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02/04/2007 04:33 PM (UTC)
About Me

02/05/2007 12:27 AM (UTC)
Chrome, impressive! Don't you think it's time for the MK team to get outta their beds and start a new costume concept for Kitana? She, along with the DA characters have had to wear the smae damn costume for three games ???!!! that's typically LAZY
02/11/2007 04:43 PM (UTC)
Do I think Kitana will be in MK8? Most likely. She's just one of those characters that is so recognisable. Even those who may not play MK would say 'Oh yeah, she's the one with steel fans isn't she?' She's an iconic character and well liked and the MK Team knows this and will most likely put her in MK8.

Do I want Kitana back in MK8? Erm...it's extremely hard to say to be honest. I love and hate Kitana at the same time. Design wise I love Kitana, her elegance and brutality are perfectly blended in her MKDA look. The long flowing plait combined with the leather boots and wristguards topped with a blue silk mask. When she's fighting with the fans, she just looks so unique, she's a really beautiful character to watch fighting. However as a fighter, the majority of her special moves require her fans and I'd like Kitana to move away from them slightly. She'd still carry them in MK8 and use them but they wouldn't be her 'thing'. I can't help but wonder if Kitana would have been half as popular as she was if she didn't have those weapons back in MKII. I'd like to see some more unique, yet suited moves in her aresnal of attacks. Storywise Kitana bugs me. She's all over the place lately. She's permanently strapped to Edenia, and ventures out whenever things go wrong in her realm. She needs to break free from Edenia's throne and develop a story away from it. Perhaps any atrocities Mileena may have done in her name could help her do this. But I best not talk about Mileena. Kitana has enough story problems. I'll just close by saying that if Kitana returns in MK8, I hope she gets a massive overhaul. It would probably wise to let Kitana sit the next one out. Maybe have all other realms sit the next one out, a war solely between Earth and Outworld might be nice just to set things up for the future.
About Me
Special thanks to NEST1 for this great sig.
02/12/2007 06:20 AM (UTC)
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