Characters of *equal importance*
posted03/21/2005 04:14 AM (UTC)by
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09/05/2003 07:16 AM (UTC)
I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Jade only exists to further Kitana's storyline. Nightwolf's presence in MKD is completely irrelevant. Li Mei will never defeat the final boss, and Hotaru will never lead an invasion of the Earth.

Is it too much to ask that each character in the game actually has the potential to alter the storyline or make a lick of difference, instead of basically having the final boss, the Earthrealm heroes, and Raiden as the only characters that mean anything in any given game. I'm tired of b-plot storylines that have characters like Nitara, Reptile and Cyrax hunting for arbitrary orbs just to give them a reason to even be in the game. I'm sick of characters like Tanya whose endings are always farfetched and never canon.

It can't be that hard.
03/21/2005 04:14 AM (UTC)
I personally like the sub-plots of characters. I like that not every character is either fighting for the main boss or fightng against the main boss. IMO, it'd get boring if it was that way all the time.

While characters like Sareena, Noob Saibot or the others involved with that storyline may technically not be that "important," I'm more interested in what will happen with them than what's going to happen with Shujinko and Onaga.

The problem is some sub-plots aren't as developed.
Jade for example, as you said, has always been a suppoting player in Kitana's plot. But having her feud with Tanya is a step in a right direction. I see a lot of potential in a Jade/Tanya feud, they just need to go deeper.
The whole Seido sub-plot probably would've been more interesting if they played the "Darrius really had Dairou's family killed" card and actually did something with it. But they didn't and the story fell flat.
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