Do you think Kitana will be in MK8?
posted02/12/2007 06:20 AM (UTC)by
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05/18/2006 10:14 PM (UTC)
If she isn't, I am not buying this game furious
01/25/2007 02:49 AM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
If she isn't, I am not buying this game furious

Just because of one character? Whatever.
On the one hand, I think she's due for retirement. On the other hand, she could be considered one of those iconic characters the MK team won't ever let go of. However, while she is very popular and iconic and all that, she's doesn't have the guarantee that characters like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, & maybe Raiden have. But then again, we don't know just how commited to "wiping the slate clean" the MK team is.

In my honest, realistic opinion...I'd say Kitana's odds of coming back are 50/50.

Personally, I think Kitana should retire as should most of the other "classics." Let some other characters get the spotlight and she's earned her happy ending.
However, being a Kitana fan, I can't say I'd be THAT upset if she returned in the next gen games. Only thing is, if she comes back they need to get her the hell away from Edenia. The "princess" act as gotten stale, and making her "queen" won't fix that. She needs something new to do.
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01/25/2007 04:23 AM (UTC)
Yeah, because of one character. I think you understood that she's my favourite ;) I can't imagine MK without her.

I think Kitana must stay. She suffered too much... She was supposed to be in MK4 and MKD, but was taken out of both games in favor of other characters... This is unfair. Especially I miss her in MKD. There are so many females in it and no Kitana wow I know, she is in MK:Unchained. But in it she is the same as she was in MKDA. Old costumes, old styles (even though Ashrah also has Ba Gua, at least they could give her some unused style, like Baji Quan) 2 weak specials, only one old fatality and no hara-kiri... That sucks. If she was in the original Deception, she could have been MUCH better, because all characters in MKD got cool costumes, fatalities etc. Also she would be better in MKA then.

So I say Kitana already suffered enough. She must be in next MK games! And not only in addons ...

Sorry for my English and... Thank you, have a nice day! smile
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01/27/2007 01:23 PM (UTC)
So... any other opinions?
01/27/2007 02:14 PM (UTC)
i kinda hope she does come back except she really needs a new look....the sexy ninja look is loosing its glamour....maybe a stealthier assasin kinda look.
01/27/2007 02:47 PM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
I think Kitana must stay. She suffered too much... She was supposed to be in MK4 and MKD, but was taken out of both games in favor of other characters... This is unfair. Especially I miss her in MKD. There are so many females in it and no Kitana wow

How do you think the Sheeva fan felt? sad

Well, she is awesome in MKA, so it sorta makes up for it.

On Kitana, I really like her. My fave character in MK2, and she was also really good in MKDA. I dont use her that much in MKA however - I played her a lot in MKDA and it feels sorta boring using her.

As for her returning, I dont really want to see it. I am expecting her to defeat Kahn with the help of Sindel, Jade and possibly Mileena or Sheeva. Then, I would like to see her retire as Queen if Sindel dies in that battle (which is what I want) so that she leaves the game with a happy ending, and doesnt come back in future MKs.

Perhaps she could make a return some time down the track, like MK 10 perhaps, but until then she should just stop fighting and just do normal Queen stuff.
01/27/2007 07:27 PM (UTC)
i don't think she will. Her ending seemed to state that she wouldn't be in MK8. I see no real reason why she should, unless to kill Mileena, but i personally don't think that's reason enough.

I could really care less if she's in it, myself. I like her, but her story imo is getting dull and bland. If she's in the next one, make her design totally diffrent, and give her a great story, or she'll be useless.

Finally, you won't buy a game just because it dosen't have one charcter? I think that's ignorant. Shinnok hasn't been in a game other MKA since 10 ten years ago, but you don't hear me complaining do you? Also, Kitana's been in all the 3d Mk games in one way or another(in MKd she was in a couple endings.)
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01/27/2007 07:50 PM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:

Finally, you won't buy a game just because it dosen't have one charcter? I think that's ignorant. Shinnok hasn't been in a game other MKA since 10 ten years ago, but you don't hear me complaining do you? Also, Kitana's been in all the 3d Mk games in one way or another(in MKd she was in a couple endings.)

