Character and Stage comparisons
posted05/04/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

Member Since
03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
So who do you guys think is the fastest/slowest on the curent roster? Who's the strongest/weakest?

Also I'd like to know which stages you guys like the best and which one you'd burn to the ground. I'm really here just making conversation about the game lol. Haven't been on here for a while because I've been too busy enjoying this awesome game:D


Fastest- Liu Kang. Even if you don't know what you're doing with the guy, he feels incredibly fast which is very suitable to his character. May God be with you if you're ever on the recieving end. Lawd.

Slowest- Sadly I'm getting the vibe that Kotal Kahn may actually be the slowest. I said sadly because I really like this character a lot. I haven't been to the training room with him yet so we'll see if that changes anything..

Strongest- I think it's between Kotal Kahn and Ferra/Torr. Torr hits his hardest when he's feeling the pointy end of Ferra's dagger but I'm leaning more towards Kotal for this one because while he is very slow, his freakin hits are pretty damaging which makes up for his pace a lot.

Weakest- I don't know at the moment. I wanna say Jacqui but I really don't know which of these charcters have to land more hits than the average fighter to take someone out. Maybe you guys have a better idea.

Best stage- I really wanted it to be the Lin Kuei stage because it looks so fantastic and when I'm in the left corner of that stage, it feels a lot like one of the pit stages which is really nice. I'm going with the Sky Temple though and I've only got one word for you: RAIN. No I don't mean Prince Charming either, I'm talking precipitation here.

For the longest I wanted to see another Stage similar to the one in MK4 and this is it! This stage is done so well with the praying monks, that whirling tornado in the background, more monks coming throgh the doors periodically, the darkness, and the RAIN. I find myself just staring at the characters after a match in "single fight" mode as thier clothes soak in the pouring water in complete fascination because they just look that much more awesome! This is THE stage for me!

I guess that was more than one word lol

Your turn

Edit: oops forgot to put stage that I would burn to the ground. Well here it is.. Quan Chi's Fortress- Yup. Hate it. Why? Well that thing or whatever it is in the background gets on my freakin nerves because it's never complete! It looks pretty cool at first. You see something happening, all of a sudden get a whole skeleton and think "wow that's kinda cool." Then it gets to that "Meat" stage and just stops right there and stands there looking stupid for the rest of the match! It would have been A LOT cooler if it maybe turned into random NPCs. That way the process is complete and we also get to see something different every time. So yeah, because of that alone, I'd burn Quan Chi's Fortress to the ground!
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/04/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Hello! *echoes*

Lol the lack of response to this thread is actually kinda funny. Is it the title, the wall of text or something else? Just curious
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