Chances of Goro being playable
posted06/17/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)by
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06/08/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
What do you folks think? I for one think this guy is very neglected, but why? I mean I feel like no one ever mentions him like EVER! So I hope he's playable, but i think it's unlikely.
06/14/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be TOO hopeful for Goro to return in MKX. Possibly a cameo or a DLC, but a playable character? Not likely.
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06/14/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
In Boon's recent interview with TRMK he states that he is willing to make bosses playable somehow, so if Goro makes the cut (unlikely), chances are he might be playable in some balanced form
I think you would have more chance of playing as Stephen hawking in this then playing as Goro, seen he had a nice bye bye in MK9.
06/14/2014 06:04 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
I think you would have more chance of playing as Stephen hawking in this then playing as Goro, seen he had a nice bye bye in MK9.

Bye bye? He didn't die in MK9, the last time we saw him he was defeated along with Kintaro by Cyber SZ but left alive.
06/14/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
Sadly, krajax is probably right. Of all the iconic characters, Goro almost always seem like the first to be excluded. And whenever they change the gameplay, it almost never seems to be designed with the Shokan in mind. Ever since MK4, Goro has frequently been an extra. Added as a sub-boss in console versions of MK4, and added as a bonus character in the gamecube version of MKD. MK9 was the only game he was intended to be included in from the start (and MKA, but they just re-used his MKD gameplay, so animating him wasn't exactly hard).

Goro being throwable/breakable (I'm referring to the bone breaker) in MK4, and throwable in MKD, was clearly a sign of of Goro being added in those games later, and the MK team not bothered to properly animate him. Even in MK9, when X-rays are done on the Shokans, everyone always ignore their lower arms. I mean, Goro in MKD/A just lets Dairou breaks one of his arms when the latter grabs him, and he stupidly forgets to use any of the other three to rip him apart.

Expect all of the fatalities in MKX to only be intended to be done on people with two arms and two legs. NRS could always compensate for it by giving Goro custom death scenes when he's beaten, but they'd probably be too lazy for that.

And don't get me started on his story. Kung Lao's MKG ending fully developed the character. He had so much potential. Then they killed him off. Then they brought him back as Shao Kahn's lackey. What a waste.

I realize I sounded a bit dramatic here, but it's hard not to be annoyed when such a memorable character is treated like garbage. He's still much more lucky than Motaro, though, so there's that.
AJensen Wrote:
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
I think you would have more chance of playing as Stephen hawking in this then playing as Goro, seen he had a nice bye bye in MK9.

Bye bye? He didn't die in MK9, the last time we saw him he was defeated along with Kintaro by Cyber SZ but left alive.

I know but being defeated, if shang isnt the final boss maybe its time for another Sub boss wouldn't mind kintaro again though. Hoping for Quanchi then shang and final Shinnok that would be amazing!
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06/14/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
Brief cameo mention in Story Mode but thats probably about it.
06/14/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
No thanks. If anyone, it should be Motaro as he got shafted in MK9. Not as a main on the roster, but, DLC.
06/14/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
No thanks. If anyone, it should be Motaro as he got shafted in MK9. Not as a main on the roster, but, DLC.

But Goro is much more iconic and original than Motaro and deserves to be able to be a playable character in a real game! He's always been featured as a special character (excluding Armageddon) and I think he deserves some respect! Motaro is just a centaur, while he was a cool boss I don't think many people remember him outside of MK. Besides, he'd be impossible to play as with his long horse body. How would Johnny or Cassie perform nutshots on him? Would they have to slide under him and beat up on his big horse balls? Or does he have gentallia right before his human body conects with the horse body? Or both?! Either way, he's just too awkwardly shaped. Though I do believe that there is ever a Shoalin Monks 2, Motaro deserves to be a boss and my question about his genitallia should be explained!grin
06/14/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
Also would love to see Goro become more of a good guy like Kung Laos ending suggested he was gonna be. I mean I don't really see Goro being evil at heart
06/16/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
I'm surprised no one has commented on Motaro's testicles.
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06/16/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
I would rather have Motaro even Moloch than Goro.
06/16/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
No thanks. If anyone, it should be Motaro as he got shafted in MK9. Not as a main on the roster, but, DLC.

But Goro is much more iconic and original than Motaro and deserves to be able to be a playable character in a real game! He's always been featured as a special character (excluding Armageddon) and I think he deserves some respect! Motaro is just a centaur, while he was a cool boss I don't think many people remember him outside of MK. Besides, he'd be impossible to play as with his long horse body. How would Johnny or Cassie perform nutshots on him? Would they have to slide under him and beat up on his big horse balls? Or does he have gentallia right before his human body conects with the horse body? Or both?! Either way, he's just too awkwardly shaped. Though I do believe that there is ever a Shoalin Monks 2, Motaro deserves to be a boss and my question about his genitallia should be explained!grin

Yes I know that Goro and possibly Kintaro are more iconic than Motaro. However, those two had their time in many games. Motaro was only in MK3 (excluding UMK3, MKT and MKA).
So that is why I would like to have Motaro in MKX!

You must really like 'Balls" don't ya? Lol jk. They wouldn't be able to do the move to him at all. Cassie probably could as she uses a weapon to do the move.
To make possible playable bosses

They would have to sacrifice Strength and Armor for Speed and Skill

But it makes me wonder if Shao Kahn, Goro, Kintaro from Mortal Kombat Armageddon could work in the 2D plane. I'm sorry but Motaro will never work out.
06/17/2014 02:06 AM (UTC)
Goro is the sub-boss in Mortal Kombat 4, so there is a possibility that he will show up in some way.
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06/17/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
I'd rather have Kintaro become a regular playable character. When you think about it Kintaro has barely had any exposure and I think he's cooler than Goro.
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06/17/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
Boon said he likes the idea of sub-bosses being playable.. So there is a chance of Goro being playable in the game.. It would be interesting in story mode to play as him..

BUT.. he's been around since MK1.. supposedly he died.. but then he didn't.. then he came back in Trilogy.. and hes been a dumb goon since.. They almost made his story interesting in MK4/Gold, teaming with Edenia and making Peace with Kung Lao but then they completely disregarded that ending in future games and he went back to being a goon.. He really needs an updated story with character growth if hes going to be included and playable..
06/17/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
I can't stand it that people actually like this bland shokan and hate Sheeva and Kintaro who look much more appealing and special.

I wouldn't mind Goro if they gave him a really awesome revamp, and not just a generic shokan of the race, make him stand out like a king!

And if Kintaro is used again, make him feral like a tiger, not like a little kitten.

Your bad design of Kintaro made people like him less and he was so imposing in MK 2...
06/17/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I can't stand it that people actually like this bland shokan and hate Sheeva and Kintaro who look much more appealing and special.

I wouldn't mind Goro if they gave him a really awesome revamp, and not just a generic shokan of the race, make him stand out like a king!

And if Kintaro is used again, make him feral like a tiger, not like a little kitten.

Your bad design of Kintaro made people like him less and he was so imposing in MK 2...

He got a pretty awesome revamp in MK9, and i love how he looks. I like how his skin is slightly yellow, and he'll always be the original MK monster to me. I just really want them to make him a good guy.
06/17/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
I'm not a fan of good guys, so I hope he becomes good yes, i'm not a fan of him to begin with.
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