Hehe, that's because I'm Kitana No1 fan wink
01/28/2007 08:41 AM (UTC)
Right now it' too hard to say. We need her bio.

I think Liu Kang is making her stale with the zombie thing right now. I guess she's 50% chance.
01/29/2007 01:40 AM (UTC)
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
Right now it' too hard to say. We need her bio.

I think Liu Kang is making her stale with the zombie thing right now. I guess she's 50% chance.

what the heck does that mean?

anyways, we won't have her bio thing until like seven months from now, so its kind of stupid to say something like that right now.

but to your question, no, the princess shouldn't return, i hated how they completely trashed her character in DA (even though i never played her that much) but still, trashed her character and still trashed it in Armageddon... therefore shes gone!grin
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01/29/2007 02:18 AM (UTC)
Why do you think so?? They made her much better in MKA! She has very good strong special moves! I just don't like the first outfit...
01/29/2007 03:41 AM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
Why do you think do?? They made her much better in MKA! She has very good strong special moves! I just don't like the first outfit...

don't worry she'll be in

Besides everwonder another reason why Liu KLang was protecting earth
and beating the hell out of bad guys
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/29/2007 04:40 AM (UTC)
I seriously hope she doesn't come back unless they can do something unique with her. They need to seriously update her physical design if she does come back that's for sure because what she is so....1993.
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01/29/2007 01:44 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I seriously hope she doesn't come back unless they can do something unique with her. They need to seriously update her physical design if she does come back that's for sure because what she is so....1993.

I'm sure if she's in MK8, they will give her awesome costumes.
01/29/2007 02:54 PM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
Why do you think so?? They made her much better in MKA! She has very good strong special moves! I just don't like the first outfit...

she just sucked, if anything i rather have mileena in it becuase i thought she was a better character when these two first made an appearance. i mean come on, another character that has the kiss of death for a fatality?! lame-o, Mileena's was rather hilarious and better then just a kiss that turns your into chop suey. hey a song! chop suey...
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01/29/2007 03:15 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Nefrit Wrote:
Why do you think so?? They made her much better in MKA! She has very good strong special moves! I just don't like the first outfit...

she just sucked, if anything i rather have mileena in it becuase i thought she was a better character when these two first made an appearance. i mean come on, another character that has the kiss of death for a fatality?! lame-o, Mileena's was rather hilarious and better then just a kiss that turns your into chop suey. hey a song! chop suey...

Well, tastes differ. I always liked Kitana much better. Since MK2.
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01/29/2007 04:06 PM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
If she isn't, I am not buying this game furious

Should I feel sorry for you?
01/29/2007 09:33 PM (UTC)
As much as I love Kitana, I think it's time for her to retire.
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
However, being a Kitana fan, I can't say I'd be THAT upset if she returned in the next gen games. Only thing is, if she comes back they need to get her the hell away from Edenia. The "princess" act as gotten stale, and making her "queen" won't fix that. She needs something new to do.

Agreed 100%.

If Kitana was to return, she should have a more regal look and new fatalities. She always have the same fatalities- kiss of doom and head decapitation. Ugh.
01/29/2007 09:55 PM (UTC)
It doesn't really matter to me whether she makes it to the next-gen games or not. It all depends on what can really be done with her and how far it can go. If she lives and isn't playable in the next-gen MKs, I think there should be some story mention of her. If this direction is being taken or if she does indeed make it to the next-gen MKs, I think her becoming Queen of Edenia with Sindel dying would be too...convenient. Sure, I think she is deserving of some rest from her lifelong battles. But I think her becoming Queen or maybe even just her still being Princess would place a responsibility on her that I don't think she really wants to have anyway.

