Comprehensive List of Complaints About Story Mode (Obvious Abundance of Spoilers Ahead)
posted04/22/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
So Mortal Kombat X returns with a great, cinematic story mode that rivals, if not excels, the one before it.

It had a lot of good things going for it. A lot of the new characters were good, they meshed well. There was a lot going on, but it was paced well, the story never sacrificed itself for the sake of the character you were using, and it made a good habit of using characters that weren't even playable, making sure to incorporate as much of the characters as possible. The ones you wanted, the ones you didn't, they were all there.

Of course, this is where the problem sets in, because you end up having so many characters, you don't know what to do with them. Let's start with how my personal favorites got jobbed this time around.

Reptile was a virtual non-entity. It was great that he actually got to speak this time around, but again, he did nothing. He had the same number of fights as non-playable characters. Rain had more of an impact on the story than Reptile, who wasn't even present in some scenes where the rest of Kotal Kahn's group were. I'm glad the devs have the decency to keep him around, really, I am, I just wish the writers could figure out something to do with him. Speaking of which, let's move on to my next personal favorite, so I can finish with complaints based in bias...

Ermac got fucked over. Ermac got fucked over when he was in a position to do a lot of work in the story this time around. His ending in MK9 left him juxtaposed as King Jerrod, something which would have made a good story element on its own, and if I remember correctly was something we all liked. More than that, it could have become so much more in the context of MKX's war for rule of Outworld. Instead of that, though, this character, who had one of the better stories at the end of MK Armageddon, was turned once again in to generic goon #4.

Ermac, moreso than Reptile, is a character teeming with story potential, but it's another case of the writers dropping the ball to focus on new characters, which was a big problem this time around. It felt like the focus was entirely on the new cast, with the writers having the idea that we wouldn't care about what the veterans did as long as they were there.

Which begs the question, why were they even there? In fact, in some cases I was wondering how they were even there. How was Scorpion human again? How was Sub-Zero, who died a cyborg human again? I want to believe these were answered in "blink and you miss it moments," much like Jax's own revival (the time frame of which was more than a bit sketchy, seeming to take place in the present but with implications that he'd been there while Jacqui was growing up). The whole mechanic of the revivals was handled in a very inexplicable and incomplete manner, it was just fucking sloppy, and I really hope I wasn't the only one confused by it.

Another disappointing thing was that there was, once again, no focus on the villains. MK9 went through most of the story from the heroes' perspective, which made sense, and it really worked to its advantage when it blindsided you by killing most of them in one fell swoop. That said, with the introduction of new villain characters in addition to heroes, including the Anti-Villain Kotal Kahn, I expected them to get more focus, more chapters, more of an ability to play through and see them develop. But again, there was a ball, and it was dropped, and the only time we got to play as a villain without a hero sectioned within arms reach was Kotal Kahn's chapter, which really only served to frame the narrative, and contributed nothing else.

Finally, there were just... so many lingering plot threads, there were too many, and not even in a cliffhanger kind of way. What happened to Kotal Kahn when he returned to Outworld? Did he even make it? How many of his subordinates were killed along the way? How many of Mileena's subordinates were killed before then? What happened to Kano (or was the end to his rivalry with Sonya really that forgettable)? What happened to Nightwolf after his first fight with Kenshi? What the hell happened to Noob, the only character who wasn't mentioned in this game??

On the surface level, story mode was great, if you take it at face value. It was a fun, engaging story, a great amount of action, beautiful cutscenes, enjoyable characters, emotional scenes that never got too hammy or embarrassing. But beneath the surface, it's really lacking, it feels like we were given a really nice chess set, but for some reason it only came with the white pieces. I guess I'll wait for MKXI or some kind of sequel comic series, but that's it, that's not everything, but that's what bugged me the most about the story.

