posted10/23/2005 05:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/14/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)
It would be really cool to have an create your arena in mk7 or mk armmagedon(not a cool name).I always liked creating stuff in my way so EDD BETTER MAKE CREATE A CHARACTER AND CREATE AN ARENA

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art by fear-sAs
10/17/2005 07:40 PM (UTC)
The concept is cool, but it would probably play out like the Park Editor in the Tony Hawk games. Which isn;t a bad thing, but depending on how much effort the MK Team puts into the game, it can be a half-assed job which just detracts from something that could've been much greater. But here's a level that i thought up


Volcanic Wasteland/ Einhiender Castle

Far beyond the Living Forest, beyond the Glaciers, beyond the Bone Planes, lays a dark and foreboding wasteland. A plane that was created when Outworld was ripped form the One Beings consciousness, this wasteland still smolders with the remnants of creation.

It was here where Catalyst was chained and put into a deep sleep by Kahn and his Shadow Priests. The rivers of lava are always flowing, the volcanoes are always active, creating an enormous amount of heat, too much to be handled by any man. In this vast wasteland of volcanic chaos, there is only one piece of flat land that is suitable for combat, and even that is surrounded by lava flows. The sky is a deep crimson red with a mix of black because of the huge amount of sulfuric gas being shot into the air. The skies ignite with lightning on many occasions, leaving scorch marks where they hit. The piece o land the two warriors fight on is actually a ruined castle, built to keep the deadliest of criminals inside. However, through years of decay and constant bombardment with volcanic debris, as well as the emergence of Catalyst, much of the castle has been destroyed. Instead the fight takes place around the castle grounds as well as the exposed first floor of the castle. The castle has a European architecture, with a cobble stone floor, high ceilings, and endless archways. In the remaining wing of the castle, there is a spiral staircase leading down into the bowls of the Volcanic Wasteland, down to where Catalyst was sealed away. Bodies, old and new are strewn all over the place, each one killed by Catalyst after he managed to set him self free.


Fighting on the outside of the castle, the character cans smash each other into support columns for extra damage, as well as kick each other into volcanic steam vents that will singe their opponent, delivering a healthy dose of damage. Other hazards include constant bombardment with lava rocks, shot from the surrounding volcanoes which cause area affect damage, as well as igniting the ground on fire for a short time. Accompanied by that are the random lighting bolts as mentioned before that will come down at different times.

Death Trap:

The stage fatality for this stage is having the ability to knock your opponent into the surrounding lava flows around the island. The opponent will be instantly incinerated in the lava flows.

Stage Weapon: Orion's Axe

The stage weapon here is an enormous, 10 foot battle axe, impaled into one of the near by columns. It was used by only the greatest of soldiers who was killed by the re-emergence of Catalyst from his crypt. The axe itself is incredibly powerful, but wielding it takes great strength. Even those who can lift it, may not be able to use it properly without ripping their arms from their sockets on a swing. Those who can swing it in succession put an unbearable strain on their body and hamper their speed. But, because of the axe's giant mass, its power is incredible. One swing will cause extreme damage to the opponent if it makes contact. The axe has several special attacks, among these are a single vertical strike will cause the axe to create an energy fissure as it strikes the ground. The energy will travel across the ground and at the opponent. If they are hit, they are popped into the air by the brute strength of the energy. Another is a wave shot when the axe is swung horizontally. The axe releases a horizontal wave slash which travels at the opponent with great speed. Combining these two attacks, along with the axe's normal strikes can make for one hellacious fight on the opponent's side.

Weapon history:

The axe was crafted from an ancient meteor that landed in the Volcanic Wasteland eons ago. It was thought to be an offering from the elder gods. The metal from the meteor was forged into Orion's Axe. To this day, the axe glows with a blue hue, symbolizing the fire it once burned with when it first landed in Outworld.

Special Moves:

Hammer of Orion: F, F, 1

Celestial Wave: B, F, 2

Star Tempest: D, U, 1

Orion's Cluster: 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, F, F, 1, D, U, 1, B, F, 2

Stage Music:

The music in this part of the stage is a mix between heavy metal and an orchestral theme. It would start with a low drum beat, then go into a short heavy metal spike, and lead into an orchestral score balanced with metal.