So, if she doesn't make it to the next-gen games, keep her alive. If she does make it, her story really needs a new and better direction to keep her fresh and interesting.
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how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/29/2007 11:52 PM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
If she isn't, I am not buying this game furious

I think thats a little over the top. I understand its your favorite character. Ok i get that much. There are plenty of other characters that have suffered though. Like Matthaddad said. Sheeva suffered. Way more than kitana. Sindel has suffered. Ermac although not as much as the formers.

And if you dont buy the game just because of no Kitana id have to say you were off your rocker. Even if Ermac wasnt in MK8 just because of wiping the slate clean i would still buy it because i am also a fan of reptile and i like the series as a whole.

Well thats my 2 cents

02/01/2007 05:22 AM (UTC)
Incoming rant....

Like I said before, I think Kitana should retire after Armageddon for two reasons.
The first being because she's a "classic." I think the majority of the "classics" should be done after Armageddon and allow newer characters to get the spotlight.

But my other, bigger reason is because if they bring Kitana back, I'm not confident they'll keep her fresh and vital. I'd rather her retire gracefully than be forced into future games and downgraded into a sad know, like they're doing to Scorpion.
I don't want Kitana brought back in the next generation games only to become little more than "Liu Kang's girlfriend" or some too-bit damsel in distress princess. Or if Taven comes back and they build him as the new central Edenian character, I don't want her downgraded into being a secondary character to him. As a Kitana fanboy, I can't tolerate this outrage.

I mean, take comments like this...
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
I think Liu Kang is making her stale with the zombie thing right now.

Kitana has nothing to do with the zombie story. And in another thread someone said without Liu Kang, Kitana has nothing to do. And these aren't even the first or only times I've seen this assertion.
Liu Kang brings jack shit to Kitana's story and yet somehow she's being soley associated with him. This is a growing misconception that must be crushed like a cockroach.

And I'm getting sick of the "princess" stigma. I remember not too long back, someone posted a thread wondering how Kitana would react when she saw Liu Kang was zombified. Several of the responses suggested she would just start crying and get killed or something.
With each game since her debut, Kitana has more and more grown into the heroic princess she is now. And with that, there's come a feeling that she's gone soft. All too often, I see people judge Kitana based on her label as being a "princess" and I'm sick of it. Another cockroach that much be crushed. She was a killer before she was a princess.

And as a needlessly paranoid Kitana fanboy, my concern is if she comes back this'll only get worse. She'll get more soft. More dependent on Liu Kang. ESPECIALLY if Taven comes back and they build him up as the new main Edenian character.

Kitana's part in the Edenian storyline has in itself gone as far as it can go. The realm has been freed and is pretty much fully restored. There's little else that can be done with it and it's becoming contrived to think of reasons to drag the realm into stories. It's also becoming boring and limiting that anything that happens in Edenia is Kitana's problem. It limits not just her, but hurts Jade as well who's trapped in Kitana's shadow.

So like I said before, if Kitana comes back in the next generation games, she needs something new.
My suggestion is separating her from the bullshit that holds her down. Get her away from Liu Kang...either he stays dead or they separate. Get her away from Edenia...have Edenian be completely destroyed during Armageddon or have something so horrible happen to her that she renounces her title as princess.

This way she becomes her own character again, free to go anywhere. Can also have it the experiences left Kitana darker and more bitter....returning to her more assassin roots and regaining her lost edge. What would she do now? Where would she go from there? How would she fit into future plots?

So to sum up...
I believe Kitana should retire, in the interest of the older generation passing the torch to the new generation. However, if Kitana returns she deaperately needs to drop the stones around her neck and become a bad ass again.

I've said it before, I'll say it again:
After Armageddon, either let Kitana retire with a happy ending....or bring her back and ruin her life.

...thus ends my rant.
02/02/2007 04:59 PM (UTC)
Interesting...It would be nice to have the darker and homocidal Kitana back. Thats what made me like Kitana in the first place. She wasn't just a princess like Cinderella or Snow White. She was bad-bitch who was skilled in murdering people, and one of Shao Kahns best.