Oh, and Ferra/Torr did not need to exist. Like, at all. In any capacity.
04/14/2015 07:04 AM (UTC)
All the characters that haven't a chapter in story mode are fightable twice. It applies to every one in the same position:
Ferra/Torr defeated twice
Reptile defeated twice
Ermac defeated twice
Liu Kang defeated twice
Kung Lao ditto
Sindel ditto
Kitana ditto
Tanya ditto
Quan Chi ditto
Shinnok ditto
Baraka ditto
Kenshi... Just once

This time around I think NRS did a good Job with bad characters. Kotal Kahn is a good example of this. D'VORAH got her own chapter too and she posed a threat more than Kotal or Shinnok.
Reptile had his chance to shine, Baraka almost defeated Raiden in a cut scene.
Ermac kicked Cassie and Jacqui 'asses with no effort.
Ferra /Torr needed to be frozen to be stopped .

There is a complain I have though :
Kenshi needed a chapter.
It would have been easy for him. Just when Subby and the lin kuei saved the young heroes, Kenshi had to be there. He defeated Erron black and Ferra /Torr.
Then he faced Ermac while Subby kicked Reptile' s ass.
During the fight with Ermac, his sword is broken and Kenshi switches with surprise to his possessed variation. He defeats Ermac, creeps inside his collective mind and save Jerrod personality from Shao Kahn's control. Meanwhile Subby is defeated by Kotal Kahn which is later beaten by Kenshi who cuts off one of his arms.
Kotal and the other escape to Outworld planning their vengeance.
04/14/2015 07:49 AM (UTC)
- Scorpion, unlike in the comics, is a complete asshat again.

He and his clan attack the refugee camp, immobilizing their defenses during a humongous interdimensional crisis. Then, he decides to brazenly take wily Quan Chi out of his cell and shackles and challenge him to a duel in public. Then, when Sonya warns him not to kill Quan or else the revenants might get stuck as undead, he basically says "Pft! IDGAF. They can stay undead. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" even though he pisses and moans about his fate all the goddamn time.
I seriously hope he gets blown to goddamn smithereens in MK11. Or Raiden should've let him kill himself in his ending. He can't do a single thing right.

- Kenshi desperately needed a chapter. He obviously didn't get one in 9 and he wasn't in MKvsDC, either. He's pretty much a walking, talking cameo in story mode.

- Kotal Kahn's jobbers (Reptile, Ermac, Ferra/Torr, Erron) were underutilized and underdeveloped (even though I liked the scene where they tell off Mileena.)

- Kotal starts behaving irrationally during the merger crisis. How the hell does he think he'll get Shinnok to leave Outworld alone if he's already conquered Earthrealm? Does he seriously think he can make a deal with (essentially) Satan? Way to destroy the cool established character of the comic.

- Mileena and Baraka's deaths came off as cheap, shock value. No real change seen other than Kotal not pissing and moaning about her any more. Nobody even seems to react to it afterward, other than Cassie and Jacqui looking grossed out.

- What happened to Rain and Tanya after Mileena died? Wtf.

- All revenants besides Jax, Subz, and Scorpion are completely stagnant throughout 25 years.
A quarter of a century with no real change, other than the obvious Liu/Kitana teaser. They were undead and mean then. They're still undead and mean now.
-Also, what the hell happened to Jade? Did they just not feel like updating her model or doing more dialogue? Why is she the only revenant from MK9 to be entirely absent from MKX? Or is she, like, guarding another part of the Netherrealm...?
Honestly any canon death in MK other than the final boss character seems like shock value at this point. Anyone who dies and becomes something different on the level of Noob Saibot/Scorpion would be one thing, I guess.
04/14/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
So basically Raiden trapped Shinnok in the amulet and consulted the Elder Gods and their response was the Kamidogu which acted as keys but not really since Quan Chi just muttered a spell to free Shinnok.

Also they went through all that trouble of keeping him in the amulet when they could've just cut his head off like in the ending. Like. What the hell.

Apparently Reptile's main outfit was supposed to have some relevance to the story mode. Anybody catch it?

I was really hyped up to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero fight and kill Quan Chi together especially after Kuai showed Hanzo Sektor's memories. Kinda sucked that Scorpion did it alone.

We never really saw the 'Rise and Fall of Kotal Kahn' that was talked about.

