Characters In Need of Change...
posted12/28/2006 06:51 AM (UTC)by
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02/19/2004 05:54 PM (UTC)
Even though Ed Boon claimed Armageddon is meant to be the big send-off for most of the characters and the next gen will be completely different...I think we should all know by now that just because Boon says something, doesn't always means it'll happen.

If a large number of old or "classic" characters come back, many are in desperate need of drastic change. If Armageddon isn't going to be the end of a lot of characters, let it at least be the end of a lot of their current storylines. So this thread is about the characters who are in need of something new if they're to continue on to the next generation.

I'll start with a few:

Get her the hell away from Edenia. Kitana's act as the noble princess fighting to save/protect Edenia has gotten old. It's starting to limit her role in the storyline because it's getting to the point where anything that in Edenia is Kitana's problem. And also, since Edenia has been freed and restored, it's becoming very contrived to think of ways to involve in the plot again and again. And on top of everything else, Kitana's role as "princess" has started to give her this nasty stigma that she's a fragile, frail damsel...essentially, a typical Disney princess.
For these reasons...and maybe more that I haven't thought of...Kitana needs to get the hell away from Edenia. Have it that Edenia is completely annihilated during Armageddon. Or, if not that, maybe something so horrible happens...or Kitana does something so unforgivable...that she renounces her title as princess and leaves. What this does is it gives Kitana a clean slate. No longer bound to Edenia and it's fate, she'll be free to do...just about anything. Also, the ordeal can leave Kitana bitter and darker as a character...maybe returning her closer to her assassin roots. Where would she go from there? How will she pick up the pieces of her life after it's shattered a second time? And what troubles and conflicts will she run into along the way?
Kitana's current storyline is going stale....if not stale already. And simply promoting Kitana to "queen" isn't going to solve that problem. If anything, it'll make it worse. I've said is before, I'll say it again: after Armageddon, either have Kitana retire with a happy ending or bring her back and ruin her life.

I think few would argue that Scorpion is very high on the list of characters in desperate need of story changes. And unlike others, we KNOW Scorpion is coming back. Scorpion needs some serious change and what they offer in Armageddon....wanting revenge on the Elder Gods, his clan & family brought back to life, Quan Chi kidnapping his NOT the way to go.
Bringing back the Shirai Ryu and Scorpion's family is an extremely bad idea on many levels. First of all, it's redundent. We already have Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Sektor, Kabal, and mabye more that I'm forgetting running their own clans. We don't need yet another one. Second, this whole time Scorpion's been fighting for his family/clan and them just coming back really trivializes everything Scorpion's fought for. And finally, Scorpion is a LONER. Giving him a whole damn clan doesn't help him any.
And the revenge bit is beyond old and dead. Wanting revenge against the Elder Gods is so nonsensical...I don't even feel the point in discussing it. And Quan Chi....I've seen some people rationalize that it's not "revenge"'s "rescuing" his son. Here's the thing: at the end of the day, it's still Scorpion bitching about his family. And that's one of the things that needs to change about Scorpion. He needs to get over his family and find a new purpose. It's been over 13 years and Scorpion is still carrying a torch for his family. They're dead. Kill Quan Chi and MOVE ON!!!
How to solve Scorpion's problems? Leave his family & clan dead much as I like him...let Scorpion get his reveng on Quan Chi. From there, I say develope Scorpion as the Champion of the Elder Gods. Run with that, thus forcing Scorpion to get involved with whatever future plots come around. In my storyline, I have Scorpion remain Champion because he seeks to regain his honor because his quest for vengeance consumed him.
He can go anywhere...but please: no more family and no more revenge. And do away with the "Scorpion can never die" thing. It's really dumb.

That's all I feel like typing about at the moment. I'll post more on other characters later.
11/02/2006 11:50 AM (UTC)
Good ideas.

Frankly, if the Red or Black dragons show up, I want them overhauled.

Red Dragon: Has a guy in a long coat with hookswords, and a guy with a cyborg heart that shoots lasers.
Black Dragon: Has a guy in a long coat with hookswords, and a guy with a cyborg eye that shoots lasers. Oh, and a pair of useless rehashes of they guy with the cyborg eye. And a Ken Masters ripoff.

