Cool, huh? Its my animality!
posted07/03/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/16/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
IF those horrid Animalities return to Mortal Kombat, i'd rather see all the characters turn into mythological creatures instead of just some random animals. Some animals are fine tho.

If the Animalities are back, which animals/mythical creatures would you advise for each character? (if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

Mine suggestions are:

Scorpion --> Girtablilu or Manscorpion, or maybe the Arab Sandwalker.

D'vorah --> Parasite Wasp or Ichneumon (mythological) or maybe the dragon/insect called Pyrausta, or maybe Arachne or Jorogumo.

Shang Tsung --> Wadjet or Uktena or maybe the Hydra or Amphisbaena, so many mythological snakes, hard too choose from.

Baraka --> Hyena or Crocotta/Leucrocotta, but of course the Stymphalian Birds from Greek Mythology or the gold-eating bird with sharp feathers called Alicanto are good too.

Kotal Kahn --> Camazotz or Camulatz or maybe Quetzalcouatl. But my favorite aztec monsters is the strange Ahuizotl, which loves to feast on eyes, teeth and nails.

Cassie Cage --> German Shephard (police dog) / Barghest or Black Dog/Shuck, doesn't really suit her, but there isn't a mythological creature that suits the humans at all.

Sub-Zero --> Yeti or Polar Bear or Akhlut (the wolf orca from inuit mythology)

Frost --> Yuki-Onna or Snow Fox

Reptile --> Basilisk or the australian Whowie, that tongue of his could also be used for the Japanese Akaname or Filth Licker.

Raiden --> Impundulu the African Thunderbird or maybe the Japanese Raiju or Thunderbeast. Or maybe the Native American Haietlik.

Jade --> Alraune the plant women, or maybe a Dryad/Hesperid. While she doesn't have plant-based powers, her color can suit the ani/mythotality. Maybe she can become a Fillipo Batibat (evil and fat dryad) for some fun.

Quan Chi --> Baykok, Ammit, Ankou or any other mythological monster that has something to do with ressurection of the death or death.

Tremor --> Antaeus is a good one then,

Liu Kang --> The meteor dragon called Gaasyendietha, or any other dragon.

Sindel --> The Irish Banshee or the Japanese yokai Harionago the two myths she is based upon.

Skarlet --> Polong the creature born from innocent or criminal blood. Bloody Bones is male, but it does suit her if you ignore the gender stuff. And then there are like 10.000 vampire types in mythology, from brain sucking Vetala to heat and blood absorbing firefly vampires known as Adze. Redcaps are probably the best fit for her.

Noob Saibot --> The Serbian bogeyman called Bauk (with the abilities of The Spot from Spiderman) or maybe the shadow hound Barghest, or maybe the African shadow-cat Mngwa

Smoke --> Easy one, Enenra the Japanese smoke yokai, there is also the English mist horror known as the Brollachan which shows your worst fears in its terror mists.

Mileena --> Black Annis, Baba Yaga or any other hag would suit her nicely. Maenads are greek beautiful women that turn into horrid ogre-like monster women when they get mad.

Kano --> Peryton, the heart-eating bird/wolf/stag horrors from Atlantean myths.

Tanya --> Mythology has many back-stabbing creatures as well, I think the Korean Kumiho (an evil 9 tailed fox breed) suits her most.

Nightwolf --> Werewolf would be too obvious, I like WEndigo's more.

Sektor --> Khalkotauroi, the automaton Bulls from Greek mythology that breath fire.

Kabal --> Myths have many fast creatures, but none are as fast as the Kamaitachi (Sickle Weasel) from Japanese myths and the Pard from the Medieval Bestiary.

Jax --> Jack-In-Irons, the giant from Scottish myths that haunts the lonely roads dressed in only chains and the heads of its past victims. Well Jax had this giant-fatality in MK3, he has steel arms and Jax/Jack is not so far off lol.

Ashrah --> Jenglot, the living demonic voodoo puppets.

Rain --> Many water monsters to choose from, Globster, Kelpie, Fossegrim, Abaia, Iku-Turso and the list goes on.

Bo Rai Cho --> Clurichaun, the evil Leprechaun related with Alcohol.

Any Shokan --> Hekantoncheires, the multi-armed, multi headed horrors from Greek mythology.

Shinnok --> Male sphinx.

Somebody should also turn into a Cherufe, Ya-Te-Veo, Tikbalang, Tiyanak (to praise the babalities), Razor fanged Tooth Fairies, Will o Wisp, Wanyudo, Al-mi'raj or Wolpertinger, Valkyrie, Mongolian Death Worm, Drop Bear, Dullahan and Karkadann, Shadhavar, Sin-You or any other evil Unicorn out there.