The Jax vs. Liu Kang dialogue was cool but honestly it would've been sooo much better if it was Kung Lao instead of Jax.
Historical Favorite
04/14/2015 09:14 AM (UTC)
None of the characters even mentioned the events of the movies.
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04/14/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
None of the characters even mentioned the events of the movies.

And Rain was alive again. I thought he got punted in to a fire pit. Twice.
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04/14/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
I hated the fact that the comic worked so hard to differentiate Hanzo/Scorpion and then this game just threw that in the trash.

I enjoyed the cameos though, however it essentially makes the "Edenians" all look like traitors.
04/14/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
Godfather Part II, people

Godfather Part II
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Jax, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero were all revived when Sonya beat down Quan Chi. This ended the Netherrealm war, and allowed time to create families.

Jax' wife is nammed Vera.

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04/14/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Jax, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero were all revived when Sonya beat down Quan Chi. This ended the Netherrealm war, and allowed time to create families.

Jax' wife is nammed Vera.


But for some reason Sub-Zero was a human revenant? And only those three got revived? And Raiden couldn't figure out how to do it with everyone else over the next 25 years?
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04/14/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Yeah.. he does state he needs his power + Quan's dark magic to restore the rest... but that hope died with Quan Chi
04/14/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)

I'm kinda disappointed about a few things.

- Why did Shinnok have the real amulet? Is Quan Chi actually a loyal servant this time around?

- How did Millena get the amulet? So, Quan Chi didn't make a copy this time, but someone else made it to trick Raiden so Millena could have it. Who, and how?

- That fucking bug story should've been Tanya's. Yes, I realize it would have taken the "surprise" (wasn't that much of a surprise) away, but she was the one to betray the heroes in favour of Shinnok last time, that should've been her story this time too. And it would be easy, you just switch Tanya to Kotal's side and the bug to Millena's and that's it. Same story, Tanya gets to be the treacherous bitch that helps Shinnok. Maybe the didn't want an NPC/DLC to get an important part in the story, most likely they just wanted to give that bug more relevance. What ever the case, that is how it should've been.

- While the kids were about the same age most characters are in MK9, they are portrayed as teens. It's feels like they are the fucking power rangers.

- Jade. When they said Kitana used Jade's weapons to honour her, I expected a cutscene where Jade truly dies and Kitana picks her weapons. At least an explanation of what happened to her would've been nice. Why is she the only missing revenant?

- Kenshi is a telephat now? He can't use his telekinesis without Sento, yet his telepathy runs in the family? What's up with that?

- Cassie beats Shinnok. We had a reasonable explanation on how Liu Kang had bested him, he was overconfident he had the power of the amulet yet it was a fake, so he got defeated. Now, Cassie bested Shinnok with the amulet and pumped up by the Jinsei. Give me an explanation please.

What happened to Fujin? Where did he go after the Netherrealm war?

- The amulet. We had so many questions abut that thing for so long, but instead of answering them, they choose to retcon a few things from past games, give the amulet some more unexplained powers, have it stolen again without an explanation on how did that happen, and not only that, but to create a brand new unexplained source of power for which we lack any kind of knowledge. We still don't know whether Bi Han got to steal Shinnoks amulet from him or not at the end of MKM, and if he did, how did Shinnok got it again? Quan Chi giving fake amulets around could've been an explanation, but he gave Shinnok the real one, so that is scrapped.
They lost a great opportunity to explain a lot of things, yet they just tangled them a lot more. They need to hire people to write the story, they have not been doing a good job.
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04/14/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
I think the Comic Story was muuuuuuch more interesting than the actual games.

No blood god...

The Kamidogu weren't even mentioned

No Havik

No Reiko

I feel like the Comic story line was leading up to a much more interesting story than the actual game delivered.

Absolutely stupid how Goro isn't even mentioned in story mode. Dies in the comics and not a peep is said about his return. "Goro Lives" is BS.

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04/14/2015 08:09 PM (UTC)
I really hate to be a negative nelly, but the story leaves ALOT to be desired. They didn't explain a damn thing and holy shit you have my sympathies if you didn't read the comics becuase you're not gonna know who half the roster is or why they are even there as if there wasn't enough left unexplained in this game.