Seriously, I like Kano, Mavado, and Kabal, but I don't really see how much they can be involved. Frankly, I think the story should grow past crime syndicates and the like. That said, I want them to differ it up. Change it around a bit.

For instance, Mavado's backstory was originally going to have him be a Matador, so why the hell does he use hookswords (aside from the fact that Kabal used them)? Give him a saber or something.

For Kano, I'd try something along the lines of the suicide squad. He's caught, jailed, and scheduled to be executed, but somebody in the Special Forces, because most SF guys died when Hsu Hao blew up the building, decides that, as long as they can keep Kano on a leash, he could serve their interests. So, Kano's reported to have "escaped", and is sent around, killing people that the US government can't for political reasons. He's still in jail most of the time, and when he's not, has an explosive implanted in his body.

Kabal's story is still kinda decent, but I'd like to play up him having mixed feelings about renouncing his past. Make his clan, though anarchistic, more honorable. And keep Havik on as his advisor, just to connect the two.
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11/02/2006 10:34 PM (UTC)
they are... classics
and i think they need no change :P
11/02/2006 11:35 PM (UTC)
robsonfp Wrote:
they are... classics
and i think they need no change :P're kidding, right..?

Moving on...

If Mileena comes back, her solution is actually fairly simple: get over Kitana. The Kitana/Mileena feud was great and it's, IMO, the best rivaly in MK....but it's time for it to end. All Mileena's wanted since day one was essentially one-upping Kitana. It's time for to move on and do something else.
What I think should happen is in Armageddon is Mileena realizes that Kitana actually is not the source of all her problems and it's not really Kitana's fault her life's Shao Kahn's fault. Upon realizing this, Mileena finally lets go of her hatred for Kitana. Not saying the suddenly become best friends...they just go their separate ways.
This way if Mileena comes back she can forge a new life and identity for herself without being tied to Kitana. She can mellow out and become a good guy (not saying that's what I want, but it's a possiblity). She could stay evil and try to take power in Outworld. She could become neutral and only fight for her own goals or be a mercenary. She could become a good guy, but still be psychotic and violent...kind of like Venom. If Baraka comes back she can feud with him or maybe other Tarkatans. She can have a rivalry with Tanya for power. If Kahn's still around she could be after him.
She could do long as she gets over Kitana. Like Scorpion's endless quest for's time to move on.

Like Mileena, if Jade comes back, she needs to get out of Kitana's shadow. As of now, Jade has been little more than Kitana's sidekick. She needs to be developed into her own character with her own purpose. Thus far, just about everything Jade's done has been in relation to Kitana.
It's hard to say where and what Jade should do in the next gen because we still know very little about her. She needs more developement. They should delve into her past and background. Have her interact and feud with different characters. Having her feud with Tanya was a step in the right direction...they just need to develope that.

Shao Kahn:
If Kahn survives Armageddon and returns in the next gen he must Emperor of Outworld again. It's been done and it's old. Kahn had his time as's over. If he comes back, he has to do something new.
I think having Kahn de-powered and trying to rebuild his empire is a good direction for him in the next gen. Make him go rogue with no allies or army. Force him to fight bigger and greater evils than himself. I'd rather see what he does and how far he gfoes to regain his former strength than just see him as the boss....yet again.
And use this to develope him some more. Let's find out more about his background and history. They said he was once like Raiden. How much like Raiden? Was he a good man who became corrupted by something? Why his apparent sympathy for Kitana & Sindel? Did he actually have feelings for them and if so, why? If Kitana and/or Sindel make it into the next gen too, have them interact.
Shao Kahn was the boss and main bad guy of the old generation. Therefore, if he comes back, he should NOT be the boss and main bad guy of the next generation. That's kind of the point of a new generation.

That'll be all for now.
11/03/2006 12:04 AM (UTC)
Great ideas as usual, Xiahoudun.
11/03/2006 12:05 AM (UTC)
Scorpion- needs to lose the whole life revolving around revenge thing imo.

