Could Kitana Be Queen?
posted04/15/2012 09:59 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/21/2012 12:22 AM (UTC)
Assuming Kitana is brought back somehow which is highly likely, the natural consequence of being Sindel's daughter is that one day Kitana will most likely become queen herself. Do you ever see Kitana becoming official queen of Edenia in the MK series and HOW if you believe she would do you see that happening?

*On the note of Kitana being dead(with nearly everybody else) I'm trying to think back to the events of DA, and D...didn't many of the warriors die in DA only to be brought back by Onaga himself in D to be his slaves, and when his spell was undone everybody was back to normal and alive? The means of everybody's death was different this time of course but Onaga cannot yet be counted out, and therefore his and their resurrection can't be counted out either. Thoughts?
03/27/2012 07:45 PM (UTC)
I think the dead warriors from MKDA weren't brought back by Onaga himself but by Ermac and this for the time of MKA Only. There are things such as Li Mei, which i think was saved by Bo Rai Cho but i don't have a slightest clue where Kitana was at that time.

As for the next Queen, Kitana is still a possible choice. She'll most likely be rescued and brought back to life but things are about to heat up and there is Mileena and even Tanya. I'd love to see Tanya achieve something but that's just me.
03/27/2012 08:51 PM (UTC)
Kitana was under Onaga's power, she enslaved her mother and helped kill for Onaga. In Sindel's ending in Deception, there's a clear image of her fighting alongside Onaga, and in Unchained, her biography explains that she's under Onaga's power.

But for her to become queen, I'd hope that she doesn't and have someone else, such as Mileena to take over, or even Tanya. I would like to see Edenia tumble into a horrific status with someone evil taking control. It would have been awesome if Sindel were to have been kept alive for her to take over the realm in an evil state, but unfortunately it was ended when Nightwolf decided to do his little magic sacrifice and ended that.

It's tiring to keep reading that because of how immature Mileena is, she doesn't have a chance to be queen. She can if it's given a shot. Tanya, I can see her taking a different route with her character if she were to try anything in becoming Edenia's next ruler.

But I never really wanted Kitana to move up with her royalty and become a queen... As well as being more lovey dovey with Liu Kang. No thanks.
03/28/2012 04:36 AM (UTC)
I've wanted Kitana to move up from Princess to Queen since the late 90's...But that's mainly because I've never liked Sindel, she just always felt like unnecessary dead weight as a character to me post-MK3.
I used to think for sure that she was killed when Shinnok invaded Edenia in MK4, but no...they just had to bring her back in Deception. And she didn't even do anything. Her story is "I wanna free Kitana" but it was Ermac and Liu Kang who free Kitana.
03/29/2012 03:49 PM (UTC)
I don't want her to be the queen. If she does become queen it would be kind of too predictable. I think at some point we all know she will become queen anyway. Simply because the good guys always win and since she is a fan favorite they will HAVE to find a way to bring her back.

My thing is Kitana is one of the most "Storybook" characters. By that, I mean fairy tale like. She is the bad girl turned good who ends up liking the hero (Liu Kang). I just want them to do something different with her.
03/30/2012 09:02 AM (UTC)
Well technically she's the Queen with Jared's death and Sindel is suppose to be the Queen Mother. Unless Sindel is the reigning monarch not Jared. Jared may have only been recognized as King because he was Reginald Consort and Sindel allowed him to be recognize as King. In a way, this makes sense. This is why Shao Kahn married Sindel after conquering Edenia. She's the reigning monarch, the marriage makes him legitimate King by marriage.

03/30/2012 10:16 AM (UTC)
Jerrod? Wasn't he Sindel's husband instead of Kitana's?

I never thought or saw Kitana as a queen and correct me if i'm wrong but she never was.
03/30/2012 02:03 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
Well technically she's the Queen with Jared's death and Sindel is suppose to be the Queen Mother. Unless Sindel is the reigning monarch not Jared. Jared may have only been recognized as King because he was Reginald Consort and Sindel allowed him to be recognize as King. In a way, this makes sense. This is why Shao Kahn married Sindel after conquering Edenia. She's the reigning monarch, the marriage makes him legitimate King by marriage.