And I know that for some reason some people think that all of the characters are on the same level, but I refuse to accept some of the fight outcomes in this game. It was fine when Johnny had a short scuffle with base form Shinnok, but even with her energetic boost, her being able to beat an elder god into submission who litterally just absorbed the life energy of an entire planet is absurd. I love Cassie, she ain't nothing to fuck wit, but there is a limit to how much I can suspend disbelief.

And I can't get over how non existent the other gods were. Okay, Fujin is not playable, fine. But is there a reason he couldn't show up again to help later on? He doesn't have to guard the amulet anymore so what the hell. Then the elder gods don't do shit yet again even when the universe is at stake. They can be scared of one being all they want, but what's the point of trying to avoid possibly waking it when you have a garenteed invasion with Shinnok absorbing Earth's lifeforce? They can interfer to stop Shao Kahn, but they can't help Raiden and Earth with a problem they help create? They should have purified the Jensei.

Just some of the many complaints I have about story mode. Just when I thought they were gonna take the story more serious with this universe. *sadface*

zerosebaz Wrote:
That fucking bug story should've been Tanya's.

That probably would have been a million times better. D'Vorah felt rushed and really under utilized.
04/14/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
So basically Raiden trapped Shinnok in the amulet and consulted the Elder Gods and their response was the Kamidogu which acted as keys but not really since Quan Chi just muttered a spell to free Shinnok.

Also they went through all that trouble of keeping him in the amulet when they could've just cut his head off like in the ending. Like. What the hell.

Apparently Reptile's main outfit was supposed to have some relevance to the story mode. Anybody catch it?

I was really hyped up to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero fight and kill Quan Chi together especially after Kuai showed Hanzo Sektor's memories. Kinda sucked that Scorpion did it alone.

We never really saw the 'Rise and Fall of Kotal Kahn' that was talked about.

The Jax vs. Liu Kang dialogue was cool but honestly it would've been sooo much better if it was Kung Lao instead of Jax.

It's actually his alternate(chronologically speaking,it's the first one he wears,afterwards,he wears the 25 years later outfit)The plot relevance,I assume,is that he essentially tells Mileena to go fuck herself while wearing this outfit. Yeah. BIG plot relevance.
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04/15/2015 06:52 AM (UTC)
I kinda expected some connection with the comic. But I guess im, not suprized that this, blood god thing is comic only. I am glad some past like kenshi takeda and scorpion is referenced. But they do, kinda expect people to read the comics for that. Also yeah Fujin should have been present for cassie shinnok battle.

and I didn't like that cassie and jaqui had no seeming memories of erron black. Frost I guess joined Lin questions after getting her ass handed to her by cassie lol.

there was stuff left out of story and boon teased final boss and someone we, wouldn't expect is bull. This was just a linger version of MK4. I want a complete new story for the next one. No rehash of Onaga and whatnot
04/15/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
Don't know if I missed it in the comics or story but why/how did Kotal go from a human looking guy with war paint to a blue Sun God?
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04/15/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
I kinda expected some connection with the comic. But I guess im, not suprized that this, blood god thing is comic only. I am glad some past like kenshi takeda and scorpion is referenced. But they do, kinda expect people to read the comics for that. Also yeah Fujin should have been present for cassie shinnok battle.

and I didn't like that cassie and jaqui had no seeming memories of erron black. Frost I guess joined Lin questions after getting her ass handed to her by cassie lol.

there was stuff left out of story and boon teased final boss and someone we, wouldn't expect is bull. This was just a linger version of MK4. I want a complete new story for the next one. No rehash of Onaga and whatnot

I don't think it'll be a rehash. It looks like it'll be some kind of civil war between Netherrealm and Raiden, with Kotal and his goons probably doing nothing to the side, getting beat twice each over the course of the story.
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04/15/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
The biggest problem to me was Cassie being the one who beats Shinnok. It really takes away any fear of this elder god demon form thing when some girl from earth is the one who beats him. At the final fight I should want to destroy the final bad guy but I didn't even want to win with Cassie.
04/15/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
So, what do you guys think Jax did in Quan Chi's library waiting for D'Vorah and the amulet since she went straight to Outworld?

