Create-a-character in the next MK
posted12/11/2011 11:02 PM (UTC)by
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10/01/2011 01:40 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure about you guys, but I thoroughly enjoy create-a-character in games. There is a certain satisfaction of making your own character and actually being able to use them. I liked when they put this in MK: Armageddon. I think that they should put this feature in the next Mortal Kombat, like in armageddon, but much more improved and with the freedom and flexability of say the create-a-characters on soul calibur or WWE games.

What do you guys think? Should there be Create-A-Character in the new MK?
10/06/2011 04:14 AM (UTC)
xB$INx Wrote:
What do you guys think? Should there be Create-A-Character in the new MK?

I believe any game that lacks this feature is a complete waste of money and is garbage essentially. Anyone who has another opinion is garbage as well.
10/06/2011 11:01 AM (UTC)
^...I hope that was just sarcasm.

I do think it would be cool if they could implement it properly but: 1. I don't think they can; and 2. it would take time away from working the rest of game, and quite frankly I'd rather have an awesome game without K-A-K, than an okay game with it. smile
10/06/2011 04:14 PM (UTC)
Of course I want to create my own fighter. But I highly doubt they will have that feature.
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10/06/2011 06:12 PM (UTC)
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
I do think it would be cool if they could implement it properly but: 1. I don't think they can; and 2. it would take time away from working the rest of game, and quite frankly I'd rather have an awesome game without K-A-K, than an okay game with it. smile

Yeah I get what your saying, I would rather have an awesome game made than okay put together one. Hopefully they would not rush designing the game so they can take time to work hard on everything. I hate when game companies rush games just so they can get it out and amuse the fans demands. I think if they took the time they could have this feature and still have a great game.
10/07/2011 11:43 PM (UTC)
I would agree that it would be great creating a character in the game, although I don't think it should be an actual feature of the game because of the use of recycled moves from other established characters in the game and the limitated plane of how to shape/create/mold the character creatively.

I would like to have several fan-made characters implemented in the actual game as playable characters for everyone to use as a part of the actual game's roster. I think that MK should hold a Kreate-A-Kharacter Kontest that features fan made characters. Then there could be a panel of judges that would have close associations to the Mortal Kombat video game. Then creatively speaking, the panel could layout a definite list of qualities or characteristics that they would look for in these characters such as creativity, gameplay translateability, plausability within the MK timeline/history, descriptivness, completeness, overall look and appearence, and things of that nature. And also communicate a point system to which the characters would be judged. The best characters could be implemented in a computer graphics animation type of fashion and in that they could also hold a focus group with Mortal Kombat fans or with the panel of judges who would tests the favorite characters out in a real gameplay like scenario to get a feel of the characters in a gaming console and the controllers.

In the various settings, the focus group or the panel of judges from the Mortal Kombat staff can then analyze what needs tweeking or adjustments such as a video game tester or avid video game fans of the fighting genre. In this way, the video game characters could be fully ultilized, critiqued and tested in everyway in the gaming scenario before being implemented.

With that being said I've discussed with some people some prospects of new characters being implemented in the video game and we've came up with just about 40 new characters fully defined in terms of looks, alternate looks, fighting style, general stats, specialty moves, fatalities, x-ray moves, intros & outros, mid-taunts, biographies and end story.

Tell me what you guys think? Comments whether positive or negative are welcome. We would like to get honest opinions about this method of analysis.
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10/08/2011 12:18 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
Tell me what you guys think? Comments whether positive or negative are welcome. We would like to get honest opinions about this method of analysis.

I think that is a great idea. It would really allow for fans to participate in the making of one of their favorite games. I really like the idea of allowing them to enter ideas about new characters. I think that the games could use some new people and this seems like a very good way to create those characters. If this actually takes place, Let us know here on MKO. There are plenty of people on here with good ideas and would definetly give good input.
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Touching wires causes instant death. $200 fine.

10/12/2011 09:52 PM (UTC)
I think they should have Kreate-a-kharacter in mk10 and other future mk games. it was awesome in mk armageddon. It should also have a fatality for your kharacter. You could use an existing kharacter fatality that another kharachter already has, or have a list of fatalities that you can pick.
11/03/2011 12:20 AM (UTC)
Okay my idea is this, For the next Mk Game, since only Raiden, Sonya, and Johnny cage survived and the only remaining earthrealm warriors left(although cyber sub-zero only got hit in the face and i cant see how he died from sindel because he is a robot) The only ones left are Frost, Fujin, Shujinko, Sareena, Ashrah?, Mokap, Nitara, Kenshi, Li Mei and Bo Rai Cho, ok maybe there is enough good guys. But My Idea is that Netherrealm Studios holds a Fan Contest where everyone puts in there designs for characters and then all the fans vote and the top 3 get put into the game
11/04/2011 11:34 AM (UTC)
Character creation is an will be a big must for games to come because it adds tons of replay value. People who say no to this are ones that find it complicated or are lazy to make the characters because it involves too much work.
I think if they could get on par with the current WWE games people could share creations,have improved special moves selections/placements,more variety of options to create with and have better model morphing. Those are and would be a good start.
The feature would "as I always say" also help replace dead characters and enable fans to create them and not have to complain about wanting them in the roster. One thing though that MK:A was lacking is special moves...there should be many more and you should be able to select your own inputs for all the specials.

There are thought to be some cons to this though. Especially for NRS & WB because with such a system it would seemingly dampen the success of officially made characters as DLC but it could open up a new opportunity to have KAK parts for DLC. Also moves for KAKs could be DLC. So a small con can actually be a pro in a sense. Back on the thought of officially made characters,it is obvious that most of the time characters made by the developers are more polished than player creations so when I stated it would dampen sales of DLC it will but some people will still throw down for the official content rather than create it. WWE games have proven this.

All in all...I honestly think that all fighting games should have create-a-character features in some fashion. It truly does add a lot of replay to the game and keeps it fresh longer. I still play MK:A just because of it alone!
12/10/2011 07:05 AM (UTC)
This would be a great feature to have back in game, but I can't see it as an on disc thing. It would take up much needed space for the actual game used for the main characters and their development. An extremely large DLC or disc set (then installed onto the hard disk) would need to be put in place for the most complete experience. Maybe a Kreate-a-Fatality (not the crap one in Armageddon) in which you can literally bring your bloodiest ideas to life (programmed movement choices on DLC/discs or recorded movement via Kinect/Move). Of course, we can wait for the next gen systems with their possible BR drives to get this in one shot or PS3 exclusive.
12/10/2011 11:15 PM (UTC)
i'd love to see kreat a fighter return. there's so much you can do. eventually i'd like to see a create a fighter, create a taunt,entrance,special,fatality and so on.

def would need improvement over mka but i think nrs could do it. just have the create a fighter seperate from the games roster.
12/11/2011 02:04 AM (UTC)
No thanks. Didn't really appreciate it too much. Sure I know that it can be improve with teh second time around but... I just don't think it fits MK.
12/11/2011 11:02 PM (UTC)
Meh. Some games are better than other games in that area imo and there are better games than MK for KAK. So i wish they will work on the modes like Konquest/Story and ladder challenge to make them better or bring interesting modes along with arcade mode like it used to be in MKDA-MKA era.

I don't care much about KAK in any fighting game but SC has a great set for this mode. MK should worry about gameplay, story and other modes first. That even if they feel they must rush a game to please some fans (Which is a better excuse than waiting to make sure they'll release a game that will sell like elmo dolls again only to make extra money no matter what shitty story, characters or modes they bring.)
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