Cringing violence
posted03/20/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)by
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12/13/2009 04:11 AM (UTC)
Damn...I remember when Ive first laid eyes on MK and the kombat made me cringe, especially the violent fatalities.From MK4 to MKA,the fatalities didn't really shock me as much when I was younger during MK to UMK3.MK9 made me cringe a little but I've got to say that the violence in MKX takes it to a whole new level.

The violence that MKX has offered so far has given me the same cringing nolstagia when first viewing MK at three years old.It feels insane,shocking,and desensitizing but I kan't look away...
03/19/2015 03:14 PM (UTC)
The fatalities in the 3D era were very hit and miss. A few good ideas and a few generic ones that didn't fit the character or could be used for anybody.

MK9 was a good return to form where nearly every fatality was awesome and made use of the character's abilities. Noob's wishbone is my favorite.

The level of detail and gore in the MKX ones is bringing them to a whole other level. I cannot wait to see them all. Then again, we can expect a good variation of gore, because while Ermac's guts one is supposedly very gruesome(I avoid fatality footage), the one we saw from Kung Jin was much less gory.
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03/19/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
Not really impressed. But some of them MKX fatalities are ultra kool. Like Ermac's and Scorps grin
03/19/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
Even Cassie's bubblegum Fatality seems to have a lot of charm despite just being a headshot. It makes me apprehensive about what Erron Black might do.
03/19/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Then again, we can expect a good variation of gore, because while Ermac's guts one is supposedly very gruesome(I avoid fatality footage), the one we saw from Kung Jin was much less gory.

They don't all have to be gory I guess. I prefer creative ones over gory ones. Kung Jin was the one with the bow and arrow, right? I liked that fatality. It wasn't gory, but creative none the less. And it wasn't "overkill", it just showed some skill with his bow and arrow.
Just don't want to see 2 fatalities in 1 if they are already dead with the first blow. Like that one from Jax in MK9. Still think they were better of switching that one around.
03/19/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
I'm definitely LOVING these fatalities so far, and I can't wait for that one where my jaw just drops. Quan Chi's and Ermac's (head in stomach) fatalities are my favorite ones so far. I like gory, creative, funny...hell I like ALL fatalities.

Still waiting to see one that tops my all time favorite:

Sektor's MK9 "The Scarecrow"
03/19/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:

Still waiting to see one that tops my all time favorite:

Sektor's MK9 "The Scarecrow"

Ermac has an amazing fatality, brought back an element that was missing from fatalities in MK, it's disturbing and pretty cool, the detail of the insides is AMAZING.

However, Kung Lao's fatality is the best at the moment, simple and straight to the point, to fucking around, It's pretty good.
03/19/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
For some reason i'm particularly fond of Cage's MK:DA Brain Pull Fatality.

Probably because it's concise and too the point yet drawn out with the gut punch and pull attempts.

Quan Chi's and Ermac's fatalities for MKX have made me cringe hard so far though.

But typically MK Fatalities have sort of lost their cringe worthy luster over the years.

Though I'll never fully grow tired of different ways of finishing your opponent.
03/19/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
I agree. Some of the fatalities in MKX makes me cringe too especially Ermac's fatality.
03/19/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
Maybe im just desensitized since ive been around MK and horror movies my whole life but they have never really bothered be or made me cringe, I always thought they were just cool.

Now when my ex girlfriend would make me watch Grey's Anatomy with her I would feel a little uncomfortable for some reason lol I can watch people get stabbed, sliced, shot, blown up, lit on fire, neck snapped you name it but put a person on a table and take a scalpel to their belly or head and I start getting queasy, it doesn't make sense lol
03/19/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
The only one I'm not really feeling is Ermac's second fatality. There's just something about it that seems too over the top in the wrong way. I like the clever, comedic or tongue in cheek ones. The gore doesn't bother me, I just like them to have a sense of fun to them, it's what has always stopped the more gruesome fatalities from being too disturbing. Ermac's is beautifully animated, the way the entrails twirl as they float is kind of funny but it also gives me the impression that whoever came up with or animated it was having a really bad day.

I think I'll be leaning more towards the brutalities over all anyway. I prefer how minimal they are. Quan Chi's portal is hilarious.
03/19/2015 07:02 PM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
They don't all have to be gory I guess. I prefer creative ones over gory ones. Kung Jin was the one with the bow and arrow, right? I liked that fatality. It wasn't gory, but creative none the less. And it wasn't "overkill", it just showed some skill with his bow and arrow.
Just don't want to see 2 fatalities in 1 if they are already dead with the first blow. Like that one from Jax in MK9. Still think they were better of switching that one around.

Oh, they definitely don't need to be all gory. He was talking about cringing and I was just saying they won't all be worthy and cringe worthy.

Creativity is always a huge plus with fatalities, such as Cyrax in Deadly Alliance, Sektor's scarecrow, Johnny's new Shining fatality, etc. I always like those A LOT.

And I've been thinking your second point forever. It seems in MK9 they combined a few people's 2D era fatalities(Kung Lao, Jax, Johnny Cage, etc) into one but they always started it with the head... the rest was just overkill. Jax could have ripped the arms then crush the head. Kung Lao could have cut the body in half then slice the head off, which would have made the rest of the body tore apart, Johnny could have ripped the torso then throw it up and uppercut the head off as the body is falling down, etc.
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03/19/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
Even the x-rays seem to be more brutal compared to MK9,especially D'Vorah's and Raiden'
03/19/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)
Not going to lie, Mileena's X-ray and fatality made me cringe.... that's how MK should be represented sometimes. A fighter with gruesome over the top brutality! Not too brutal though. :P lol
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03/19/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Ermac's second, Scorpion's Face-Slice, and now Takeda's... I'm impressed that they've managed to make me cringe and feel disturbingly put off after so many years and so many Fatalities... but, on the other hand, I'm cringing and feeling disturbingly put off.
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03/19/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
I'm not a fan of the over kill fatalities either. I get the feeling NRS just wanted to show off the new hardware and what they are capable of!

Brutalities give us a simpler, quicker "classic" type fatality and I'm ok with that!

I also agree that not every fatality has to be super gory! I miss Shang Tsungs soul stealer where he would just raise you up with one hand and with the other suck our your soul making you look like a rotten husk. I didn't like it in DA when he would jump on you too... Sometimes less is more.
03/20/2015 02:00 PM (UTC)
That's what's cool about the brutalities. They're on par with classic 2D era fatalities. All the ones we have seen so far could have been in MK2 or 3.
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03/20/2015 02:11 PM (UTC)

>mfw Takeda's fatality

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Is this what the very first fatalities looked like to people back in 1991? Because GATDAYMN
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/20/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
the way the entrails twirl as they float

I haven't seen this one yet, but this right here makes me think of Aculeus' Ermac fan art with the entrails floating around the victim courtesy of telekinesis. I would link it, but I'm on my phone. Sporting the MK1 ninja attire. Bad. Ass.

Anyway, I'm totally impressed. Quan Chi's was the first that literally made me go "DEAR LAWD"!! Still gives me cold chills and makes my teeth hurt watching it. I haven't seen too many others as I'm trying to avoid as much as possible. But yeah, even from the little I've seen, the shock value is through the roof. Never thought I'd get to say that again.
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