Check out these fatalities
posted04/28/2007 02:53 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

Member Since
03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
OK The Kreate-A-Fatality system, alright since you're in control but other than that it sucked on MKA so I can care less for it. If that's what you want, then this ain't the thread for you so leave. I personally think that Ed Boon and the team should stick to the original fatalities where you do a button combination and then watch the show. Besides if you are a true MK fan, you would realize that, this is the way it was from the start and this is one of the biggest reasons why we MK geeks fell in love with Mortal Kombat in the first place.(please correct me if I'm wrong.) I have already posted this fatality under the "A darker MK..." thread but you guys really need to read this so here it goes again.
Raining Pieces: When Shao Khan or whoever says, FINISH HIM/HER,
Rain raises his arm and the sky begins to turn dark as if a thunder storm is comming.It begins to rain and as it gets darker you begin hearing the rumbling thunder and see the lighting as one of the clouds mysteriously come down in the form of a hand and grabs the opponent. The hand-shapped cloud then carries the opponent into the sky till the point where your victim dissappears in the clouds. Finally, the pouring rain becomes pouring blood followed by the bones and peieces of your opponent falling from the sky after a loud strike of lighting. When Rain sees this he then strikes a victory pose. FATALITY. Now Rain must have really been pissed off don't you think?
You guys can also post your own ideas for fatalities, and to make It challenging try to top mine. Don't worry I have more.....
Enjoy! glasses
03/30/2007 09:11 PM (UTC)
Shao Khan: he takes his hammer and does a spining swing and knocks the head off then puts the hammer back. and then (may get unwanted thoghts of shang tsung.)then he morphs in to sub-zero and freezes the rest of the body and shaders it. Shao Khan Wins! Fatality!grin (beat that how much do you know about MK!)
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03/30/2007 11:50 PM (UTC)
la_boy08 Wrote:
Shao Khan: he takes his hammer and does a spining swing and knocks the head off then puts the hammer back. and then (may get unwanted thoghts of shang tsung.)then he morphs in to sub-zero and freezes the rest of the body and shaders it. Shao Khan Wins! Fatality!grin (beat that how much do you know about MK!)

that was a pretty lame fatality dude....sry.
04/01/2007 01:55 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung would more likely have that fatality.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/10/2007 04:00 PM (UTC)
Now I'm a huge scorpion fan but I will use him for this one since him and Subby always end up fighting anyway so...
Sub Zero:
Spine Rip... nope not this time:
When the match is over and you hear the voice demand Sub-Zero to FINISH HIM refering to scorpion, Subby forces his hand through Scorpion's back. Just when you start thinking aww not another spine rip, Sub-Zero freezes his spine making the inside of Scorpions body completly frozen.
You can acutually see some of the ice comming from the Spectar's eyes.
In a sudden moment Subby then turns Scorpion facing him and KICKS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. *Notice I emphasize the way he kicks Scorpion.
This kick then sends Scorpion crashing against the wall or what ever is behind him shattering all of the bones and organs in his body. FATALITY.
So... what do you think?
04/10/2007 11:40 PM (UTC)
I made up one for Motaro, in his original look with four legs. It might be a little long, but it was the best i could think of. Also this fatality is made for the opponent to suffer.
Motaro starts off by lifting the opponent by his/her throat and rips off
their legs and slams them to the ground. The opponent tries to crawl
away,but Motaro walks behind the opponent and rears up on his
hind legs and slams down with his front legs and breaks the opponents
arms, in pain the opponent rolls over on thier back screaming in pain.
Motaro takes his tail and impales them through their mouth and lifts them
to his eye level and gives them a final evil grin and with a swift flick of his
tail he splits the opponents head up the middle, which causes the opponent to fly back a couple of feet. Motaro then give a victory roar.

That was my fatality hope you liked it, please leave your comments
positve or negative it dosent bother me.
04/12/2007 08:33 PM (UTC)

I found one for Baraka:

He uses his blades. First, he places one blade next to your waist, next he uses his other blade to slice you vertically and immediately after that his blade he placed next to your waist to slice you horizontally this time.

