ninja Gaiden and pretend he's yellow.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/02/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't be Mythologies.

I see it as a game where you play as scorpion, and beat the **** out of everyone.

It would take place similarly to SM, being in between an MK Game. EDIT: Also, he'd at least have the spear, that has nothing to do with Hell, or Neatherrealm, it's a kunai on a rope.
05/02/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Xman321 Wrote:
If we get an adventure game about Scorpion, so we can develop him more, I'd buy it!

Yeah right! Now how boring would that be? No hell-spawn related moves because he'd just be the human Hanzo Hasashi. Just another boring ninja adventure game. May as well go play Ninja Gaiden and pretend he's yellow.

Gameplay and story don't necessarily go together, meaning Scorpion could still have his hellborne powers during gameplay, even if he's not meant to have them prior to his death in the story.

Or, they could give him many new moves unrelated to hell.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/02/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
Like I said, spear!

Hey, I can think of few uses for that, it could be used to pull items from far away, like the batclaw in Arkham Games, Break down walls.

He'd use Smoke and such, and have a few stealth sections, because he is a ninja, who does Ninjitsu, which means THE ART OF NOTHINGNESS, meaning, Stealthy.

*Sarcasm* Besides, Scorpion's Eye color is very important and interesting *End Sarcasm*
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