Costume/character hopes/ideas for the next game!
posted02/19/2013 01:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/29/2013 03:18 PM (UTC)
With the costumes going the way they are going, what do you think - or hope- that the costumes will have in store for the next game?

My favourite character is Mileena, and my favourite part about her is her face - so I hope that in the next game there is an opportunity to play her without her veil as a starting costume, but with a bit more clothing. Although I personally loved her flesh pits costume, it fit with the story and it was just SO over the top, i remember laughing and shouting at the screen saying "WHAT?!" when I unlocked it - I thought it was just so ridiculous but wonderful at the same time.

I'm also hoping that Scarlet becomes more developed and perhaps that Tanya gets brought back.

I'd love to see more human versions of Cyrax and Sector too!

How about you?
02/06/2013 02:03 PM (UTC)
Faye_Tality Wrote:
With the costumes going the way they are going, what do you think - or hope- that the costumes will have in store for the next game?

More believable outfits and body models. Not every male character needs to look like they can bench 400 pounds. Not every female character needs to look like they work at a strip club.

Faye_Tality Wrote:

I'm also hoping that Scarlet becomes more developed and perhaps that Tanya gets brought back.

Unless Shao Kahn returns, Skarlet has no place in what looks to be a remake of MK4/Gold.

Faye_Tality Wrote:
I'd love to see more human versions of Cyrax and Sector too!

Did we not get that already in MK2011? Yes... yes we did. So what is the point of this request? And it's spelled Sektor, by the way.

02/06/2013 08:21 PM (UTC)
She said "would like to see more," as in more than just one appearance of them looking human.

I prefer seeing designs that wouldn't cause a ruckus like they did for 2011. I'll add more to this later.
02/09/2013 08:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
She said "would like to see more," as in more than just one appearance of them looking human.

I prefer seeing designs that wouldn't cause a ruckus like they did for 2011. I'll add more to this later.

Thanks for the back-up. At least you read my post with care. Surely something that gets people talking about the game is good news for the game itself though right? Personally I loved most of the costumes, and it's through posts like this that I've realised that maybe my eyes glazed over a couple of character's costumes - such as Sonya's - i noticed the heels, but i didn't NOTICE the heels if that makes sense, and now it's been pointed out so many times, i kind of agree with the majority of people about them.
02/13/2013 05:15 AM (UTC)
Klassic costumes definitely need to stick around i also hope quan chi gets his mk4 attire for the next game because thats always how ive remembered him looking.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

02/13/2013 08:58 AM (UTC)
i'll welcome classic and iconic costumes, but i want to see more original ones like Nightwolf's. Oh and bring back Inferno Scorpion, I miss me some flaming skull.

Faye_Tality Wrote:
My favourite character is Mileena, and my favourite part about her is her face - so I hope that in the next game there is an opportunity to play her without her veil as a starting costume, but with a bit more clothing.

I support this, but I want her face (and teeth) to look like the one in your avatar. Plus they should make her face atleast look somewhat like Kitana's, she is her clone afterall.
02/14/2013 05:43 PM (UTC)
I support this, but I want her face (and teeth) to look like the one in your avatar. Plus they should make her face atleast look somewhat like Kitana's, she is her clone afterall.

yeah, that's something i never got, she doesnt looks too much like her in this game, but she is supposed to be identical except for her teeth and eyes
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

02/14/2013 07:17 PM (UTC)
Faye_Tality Wrote:
I support this, but I want her face (and teeth) to look like the one in your avatar. Plus they should make her face atleast look somewhat like Kitana's, she is her clone afterall.

yeah, that's something i never got, she doesnt looks too much like her in this game, but she is supposed to be identical except for her teeth and eyes

Yeah she posed as Kitana under Onaga's command, so she has to somewhat resemble her at least.
02/15/2013 04:25 PM (UTC)
Faye_Tality Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
She said "would like to see more," as in more than just one appearance of them looking human.

I prefer seeing designs that wouldn't cause a ruckus like they did for 2011. I'll add more to this later.

Thanks for the back-up. At least you read my post with care. ...

Oh what? BACK UP? LOL!!!!
Did I step on your finger with my post? Well I'm glad Icebaby could bandage that booboo up for you.

02/15/2013 04:49 PM (UTC)
I liked the Klassic outfits alof' and want them to return

I kind want to see Cyber-designs fo the Ninjas (Cyber Scorpion, Cyber Ermac), though it willnever happen.
02/15/2013 10:54 PM (UTC)
I would like for Skarlet to have a part in the story in the next game. Maybe it turns out that Skarlet was there secretly hiding when Kahn was killed by the Elder Gods & saw Quan Chi & Shinnok plot the descrution of Earthrealm & Outworld. Maybe it turns out she seems to join them to become their new enforcer. Maybe she pulls a Tanya & turn on them to help Raiden & the others.

That probably isn't going to happen at all but it could who knews lol.

Skarlet for MK10 grin
02/19/2013 01:24 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Oh what? BACK UP? LOL!!!!
Did I step on your finger with my post? Well I'm glad Icebaby could bandage that booboo up for you.


Dude, calm down.

Anyways, I did say that I was going to come back here to contribute.

I want these costumes to be more realistic. I mean if there's going to be rips in places, make it seem reasonable, and not make it seem like the costume sticks to the body rather than just falling off. Because I get that the guys digged the ripped versions of the female costumes when they tore towards the breast, but some of them just seem too darn silly to actually believe that it's sticking.

I also want the costumes to actually look decent. Give the characters costumes that actually represents them, and I'm looking at you Sonya. I know that the costume designers wanted to go all out with the females, but not EVERY female needs to have their boobs exposed. They could have made Sonya look decent, I mean what she looked like in the first movie, THAT would have been perfect. But no, instead, they decided to give her something completely ridiculous that it even sparked a huge outrage on this site, giving her 70+ pages about her looks.

With the guys, it's fine, I mean I really thought that they did a great job exposing Cage out, making him to be this cocky Hollywood star that was going to be the next hero. I thought that this was Sub-Zero's second best outfit throughout the series (the first being his secondary in Deadly Alliance) and such... My only complaint was the way they designed Reptile's mask. But honestly, it's the female characters I don't like. And it's not like I'm a feminist or whatever, complaining that they need to not always look super sexualized and such, but I mean actually give the characters some personality with their costumes. I still have yet to feel Kitana as a princess becuase of the way she dresses. She reminded me more of Slave Leia rather than a princess. Sindel doesn't scream queen to me, if they were trying to go banshee, they somewhat hit their mark, but I still don't see it. Jade, assassin... don't see it.

I guess the only one that really worked was Mileena, and that's easy to know how and why.
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