About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/13/2007 01:00 PM (UTC)
legend_armlet Wrote:

I found one for Baraka:

He uses his blades. First, he places one blade next to your waist, next he uses his other blade to slice you vertically and immediately after that his blade he placed next to your waist to slice you horizontally this time.

You know what? I like it. Simple and grusome. Pretty good stuff.glasses
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/13/2007 04:33 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I made up one for Motaro, in his original look with four legs. It might be a little long, but it was the best i could think of. Also this fatality is made for the opponent to suffer.
Motaro starts off by lifting the opponent by his/her throat and rips off
their legs and slams them to the ground. The opponent tries to crawl
away,but Motaro walks behind the opponent and rears up on his
hind legs and slams down with his front legs and breaks the opponents
arms, in pain the opponent rolls over on thier back screaming in pain.
Motaro takes his tail and impales them through their mouth and lifts them
to his eye level and gives them a final evil grin and with a swift flick of his
tail he splits the opponents head up the middle, which causes the opponent to fly back a couple of feet. Motaro then give a victory roar.

That was my fatality hope you liked it, please leave your comments
positve or negative it dosent bother me.

I like it. Sounds painful and very harsh, but that's Mortal Kombat for you. Or is it.... yeah pretty much grin
04/17/2007 09:23 PM (UTC)
Character: Tanya
Description: Tanya jumps on the opponent, putting both her feet on the opponent's shoulders, and she holds the opponent's head... Then she lets go of her opponent's head at the same time she jumps with such force, both arms launch down from the opponent's body and land on the floor... She goes a few feet up before coming down with a vertical human cannondrill, feet first, downward towards her opponent and screams "DIE". The attack slices the opponent vertically in half, and both sides fly sideways. She then grabs her opponents arms and holds the arms across her chest, crossing her arms.

Character: Tanya
Description: Tanya steps far back and propels her self forward high into the air. While in the air, she pulls out both Kobu Jotsu and does a Multi flipping split flip kick, flipping towards her opponent. She flies right over her opponent, screaming "HYAAAAA" like she does in MK:D, making a slicing sound, and lands in a split with both Kobu Jotsu held near each foot. The opponent stands there for about three seconds before falling, again sliced vertically in half, both halves fall to each side making a nasty sound. She then stands up and does her b+2,1,1,u+1 kobu jotsu combo and while the screen is darkening, puts both Kobu Jotsu to each side.

Character: Tanya
Description: Tanya starts charging a jumbo surging blast while chanting, when shes done, she throws it at her opponent and just before connecting, it takes a diamond laser web form. She then pauses for a moment to recharge, then she throws a surging blast at her opponent. When it connects, the opponent falls backward into diamond shaped peices. She then does her MK:D winning pose.

Character: Tanya

Description: Tanya turns invisible, and then the opponent starts getting badly beaten. Then the opponent flies into the air. while coming down, an enormous downword surging blast appears and as soon as it connects, the enemy explodes, all parts fly upward and Tanya reappears. As they land, all body parts miss Tanya except the head, it falls towards Tanya's head. As if she saw it coming, she grabs it , lowers it in front of her, makes eye contact with it, and says under her breathe, "Rest in peices". Her hand starts glowing and the head explodes. She then stands, lowers her hands to her sides, and innocently smiles.

Character: Reptile
Execution Distance: Sweep

Description: Does Reptile EVER get so full that he can't eat another victim's head? According to this Fatality, yes. A derivative of his Face Chew from MK4/MKG, Reptile spins his victim so that he/she/it faces away from him and proceeds to chomp on the victim's brains, chewing the brains as the victim's cranium is left as open as a convertible. However, Reptile feels that he can't eat, so he spits the brains back into his victim's open skull and pushes them away, saying "Where's my Alka-Seltzer?" as he walks off-screen.