Shinnok- needs to be a little smarter on A; you can't mean to tell me he never thought his clone would become powerful and try to overthrow him? Pathitic imo.furiousfurious
11/03/2006 02:08 AM (UTC)
Awsome Ideas XD84!
11/03/2006 02:26 AM (UTC)
Make him less of an idiot. Frankly, very few of the plot twists in MKA's Konquest mode really upset me. Sure, the Supervillain conference where Quan Chi basically said "Yeah, we're all going to betray each other for ultimate power. So lets go find some ultimate power!" was bad, but in a funny way. But seconds later, Raiden shows up, and, he made a deal with Shao Kahn. And that pissed me off.

Turning evil shouldn't also mean turning stupid. I don't care if he's a crazy dictator obsessed with Earthrealm's safety. The mere fact that he's trusting the word of a meglomaniacal dictator dressed in bondage gear should clue you off to the fact that something's up.

I liked his characterization in his Deception ending ending. Possibly corrupted by something or other, now cynical of the deeds of man, lacking the patience and understanding he once had. They could've made something out of this. And what transpired? Raiden, Lord of Thunder and Lightening and Idiocy!

Oh, and if he shows up in Next-Generation Konquest, give him some humor, like Chris Lambert had.
11/03/2006 06:48 PM (UTC)
Mileena should wear less clothing, she is dressed much to much, imho.
11/03/2006 08:27 PM (UTC)
Since I think any character can come back at any given point, I'll post some:

Kitana - I would love for them to develop her, but I honestly can't think of much to do with her besides protecting Edenia from Mileena/Tanya/Shao Kahn and other forces of evil. Maybe I'm just not creative enough with her.....but I think a good way to wrap things up with her is too have a big showdown with Shao Kahn and some of his minions. Kitana and Mileena's hatred should burn out. Maybe if Kitana gets kidnapped by another force or becomes tainted with evil....It'll help her story. I actually like the idea of her becoming slightly evil again....trying to overcome her past. It would be nice to see how Mileena and Rain would respond to this.

Mileena - I like the love/hate relationship with Baraka, the two should constantly be after each other, always trying to bring each other down a notch whenever the given chance. Like a few others said.....I think Mileena should try and go her own route on becoming a princess or atleast someone. She would still be the same Mileena.....the bad attitude, everything, but her hatred with Kitana would now be settled. Now that I think about it, Mileena should be really pissed off at Kahn; should be after him.

Sareena - A favourite of mine. I like the idea of her helping out Sub-Zero. She should constantly be trying to fight out the demon in her, which is always changing her personality. Noob Saibot would be haunting her in her dreams, trying to persuade her into joining him again; becoming who she once was. It would be a mind game, and seeing a rivalry with.....

Frost - Would be sweet. I would love to see a bitter grudge between the two, I actually like this more than the Sonya/Frost rivalry because it makes more sense. Frost would be Noob Saibot's second-hand girl; her mind would be set on getting Sub-Zero's amulet again. Like another member said.....I think Frost should look a bit more darker when it comes to clothing, especially being with Noob. Blends of dark blue/purple mixings would look nice.

Nitara - I hope to eventually see the rise of the Vampire people and hopefully they play a bigger role in the story. IMO Nitara is best suited for the evil type, especially being a vampire and all. I hope she becomes a threat to most (Earthrealm too); there's no doubt in my mind that she will be after Kahn.

Sheeva - Another one of my favourite females. I would like to see Sheeva in a more good-side, trying to protect Outworld from evil; change the ways of her shokans. I not only see her going after Shao Kahn, but Goro and Kintaro as well because of their deception.

I'll post some of the Male characters next.

11/03/2006 08:38 PM (UTC)
YellowDog Wrote:
Mileena should wear less clothing, she is dressed much to much, imho.

Not funny.

Moving on....

Kind of like Scorpion and his revenge and Mileena hating Kitana...I'm tired of Reptile pining for his race. Reptile's desperate desire to be reunited with his people had a good run, but it's time for him to move on. I don't know if he should get his wish and get his race back...that could be bad for similar reasons Scorpion getting his family back is bad....or if he should just finally accept his race is gone and never coming back and find a new purpose. Personally, I'd rather him find a new purpose. I personally don't have any concrete ideas on where he could go...maybe they could finally reunite him with Khameleon and they can do something together...but if Reptile comes back, I'd like him to finally stop whining about his lost race.
I'd also like for to stop being other characters' bitches. If Reptile comes back, I'd like to see him as his own "man," and not whore himself to any more masters. Or, even if Reptile is going to serve someone else, have him finally find a worthy master who treats him right. Like...just an idea I pulled from ass....he becomes Kitana's bodyguard because they've both been screwed over by Shao Kahn so bad and she actually treats him with respect and not some lolely dog.
Like I said, I don't have any real concrete ideas on where Reptile could go if he returns in the next gen....but no more whining about his race and no more being everyone's bitch.

