Characters that should return and their changes...
posted01/14/2006 05:37 PM (UTC)by
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02/06/2005 10:22 PM (UTC)
I'm cuttin right to the chase with this one.

Sheeva-I liked her. She was the first Shokan we got to play as and was actually like a normal character. I have Deception for Gamecube, and Goro is cool, but he is still like playing as a boss. His combos aren't long at all, and it just feels like playing as him on Trilogy to me.

Striker-Ok, he simply sucked back in the day. It would have been an OK character, but he was a fat cop who looked like he was in his 40's with no real chance of surviving Mortal Kombat. This time, he should look like a swat member, lose some weight, cut his hair, and stop using those damn weapons. A night stick would do just fine.

Reptile-His look in DA killed me but his Shoulin Monks uniform was kool. Although I think he should have used his VS alternate for the primary costume in Shaolin Monks, the one he has now would be perfect for the next game.

Sub-Zero-His Deception "Shredder" wear was good, but it was more like the classic Sub than the young one. This time he should have his mask off and a ninja suit like he did in Shaolin Monks.

Noob Saibot- I'm just getting tired of this guy. He was good in Trilogy/UMK3, but he had not real "shadow" like powers in Deception like he should. Forget that he is the old Sub-Zero, and bring back the ALL black Noob!

Smoke-No more cyborg for me. Im simply sick of seeing Smoke in a robot uniform, although he never really had a story until he got automated. I'm sure I speak for just about everyone when I say I would much rather see his Lin Kuei "ninja" wear return, if it were possible.

Khameleon-This would be a perfect time for Khameleon to have her own story and moves. No more copying off people, and not a Reptile ripoff either. Khameleon could have at least one move from Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, but the rest would be hers. She would still be wearing silver too, but she would be transparent.

Kano-I would like to see his classic MK1 form return. No special upgrades, but his classic move style, including his eye lazer.

KINTARO!-Yes, the best sub-boss ever. Of course he wouldn't be playable, maybe unlockable somehow, but he should definatley come back with his Shaolin Monks attire. He should still have his stomp move, fireball, grab, but other moves I would like to see would be a Shao Kahn charge move, a tackle move where he gets down on all 6's and lunges (catlike). Maybe he could have a cape like Kahn too.

Thats bout it....for now....Post your thoughts and ideas please. thanx.
01/10/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)
myfavorite character-rain is dead but a insane comeback(like lu kangs) would be pretty awsom
01/10/2006 05:30 AM (UTC)
Some of it's great and some of it's well..not so great. The most noticable part being where you said forget about Noob Saibot being the old Sub-Zero. To be honest with you I think that's a great plot twist implemented by midway. He now has three possible storylines (assuming his deception ending isn't canon)

A feud with his brother Sub-Zero.

A feud with Scorpion obviously because the man Scorpion assumed he had once killed is back. (i hope it goes this way it would actually give Scorpion a purpose again)

Noob Saibot achieving more allies such as Smoke and becoming a serious threat to the realms like Shao Kahn and Onaga.

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01/10/2006 06:47 PM (UTC)
Nitara should return or else... I'll be furious

01/10/2006 07:05 PM (UTC)
Many should return, some have better chances then others, but still, everyone should be given a chance.

For instance, lets start with the classic “one time wondersâ€?:

Sheeva (though we have been told she was “killedâ€?, Im sure she could had just been “defeatedâ€?, that’s what they have done after all with most of characters that have returned from the “deathâ€?)
(Im not sure if I left someone)

Those really need a chance.

Then we have the new unused ones from MKDA and MKD:

Moloch (hmmm)
Hsu Hao (hmmm)
Kira (hope not if not improved)
Kobra (hope not if not improved)
Darrius (hope not if not imrpoved)
Dairiou (hope not if not improved)
Shujinko (not necessarily important anymore)

The point is, there are many characters to choose, so I think they should involve some of them to help the story, not just add them there to ruin it or do nothing.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

01/10/2006 08:55 PM (UTC)
I always liked Noob Saibot for his mystique and Not for being the Classic Subby.

An All Black Noob Saibot is good. Also Make Noob Saibot a ShadowMancer.

Basicly ShadowMancer becomes the Shadow of whom he "use".

In Mk3, Noob Saibot was an all black pallet swap of Kano.

And In Mk2, He was an All black pallet swap of Scorpion.

So make that one of Noob Saibot's abilities. Also Return all of his older abilities too.

01/10/2006 10:07 PM (UTC)
I'm thinkin I would also like to add Fujin to the list. He was supposed to be the protector of Earth after MK4 was over, but we still have Raiden. Don't get me wrong, Raiden is good and all, but I'm really tired of him. I like Fujin better.
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01/10/2006 10:26 PM (UTC)
Smoke01 Wrote:
Striker-Ok, he simply sucked back in the day. It would have been an OK character, but he was a fat cop who looked like he was in his 40's with no real chance of surviving Mortal Kombat. This time, he should look like a swat member, lose some weight, cut his hair, and stop using those damn weapons. A night stick would do just fine.

That might actually get me excited about a character that's just been a joke from the get-go.
Smoke01 Wrote:
Sub-Zero-His Deception "Shredder" wear was good, but it was more like the classic Sub than the young one. This time he should have his mask off and a ninja suit like he did in Shaolin Monks.

As much as I disliked the Shredder look, I really don't want to see things reverse back too closely to the palette swaps. I really want all of these guys to look like individuals. ESPECIALLY Sub-Zero and Scorpion, who deserve a seperation.
I didn't mind his look in Deadly Alliance.
Smoke 01 Wrote:
Noob Saibot- I'm just getting tired of this guy. He was good in Trilogy/UMK3, but he had not real "shadow" like powers in Deception like he should. Forget that he is the old Sub-Zero, and bring back the ALL black Noob!

Couldn't agree more. Strong fighting style, and an all black appearance, more like his alternate costume.
Even his ending storyline just felt, to me, like it was taking Noob several steps back. The Sub-Zero reveal was fair enough, and plants seeds for an interesting future, but Noob went from being a favourite, to being... a Noob. tongue
01/11/2006 03:24 AM (UTC)
I definitely think Noob needs to maintain his currently storyline..but yeah..his all black appearance was really good, Didn't like his primary in Deception, at all.
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------------> DO
01/14/2006 06:49 AM (UTC)
1.Reptile(no freaken lizard head)
2.Sektor(make his armor look different than Cyrax's)
3.Shinnok(make him look more sicc like how they did with Quan Chi)
4.Rain(make him look updated)
Nd dats about it.
About Me

01/14/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
ive just gotta say your sig is awesome

and if Sektor comes back looking like your sig, sektor could become one of my favourite characters
01/14/2006 05:37 PM (UTC)
s3Kt0r Wrote:
1.Reptile(no freaken lizard head)
2.Sektor(make his armor look different than Cyrax's)
3.Shinnok(make him look more sicc like how they did with Quan Chi)
4.Rain(make him look updated)
Nd dats about it.

If there's one thing I want it's for Midway to be inspired by your signature when they work on Sektor.
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