You're assuming Edenia's monarchy works the same way as England's.

This is a case where the power just goes to next of kin. The king is dead so his wife holds the throne. Sindel has to die for Kitana to become Queen. (Incidentally, I think Deception hinted that Sindel was an Edenian Knight before she married Jerrod, so he would've been the one born to the throne.)

And Kahn only married Sindel because he was hot for her. At least that was the explanation when Tobias was writer, Kahn actually was in love, he wasn't just an evil bastard 24/7. The MK9 version of Kahn, on the other hand, is a one-dimensional evil-for-evil's-sake Flanderization of himself, if the way he views Kitana as inferior to Mileena for no logical reason is anything to go by. So maybe that version of Kahn married Sindel just out of "I'm going to take everything that was yours" spite for Jerrod, or even base rapist lust.

Either way, legitimizing his claim to the throne never had anything to do with it because when Kahn merges realms, he has no reason to care about who the legit king is or was because the old realm has ceased to be, it's become part of Outworld and he's already king of Outworld by virtue of being the most powerful dude in the world. Anyone who wants to dispute his right to the throne gets their skull caved in with a giant hammer. That's the whole point of an invasion, to take control by force instead of politics.
04/05/2012 10:01 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Seasrmar Wrote:
Well technically she's the Queen with Jared's death and Sindel is suppose to be the Queen Mother. Unless Sindel is the reigning monarch not Jared. Jared may have only been recognized as King because he was Reginald Consort and Sindel allowed him to be recognize as King. In a way, this makes sense. This is why Shao Kahn married Sindel after conquering Edenia. She's the reigning monarch, the marriage makes him legitimate King by marriage.

You're assuming Edenia's monarchy works the same way as England's.

This is a case where the power just goes to next of kin. The king is dead so his wife holds the throne. Sindel has to die for Kitana to become Queen. (Incidentally, I think Deception hinted that Sindel was an Edenian Knight before she married Jerrod, so he would've been the one born to the throne.)

And Kahn only married Sindel because he was hot for her. At least that was the explanation when Tobias was writer, Kahn actually was in love, he wasn't just an evil bastard 24/7. The MK9 version of Kahn, on the other hand, is a one-dimensional evil-for-evil's-sake Flanderization of himself, if the way he views Kitana as inferior to Mileena for no logical reason is anything to go by. So maybe that version of Kahn married Sindel just out of "I'm going to take everything that was yours" spite for Jerrod, or even base rapist lust.

Either way, legitimizing his claim to the throne never had anything to do with it because when Kahn merges realms, he has no reason to care about who the legit king is or was because the old realm has ceased to be, it's become part of Outworld and he's already king of Outworld by virtue of being the most powerful dude in the world. Anyone who wants to dispute his right to the throne gets their skull caved in with a giant hammer. That's the whole point of an invasion, to take control by force instead of politics.

There is no proof that Edenian monarchy works in the next of kin way either. Who knows, maybe Kitana out of respect for her mother decide to let her mother continues to be recognize as Queen. Maybe in the struggle to keep outside forces (Shinnok, Onaga, etc) from taking over Edenia again, it's fruitless to fight on who should be Queen. In MK4, Kitana seems to consider herself as Queen as she offer Liu Kang to be her King. But all and all, like I said, it's perhaps fruitless for Kitana and Sindel to fight over Queenship while other things are more important.

About Sindel being a former Knight, not necessary. Just because she train Shujinko to be an Edenian Knight, does not makes her to be one formerly or is. Any leaders can train someone.

I don't remember Tobias saying Kahn marrying Sindel out of love or just pure lust for her. If it's just those two, why go through the trouble of adopting Kitana as a daughter and for awhile his plan work at convincing her that he's her real father. He could have just gone off with Sindel and sent Kitana packing or even kill the girl.
04/06/2012 09:37 AM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
There is no proof that Edenian monarchy works in the next of kin way either.

I think the fact that Sindel's the queen and Kitana's not is the proof that Edenia doesn't use the "Queen-Mother" concept.

Seasrmar Wrote:
I don't remember Tobias saying Kahn marrying Sindel out of love or just pure lust for her.

