Character variations may reveal who dies early?
posted08/05/2014 01:06 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/21/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
I have seen a lot of posts lately with the news we've recently got, and it made me think, so far we know (supposedly) that some returning characters will have an aged variation to span through these 25 years without looking immortal as shit.

I was thinking that just because characters like Kano have been revealed, doesn't mean they might not die early in the story, say during the first few years of the game directly after MK9. Kind of makes it even more so of a waste of a slot if it does happen, but I really feel that some characters need to die off already.

What I'm waiting to see is if any of these old school mortal characters have an aged variation or not, and I'm thinking it's a pretty safe bet to assume that if they don't, they will more than likely die sometime rather quickly in the game. Which isn't really a bad thing for some of them imo. If this happens to be the case, it might be a little spoiler-ish, but who knows. Maybe they wont be revealing all of the variations of characters anymore besides the ones they already have.

I know JC and Sonya are rumored to be in, but this doesn't mean they will be in throughout the WHOLE games story, even if it is "centered" around them, one of them can very easily be killed off mid game if not earlier, and like I said, I'm going to be looking for the older characters that don't have an aged variation to make my judgement's on this.

Just something to think about.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/05/2014 06:13 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I have seen a lot of posts lately with the news we've recently got, and it made me think, so far we know (supposedly) that some returning characters will have an aged variation to span through these 25 years without looking immortal as shit.

I was thinking that just because characters like Kano have been revealed, doesn't mean they might not die early in the story, say during the first few years of the game directly after MK9. Kind of makes it even more so of a waste of a slot if it does happen, but I really feel that some characters need to die off already.

I dunno man, Sub-Zero died kinda early in the MK9 game. Is he a waste of slot to you?

Are you implying that the three combat variations will show their age?
These variations are not a huge costume change here. So I doubt it.

If anything, and I believe this is really what it means. It'll just be like they handled Shang Tsung.
Primary costume has young Shang.
Alternate costume has dirt old Shang.
If anything, it'll be something like that.

Or hell, it might not be an alternate costume thing, but a story mode only thing.
08/05/2014 10:40 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I have seen a lot of posts lately with the news we've recently got, and it made me think, so far we know (supposedly) that some returning characters will have an aged variation to span through these 25 years without looking immortal as shit.

I was thinking that just because characters like Kano have been revealed, doesn't mean they might not die early in the story, say during the first few years of the game directly after MK9. Kind of makes it even more so of a waste of a slot if it does happen, but I really feel that some characters need to die off already.

I dunno man, Sub-Zero died kinda early in the MK9 game. Is he a waste of slot to you?

Are you implying that the three combat variations will show their age?
These variations are not a huge costume change here. So I doubt it.

If anything, and I believe this is really what it means. It'll just be like they handled Shang Tsung.
Primary costume has young Shang.
Alternate costume has dirt old Shang.
If anything, it'll be something like that.

Or hell, it might not be an alternate costume thing, but a story mode only thing.

No, he wasn't a waste of a slot because there are two Sub-Zero's... Bi-Han died early on, which didn't matter in the slightest bit since again, there are two Sub-Zero's, his brother didn't die till literally almost the end of the game... getting turned into a cyborg and dying are two different things, he was still relevant.

I take it you didn't read the stuff that came from that German magazine? Supposedly Liu, Johnny and Sonya will have an older, more aged variation, and it will play differently than their younger ones. So that kind of rules out your Shang theory if it's true. Might wanna go give it a read, some pretty interesting stuff in there.

All I'm saying is that if an Earthrealm character doesn't have an aged variation or costume or anything, then it's a pretty safe bet to assume they might die early on in story mode from what we know about the game so far. (And to some, that just might be a waste of a character slot in this game) Which means these character reveals and detailed looks for each variation they've been giving us might just hold some clues to certain characters fates, that would give us something to consider. That's all. :)
08/05/2014 11:10 AM (UTC)
Interesting theory but I believe it's gonna be their alt costumes that will show if they've aged. And we certainly won't be getting a look at those any time soon.
08/05/2014 11:16 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Interesting theory but I believe it's gonna be their alt costumes that will show if they've aged. And we certainly won't be getting a look at those any time soon.

Oh yeah definitely not, but I'm glad we wont! Haha.

I've read that the older versions of certain characters will play differently than their younger ones, so I'm not sure how the alt thing would work if that's the case. You can read about that in the thread about the new German magazine that revealed Kano, ect.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/05/2014 01:06 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Interesting theory but I believe it's gonna be their alt costumes that will show if they've aged. And we certainly won't be getting a look at those any time soon.

Oh yeah definitely not, but I'm glad we wont! Haha.

I've read that the older versions of certain characters will play differently than their younger ones, so I'm not sure how the alt thing would work if that's the case. You can read about that in the thread about the new German magazine that revealed Kano, ect.

Damn, I really wanna read this article. I'm Dutch, that's similar to German in some ways. So I think I might understand what they wrote about Kang, Cage and Sonya. Untill anything is really confirmed, I'm not convinced the variations will show us who will die early on in the story.
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