I too was dissapointed when Kitana got the boot in MK' 4 and Deception. But now I see it as a blessing. We have the #1 two-faced bitch Tanya entertaining us and we got to see Jade come back in MKD. I wouldn't mind seeing Kitana in the next generation, but personally she needs to move over and let Jade in the spot light.
02/03/2007 05:18 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Incoming rant....

Like I said before, I think Kitana should retire after Armageddon for two reasons.
The first being because she's a "classic." I think the majority of the "classics" should be done after Armageddon and allow newer characters to get the spotlight.

But my other, bigger reason is because if they bring Kitana back, I'm not confident they'll keep her fresh and vital. I'd rather her retire gracefully than be forced into future games and downgraded into a sad know, like they're doing to Scorpion.
I don't want Kitana brought back in the next generation games only to become little more than "Liu Kang's girlfriend" or some too-bit damsel in distress princess. Or if Taven comes back and they build him as the new central Edenian character, I don't want her downgraded into being a secondary character to him. As a Kitana fanboy, I can't tolerate this outrage.

I mean, take comments like this...
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
I think Liu Kang is making her stale with the zombie thing right now.

Kitana has nothing to do with the zombie story. And in another thread someone said without Liu Kang, Kitana has nothing to do. And these aren't even the first or only times I've seen this assertion.
Liu Kang brings jack shit to Kitana's story and yet somehow she's being soley associated with him. This is a growing misconception that must be crushed like a cockroach.

And I'm getting sick of the "princess" stigma. I remember not too long back, someone posted a thread wondering how Kitana would react when she saw Liu Kang was zombified. Several of the responses suggested she would just start crying and get killed or something.
With each game since her debut, Kitana has more and more grown into the heroic princess she is now. And with that, there's come a feeling that she's gone soft. All too often, I see people judge Kitana based on her label as being a "princess" and I'm sick of it. Another cockroach that much be crushed. She was a killer before she was a princess.

And as a needlessly paranoid Kitana fanboy, my concern is if she comes back this'll only get worse. She'll get more soft. More dependent on Liu Kang. ESPECIALLY if Taven comes back and they build him up as the new main Edenian character.

Kitana's part in the Edenian storyline has in itself gone as far as it can go. The realm has been freed and is pretty much fully restored. There's little else that can be done with it and it's becoming contrived to think of reasons to drag the realm into stories. It's also becoming boring and limiting that anything that happens in Edenia is Kitana's problem. It limits not just her, but hurts Jade as well who's trapped in Kitana's shadow.

So like I said before, if Kitana comes back in the next generation games, she needs something new.
My suggestion is separating her from the bullshit that holds her down. Get her away from Liu Kang...either he stays dead or they separate. Get her away from Edenia...have Edenian be completely destroyed during Armageddon or have something so horrible happen to her that she renounces her title as princess.

This way she becomes her own character again, free to go anywhere. Can also have it the experiences left Kitana darker and more bitter....returning to her more assassin roots and regaining her lost edge. What would she do now? Where would she go from there? How would she fit into future plots?

So to sum up...
I believe Kitana should retire, in the interest of the older generation passing the torch to the new generation. However, if Kitana returns she deaperately needs to drop the stones around her neck and become a bad ass again.

I've said it before, I'll say it again:
After Armageddon, either let Kitana retire with a happy ending....or bring her back and ruin her life.

...thus ends my rant.

wow dude. you should just say if she comes back in MK8 let her be bad ass... this... this lost me. but im still sticking to my opinion about her... i still say no.
02/03/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
wow dude. you should just say if she comes back in MK8 let her be bad ass... this... this lost me.

No. I like to back up my opinions so they have merit.
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02/03/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
Well, I still think that Kitana SHOULD be in MK8. But they must create new costume designs for her. Kitana was wearing the same outfits 3 games in a row! furious And of course, her story should be developed better...
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