Classic horror/fairy tale characters in MK
posted12/28/2013 07:27 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, Snow White, Peter Pan, just to name a few. Characters that don't really belong to anyone, and who have appeared in various franchises. Would anyone like to see such characters in a MK game?

They wouldn't really be guests, and NRS could even take some liberties with the characters. Dracula could come from the same realm as Nitara, instead of being formely human, and he and Nitara could be either enemies or allies, even lovers. Characters like Snow White could come from their own realm like in the ABC show "Once upon a time".

Anyone who saw the Snow White movie from 1997 starring Sigourney Weaver knows that the character and her world can be dark enough for MK.

Would anyone here besides me be down with that? Do such characters count as guests, even if NRS adds it's own touch to the characters? Because to me, in order for them to be guests, they'd have to be specific versions of the characters from a specific TV show/movie/etc.
10/27/2013 01:02 AM (UTC)
I dont think classic characters would work too well, but possible variations of classical monsters could work perhaps

I'd love to see a character based on the classic witch introduced

Peaked hat, spells as specials and using a broomstick as a weapon

There is loads of young "hot" women in the franchise, sindel is the "older" woman character in the game a d although she's one of my favourites she's still seems pretty spry in the game

An old hag who fights with Agro could make an interesting edition
10/27/2013 04:12 AM (UTC)
I think characters based on those archetypes, with different names and twists added to make them more MK style could be interesting.

But no, I don't think after 20 years of original characters, now is the time to start having crossovers with pre-existing fictions that happen to be public domain.
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12/15/2013 10:36 AM (UTC)
Well I can imagine Nightwolf chasing Little Red Ermac Hood... but no, I think they should keep it original and take advantage of the different races and realms at their disposal.

But maybe someone like Dracula could be included, not exactly Dracula but a powerful vampire like him. I just hope they haven't forgotten about Nitara's realm.
12/15/2013 11:52 AM (UTC)
I'd rather them focus on new well-balanced characters
12/15/2013 07:56 PM (UTC)
Considering Darkstalkers is known for having classic horror and fairy tale characters, it wouldn't be a good idea for Mortal Kombat to have that as well.

Mortal Kombat already has humongous potential within its own story, something no other fightng game has. New characters can show up from any area of the MK universe and still be fresh, as long as it fits.

I must agree with MK_Fanatic_, I would rather see new characters, especially ones that can fill story holes.
12/15/2013 08:28 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing a Werewolf. But the Werewolf can't be looking for a cure, they would accept what they are. There also shouldn't be an entire home world of Werewolves.
12/16/2013 01:44 AM (UTC)
Or we could just give Nightwolf his old Animality back as a regular Fatality and stop worrying about trying to fit in any other kind of Werewolf, because a Native American who can do the Skin-Walker turn-into-his-totem-animal bit is the same thing minus all the whining about being cursed?

As far as the comment that "Darkstalkers already does horror monsters" goes...the thing about that is that Darkstalkers is as dead as a franchise can be right now. And it and MK are already super-similar, I think it's too late to avoid being the same genre.
12/16/2013 03:05 AM (UTC)
If NRS continues to borrow characters from other places then I would have lost all confidence for them to come up with their own unique shit. Freddy Krueger was enough.

They need to learn how to make their own characters again. If they can't, hire the man who can. You know who the fuck I'm talking about.

As far as this werewolf talk goes, we already have Nightwolf. He can have beef with Nitara. Since werewolves aren't good guys, he can become a loose canon amongst the chosen warriors and be the anti-hero type. The wise goodie-two-shoes shaman act is getting old.

The "home" of werewolves should be Earth. I wish we could say the same for Vampires. God forbid Eaerthrealm has its own mythical creatures who didn't descend from some butt-fucked realm that Kahn (or Onaga) conquered.

12/16/2013 05:56 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
I wish we could say the same for Vampires. God forbid Eaerthrealm has its own mythical creatures who didn't descend from some butt-fucked realm that Kahn (or Onaga) conquered.

I like vampires WAY better as a race of bat-winged people from their own realm who are only hurt by Earthrealm's solar radiation but can get by just fine in the sun on other realms, and who, because they're a species and not a stupid magic-disease, don't turn their victims into more vampires, they just kill them.
12/16/2013 01:05 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
If NRS continues to borrow characters from other places then I would have lost all confidence for them to come up with their own unique shit. Freddy Krueger was enough.

They need to learn how to make their own characters again. If they can't, hire the man who can. You know who the fuck I'm talking about.

As far as this werewolf talk goes, we already have Nightwolf. He can have beef with Nitara. Since werewolves aren't good guys, he can become a loose canon amongst the chosen warriors and be the anti-hero type. The wise goodie-two-shoes shaman act is getting old.

The "home" of werewolves should be Earth. I wish we could say the same for Vampires. God forbid Eaerthrealm has its own mythical creatures who didn't descend from some butt-fucked realm that Kahn (or Onaga) conquered.


Earthrealm has Saurians.

Saurians aren't actually from Zaterra, they just made it their home.
12/16/2013 02:45 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Earthrealm has Saurians.


...and only because it was mentioned.
12/16/2013 04:46 PM (UTC)
Nosferatu. Nuff said tongue
12/16/2013 10:55 PM (UTC)
Baraka's face is based on Nosferatu.
12/16/2013 11:08 PM (UTC)
No. Enough of this "third-party characters in MK" crap. I just about lost it when I found out Freddy Krueger was in the game.

Kratos was bad enough, but Freddy flat-out jumped the shark.
12/20/2013 02:13 PM (UTC)
I'd only accept a Power Ranger in Mk10. If not, I want no guests.
12/24/2013 05:05 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
No. Enough of this "third-party characters in MK" crap. I just about lost it when I found out Freddy Krueger was in the game.

Kratos was bad enough, but Freddy flat-out jumped the shark.

Agreed. I would have preferred Khameleon to either of them.
12/28/2013 07:27 PM (UTC)
Already there was a crossover between Mortal Kombat and DC Universe . The Mortal Kombat universe created Mad Clown to replace the Joker in another MK game to not use DC characters . But how would all the DC characters replaced by generic characters ? The answer in this address:
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