The list of mythological animals and humanoids is LONG, there are lots of myths people never heard of before, and then there are the more known Minotaurs, Werewolves, Sirens, Gorgons, Wendigo's and Zombies. While I still would dislike Animalities to return (they don't make sense at all) I would find them less annoying when they turn into myth-creatures instead.

07/02/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
You know animals. lol.

I'm hoping for an ANAMALITY comeback. I think with next-gen technology, they can make the carnage look EXTREMELY viscous.
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07/02/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)
I don't want to see any fuckin animalities. Fuckin why? Because they make no fuckin sense what so fuckin ever! Babalities I can understand, for the sake of some humor or whatever, doesn't have to make sense. But animalities were supposed to be another serious aspect of the game's finishing moves. And don't give me the "it doesn't have to make sense, its Mortal Kombat" bs either. This doesn't make sense on a whole other fuckin level! Earthlings changing into rhinos and shit, right!
07/02/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
I don't want to see any fuckin animalities. Fuckin why? Because they make no fuckin sense what so fuckin ever! Babalities I can understand, for the sake of some humor or whatever, doesn't have to make sense. But animalities were supposed to be another serious aspect of the game's finishing moves. And don't give me the "it doesn't have to make sense, its Mortal Kombat" bs either. This doesn't make sense on a whole other fuckin level! Earthlings changing into rhinos and shit, right!

Don't need to get agressive with me pion. I hate them probably more than you do.

But this isn't about how you hate them.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/02/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
they make no fuckin sense what so fuckin ever! Babalities I can understand, for the sake of some humor or whatever, doesn't have to make sense.

So you're saying Babalities are fine because they were humorous and made no sense, but Animalities are stupid because they made no sense? Animalities were in because they were ridiculous. They weren't meant to be taken seriously. Scorpion turns into a penguin that lays an egg bomb. That's not suppose to be grimdarkbrutal. That was suppose to be laughable and not taken too seriously.

I wish for animalities to return. I never got the fascination with the brutality. Oooooooh you can punch someone soo much they blow up. So fucking cool. Animalities had some thought into them even if they were non sensible.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

07/02/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
I wasn't getting aggressive with you, I was getting aggressive with the idea of animalities. Because of their ridiculousness I don't want them in the game, and I just wanted to express that. Feel free to elaborate on how you want to have them
07/02/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
Anamiltys were ment to be fun, but werent. i hope they never return.

Babalitys kinda make sense, you owned your opponent without blocking making him look like a baby.

BTW, If this thread s getting too much attention, who knows it triggers boon to put them in to troll us grin no offense to your effort DVorah
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

07/02/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
The things is, I've never been a fan of either animalities or babalities since I don't think they have a place in MK. The game has a serious tone to it whether you like it or not and some stuff have to make sense to some extent. If I have to pick one for the sake of humor in the game I'd go with babalities. Animalities aren't supposed to be humorous despite of Scorpion's egg-bomb. Did you see the other animalities? They weren't supposed to be humorous, maybe a few. e.g. Jax turning into a lion and eating his opponent's guts. They might have worked in those games back in the days but I don't feel they have a place in such a dark-toned game that clearly sets a serious atmosphere
07/02/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

(if you just hate animalities that is fine for you, no need to post that here)

The next person who posts how they hate Animalities is a Rock Troll or even a Swamp Troll.
07/02/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
Very creative D'Vorah. I am kind of disappointed that you didn't include Ferra/Torr in your line-up. No Johnny or Sonya either. ????

P.S. Someone has to turn into a honey badger!
07/02/2014 05:04 PM (UTC)

The hell do you have against trolls?

While your ideas seems "creative," I don't want to see animalities back.

All I have to say is a shark swimming in concrete. That's why I'll never appreciate them.
07/02/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
Very creative D'Vorah. I am kind of disappointed that you didn't include Ferra/Torr in your line-up. No Johnny or Sonya either. ????

P.S. Someone has to turn into a honey badger!

Well Johnny Cage is vain and arrogant, could become a Fetch, a Mirror demon. Dunno what else a normal human with sunglasses turns into lol.
He's a pretty boy tho, so the Katsura-Otoko, Gancanagh, Incubus or Satyr could work lol.

I'm also really low on ideas for the other human Sonya Blade, maybe she could turn into a Alastor, a blade spirit of vengeance lol, but that is only based on her last name. Otherwise Sonya could just turn into a female monster from greek mythology. Blonde female monsters... uhm the only one I can think of right now is the vampiric water spirit with goat-legs known as Glaistig, but doesn't really suit Sonya at all.

Ferra/Torr work together by bringing their victims down. Well there are some twin-based monsters in myths.
- The twin rocks (planctae, Clashing Rocks, Wandering Rocks or Symplegades) that clash eachother and crush boats between the two of them, some cool artist created two rock-like golem creatures that crush other creatures between the two of them.
- Bakru are twin creatures that are made of wood and flesh, but they don't really suit Ferra/Torr.
Maybe Ferra turns into a cruel Redcap/Goblin/Kobold and Torr turns into an ogre-like creature such as an Ettin.

