(CLOSE THIS PLZ)Sexuality in Mortal Kombat,What is your thoughts and should the limits be pushed more?
posted02/11/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
02/05/2007 06:07 AM (UTC)
It doesn't really matter to me. But anyone who finds that shit sexy is a fucking loser.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/05/2007 07:24 AM (UTC)
I don't care when it comes down to it. I will say this though...

I'm sick of them putting them in leotards and bathing suits. It wouldn't be so bad if half of the female cast didn't have them (and in a lot of cases both costumes are like this). They're boring, non-sensical, and played out.

You can make a female character look sexy without giving them huge boobs and asses and putting them in the skimpiest outfits possible. I'm also sick of the cheek bones that are so sharp and massive they look as if they're going to puncture the skin on their faces.
02/05/2007 12:15 PM (UTC)
i hate mangas just for this reasons.
i hate sexuality in videogame world,event ough it's funny in San Andreas and the sopranos.these are exceptions to the rule.
I don't ant to see sonya nude or have sex with Cage r other guys.
I don't want Kitana less weared.
i like the provocatory and sexy style,but i hate when the edges are pusehd a bit longer.
so mk shoud go on this way,sensual,provocant,sexy,but not erotic.
neither too much sexy,or light-sex or softcore...
i like mk in this way.
02/05/2007 11:53 PM (UTC)
I dont care.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

02/06/2007 12:12 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
It doesn't really matter to me. But anyone who finds that shit sexy is a fucking loser.

I am not.....just kiddin. Seriously. Ur right N_M u r a loser if you find that sexy.

All in all i dont care
02/06/2007 12:39 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
LOL I might just be a perv or whatever but what about some partial nudity?
The only reason this came to mind is because of God of War....but in any case whats anyones thoughts on this because I would like to see some more sexuality come from the women fighters...not only that but what about gay and lesbian storylines aswell?

and just for a little extra question,do you think the esrb should make an adult rating so that limits can go out the window? I do,because movies are just as bad if not worse and besides video games are basically interactive movies if you get down to it....

For MK, it wouldn't work. When it comes to gay and lesbian storylines, not something that's significant in MK.

I'd rather the gameplay and story are focused on and done well.
02/06/2007 12:47 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is not DOA, let's keep it that way. The outfits now are getting less and less appealing however, as said above half the female cast is practically naked and all those types of costume look the same. You think if you were fighting with such things like swords and sais, plus elemental powers like ice or fire, you'd want a little more protection.
02/06/2007 01:24 AM (UTC)
hey congrats on the most useless thread contributed to the forums

thread closed
02/06/2007 02:16 AM (UTC)
so what if they have big boobs and big butts. thats what we girls basically care about the most.

its a video game, do we care about what polygon-looking characters's physical appareance looks like? i don't and who cares.
02/06/2007 02:25 AM (UTC)
First of all, I'm a fucking loser. Second, I find the girls' costumes in MK:A to be very sexy. And while I enjoy the eye candy, I will say that sometimes more is less... as long as they have cleavage, lol.

Ashrah: Very lady-like.
Frost: One serious and one sexy.
Jade: Her primary could had shown less skin.
Kira: One serious and one sexy.
Kitana: I kinda wish her primary was the one from the movies.
Li Mei: One serious and one sexy.
Mileena: I kinda wish her primary was from the movie, and she needs to keep her alternate in all games!
Nitara: Her primary needed some pants.
Sareena: Her primary could had used pants and maybe a vest.
Sheeva: I don't think any of the Shokan wear pants, lol.
Sindel: One of her costumes should had been a dress.
Sonya: Both looked serious.
Tanya: They were fine, I guess.

I see people complaining about how sexy the girl are and what they wear, but what about the guys?
About Me

Thanks redman for the sig!

02/06/2007 02:49 AM (UTC)
It should be about gameplay and story, not about the lonely 28 year old living in grandma's garage.
02/06/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
I'm 21 and living under my grandma's roof, But that's besides the point. I appreciate beauty in all of it's forms, that doesn't belittle me. And seriously, how different are polygon girls from painted girls, carved girls, or even photographed girls?
And the women's appearances do not deminish their playablility. They are just as good as any of the men in the game.

But like I said, what about the men? They're just as physically perfect as the women... isn't anyone going to complain about them?

Legacy Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not DOA, let's keep it that way. The outfits now are getting less and less appealing however, as said above half the female cast is practically naked and all those types of costume look the same. You think if you were fighting with such things like swords and sais, plus elemental powers like ice or fire, you'd want a little more protection.

What about the men? Most of them don't even wear shirts.
02/06/2007 07:32 AM (UTC)
lol yay i got most useless thread hahahaha

seriously though,i just wanted to get some reactions because i knew this would spark something up....just because some people like manga and adult orientated video games doesnt make them a loser....what is it with people putting others down?? i mean come on now,either answer with a grown up response or dont reply....all is asked for is opinions no need to be all ripping peoples heads off....wait...bad statement this is an MK forrum lol....just be nice lol
02/06/2007 04:25 PM (UTC)
I don't think MK needs to go all porno. I personally like the outfits of the characters the way they are now. Especially Frost's alternate outfit grin

However if Ed Boon is planning to surprise the crap out of us with the 'new presentation', who knows what direction he plans to take.confused
02/07/2007 01:19 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
LOL I might just be a perv or whatever but what about some partial nudity?
The only reason this came to mind is because of God of War....but in any case whats anyones thoughts on this because I would like to see some more sexuality come from the women fighters...not only that but what about gay and lesbian storylines aswell?

and just for a little extra question,do you think the esrb should make an adult rating so that limits can go out the window? I do,because movies are just as bad if not worse and besides video games are basically interactive movies if you get down to it....