Tanya might seem out of place in this discussion...seeing as she's only been in three games (and one of those games has no story)....but she is a character who's been frequently targeted as only being a "female Kano" and should she return in the next gen games, she needs to get away from that.
I think Tanya has a lot of untapped potential that they waste on keeping her a little more than a cowardly backstabber like Kano. What they should do is play her up as the true mega-bitch of Mortal Kombat....unlikable, conniving, and irredeemable. And from there, simply develope her feuds. A feud with Jade could work...they just need to develope it and do something with it. I always thought a feud with Mileena could be interesting...since of the two, Mileena is the lesser evil.
I think Tanya should still be power-hungry and evil...but no more whoring herself to whatever boss that shows up. Don't keep her a s two-bit henchwoman...make her a legitimate player.
11/03/2006 10:32 PM (UTC)
Well I like Quan Chi's look more in MK4 so I would change that, and for storyline something more psychotic.

I would change Hsu Hao to look more like a fusion of communist general and a demon warlord (like that oficer in "Painkiller Battle out of Hell" in Leningrad level) and for story something more evil and savage. grin
11/04/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi's old MK4 costume made him look like a clown....I don't know just IMO I don't care what anyone else says.
11/04/2006 04:52 AM (UTC)
Characters in Need of Change...Hmmm...

Ok gonna start with the originals and then maybe add some classics...

1. Johnny Cage: To be honest no real change needed. He's the clown who is able to pull his own weight. Although a new battle cry might be nice. I never want to hear "You've been caged!" again.

2. Kano: Give him a bath. There is no way some one as dumb as this guy could have lead the Black Dragon. Replace him with Kabal already.

3. Liu Kang: To retire. There is no way to change Liu enough to make him a likeable character without starting from scratch and then you would most likely just end up with Kung Lao.

4. Scorpion: Give us more background on his history. I know he lost his family but what would happen if he found them again?

Raiden: Drop the whole 'Dark Raiden' idea along with the over-sized hat. I would like to see a whole new outfit that brings in his classic colors. Also, bring back the good guy enough of this totally pissed off at all the mortals. After all, we were not the ones to actually break the rules nor the ones who were suppose to enforce them. Have him be frustrated with the Elder Gods if you have to have him angry at someone.

5. Sonya Blade: Aside from possibly going back to the MK4 look not much change needed.

6. Sub-Zero: Lose the Dragon Medallion. Have him lead the new Lin Kuei without having to give up his humanity. Dump the whole idea of cryomancers. Sub-Zero is a human with special abilites.

7. Shang Tsung: Stop making him an idiot. Here is a powerful almost immortal sorcerer who can't seem to do anything right.

8, Goro: Dump him. He was a sub-boss and like all sub-bosses should have been a one time fight. Nor should he ever have been a playable character.

9. Reptile: Dump him. Unless you are going to give this guy a sense of pride. I'm sick of the sappy pity story around him. I know his race is extinct, but that's no reason the serve the one who killed them. Unless he was trying to get close to slit Kahn's throat.


Jax: Less ghetto more military. Enough said.

Kung Lao: For him not to be so angry. He's a monk for peace sakes.

Will most likely add more later but now too sleepy....
11/04/2006 09:45 AM (UTC)
DarkSubZero Wrote:
Quan Chi's old MK4 costume made him look like a clown.

And this current costume make him look like a monk.

Johnny Cage look's like a gay,bring back his old look like in MK1,MK2,MKT and bring back the "Ball Breaker".
11/04/2006 07:00 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage- He's my favourite character, and probably always will be, but he really needs to move further than his usual "enter MK, fight, come home, make a movie" plots. He's an MK veteran who's been with us since the beginning, so he should be more involved with the main storyline.

