Cassie Cage? Looks more like Kurtis Cage to me....
posted08/04/2014 06:42 AM (UTC)by
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07/30/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
So far i like what ive seen frome cassie (they should of made it Kassi), but is it just me or does any one else think she seems a bit like Stryker? Her look, her use of baton, and use of guns, with some peppered in green shadow moves makes me think Stryker and Johnny had Sonya just use their sperm and had a baby for them... Lol im not serious about that, and i do like what ive seen from her brawler variation, but Cassie really reminds me most of all of Stryker. Same for anyone else?
07/30/2014 04:31 PM (UTC)
I just thought of something.

Sonya Blade = Gone.

She will be named Sonya Cage probably, as Americans really ain't gonna have children without getting married.

I don't think they will do that to Sonya, name her Sonya Cage, so a painful death in a random scene is all she is gonna get in X.

Anyway, Cassie also has the homming missiles from Sektor.

She is just a giant mix character, she replaces ALL character from 2011 game that aren't in this game :-p J/K
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
Fyi some how this thread posted twice.... Weird.... Anyways speaking of her misles she can call in with spec op variation.... I may very possibly never use that variation of hers because i think it looks dumb. That variation of hers i can already tell will be garbage.

Anyways sorry about the double thread post....
07/30/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
She will be named Sonya Cage probably, as Americans really ain't gonna have children without getting married.

Guess you never heard of Brad and Angelina.
07/30/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Same for anyone else?

07/30/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
rainbowrabbit Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
She will be named Sonya Cage probably, as Americans really ain't gonna have children without getting married.

Guess you never heard of Brad and Angelina.

Yeah, a lot of people aren't changing their names now, even when they get married... and do you have any clue how many people with children don't get married? There are tons of single parents and parents who raise their children together but are otherwise separated.

The fact that her last name is Cage though makes me think either Sonya and Johnny are together or it's Johnny that acts as the single-parent, and all the credit in the world to single dads, but Johnny just doesn't seem to have the competence to care for a child on his own.

As for her moves, they may be different than Sonya's, but guns are something both cops and Special forces have. The baton looks more cop-ish to me, but the ability to call in air-strikes definitely screams Special Forces; I don't think a cop like Stryker would have the authority to do something like that. Cassie seems more Special Forces overall.
07/30/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
Anyway, bringing a gun to a tournament or a normal fight is cheap :-p

And I thought 98% of all Americans are christians and religious? They should marry before having kids right?

Or am I mistaken and miraged by the MTV Television?
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07/30/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
And I thought 98% of all Americans are christians and religious? They should marry before having kids right?

Or am I mistaken and miraged by the MTV Television?

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-sig by MINION

07/30/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
A lot of people have said that Cassie reminds them more of Stryker than Sonya. I think it's because Sonya never clearly used any technology or weapons where that was all Stryker could do. Also Sonya never wore anything even vaguely military where as we've had Stryker wearing blue police and riot gear for two games in a row. Maybe if Cassie had on less blue and more green.
07/30/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
Great. Some more complaining..
About Me

-sig by MINION

07/30/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Great. Some more complaining..
It's great that you like it so much you contribute to it. People don't have to love every fucking thing they see.
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Hey im not complaining at all... Im just pointing it out and think its weird..... But im fine with it
07/30/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Great. Some more complaining..

I like most of the characters you love. We share many favorite characters.

But why are you so evil to newbies? What did they ever do to you that you hate them so much? And ignore others...

Just curious.
07/30/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Great. Some more complaining..

I like most of the characters you love. We share many favorite characters.

But why are you so evil to newbies? What did they ever do to you that you hate them so much? And ignore others...

Just curious.

New users that create accounts just to complain and nitpick at stuff nonstop, annoy me to no end. I can't help it. There is already a discussion about Cassie in another thread where people are ranting about her moveset and how identical it is to Sonya, Johnny, Stryker, etc. So now we have another thread for people to do that. Great.
As you are perfectly aware, a lot of people here have made it pretty clear when something annoys them. Well all this whining annoys me. I'm sorry but when the game is still in development, there is plenty of time for stuff to be fixed and people are already nitpicking when they haven't even played the final version, it gets on my nerves. Sry not srywink
About Me

Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel

Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
No one is complaining here.... And im not really a new user i go back to mkda days on here
07/30/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Well the title of the thread looked misleading and I immediately went "Ok here we go with people signing up just to complain once again"
Apologies if I was rude to you personally. However if you have been lurking around since MKD, you should know what I'm talking about with all the complaining and nitpicking ;)
About Me

Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel

Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
Yeah i do indeed know what you mean. Back with mkda-a i thought the nitpicking was fine because the fighting mechanics sucked and most ppl only played those games for story and characters they like. Nowadays that MK is now one of the best fighters around with mk2011, i agree ppl need to stop being nitpicky about everything.

Anyways im still not convinced that isnt strykers baby! Lol
08/02/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
So far i like what ive seen frome cassie (they should of made it Kassi), but is it just me or does any one else think she seems a bit like Stryker? Her look, her use of baton, and use of guns, with some peppered in green shadow moves makes me think Stryker and Johnny had Sonya just use their sperm and had a baby for them... Lol im not serious about that, and i do like what ive seen from her brawler variation, but Cassie really reminds me most of all of Stryker. Same for anyone else?

You're so right. It should have been "Kassi"
08/03/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
"Kassi" belongs on a Bratz doll, not an MK character.
DVorah Wrote:
And I thought 98% of all Americans are christians and religious? They should marry before having kids right?

Or am I mistaken and miraged by the MTV Television?

No, just your own lunacy for dragging religion into the conversation for no reason.
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

08/04/2014 06:42 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Anyway, bringing a gun to a tournament or a normal fight is cheap :-p

And I thought 98% of all Americans are christians and religious? They should marry before having kids right?

Or am I mistaken and miraged by the MTV Television?

a. Stryker's never participated in any tournament in the Mortal Kombat franchise. He's only fought for the survival of Earthrealm, and for the sake of survival, I don't think 'cheapness' is a factor. (Especially when your opponent is Shao Kahn, who frequently breaks the rules.)

b. 83% of America are Christian, and even then, they still have kids before marriage. I don't know if you said that as a joke or not. If it was a joke, it went right over my head.
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