Do you think that the MK Team will be given enough time to complete MK 8 - 100% ?
posted06/25/2007 02:19 AM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Iam lookin' to games like Star Craft 2 and Hellgate London..

The crews are working very hard and eventually they will produce quality games...

But I believe they have as much time as they want..

How much time the MK Team has ?Anione?
06/09/2007 11:07 PM (UTC)
good point, to be honest i'm not sure if they will have enough time to complete the game, or not. November of '08 seems a little early imo, especially because of MKA on the Wii coming out less than a year and a half before MK8. It could turn out they get done on time, and have a complete game on their hands, but imo they will delay a couple times like MKDA. If that's what they must do to make a great game, then by all means take your time; when they took their time on MKDA it turned out great, so if neccesary delay MK8 a few times. I'd rather them delay it until early-mid '09 rather than rush it out and have it flawed and uncomplete.
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06/09/2007 11:08 PM (UTC)
Not even MK:DA was a complete game.

My answer? No.

Midway will never give the MK team enough time to finish a game. It will not be polished, and we will all be disappointed.

Though, I'll buy it anway.
06/10/2007 05:34 AM (UTC)

but I hope they do. It all depends.
I would buy mk:8, anyway.
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06/10/2007 05:40 AM (UTC)
Depends on the budget and if they have a well enough understanding of the new systems already. Since they already dove into the WiiI'm not sure.

100%? Iiiii don't think so, 90-95%? Sure.

I think Boon got promoted too, so that could lean in favor of the games outcome in a few ways....
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06/10/2007 05:20 PM (UTC)
I don't think the Mk will be given the enough time to finish the game.Just like pred said it would be between 90-95%.
06/10/2007 05:33 PM (UTC)
time is not even the issue. it is very simple. the mk team is INCAPABLE of putting out a complete game. i don't think they understand how shitty some of their overlooks or mistakes are or how could they not fix em??

yeah, i think they are just not very good..
Probably not since their focus is about stupid side games.
06/10/2007 09:50 PM (UTC)
theyll just give each character a look some relative moves. after mk 4 the gameplay is garbage imo. at least they will take the style changeout the game
06/11/2007 03:18 AM (UTC)
im not sure but i think so.....
06/12/2007 05:15 AM (UTC)
My honest opinion they should take their time into 2009. Not saying if they release the game in Nov 2008 it will be a bad game, just saying July 2009, even January of 2010 is a good idea.

*waits to have garbage thrown at him*
06/12/2007 10:31 AM (UTC)
Like others have said MK:DA wasn't a complete game and that had a lot of time in development hell.

Very rarely are games completed "100%". I, myself, am hoping for a solid fighting game that has a good foundation for the future MK games. (Think Virtua Fighter, Tekken and Soul Calibur)
06/12/2007 12:18 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon begin to work on MK8 since before MK Armageddon release...
now they are working n the graphic engine,wich is the most difficult part.Then they'll work on gameplay.And the game will be almost ready.
Yes if midway don't rush them,and we stop asking for MK8 without breathing on Ed's neck,we'll have some chance that MK8 will turn out great.
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06/24/2007 05:58 PM (UTC)
Theres a better chance of them creating a more complete game this time, as one of the hardest parts of development has already been done for them since they are using the unreal 3 engine, though i believe before they where using renderware, but unreal has better support. With MKA on the game was already finished when they made the wii version so they prob only had a few people work on it, to port it and implement the new controls.
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06/24/2007 06:34 PM (UTC)
It's not so much finishing as testing...which the mk team has proven, for well over a decade, that they are incapable of such tasks. Don't even get me started on their ability to implement some amount of digestable core mechanics...or complete lack there of.

I agree they have a head start with UEngine, as it's very robust and intuitive. But, every engine is tweaked for sake of the games genre and design, so there is always a substantial alotment of time taken to develop the technology, even if the foundation already exists. Also, despite the fact that UEngine is a multi-genre, multi-platform engine, it's heritage is of the FPS platform. Most games using UE are indeed FPS or 3rd person, so a fighting game is somewhat new ground for this technology.

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06/24/2007 08:33 PM (UTC)
Satyagraha Wrote:
It's not so much finishing as testing...which the mk team has proven, for well over a decade, that they are incapable of such tasks. Don't even get me started on their ability to implement some amount of digestable core mechanics...or complete lack there of.

I agree they have a head start with UEngine, as it's very robust and intuitive. But, every engine is tweaked for sake of the games genre and design, so there is always a substantial alotment of time taken to develop the technology, even if the foundation already exists. Also, despite the fact that UEngine is a multi-genre, multi-platform engine, it's heritage is of the FPS platform. Most games using UE are indeed FPS or 3rd person, so a fighting game is somewhat new ground for this technology.

Thats true but, just look at the renderware engine that gets used for all types of genres burnout, gta, mk etc. Just because most games use it in on way doesnt mean it can not be easily ( i use easily very lightly) altered, just as epic turned gears into a golf game in like a day but with more time can be drastically altered. Also the thing with having the engine already there means things like physics, animation (not the actual animation but the means), lighting and the like are built in. As for altering it from 1st/3rd person to side on beat'em up thats just down to reposting the camera.
06/25/2007 01:08 AM (UTC)

yeah, if deadly alliance wasn't a 100% game, if armageddon sucked so badly becuase they spent too much time with the minigames, i'm gonna say no.

unless they totally ditch the minigame ideas because its a waste of time, then i'll say yes, maybe midway could make mk8 a 100% game if they sticked with this idea. but other than that.....

06/25/2007 02:19 AM (UTC)
Midway always make up excuses such as "We don't have enough time" so therefore they "won't" have enough time to make MK8. When MK8 gets released they'll make the excuse agian when people start complaining about the game's flaws.
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