Maybe I'm biased, but I'd like to see him take centre stage for one game. The cocky, self obsessed movie star ends up having to become Earth's main hope against whatever big bad Midway will unleash in the future.

Yeah, and they should bring back the ball breaker and old style Shadow Uppercut.
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11/04/2006 07:39 PM (UTC)
Meat: Needs an ending, needs a better explanation of his character, a good alt costume. Allies and enemies. It like they didnt even try
11/04/2006 08:10 PM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
Meat: Needs an ending, needs a better explanation of his character, a good alt costume. Allies and enemies. It like they didnt even try

Well, stop and think about this:
It's Meat. Do you really want them to make him a worth while character?

Personally, I'm glad they kept him as a joke.
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11/04/2006 10:17 PM (UTC)
I'll try Raiden:

Raiden needs a makeover man. All the activity in this current game as far as he is concerned in disturbing. I'd like to see....

Him be taught a lesson which turns him back to the "greater" side of things. Or, go completely "bad". This shouldn't be a ridiculous "deal with the devil" kind of thing.

This transition should include the fact that this is a guy that's been around for a "gazillion" years. Wisdom and knowlege based should be the starting place for ideas based on Raiden whether good or bad. Everything should be surprisingly calculated through proven processes or procedures. He's a god, but he's still within the "Ranking" system. He should be leisiurely within his roll. That's what I think made the "dry humour" from him even exceptable in the first place.....Cuz who's gonna kick his ass? Elder Gods.

We have a Raiden right now, who's done lost his damn mind according to the story. Wrong...wrong answer. Give him a very methodic target. Specific even if it's generally "them all". Then have him execute, not just like killing people but, Raiden is, up until his point of supreme irritance, a dude that just kind of lays back and reacts whenever it's nessasary.

I'm saying, If you're gonna have the dude run around mad at the "world", quite litterally, Then he should be an aggressor. On humans, on mortals in general, on other secure the saftey of earth. But pointed, methodical...suprising, refreshing as you learn his purpose for doing seemingly irratical things, becasue it's all 1million plus-plus yrs of experience having an effect on the thought process of that protectorial being. See where I'm going with that?

If he's mad or upset with anything to act out on it....then make him act out on everything//everyone story wise....Not Just some new characters in a konquest mode.

Next Gen I would have him construct an assault to take over some other world. i would have it based on threats he made to said Mortals and alike. Which should serve as a starting point for motivation as to why Mortals would get involved. Have him lead his Earth Realm champs into another world and take one or two of them over forcing that world.. to be an ally or perish.

Cut that shit out letting "All The Bad People" come to us and we just beat them. It's a tire concept by now I think.

Haha...espesially with, in our real lives, the whole 9/11 thing happening and the events that followed. Shit, in that case, couldn't Raiden Resemble a political figure we all know of?? Bush?

You hurt me, I hurt you REAL BAD and everybody else in the process.. That's gotta be at least interesting espeacially from a "backdrop" pov.

That's what I think.

11/05/2006 12:33 AM (UTC)
I'll give it a shot....

Baraka -

I'm Tired of him being the lowly servant to numerous villians( ex. Shao Kahn, Shinnok, The Deadly Alliance, And Onaga). If he wishes to live past Armageddon, he needs to step up and be his own person instead of just being the shadow of much bigger threats. He is not as stupid as many have come to see him. He knew Shao Kahn's Era was ending and went to Shinnok. And, when Shinnok Reign was over, He went to Serve the Deadly Alliance and then Onaga. His endings in MK2, MKT, MK4, and MKA, reveal that he desires power but never seems to obtain it...
Also I like the Love/Hate rivalry with Mileena. If he ends up being a servant once again...then they should have him killed and let a new fresher Tarkata (Possibly his son?) step in his place...
11/05/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
i'm feelin a little slow right now,so i can only think of one

Scorpion:alright,give the guy his freakin family back.........i know a lot of people will complain,but hear me out;after that he could go insane and slaughter em' or somethin' along those lines.........then,well like i said,i'm feeling a little slow,so i'm sure those of you that are a bit more creative can come up with somethin from their!
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11/05/2006 04:18 PM (UTC)
people may disagree with me but i think all of the fighters from mk4 and before need a change. I mean like they all have these plans that normally fail even the new people do though. They one need to give up or two get a reasonable plan that actually may work. You know what I mean.
Raiden-He 1 needs to go evil and kill the elder gods and maybe some of the good people or 2 make and hope that quan chi or the evil people will form an alliance with him. In that alliance he kills the guy.