HELL NO! The attires are bad enough. The only women acceptable are Sonya, Ashrah, Tanya, Frost and Li Mei (In all her bios and MK:A start she wears her alt attire so I assume this is Li Mei's proper attire.)

Don't even think about gay/lesbian storylines. It will kill off those characters involved. The ESRB rating is already MA rated. MK have already pushed the boundary with Mileena. We don't need nudity and sex scenes, that will turn me off MK and will probably kill off the franchise.

GraveDigger Wrote:
I'm 21 and living under my grandma's roof..


GraveDigger Wrote:
What about the men? Most of them don't even wear shirts.

Only a few are topless. Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kai and Fujin are the only ones I think. I'm not counting the freak characters. Actually the only one that's revealing is Shao Kahn. I don't perve on any of them. I don't give a crap. In my opinion the best looking bloke is Hotaru and he's fully armoured. But in the end, the most reveling is just being topless. The problem with the women is that there boobs are about to pop out.

GraveDigger Wrote:
Mileena: I kinda wish her primary was from the movie, and she needs to keep her alternate in all games!

Her MK2 or UMK3 outfits plus her movie outfit should be her prim and alt attires full stop. Who knows what horny Ed Boon will give her next.

As for her alt attire, that is the WORST attire in the entire history of MK. It's sickening and it makes her look cheap. Get rid of it now!!!!!furious

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
It doesn't really matter to me. But anyone who finds that shit sexy is a fucking loser.


nastynate Wrote:
hey congrats on the most useless thread contributed to the forums


02/07/2007 01:47 AM (UTC)
Before I say anything, Mileena's alternate costume was incredible! It wasn't only intensely appealing, but I felt it embelished the tone and strength of her small body without them actually making her some kind of body-builder.

Ok, some of the guys are topless, and many of them them are still showing alot of skin on their torsos. They aren't any more protected from ice, fire, or scrapes than the women are.

Guys with little, if any upper protection:
Darrius' alt.
Drahmin's main.
Fujin's main.
Goro's main.
Havik's main.
Hsu Hao's main and alt.
Jax's main.
Johnny's main.
Kai's alt.
Kano's main.
Kintaro's main and alt.
Liu Kang's main and alt.
Motaro's main and alt.
Quan Chi's main.
Raiden's alt.
Reiko's main.
Shao Kahn's main and alt.

But who says "sexuality" only applies to women? Granted, because we're men we associate sexuality with women and ignore the men, but my sister salivates over Shao Kahn!
So believe it or not, this isn't a one-sided matter. Both the men and women in Mortal Kombat are treated equally.
02/07/2007 03:08 AM (UTC)
That is just kind of morbid in a way to include sexuality to Mortal Kombat. Seriously who would want to see naked people get mutilated? Let me take that back for some of you, you know who you are smile. Personally I would not want to beat the crap out of some nude girl, or guy and then watch them get impaled on a spike, or decapitated, or whatever the hell you can do to someone in Mortal Kombat.
02/07/2007 03:56 AM (UTC)
lets just close this because its so pathetic. we're making comments about characters that will never exist in real life. you see girls wearing slutty outfits everyday, tell me about it beucase i witness girls at my school wearing short skirts that the slightest bend you have five guys getting excited. i understand we girl have so many clothes that express oursevles to look a tad bit slutty, but you should rather complain about real life clothes then virtual polygonal people wear.
02/07/2007 09:29 AM (UTC)
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i knew this would give me some laughs
02/07/2007 02:43 PM (UTC)
ok...to get serious about this now...i couldnt see nudity in the gameplay no...but maybe an fmv scene or something....and peanut butter lol....dude im not talking video game pornos here im just saying some revealed boobs here an there in some fmv sequences or something on them lines...(an example god of war)something shocking....as a gamer if it went any farther than that it would be interactive porn not a fighting game...even if it didnt show complete nudity kinda like in metal gear...it would still be more seductive and sexy but in any case....im done with this thread...any mod can kill it whenever.

About Me

MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

02/07/2007 06:03 PM (UTC)
geez... this is pathetic. Since when is the sexuality that important to a videogame. I despise DOA Extreme for it. Please don't Make the MK women worse then some in the past few games.
02/07/2007 08:24 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is not the kinda game that I see as beeing mixed with sexuality.Imense gore and nudity seem kinda weird to me,lol.
02/08/2007 01:27 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is a game about fighting, not PlayBoy The Mansion. It's a fighting not a game for big-titted chicks to stab each other. But honestly I could care less.
02/08/2007 01:38 AM (UTC)
To tell the truth, I don't really give a damn. Just as long as they keep the nudity and gore separate, it'd be fine, though I wouldn't really care about said nudity. Cheaper porn's on the internet if I want it.
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