Character: Sektor
Execution Distance: Close

Description: Fancy name for something so simple. Remember Kung Lao's Many Chops Fatality back in MK: SM? It starts similarly, with Sektor slicing off both of his victim's legs simultaneously, then quickly slicing off his victim's arms, all via his Dual Pulse Blades. The Tekunin Grandmaster then dissapears into the ground via a "cloud" of "binary code" as the now-limbless victim tries to crawl away on his/her stomach. Seconds later, Two energy blades pierce through the victim's torso as Sektor shoots up right out of the ground, his victim impaled on the Dual Pulse Blades through the chest. Sektor deactivates the Pulse Blades and steps back, the victim falling to the ground on his/her stomach again. Not satisfied, Sektor kneels down next to his victim and snaps his/her neck, gets back up on his feet and, for the sake of retro-ness, strikes his MK3 win pose.

Character: Cyrax
Execution Distance: Far

Description: This Fatality is not only a remake of Cyrax's old Helichopper Fatality from MK3, but also a tribute to it, since it happens to be one of my most favorite Fatalities aside from Baraka's Blade Lift and a whole bunch of others I just can't decide on. Cyrax's chest panel opens up and spews out two bombs, one landing half-way between him and his victim, and the other right at his victim's feet. The first bomb explodes, sending his victim skywards towards the second bomb, which upon detonating, juggles the victim skywards even higher. Now the camers switches to an aerial view of the victim, who, seconds later, are gorily shredded to gibs as Cyrax's whirling dreads show players how NOT to "get to the choppa!". The camera now switches back to ground view, where the victim's gibs rain down on the floor, followed by Cyrax landing safely as his dreads stop spinning. Cyrax strikes his win pose and shouts out "RETRO-NESS!!!" just for random silliness.

Character: Jade

Description: Jade starts her fatality by uppercutting her enemy high up into the air. Then, while the opponent is falling, she uses vanishing winds, reappearing with her bojotsu pointed diagonally towards the falling enemy. The enemy falls impaled into Jade's bojotsu, and Jade then turns and slams the opponent as hard as she can onto the floor while letting go of her bojotsu at the same time. The opponent explodes, launching the bojotsu high up into the air. Jade catches it when it falls down and she holds it diagonally from the floor, raises her hand in victory, and screams "kaaa" like she does in MK:D...

Character: Nitara

Description: Nitara starts her fatality by leaping on her opponent and sucking all the blood in their body. Then she flies back and takes out her Kama and proceeds to cut her enemy several times. She then steps back and spits blood at her enemy. The opponent splits into six peices (arms, legs, torso, head), shedding no blood. Nitara then grabs the torso and impales it with both Kama above her head, and then splits it by pulling both Kama to opposite sides. She then holds up the Kama, with both sides of the opponents torso, up in a victory pose.

Character: Scorpion

Description: Scorpion starts by throwing his spear into the opponent's torso(what a surprise) and holds it firmly in place for a few seconds. He then sends flame across the spears rope, which travel to the enemy and burn and blacken the enemy. He then does a teleport attack, teleporting the spear and body as well into the air. when he comes down with a dive kick, the black body lands first, and he lands on top of it, which pops the head, arms, and legs off. Then he takes one foot off the black torso and pulls the spear out, holding the torso with the other foot. He then puts his legs together and hands too his sides and bows towards the screen.

Character: Sub-Zero

Description: Sub-Zero creates an ice crystal in his hands, and then shoves it down the opponent's throat. About a second later, you can hear the freeze sound that Sub's freeze attacks make when they connect. Sub-zero then kicks the torso and you can hear a shattering sound. blood gushes out as broken frozen rib bones impale the opponents chest. He then kicks both legs, making shattering sounds and the frozen femurs impale through the knees. The opponent falls to the ground, and then Sub stomps on the chin, making the skull shatter, both eyeballs pop up, two shards of the skull take place of the eyes, and small shards fly out of the opponent's mouth, some of the skull, and some of the brain. The head appears flat afterwards. Sub does Raiden's MK:D winning pose with ice in place of lightning afterwards. He could have a Hara-Kiri like this of him swallowing an ice crystal and purposely dropping very hard on the floor...