Lui kang-new story his is old. Get rid of him or new story.

Fujin- isnt he supposed to be the protector of earth? He doesn't do a damn thing. Or atleast you hear about. 1 he's weak or 2 a charecter who needs to do something. Ever since mk4 what happened to him? He like disappeared in game and story. Even in mk armageddon what is up with this guy. I could go on but thats all I can think of right now.
11/07/2006 11:14 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage: Top of the list. God, find something to do with him please, he is incredibly annoying. Give him a reason to get more serious.

Kano: I love Kano. He's hot. But he's dumber than a doorknob. I want to be scared of him, not laugh at him. Make him look a bit more like Trevor Goddard from the movie. Keep him husky and hairy, mmmm. No vest next game!

Sonya Blade: I LOVE the new Sonya. She is kinda "Sapphic" but at least she looks like she can kick the snot out of Kano now, before in MK3 and MK4, umm no. The new Sonya is possibly one of the best redo's visually. And her second costume rocks. But her story... yawn. New direction!!

Sub-Zero & Scorpion... yawn. I know their staples and theyve GOT to be in EVERY game, and I actually do like Scorpion, but where else can you go with them?

I like the Shokan and the Centaurs. I love Kintaro and Sheeva and Goro but the rivalry with Motaro needs to be explained in more detail, because as of now I dont see any real reasons for the hate. And its boring.

Jax: Another one of my favorites. His story is, eh, could be worse. But nothing could be worse than that alt costume... I mean, has any of the design team ever met a black person? Could you get more racist? They took every stereotype in the book and thru it on Jax and Darrius. Im surprised Jade and Tanya werent in Afropuffs, halter tops and booty shorts.

Kung Lao: is one of my favorite characters. He works best with the mystery about him like in MK2. His hat down, cant see his eyes, like Tony Marquez envisioned. Tony Marquez IS how Kung Lao should be. I dont want to know a lot about him, and if I do, I wanna learn it slowly. He should be dark, and sexy, fluid and graceful, but powerful and mysterious. I wanna hardly see his face.

Kitana: My favorite character. period... I remember when MK2 first came out, how the whole mystery behind her and Mileena was pulling at my brain. Thats what works for too. Mystery. But now that we know all about her its really hard to get back to that. I agree with what was said before about getting her away from Edenia. Make her darker again. Mysterious.

Rain: personally I always thought Rain would be introduced as Kitana's true long lost twin. That her memories of a twin were real but that it was a boy, not a girl, Mileena. And when it was said that he was Edenian royalty, and he had ties to Kitana, well... I think it would be cool to follow this path with Rain. And like how Kitana brought her mother, Sindel, out of Shao Kahn's hold; their father, Jerrod's reappearance involve Rain's finding out the truth about himself.

11/16/2006 01:54 AM (UTC)
1baraka- ok we all know hes works for shao, but after hes dead wats hes gonna do next?
2 johnny cage-man this guys story line is boring. we all kno that hes a movie star.hes done with that now.wats nxt in life for this fame-hungry man?
3.Shang Tsung-this soul taking guy gets old. u kno wat would be funny if he were to go good.(good timesgrin) 4.kung Lao-he need to get out of bros shadow and just personally put Liu to rest, for his and Kung Lao's sake R.I.P u've done ur job.give ur bro a chance. If he fails, u 2 talk about it while enjoying ur life in heaven.
i wonder if sub zero is going to get any older?
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11/16/2006 06:11 AM (UTC)

Yes, he's a joke character. But I think he fits the MK theme perfectly... a walking sac of bloody flesh that can be twisted and beaten and will still come back again (just like the MK storyline!).

But seriously. A lot of joke characters have become official, and a few of them have actually been good (take Ermac, Rain and Noob Saibot for example). I like the idea of Meat, because even though he's ridiculous, he can be made into something better.

As for Mokap... there's no hope for him.
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