Create some death traps MK7 should include.
posted11/20/2005 02:13 PM (UTC)by
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11/03/2005 05:07 PM (UTC)
I think MK7 should have a Arena with spinning blades around. So every time someone gets uppercut or hits the end of each plat form the character will get cut up or a limb we be tore off.
11/07/2005 06:01 PM (UTC)
torn to pieces by zombie hordes. That would be nice. Especially if your character took a few of them out before being overwhelmed. THey could have tarkarans instead, and throw some of that essence shit on you when you lose. ALso the flesh eating beetles. Wasn't MKD supposed to have these but they got taken out because of time constraints. For timed matches, they could have an option where if there was a timeout, both players got killed.
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11/08/2005 06:33 PM (UTC)
There should be a valcano stage where as you fight you are getting burn up and losing energy. Then if the time runs out both players should get melting with lava all over there bodies
11/12/2005 04:43 AM (UTC)
MK4 Stages:
Goros Cave(roof spines)
Platform(knock your opponent off)
MK3: Stages:
The Rooftop (knock you oppent off)
The Bridge (knock you oppenent off)
The Subway (knock your opponentinto the train)
New Stages:
A Castle Tower( knock your opponent out the window and all the way down into the ocean to get devoured by sharks).
A City Skyscraper(Same thing except opponent falls and busts in the street)
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/13/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
Heres some:

Court yard2: Get knock out of the ring and the people will jump out and start ripping you to pices.

PIT4: Get kncok off and land in the dead pool.

PIT5: Get knock off and just keep on going then at the need there are little spings real strong to lift you into a wall with spicks and then the walls start closing in, then you will be flat with holes in you.
11/13/2005 02:04 AM (UTC)
here's some ideas:

1. the stage would be a garbage processing plant and the winner would knock the loser off into a garbage compactor and eventually get crushed along with all the garbage.

2. it would be on a cruise liner at clase to the ege of the boat the winner would punch the loser off the boat into freezing water where the loser freezes to death.

3.S Stage would be in a desert and the winner would punch the loser into a pit where he would get eaten by giant sand worms( like ones on dune or tremors)

11/13/2005 11:24 AM (UTC)
I want them to bring back the 'Lung Hai temple' arena from MKDA, only this time, with the sea serpent fatality included with it!!!
11/13/2005 01:47 PM (UTC)
There could be an arena called "The Oni Den" it would be a stage located in the Netherealm. "The Oni Den" would be in a cave that has bloody chunks of flesh and bone that you can use to your advantage. The death trap in that stage would have a character fall off small cliff where the battle takes place. The opponent would crash to the ground below where he is greeted by an entire horde of Oni. The Oni would avert their attention to the character that has fallen into their nest and pounce on him or her. The Oni would tear apart the character limb from limb and feast upon their flesh. Like in Shang Tsung's Island in Shaolin Monks, the Oni would fight with each other to get as much meat as they could from the dead and petrified character that has been defeated.

As in Mortal Kombat 3, I would like to see a modern level that has a city or urban setting. I can imagine the interactive items someone could use in their fights, especially in a Mortal Kombat game. I would like to see the return of "The Street" level from Mortal Kombat 3. The stage could have characters throw each other through glass windows and smash into street benches. I would love to see the characters rip out a street sign and use it like a weapon. I would also think it would be cool if there were bottles scattered across the level along with other garbage and if a character picks it up and throws it at his or her opponent, the glass would shatter in their face. The death trap for that level could have a character throw his or her opponent over the guard rail to the highway below. The opponent would fall but still be alive, untill a bunch of cars run over the opponent. And as each car passes over the defeated character's body you see bloody chunks start to seperate all over the pavement in the highway.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/13/2005 01:50 PM (UTC)
I'd like the Fan Fatality from MK4/Gold brought back. It'd be awesome to see that one again. It ruled. What I'd make different is how it's done. To perform it you have to be in range and then you have to throw the opponent normally. However, when you do, you input a special code which then sees your character begin to form the spinning animation that leads to the Fatality. I think that'd be better than some lame hit that knocks you in like with the other deathtraps or waiting till the end of the match to do it.
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11/13/2005 04:04 PM (UTC)
I want to see a death trap where you and your oppent fights at an aoil rena and when some falls into the oil a match will fall and your oppent will be caught on fire and you can hear them scream as they burn alive.

There should be an acid arena where you and your oppent fight at. As the two characters fight it out they would be melting in the acid. After the match the character well through the other person through the ground into the acid.
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It's offical. you Suck!

11/18/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
First, they need to bring back Shang Tsung's Palace with the Soulnado and its music.

Then if your unlucky enough, you get knocked into the Soulnado and are torn to shreads.grin
11/18/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
MotaroRules Wrote:
here's some ideas:

1. the stage would be a garbage processing plant and the winner would knock the loser off into a garbage compactor and eventually get crushed along with all the garbage.

2. it would be on a cruise liner at clase to the ege of the boat the winner would punch the loser off the boat into freezing water where the loser freezes to death.

3.S Stage would be in a desert and the winner would punch the loser into a pit where he would get eaten by giant sand worms( like ones on dune or tremors)

I dont think the first one will work for MK. instead it could be waste material in the foundry.

I like your third idea about sandworms

and there should be a level where are two giant axes in the air and you know the outcome of the loser.
11/18/2005 06:34 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of some non-spike-based deathraps. I MKD about drove me nuts with the number of "fall to death onto spikes" areanas.

I love the Oni/Beast/Tarkatan idea.

I like the idea of falling out of a glass window, and smacking on the pavement far below.

How about a rockcrusher thing, like in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? All you see coming out is a smear of blood...

I also like to see some variation in the deathtraps. Sometimes when falling, you should miss the spike, and just splat on the ground.

Maybe a humorous variation? Like, in the Yin Yang Island stage, when you get knocked into the water. One out of every hundred times, the piranha don't eat you. So your character looks around, treading water, confused. When he realizes he's safe, he points at the other character, and yells "Ha!" as if to say "I'm still safe, sucker!", just before a shark swallows him whole.

Not a deathtrap, but I think a really cool level idea is this: Take the Golden Desert arena from MKD. When uppercutting someone on the very top portion, it would smash up the rock (similar to the glass in the Chamber of Artifacts). If you fall through, it would be a dark, underground cave. The only light would be from the hole you fell through.
11/18/2005 09:47 PM (UTC)
torn to sreds by wolvs, tar pits, fire pits, rockslides, falling trees, let the envirerment do the jobglasseswink
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/19/2005 11:09 PM (UTC)
Mulletman Wrote:
torn to sreds by wolvs, tar pits, fire pits, rockslides, falling trees, let the envirerment do the jobglasseswink

Now theres a good idea, In the living forest let one of the trees some how fall down and hit the loser.

The pit 4 should have where you said the tar pits and the rockslides, frist theres like a earthcrake to make the rockslide to the loser and he keeps on falling or slideing with blood on his face and other stuff then at the bottom he lands in the tar.

In the nertherelm there should be like a lave come out and at the bottom there are the needles like things and there are on fire, knock him in and he comes on fire with the needles sticking out of him.

At the Ice pit, knock him in and wolves come out of the doors and eat him alive.

I like your ideaglassesglasses.
11/20/2005 02:13 PM (UTC)
how about 3 parts to a deathtrap where some one is put in a factory machine and it takes their arms off and next they are thrown in to another machine by the previous machine and this take their legs off and then the machine catapults the limbless opponent into a shredder
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