do any of the newer characters have a chance of returning?
posted05/26/2007 07:12 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/13/2007 12:07 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping that the ones that will return in the next game wouldn't be all classic characters because some of those characters are far better than most of the pre-Mk4 characters so i think they should be given a chance. (If this has been posted before sorry)
05/24/2007 03:27 PM (UTC)
One would think so.

I hope most of the returning characters are the more recent ones, as well. It'd be waste to throw a lot of them away.
05/24/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
I agree. Some of the classic characters, as good as they are, should probably be retired. I see a lot of people wanting all these characters to return, but if you really want to play as the classic characters, play the classic games.

Characters like Mavado, Hotaru, Kenshi, Frost, Dairou, Hotaru, Darrius and Havik received the short end of the stick last generation, because there was still a lot of focus on classic fighters. I hope a lot of them get carried over so they can develop and fully flesh themselves out.
05/24/2007 10:21 PM (UTC)
as long as Dairou or Kung Lao are in MK8 im fine
05/25/2007 06:02 AM (UTC)
DairouRulez Wrote:
as long as Dairou or Kung Lao are in MK8 im fine

I hope you don't hold your breath. I'm fairly certain that Kung Lao won't be back (they've already tried to kill him off twice), and Dairou only has a small chance, and will only likely make it in if they are short characters, or something. He really wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things.
05/25/2007 07:05 AM (UTC)
I want some new characters to return too, and some should.

Frost, Nitara, Mavado, and Fujin.

Frost - Killer look, very stylish character, cool weapons, and she could easily be used to give Sub-Zero other things to do. Like if she takes over the Lin Kuei, that'll give him a chance to do something new.

Nitara - Some people think vampires are a stupid idea for MK, but I think they fit in perfectly. They're dark, bloody, and scary. I wouldn't want many vampire characters in the game, but 1 or 2 seems cool. It's great having many species and races in MK and vampires are one that I want to learn more about. I'd like it if they change her look a bit cuz she seems a bit too old.

Mavado - I like the black dragon/red dragon feud and he's a character that represents the red dragon well. I like his primary costume. It's distinctive and he looks good, very handsome face and sexy hair. He not boring overall, and the last thing I want are boring characters for next-gen. His rubberband moves are corny to me, though.

Fujin - He was the only new character from MK4 that I liked. His look was good, his powers were cool and fun, and I actually wish he would have stayed as protector of earthrealm for a while.

The newest characters, Taven and Daegon, are trash, imo. Daegon is completely boring (and it seems most people agree also) and Taven is also boring. Taven's powers are fire... how creative, huh? And his story about being a half god/human and wanting to succeed his father is lame.

Kenshi seems to be a little bit popular, but he's very much like Daredevil, whom has never appealed to me.
05/25/2007 08:22 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
DairouRulez Wrote:
as long as Dairou or Kung Lao are in MK8 im fine

I hope you don't hold your breath. I'm fairly certain that Kung Lao won't be back (they've already tried to kill him off twice), and Dairou only has a small chance, and will only likely make it in if they are short characters, or something. He really wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things.

I kinda agree Dairou has a smal chance but i do think he can be part of the next storyline so it'll be such a waste if he gets scrapped
05/25/2007 01:11 PM (UTC)
The newer characters are 100 times better than the 'classics'. They have the most potential for the franchise. Who I wouldn't mind seeing:

Li Mei
05/25/2007 08:05 PM (UTC)
theres a good reason why all the new characters wont be in future MK's and that is that they quite simply suck. not drahmin though. lovely cheapy drahmin. and if movado or hsu hso's is in MK8 im not buying it

"oh look at me im Movado, i dont believe in fatalitys they're much too violent I much prefered the friendships of old. I use hooks in my special moves to symbolise my career as a male hooker. I wear tight trousers for no reason. later tonight im meeting with hsu hso and we're going to knit each other thongs."
05/26/2007 03:19 AM (UTC)
MasterHand Wrote:
"oh look at me im Movado, i dont believe in fatalitys they're much too violent I much prefered the friendships of old. I use hooks in my special moves to symbolise my career as a male hooker. I wear tight trousers for no reason. later tonight im meeting with hsu hso and we're going to knit each other thongs."

The male hooker with hooks part is funny, but there's no reason to hate Mavado just because he's hot.

05/26/2007 06:22 AM (UTC)
DairouRulez Wrote:
as long as Dairou or Kung Lao are in MK8 im fine

For Dairou to return, MK8 needs to focus more on the order/chaos storyline. Unfortuately they hardly did anything about order/chaos for MK:A
05/26/2007 07:12 AM (UTC)
Here are my opinions on each new characters chances.

Mavado: He's got a shot. His rivalry with Kabal could spark a new storyline. Also, a rivalry between the Red and Black dragon clan storyline could come of this.

Hsu Hao: Honestly, I think he's not coming back. He seems too much of a lame character. He just seems very unpopular, and his storyline sucks

Hotaru: This is a tough one. Hotaru is an interesting and likeable character, but his storyline is rather bland, and unless a new twist comes around with him and Havik, he's not coming back.

Havik: Havik is pretty much the same as Hotaru. If the storyline dosn't go anywhere, then he's outta here.

Kobra: This character is just plain awful. He's a blatant ripoff of Ken from Street Fighter, and he has virtually no storyline. He's a filler Black Dragon Character.

Kira: Same as Kobra. Has no storyline, and is just a filter character. But she is more original than Kobra. But still has no chance.

Ashrah: Her storyline is wayyyy to bland. There's nothing to build on here. The only thing she'll be doing is slaying Oni. After that, she escapes from the Netherrealm and there really is no other way to go.

Shujinko: Has an excellent chance of coming back. Since he has the power to gain the fighting abilities of any fighter, he can become a new villian, much like Shang Tsung. He has a lot of potential.

Dairou: He has a shot. I think his Mercernary storyline could fit in with others well. He has untapped potential.

Darrius: Another Bland Storyline, has little chance of coming back. He might come back if Havik and Hotaru do, but he'd just be another filler character in that plot. The only thing he's doing is beating up Seido Guards.

Mokap: Absolutley not. Has no storyline, and is as much of a joke as meat. They cant do anything with him!

Reiko: He's another joke. He wont be coming back, but I think his
storyline has potential if Shao Kahn is killed off in the next game.

Fuijin: Has a good chance of coming back. It's not like you can kill off
Gods. Also, I see him being a replacement and rival of Raiden due to
Raiden's new sinister ways.

Frost: She also has a good chance of coming back. She has lost of
storyline potential, most likely a Sub-Zero rival, and could start her
own Ninja clan.
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