Character: Baraka
Distance: Sweep

Description: Baraka extends his right arm blade and slashes at his victim's abdomen, ripping a horizontal gash just below the victim's rib cage. The Tarkatan warrior then drives his left hand into the victim's fresh wound, tearing out his/her stomach, liver, and intestines. As he removes his left hand from inside the victim's torso, he extends his left arm blade and slices off his victim's right arm as his right arm blade slices off the victim's left. Finally, Baraka drives both blades into the victim's heart, and with both feet, the Tarkatan kicks the victim's carcass off of his blades, leaving the victim's upper body a bloody, gutted-out mess complete with an exposed rib cage. Baraka closes this coup de grace with a barbaric battle cry like the one he does after performing his Blade Lift remake in MK:SM.

Character: Smoke
Distance: Sweep

Description: The first of my Nanobot Arsenal Fatality koncepts for Smoke, which takes advantage of the nanobot technology that he is literally made up from. The cyborg demon (since Deception, anyway) creates a cloud of smoke in front of him and steps back. He sticks his right forearm into the cloud of nanobots, which form around his right arm, turning it into a massive flail. Smoke takes a step foward and swings his flail at his his victim's left leg, gorily breaking it just below the knee. The victim stumbles back and falls on his/her ass as Smoke takes another swing at them, smashing them viciously in the face, spinning his victim around onto their stomach. The victim tries to crawl away as Smoke makes one last swing with the Cyber-Demon Flail, this time completely crushing the victim's head in one spectacular shower of gore-fest. The nanobots that made up the Smoke Flail dissapate and Smoke raises his right fist in triumph.

Character: Dairou

Description: Dairou begins to do his MK:D impact fatality. He lets go early, and all that happens is the ribcage breaks and a bit of blood comes out. When he lets go, he turns and does a tombstone drop, landing on the enemy, making them explode. He comes back up, blood stains on his clothes and blood all over his back and hair and lowers his hands to his sides.

Character: Kira

Description: Kira starts the fatality by taking out her dragon teeth daggers (that was unexpected, right). She then does a cannon ball, holding her daggers down as she does. She goes right past the enemy, and the enemy screams as his arms fall off after Kira lands. Then, she turns and throws her daggers up, then she uppercuts her armless enemy. As the opponent flies up, one dagger cuts off the opponent's head. When his head lands, the other dagger lands on it, impaling the opponent's head right in the nose. Kira then picks up both daggers, one still holding the head, and does a winning pose.

Character: Ermac

Description: Ermac starts by taking out his axe. Then he levitates both the axe and his enemy in the air. He makes them both face each other, and then crosses his hands, which makes the axe cross the opponent. He then changes the opponent's angle, and uncrosses his hands, making the axe cross the opponent again. He repeats this a few times, then slams the still whole opponent on the floor, making them bounce into peices, leaving only the still alive head and chest of the opponent. He then slams the axe right onto the neck, splitting head and torso. He then levitates his axe back to him, wipes some blood off it, and lifts it up into the air in triumph.

Character: Smoke
Distance: Far

Description: The second of my Nanobot Arsenal Fatality Koncepts, Smoke once again begins by creating a cloud of smoke in front of him. This time, he sticks his left forearm in the smoky cloud, the nanobots in the cloud morphing his left forearm into a mostrous, demonic-looking 3-barreled vulcan gun. Upon seeing this, the victim attempts to run (No surprise there, and who WOULDN'T run upon seeing such a weapon?), only for Smoke to tear the victim's legs off with a stream of lead-induced carnage. The victim, now on his/her stomach, tries to crawl away as Smoke dissapears in a cloud of...smoke. Seconds later, the victim is inexplicably knocked onto his/her back, and the victim's right arm looks like it somehow got "torn" off (Guess how.). Smoke reappears right in front of his victim and in the spirit of Mortal Kombat, completely empties everything in the Demon Vulcan's ammo drum into the victim's chest and abdomen, shattering the victim's rib cage, turning the lungs into Swiss cheese, making the heart and stomach explode, and splattering other miscellaneous organs and bits of flesh (The victim is obviously dead at this point!). The Demon Vulcan dissapates, and with his left forearm back to normal, Smoke raises his left fist in a show of his merciless power. (And he didn't even have to decapitate his victim either...)