Volcanic Wasteland/ Einhiender Castle 2:

If the opponent is knocked down the stair case mentioned above, they will tumble down into the depths of Einhiender Castle and into the holding cells. This is where the true horror lays. The staircase is quite a drop, it leads down under the wasteland and into an active volcanic magma chamber. This is where the holding cells were kept. The stairs end at the bottom of a hallway with cells on each side. The cells themselves are smashed open, and those inside are already dead, their bodies either frozen or have become charred remains. The hallway extends into the heart of the magma chamber where a giant stone circle is placed in the center. Along the walls of magma chamber, there are empty cages, suspended with chains, bodies, on meat hooks and blood all over the floor. The mock up of this room is reminiscent of the architecture used in the realm of Nocturne. On the stone circle, there are chevrons which are trap doors where jets of fire are shot from as hazards. Also, the magma chamber is still active, and will have eruptions, shooting pillars of liquid rock onto the stone slab from time to time. The entire room has a demon/gothic design, and high above is a steal coffin with a magic seal painted over the door, and chains wrapped around it. The coffin is also suspended with heavy chains. The only openings are a small slit for the eyes, and air holes so the person inside can't die of suffocation and endure this as long as possible.


Along the edge of the stone slab are concrete walls which have a bear trap like device. If the opponents are knocked into them, the device activates, acting like a restraint, and then are torched from the back.

Along with those, there are pressure panels the floor which if stepped on eject spikes into their feet.

Death Trap:

In the center of the giant circle is a giant stone slab. When the opponent is knocked into it, they are instantly shackled into place. The stone slab flips over, laying the opponent face up. Above them is giant cauldron which begins to tip, as it does magma pours out of its tip and onto the opponent, burning through their flesh. The opponent screams as the unimaginable heat melts through their chest. Then, with one quick tip, the entire cauldron tips over and empties on the opponent, showering them in hot magma, incinerating them off the slate.

Stage weapon: Balrog's Tail

The Balrog's Tail is a multi-tailed whip made from molten rock. The handle of the whip is made of the bleached bones of the souls unfortunate to die in this castle. The whip itself is made of magma, which is somehow kept in a steady stream. Kahn's Shadow Priests tried countless times to recreate the weapon, but each time, they were all consumed by its heat. The tail splits into nine smaller tails, each with a red hot blade on the end of it. Because of the whips molten state, reach is never a problem, it can extend up to 30 feet within the blink of an eye. Because it's a whip, it's not as strong as Orion's Axe, but that doesn't mean that it is a weak weapon by any means. The nine tails rip through the opponent as if they were made of butter. Its quick attack speed and light weight make it a favorite for the smaller warrior, surprisingly, it is also able to guard. The nine blades at the end inject themselves into the ground and the whip solidifies into hardened rock, making for a great defense. Its only drawback is, once again its instable power and the heat that it gives off. Any warrior wielding has to give up their life in return for such power.

Weapon history:

The exact origins of how this weapon was made are lost to history. In by all logic, a weapon like this is not physically possible to make.

Special Strikes:

Stance 1: U, D

Stance 2: B, F, 4

Balrog Lick: Hold diagonal D F, 1

Fire Wheel (Must be in Stance 2): F, hold 2 to charge, release.

Magma Spin: B, BD, D, DF, F+1

Ninth Level of Punishment (Stance 2) 2, 1, 2, 1, F, 2(charge), 2, 2, F, 2, 2, F, B, BD, D, DF, F+1

Stage Music:
The stage music would be more along the lines of the fantastic Castlevania series. Where, while it's still very coral, it also has some techno traces in it.
10/18/2005 07:29 AM (UTC)
nice.yeah like the lava idea especially the weapons.PS maybe your right midway might not put so much labour in mk7 and the game might suck.I hope im wrong
10/19/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
okey dokey lets see here

Its a VERY tall roomjust made of stone bricks in a circular shape. its walled and you can barely see the ceiling. The strangest thing about this arena is that the floor is rising. The 2 fighters fght til death, and when one player wins, they break through the wall and jump out. the loser however stand up and discovers what's on the ceiling... LONG 8 foot spikes! there are holes on the floor in which the spikes enter through the person searches for an exit and tries to break the wall, but they cant, so they are eventually pushed into the spikes and the camera moves to the floor below, all the blood gushing out of the holes.
10/23/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
Where do you guys get this info
10/23/2005 05:29 PM (UTC)
Cavern Falls

A large arena with the no guards around the sides, which ucan knock off onto a roaroing never ending waterfall. adding to this is is the fact the the cavern is falling apart, so debris will be falling. a possible deathtrap is a sharp rock stabbing you and splitting you in half.

2) Neatherealm- a circular arena with lava overflowing on the sides. if an opponent gets near the sides, Skeletons will grab them and attempt to drag them in.

3) Soul Arena- a large suspended arena with an ocean of souls below you. If you knock an enemy into the souls, they will tear them apart. another death trap is the purifier in the center, if you get knocked into it. it will rip your soul from your body.

4) Fortress- A ravaged battleground and an endless arena, meaning it can go on forever. deathtraps mean getting knocked over a ledge into an infantry unit, and getting torn to shreds by swords and spears. another is getting knocked into the path of a seige tower, where it rolls over you.

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