Kitana could turn into a rabbit-monster from mythology/folklore to honor her terrible rabbit fatality in MK3. Jackalope, Wolpertinger or the unicorn-bunny Al-mi'raj are perfect for that. Especially since Monty Pythons killer rabbit is based on the Al-mi-raj.

Some are harder to come up with than others.
07/02/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
If we're supposed to talk about mythological animals, then, i would give Scilla to Mileena!
07/02/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
Mileena is more like a Charybdis (the greek mythology whirlpool next to Scylla), more teeth than creature :-p
07/02/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
We should have Animalities and have them be as unfitting and annoying at possible. Penguin-Scorpion's coming back!
07/02/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
I must admit, even in MK3-MKT, I never used the Animalities. I never liked them. Kinda the same with Babalities, I don't do them in any of the games they've been in.
07/02/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
I'd really prefer to see Animalities coming back than the stupid Brutalities, they were all the same. And now, with the X-Rays, they really doesn't need to come back. I'm all in for Animalities or Friendships!
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07/02/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
Yeti would be kool! Also for Shang he could be Claw Viper :
07/02/2014 06:39 PM (UTC)
Should they return? I'm divided on that question since i know that given to some characters of the game, they would be rather interesting. Some of D'Vorah's ideas are pretty good indeed. But let's face it, there would always be numerous animalities that wouldn't make any sense, even suck completly. That's why i'm fine with the featrue never returning for anyone.
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07/02/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
I prefer if the people like Liu Kang or Nightwolf (Maybe D'Vorah) just have it as fatalities If I'd take any of the previous finishers back from the dead, it'd be friendships.
Demon_0 Wrote:
I don't want to see any fuckin animalities. Fuckin why? Because they make no fuckin sense what so fuckin ever! Babalities I can understand, for the sake of some humor or whatever, doesn't have to make sense. But animalities were supposed to be another serious aspect of the game's finishing moves. And don't give me the "it doesn't have to make sense, its Mortal Kombat" bs either. This doesn't make sense on a whole other fuckin level! Earthlings changing into rhinos and shit, right!

Agreed! No need for animalities! Give us hara kiri its way better or another ality.

Ty very much
inb4 thread destruction.
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07/02/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
I prefer if the people like Liu Kang or Nightwolf (Maybe D'Vorah) just have it as fatalities If I'd take any of the previous finishers back from the dead, it'd be friendships.

Pretty much this.

MK3-T is forever going to be remembered as the game that took it "over the top", and I wonder if folks who use the presence of babalities or friendships as a rationale for animalties tend to forget that.

Nowadays we consider 3-T classics by association, but at the time a lot of people saw it as a silly clusterfuck. It's one thing to have the odd joke like pac-man heiroglyphs and shadows on the moon...but when you go a few games ahead and you've got fatalities where arcade machines get dropped on people, violence toned down to be intentionally cartoony, explosions resulting in 3 skulls, 2 ribcages, twenty-nine leg bones, etc, skeletons being pulled out of mouths sans gore, Smoke blowing up the world, and every member of the cast could turn into a glowing animal...yeah. I don't mind the odd joke or gag character, but babalities are enough. Not sure I'd even care to see them back.

Animalities are emblematic of the period when MK capitulated to the growing media scrutiny placed on it at the time and got silly all over the place. They left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. And it's best they don't return save for the very few people it would actually suit, like Nightwolf and Liu.
07/02/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
I don't want to see any fuckin animalities. Fuckin why? Because they make no fuckin sense what so fuckin ever! Babalities I can understand, for the sake of some humor or whatever, doesn't have to make sense. But animalities were supposed to be another serious aspect of the game's finishing moves. And don't give me the "it doesn't have to make sense, its Mortal Kombat" bs either. This doesn't make sense on a whole other fuckin level! Earthlings changing into rhinos and shit, right!

Agreed! No need for animalities! Give us hara kiri its way better or another ality.

Ty very much
inb4 thread destruction.

Why don't you just go and kill off some spiders, whales, tigers or other rare animals instead of threads.

Stop following me around please.

Thank you.

And thanks for showing me your a troll, needed that.
07/02/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
If the kombatants are to turn into mythological creatures it wouldn't be an animality anymore, since they're not real, hence not considered animals. It would be more like mythologicality.

Anyway. The only finishers (aside from fatalities) that need to return are friendships and hara-kiris.
Boon also said there will be a new finisher introduced. I hope it's not senseless like the animalities and babalities. Those were really stupid.
I really don't know how I'd feel about Animalities. I think they were a joke just like Friendships were. Just something off the wall wacky to put in the game. I mean, if they could somehow make them look interesting, then sure. I'm just not sure if i'd like to see these fighters turn into a random creature..
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