Character: Jax
Input: D, B, D, F, 4
Distance: Sweep

Description: This one is pretty simple. Jax rushes his victim and tackles them to the floor. On top of his victim, Jax punishes his victim with multiple, super-fast Piston Punches to the head. After a few seconds of that, Jax draws his right arm back and drives his cyberknetic fist into the victim's face so hard that his/her head explodes on impact. Our heroic soldier then gets up, raises his right arm in triumph, and then snaps a salute in victory.

Character: Kung Lao
Distance: Far

Description: I made this one as a change of pace, juxaposing my silly Fatality ideas with my gory ones. Kung Lao takes off his right boot and flings it at the victim's head. The victim gets hit by it, holds his/her forehead and says "OW! That really hurt! You fight like a girl! Honestly, who throws a shoe--". At that point, Kung Lao has already gotten irritated and furiously flings his hat at the victim, decapitating him/her. Kung Lao safely catches his hat and puts it back on as his right boot inexplicably "teleports" back onto his right foot. Free Kitana, Jade, and Ermac plushies for the first person who can guess the reference

Character: Jax
Distance: Close

Description: Jax performs a quick ground pound, stunning his victim. He then grabs his victim and flings him/her high into the sky. The victim fall into Jax's hands, who then immediately breaks the victim's back over his back. Jax repeats this two more times, then forcefully tosses the victim onto the ground, face up. Jax takes a few steps back, and, like in his Deadly Alliance Fatality, leaps into the sky and lands on his victim. This time, 300+ pounds of U.S. Special Forces muscle lands on the victim's chest, causing the head and arms to pop off like corks. Jax then raises both arms in triumph.

Character: Jax

Description: Stealing Drahmin's throw and mixing it with his machine gun, he plants his foot firmly on the opponent's and starts emptying the contents of his gun all over the opponent's body. The opponent swings back and forward furiously, though never forward enough to hit Jax and never far enough back to fall. He then stops, letting go of the opponent, the opponent still alive, but with more holes than a sponge. He quickly, before the opponent falls, does a ground pound, which easily explodes the enemy into bloody peices. He then does Stryker's MK:3 pose.

Character: Drahmin

Description: To start his fatality, he strikes them multiple times quickly with his iron club, only close enough to penetrate the skin. When he stops, the opponent has small holes in their clothes and skin. He then rips their skin off with a close range uppercut that doesn't connect close enough to send them flying or even knock them back. The rotflies circling Drahmin quickly swarm the skinless opponent and strip them of their muscle tissue, leaving only a bloody skeleton and organs. While the skeleton bends and falls and the organs land, he does his funky roar and raises his iron club and the opponent's skin with it...

Character: Kano

Description: Kano takes his knives out for his fatality. first, he shoves one of them in the opponent's body and pulls it to the side, taking the liver and stomach with it. Then, he shoves the other a bit above where the first was and pulls it up, taking the heart, lungs, skull, and spine along with the knife. He then impales his knife and pulls it to the other side, taking the kidneys. He slices the arms and legs off with his laser, and finished off by using a cannonball to send flying whats left... With the skull and spine on one knife, and kidneys on the other, he raises his knives for a victory pose

Character: Quan Chi

Description: Quan chi takes out his broadswords to slice up the opponent down the middle vertically and horizontally, and then he strikes the neck, shoulders, and knees making the head and arms dangle, while the lower part of the legs stay intact. To end his fatality, he throws a skull fireball at the oppopnent's chest. It separates the sliced body parts, holds the head and heart in its mouth, and returns to Quan Chi. Quan Chi impales both heart and head with each broadsword, raises the swords to make the body parts slowly slide down the blade to the hilt, lets a bit of blood drop into his mouth, and then lets out a maniachal laughter with both swords still held up in the air and with blood slowly dropping down his cheek.