If you ever come across a copy or scans of the "Official Mortal Kombat 3 Kollector's Book", released in 1995 by EGM, it's in there. Unlike other strategy guides, this one was strictly a book of art, interviews, and character trivia where each page was a different MK3 character with Boon and Tobias talking about how they came up with the idea for them and what their backstory is. On Shao Kahn's page, Tobias specifically mentions his motive for resurrecting Sindel is genuine love and loss. It was a plan that had been in the works since even before the MK1 tourney (the spell took the Shadow Priests years. Resurrection wasn't treated as a throwaway gag back then), and using her to get Earth in 3 was just a bonus.

Seasrmar Wrote:
why go through the trouble of adopting Kitana as a daughter

He genuinely wanted her as his own daughter. That's been true in every depiction except the reboot for some goddamn reason. (Well...the Conquest TV show depicted him having creepy lust for her...)
04/06/2012 12:31 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
He genuinely wanted her as his own daughter. That's been true in every depiction except the reboot for some goddamn reason. (Well...the Conquest TV show depicted him having creepy lust for her...)

What was different about it this time? I just simply don't remember what changed between him, Kitana, and Mileena and the whole "I want my own daughter."
04/06/2012 04:06 PM (UTC)
In the scene where Kitana finds out Shang cloned her, so she takes Shang prisoner and drags him to Kahn's throne room, and Kahn admits the whole thing was his idea and he's not her real dad, he tells her that he never wanted her, Sindel begged him to keep her alive and make her useful instead. He basically says Mileena is the real daughter he always wanted.

Which is pretty much the opposite of the old story where Kitana was the favorite of the two sisters. He loved Kitana but was afraid of her finding out the truth and turning on him, and that's why Mileena was created - to be just like Kitana, but born to be loyal, so he could replace her. But he considered Mileena a failure because the Tarkatan DNA mixed in made her deformed. So he shunned Mileena and only kept her alive to spy on Kitana.
04/15/2012 09:59 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge knows exactly what's up. Nice posts.

I always suspected, like Razor, that Sindel was killed in the hostile takeover of Edenia in MK4. I mean, why would characters like Jade and Sindel not be fighting against Shinnok's regime if they were active in Edenia at the time? Oh, and I always assumed that Jade had died fighting Reptile to help Kitana escape in UMK3 -- what with Reptile returning for MK4 and Jade not.

This would have made Kitana the logical person to take over as Queen, and it fits the ending where Kitana asked Liu Kang to stay in Edenia. I always figured that it was not out of love, but simply out of Kitana wanting to protect Edenia as best as possible -- and using Liu Kang's warrior genes to create an heir would achieve that.

MKDA comes along and Kitana's story gets pretty epic. She's got Shao Kahn on the run, has unified many armies against Kahn's armies and now has to deal with the loss of Goro and Liu Kang. Of course, Shao Kahn's not dead, Goro's not dead and Liu Kang's a zombie, but whatever.

Kitana should have been a major protagonist in MKD instead of being killed in the story and becoming a slave to Onaga to give the mysteriously returning Sindel and Jade something to do. Mileena returning was kind of cool, since Kitana never really killed her, but rather left her imprisoned. I don't get why everyone thinks that Mileena's character should take over in the story, though. Her purpose is to be so bitterly obsessed with Kitana and defeated by her. Deception would have been the ideal place to end their long-standing rivalry with Kitana finally putting her sister out of her misery.

There's a lot that can be done with Kitana as Queen, actually. One thing that I would like to see in a "new generation" of games, would be some of Edenia resisting Kitana's leadership. I mean, Kitana only killed for the guy who took over their realm. You could even do a story where there was some sort of Edenian rebel sect against Shao Kahn's rule in Outworld, so when Kahn got wind of it he sent King Jerrod's daughter to squash it to add insult to injury -- something like this could even be how Kitana learned the truth about her past and why Kahn was suspicious of her.

You have the son or daughter of one of the rebel leaders (the would-be "true saviors" of Edenia) that was killed by Kitana follow Kitana in whatever her next quest is, with the intention of avenging the loss of their family against Kitana, and to free Edenia from what they believe is a buried evil.

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