Christianity, Islam and other real religions in future games
posted06/23/2011 11:43 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
One thing all religions and MK both have in common is that they're fictional, so I see no reason not to incorporate elements from any religions in future MK games. Lucifer's existence has already been established in MKM: Sub-Zero, so they should go all the way. If Lucifer ever made an appearance, I believe the character should be female.

Yahwee, Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, such potential villains right here.

I know some will think this is trolling, but I assure you, it is not.
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06/20/2011 04:17 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
One thing all religions and MK both have in common is that they're fictional, so I see no reason not to incorporate elements from any religions in future MK games. Lucifer's existence has already been established in MKM: Sub-Zero, so they should go all the way. If Lucifer ever made an appearance, I believe the character should be female.

Yahwee, Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, such potential villains right here.

I know some will think this is trolling, but I assure you, it is not.

Soooo, you want us to believe that this isn't a troll thread just because you say so?
06/20/2011 04:28 AM (UTC)
You do realize there are some Christians that play Mortal Kombat, right?
Just sayin'.
06/20/2011 05:57 PM (UTC)
Yes, but their opinions aren't valid. Since their believes are invalid.

No religion is sacred. Or, to be more precise, no religion should be considered sacred. Give me the one definitive proof that Yahwee or Allah are any more real than Raiden and the Elder Gods. Hell, at least atrocities haven't been done in the name of Mortal Kombat, not in a world wide way anyway.
06/20/2011 07:15 PM (UTC)
I might not believe in a specific religion, but I would never tell those that do that their opinions and beliefs are invalid. That's just wrong. Unless it's one that preaches to killing people, anyway.
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06/20/2011 07:29 PM (UTC)
So you're saying the next line of MK enemies should be Jesus, Allah, and Muhammad? Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone would be just fine with that.
06/20/2011 07:44 PM (UTC)
Oh no, not just them. I said they were potential villains, not the only ones left. NRS can still come up with their own villains, but it would be a shame imo if these these characters were not used in some way.

Another important fact of life, is that controversy sells.
06/20/2011 07:59 PM (UTC)
Controversy for the sake of controversy is never always a good thing, though. We don't need Mortal Kombat getting any more controversial then killing people in the most gruesome of ways. It's fine the way it is, and should stay that way until MK goes down the toilet.
06/20/2011 08:17 PM (UTC)
Oh, I'm sure there are people who'd line up for a chance to kill Yahwee or Jesus. Or to play as them. More the latter than the former.

But I can guarentee that you'd have all those teabagging morons very eager to slay Allah and Muhammad. Not that I want to cater to these idiots, which is one reason I'd love to have Yahwee and/or Jesus as villains too.
06/20/2011 08:22 PM (UTC)
Not me, I play video games to escape reality, not live it. Besides, the Elder Gods have basically replaced all religions in the game anyhow, there's no point in throwing someone like Jesus or Muhammud in there.
06/20/2011 10:14 PM (UTC)
You'd still be escaping reality, Spider804. As I said, Yahwee, Jesus and Allah haven't been proven to be anymore real than the Elder Gods or Shao Kahh. Just treat these characters as what they are, fictional.
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06/20/2011 10:39 PM (UTC)
Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy haven't been proven to exist either, do you want them in the game?

Look, I'm sure the number of people who DON'T want to kill Jesus and Allah and such greatly outnumber the number of people that do. Thus, you would see a grand decrease in sales because nobody would want to kill their creator. Or they just don't care that much. And you must factor in the MK fans who don't want to see any more guests characters. You can live in your fantasy world and think that controversy = money, but that isn't true. Controversy = notoriety. And notoriety isn't always a good thing.
06/20/2011 11:34 PM (UTC)
At first, I thought that this thread would have been serious since you said this:

DG1OA Wrote:
I know some will think this is trolling, but I assure you, it is not.

But then you had the audacity to blurt this out:

DG1OA Wrote:
Yes, but their opinions aren't valid. Since their believes are invalid

How do you know what opinions are valid and aren't depending on one's religion?

This clearly shows, you can't have religions going around in this game. No one can respect one's religious belief to the next...

Killing religious idols or characters who are supposed to be acting similar should stay away from video games. I don't care if controversy creates cash or whatever, but that's bullshit if I ever see it if someone wants to drag religion into video games and slaughtering people's beliefs.

Religion is one of the key factors why there's so much tension between several countries. Like we need more bullshit thrown up in the air to make a little bit more money. Sorry, but this is such an idiotic idea, I don't even care if there are supposed to be characters that are to pretend to be Jesus or Muhammad...
06/21/2011 03:00 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy haven't been proven to exist either, do you want them in the game?

Look, I'm sure the number of people who DON'T want to kill Jesus and Allah and such greatly outnumber the number of people that do. Thus, you would see a grand decrease in sales because nobody would want to kill their creator. Or they just don't care that much. And you must factor in the MK fans who don't want to see any more guests characters. You can live in your fantasy world and think that controversy = money, but that isn't true. Controversy = notoriety. And notoriety isn't always a good thing.

Icebaby Wrote:
At first, I thought that this thread would have been serious since you said this:

DG1OA Wrote:
I know some will think this is trolling, but I assure you, it is not.

But then you had the audacity to blurt this out:

DG1OA Wrote:
Yes, but their opinions aren't valid. Since their believes are invalid

How do you know what opinions are valid and aren't depending on one's religion?

This clearly shows, you can't have religions going around in this game. No one can respect one's religious belief to the next...

Killing religious idols or characters who are supposed to be acting similar should stay away from video games. I don't care if controversy creates cash or whatever, but that's bullshit if I ever see it if someone wants to drag religion into video games and slaughtering people's beliefs.

Religion is one of the key factors why there's so much tension between several countries. Like we need more bullshit thrown up in the air to make a little bit more money. Sorry, but this is such an idiotic idea, I don't even care if there are supposed to be characters that are to pretend to be Jesus or Muhammad...

Quoted for the freaking truth.
06/21/2011 03:26 AM (UTC)
I do have a less offending idea for a new villain: Des Ida.

Story: An overzealot and very impulsive Edenian politician, but popular none the less. He/She (gender doesn't matter) harbors an hatred for all other worlds, species and cultures.

Since no information of the official kind on the next game is available, I've decided to only post the essential aspects of the character.
06/21/2011 03:28 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I do have a less offending idea for a new villain: Des Ida.

Story: An overzealot and very impulsive Edenian politician, but popular none the less. He/She (gender doesn't matter) harbors an hatred for all other worlds, species and cultures.

Since no information of the official kind on the next game is available, I've decided to only post the essential aspects of the character.

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06/23/2011 08:52 AM (UTC)
If I didn't click this thread title, I would not have been insulted.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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06/23/2011 11:43 AM (UTC)
Troll thread or not, I have to be honest, I just don't see this going anywhere positive. My feelings for religion aside, putting currently believed religious icons into a game would cause more harm than good, and just lead to trouble for the future of the franchise. Plus, War Gods already exists.
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