Character: Mokap
Distance: Close

Description: Mokap pulls out a pocket TV and hands it to the victim. The victim looks at the pocket TV's screen and after two seconds, his/her eyes widen. Very soon, their nose begins to bleed. The nosebleed continues to the point there is blood spilling out of the victim's ears as well. Mokap now walks behind his highly distracted victim and prods the victim in the back of the head, inexplicably causing his/her head to explode. The headless carcass collapses fowards in a pool of blood and brains as Mokap retrieves the pocket TV saying "That video of Kitana and Jade always works...Heh! (Let's not ask what exactly Mokap showed the now-dead victim on that pocket TV, shall we?)

Character: Quan Chi
Distance: Sweep

Description: A gory remake of what is considered Quan Chi's worst Fatality ever, the sorcerer hops up on the back of the victim's shoulders and grabs his/her head. He now pulls the head up, causing the flesh and blood vessels in the victim's neck to tear apart, splattering blood and flesh as more and more of his/her spinal cord is exposed. Satisfied with what he has done, Quan Chi leaps kicks off of his victim's shoulders and does a mid-air spin kick that breaks the exposed portion of the victim's spinal cord, detaching the head and part of the spine from the rest of the body. The sorcerer now laughs evily at his latest kill.

Character: Kitana
Distance: Far

Description: Kitana starts by whipping her Steel Fans out and slashing upwards with her right fan. The wave generated slices off the victim's left arm. She then continues by slicing downwards at a slight inward angle with her left fan, the wave generated slicing off the lower half of the victim's right arm and creating a huge gash in the victim's right leg. The Edenian princess then squats down and slices horizontally with both fans and quickly slices upwards with the left fan, first generating paired waves that slice off the victim's legs followed up by a vertical wave that slices off what's left of the victim's right arm before striking a win pose. The victim, limbless and lying on his/her back, shouts out "It's just a flesh wound.", annoying Kitana, who responds by carelessly tossing one of her Steel Fans into the air behind her before walking off-screen. That Steel fan gets lodged into the forehead of the victim, slicing through completely as the brains spill out.

Character: Smoke (Obviously)
Distance: Sweep

Description: You can say this is an Alucard tribute of sorts. Smoke dissapears in a cloud of smoke (as usual), and mysteriously, breaks both of the victim's kneecaps before reappearing in front of his victim. Smoke taunts his victim by telling them to regenerate their legs, then calls them a piece of %%%% before saying they get to be dog %%%%. The cyborg demon's right arm gruesomely begins to mutate into a monstrous, 3-headed robotic hellhound, which "shoots" out and gorily tears the victim apart, devouring his/her head, torso, arms, hips, and legs, all the while spilling organs all over the floor, eventually eating those too. Smoke's right arm returns to normal as the cyborg demon coldly crosses his arms, looking away from the screen as the camera shows all that is left of the victim: a pool of blood.

Character: Ermac
Distance: Far

Description: Ermac's forehead and hands glow with the essence of the souls that he is composed of. He then reaches at his victim, closes his hands, and quickly whips both his arms upwards. Via TK energy, this breaks both of the victim's arms at the elbow, leaving them limp. Ermac now pulls both his arms back, ripping the victim's arms free from their sockets, the victim screaming out loud in uber-anguish. Ermac now thrusts his right hand forwards at chest-level, closes his right hand, and draws his right arm back, the telekenetic energy ripping the victim's heart out. He now reaches for his victim's right leg, closes his hands as if he was actually clutching the leg, and "pulls" it back at him, causing the victim's right leg to rip completely free. To end the damn screaming once and for all, Ermac now places his hands in front of him, making it look like he's trying to crush something between both of his hands. The victim's head shakes violently during this and when Ermac finally puts both of his hands together, the victim's head explodes as if Ermac crushed his/her head with his bare hands. Ermac then levitates in mid-air in a show of his telekenesis' power and victory.