Maybe he put on Shao Kahn's armor?
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04/15/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
- the revenants not taking Jacqui and Takeda when they had ample opportunity and time to do so. Literally they just gave up on them when Shinnok died.

- Scorpion has how much time to plan and cope with his revenge plan, but foams and kills Quan Chi because Scorpion is Scorpion... or more precisely, non-diegetic character scene because they really wanted to do that, disregard the logical conclusion set up.

- Kotal Khan suspicious for no fucking reason aside either Earthrealmers hurr... or holding the idiot ball because otherwise there would be no conflict.

- Sub-Zero can apparently travel great distances with his clan to act as a deus ex machina against the invaders...

-Shinnok being an idiot. Suuuure, let's not kill Raiden when the opportunity arrives.

-Revenants being idiots. Let's not all take place up around Shinnok while he ascends, instead lets play schoolyard bully with Raiden...

And others.

In conclusion, less idiotic than MK9, but it has plenty of stupid writing. This is not the point tho. The general problem lies in unanswered questions that MK9 sets up and remain hanging in the air. And a good dealof effort is spent on shitting on post MK3 characters.

04/15/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Surface level, the story was fine, but the biggest issue I think is that the majority of it simply isn't a "stand alone" story like MK9's was.

There was actually very little resolution in this. It feels like the beginning and middle of a three act story but we didn't get the final act.

Ultimately, it was a lot of setup, introductions, and status quo shifts, tossing in the "mega villain" in the last few moments of the game (sorry, Shinnok, but you were just as lame now as you were then... You didn't even get to KILL anyone!).

And... I'm fine with that. I'm fine with setup.

I'm not so okay knowing I'm going to have to wait probably 4 more years to see where all of this setup is heading.

A lot of bizarre decisions too that weren't explained. Where's Revenant Jade? Why did they made "old" default human versions of the characters when they simply don't exist? Why did Edenia not separate from Outworld after Shao Kahn's defeat like it did in the prior timeline? Where the heck did Fujin go? Where did this "green halo" deus ex machina come from (twice)? Why did Raiden just go full on nutty in the post-credit scene? Why is Quan Chi loyal to Shinnok in this version when he never was in the prior timeline? Why is Kitana the Empress of the Netherrealm instead of Sindel? Why is Sub-Zero in human form instead of cyborg?

And god help you if you want to know what's going on with Cyrax, Noob, Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva, or any others that don't get a mention, many of which should technically be alive and active at this point.

The story was good, but it's incomplete. I'm an impatient person... The game only JUST came out and I'm already counting down the days until MK11 so I can better make sense of this one.
04/15/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
I kinda expected some connection with the comic. But I guess im, not suprized that this, blood god thing is comic only. I am glad some past like kenshi takeda and scorpion is referenced. But they do, kinda expect people to read the comics for that. Also yeah Fujin should have been present for cassie shinnok battle.

and I didn't like that cassie and jaqui had no seeming memories of erron black. Frost I guess joined Lin questions after getting her ass handed to her by cassie lol.

there was stuff left out of story and boon teased final boss and someone we, wouldn't expect is bull. This was just a linger version of MK4. I want a complete new story for the next one. No rehash of Onaga and whatnot

I don't think it'll be a rehash. It looks like it'll be some kind of civil war between Netherrealm and Raiden, with Kotal and his goons probably doing nothing to the side, getting beat twice each over the course of the story.

I think of it more as Raiden becoming the very thing he is fighting against in attacking Outworld, even turning on Team Cassie. This could just provoke Team Kotal and then that woman in Jade's ending could also try to restore Edenia. I don't know what the new Netherrealm rulers' deal is either but there's something involved. Havik and Reiko are also currently MIA, so the war between the realms is the perfect opportunity for Chaos. Hotaru could also take advantage of this and seek order. Reptile should also step up if he did indeed encounter others of his race to restore their realm. My perceived roster could be:


Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Kung Jin

Kotal Kahn
Erron Black
Li Mei

Liu Kang




This doesn't include new characters.
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