Character: Sonya
STANCE: sweep distance

Sonya does her leg grab special moves to place her feet around the opponent's neck, to rip his head and spine.

Character: Raiden
Stance: one screen away
Rayden starts running 2 or 3 seconds, then performs his torpedo special moves to reach the opponent around the breast and crosses it by making an hole.

Character: Scorpion

First Scorpion throws his spear into the opponet yelling (you know what) then does a really high pop up attack that send them flying then he throws his spear again grabs them pulls them into the ground slamming them and breaking all their bones then pulls out sword decapitates them and takes off mask breathes fire and dan forden says TOASTY!!!!!! times 10x

Kung Lao

first follows up with seom roundhouose kicks and throws his hat into their chest walks over pulls it out then starts to walk away and turns around for a decapitation then teleports behind the headless body and uppercuts the head into the air then it falls and splats against the ground.

Character: Sub-Zero
Description: Like in one of his Deception Fatalities, Subby begins by freezing the legs of his victim. This time, he doesn't shatter their frozen legs just yet. The Lin Kuei Grandmaster instead draws his right arm back and thrusts it into the victim's chest, ripping out his/her heart. Subby continues his carnage-fest by ripping out the victim's rib cage, stomach, liver, and intestines before ripping off both arms and bashing him/her with each arm once. He throws both of the victim's arms on the ground afterwards, then proceeds to gouge out one of the victim's eyes. To add to the suspense, Subby walks away from the victim, whose arm-less and gutted-out carcass is held upright since the legs are still frozen. Two seconds later, Subby turns around and does a sweep kick that shatter's the victim's legs and before the victim's carcass can hit the ground, Sub-Zero catches the victim by the head and brutally snaps his/her neck. The Lin Kuei Grandmaster raises his right fist in victory.

Character: Reptile
Distance: one jump away

Reptile removes his mask then rolls up his tongue around his/her opponent's body then strangles him/ her body so strong that the opponent explodes into pieces.

Character: Mileena
Distance: close
Mileena takes her knifes and cuts her opponent's skins then removes her mask to eat it.
04/18/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
Character: Sub-Zero
Description: SZ freezes the person's legs, then head. Then, grabs the heart, and spine. Before that, he hits the enemy 10 times. After getting them injured, SZ uses the deep freeze fatality from MK2 and freezes the enemy to the point that they won't be thawed. Then, he destroys it.

Character: Scorpion
Description: Basically, a hellraiser 3d version. Scorpion takes the enemy to his home(you know where it is), then 10 Scorpions come up and start beating the enemy up. Then all of them use either the Toasty fatality or use spears, then burn all of the remains.
04/19/2007 11:11 AM (UTC)
I loved Darkhound's Fatality for Motaro. Good work, man.

I've always wanted to see Li Mei have this Fatality, don't ask me why:

The opponent is standing there dazed. Li Mei gets a little momentum, then kicks them through the stomach/groin around. Her foot goes right through her opponent, as they are bewildered by the power of her kick, Li Mei is not too surprised. She then does kind of a cartwheel/backflip, with her foot still through the adversary, and she drives them on their head/neck with such velocity, that they explode as her foot slices up through their torso.

Nitara could summon nightmarish bat-like creatures to pick apart her opponent. Nothing fancy. She doesn't actually do anything during this Fatality, she just lets her powers do it for her.

Another idea for Motaro:

Motaro faces the opponent, and he sends his tail through their chest...he then wraps it around their neck. He pulls the opponent back along his tail, angling it so their upper spine is compacted via the pull-back. It's hard to explain, but in theory I think it works.

I've always wanted to just see Mileena throw Sais at her enemy, in places where it doesn't kill them, but just causes them pain, as they crawl around trying to escape, only to have her continue to do it, until finally she shows mercy, and throws one right between their eyes. If the MK Team wants to get cute, they could reveal she made her opponent crawl around in the pattern of the word "Die".
04/19/2007 09:05 PM (UTC)
Awesome fatalitiesgrin
04/23/2007 03:49 AM (UTC)
I've got a new one and its for smoke. Smoke walks up to opponent and makes his right arm turn into a cloud of smoke. He then forces the opponent to inhale just his right arm. While his arm is inside of the opponent he turns only his hand back to normal and starts tearing the opponents insides up, he then turns his whole arm back to smoke
and removes from the opponents body. He watches as the opponent
goes into a slight and brief seizure, while blood is pouring from their
mouth and nose, they slowly fall to their knees and then face first to the
ground. Smoke then gives a victory pose.
04/24/2007 06:31 PM (UTC)
heres 1 4 sub-zreo he freezes their head then turns them around punches them so hard that their head explodes then he reaches through thier back freezes them again then takes a few steps back then runs and dropkicks them off a clifffuriousgringrin
04/25/2007 04:56 AM (UTC)
Sub Zero:
Sub Zero makes a sheet of extremely cold ice in front of his opponent
then gives the opponent a knee straight to the gut. As the opponents
bends over in pain, Sub Zero grabs them by the back of their head and
slams them down on the sheet of ice. The opponent yells in pain from
the extreme coldness, which has basicaly glued them to the ice. Sub zero
then walks up behind the opponent and grabs them by their shoulders
and slowly starts to peel them off the ice. The opponent is screaming
in pain and finally with a huge jerk, he rips them from the ice. The
opponent is now thrashing on the ground hystericly, because all their
skin has been ripped from the front of their body, Sub Zero then takes
out his sword and drives it into the opponents skull to end their suffering
once and for all.

Crax walks up to his opponents and kicks them in the chest and then in
the face,as the opponent staggers he takes out his pulse blade and slices
the opponents legs off. The opponents is now trying to crawl away, but Cyrax walks up to them and steps on their face, stunning them again. To
ends this, his huge robotic claw emerges from his chest and grabs the
opponents and starts to sqeeze the opponent. The opponents screams
in pain as their bones start to break and their organs began to crush. The
opponent then starts to bleed from their mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. Finally the opponent stops screaming, while their limp, bloody, and lifeless
body still in the robotic claws grip, it arches back and chunks the opponents body to the floor. Cyrax watches as the opponents body slowly
skids on the floor leaving a bloody trail behind it. He then gives a well
deserved victory pose.
04/25/2007 01:48 PM (UTC)
Thought of one for Scorpion: Scorpion pulls his mask off revealing his skeleton face, then the opponent screams and starts running away in horror/desperation. Scorpion then throws his spear into the running opponents leg, says "Get Over Here!", and pulls the opponent to the ground violently. Then Scorpion does the toasty fatality on his opponent lighting his legs and back on fire. The opponent is screaming and trying to crawl away. Scorpion comes up behind them and delivers a brutal kick to the back of his opponent's head, killing him/her... and one for Cyrax: Cyrax opens his chest and his green net flings out engulfing his opponent. The opponent is trying to get the net off there body. then the net starts to tighten quickly. The opponent starts screaming as the net is crushing every bone in their body. in the end the net would crush The opponents body into a bloody, mangled mess as the opponent lays dead...
04/27/2007 02:41 AM (UTC)
here is a scorpion fatality he tears of his mask to the skeleton face the n he shoots his spear in his oppenent and blows fire on the end of it burning him from the inside outfurioussleep
04/27/2007 10:44 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74. That Motaro Fatality rules!smile
04/28/2007 02:53 AM (UTC)
Hey man Thanks
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