Captain Insano: future MK character?
posted05/12/2006 01:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/23/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
Captain Insano
Height: 6’5
Weight: 216 lbs
Weapon: Pirate Cutlass
Fighting Styles: Rogue and Drunken Fist (taught by Shao Kahn)


One day, in the deepest dark part of Outworld, I was roaming in the plains of Outworld. It was a regular day, and I was just a poor nomad, and had some worthy skills enough to be called a rouge. As always when I roamed in the forest, I was tormented by the Tarkata and their thirst for blood. While trying to escape the Tarkatan horde, I was cornered just outside Shao Kahn's palace and forced to fight for my life. I would always run from them and lose them until another day. This time there, I battled Baraka and his companions, and beat them down into a pool of blood. As I was settling a score with the Tarkata, Shao Kahn saw the feud, and was pleased. My roguish skills caught the eye of a immortal emperor, and it took to much of his delight. He gave me a chance to fight in the honor of his royalty or die from disobeying, and how could I refuse? After all, he was the emperor, and he had great wisdom. I said, "yes your highness." I decided to prove my loyalty to him (it was what he desired).


He gave me the order to invade Edenia and slaughter the people of that realm, I took Sindel and Kitana prisoners and had them under the torture of Mileena and Tanya. I killed all that lived in that realm, with the help of Shao Kahn’s chosen militia. The only who lived there now where the dying Queen and Princess. When I returned, Shao Kahn paid me a tribute by building me a ship, that was bigger and more evil than the Nethership. I then requested that his chosen militia were to be my crew. And then I named my self Captain in the loyalty of Shao Kahn. The ship could be teleported to any realm on a work of magic. Shao Kahn then called me and my crew, his pirate fleet of fear. Then it hit me, I was a pirate. My roguish skills finally paid off, and my nomad days were over. After being an immigrant to the realm, coming from the realm of Chaos and learning the way of Chaos from Havik himself, maybe that’s why Shao Kahn was so pleased with me, I was his entertainment, and I enjoyed being his servant to enlightenment. I then teleported to Earthrealm, and Shao Khan gave me orders to spread his name across the realms.


After we docked on the shores, we met a mercenary of the Black Dragon clan, a leader named Kano. He first threatened to kill me, until he realized he was ridiculously outnumbered. So then he gave me a proposition, to pay his life debt. He gave me 1200 Gold koins. It then came to my knowledge that the Red Dragon was near by, and they hired a spy named Noob Saibot, the information came from a Black Dragon member. The Red Dragon then became informed of the deal that Kano and I had made. My crew and I followed the trail that the spy left, and came to the leader of the Red Dragon. He offered to pay twice what Kano payed me if we launced a twin assault on the Black Dragon clan. He then paid by a shiny ruby koin to start off the raid. We raided back to Kano, taking the Red Dragon leader with us as well as the Red Dragon clan, killing anyone who got in the way. Finally we arrived and this time Kano was prepared for such a situation. A battle raged on, between my crew and the Black Dragon as well as the Red Dragon. My crew was able to fight off the Black Dragon members, and the blood bath was over, for there my crew lay dead with the deceased Black Dragon members and the Red Dragon clan had retreated (half of them). The only ones left standing were Kano and I and a wounded Red Dragon leader, who fled after the feud.


I fought Kano in Mortal Kombat and defeated him, wounding him with a cutlass stab to the leg. He fled through the portal and now resides somewhere in the realm of Outworld, trying to get Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as allies. I went back to Shao Kahn, and he was most pleased with my work. Raiden made an oath that Shao Kahn and I would pay for this treachery in Earthrealm (not caring for the two clans but for the innocent lives lost during the battle). Now the Red and Black Dragon clans along with Kano himself became my foes and Shao Kahn’s as well (especially the Red Dragon clan, because of the 2400 Gold koin debt that the leader promised I would get if I put together an assault on the Black Dragon). I was the emperor’s right hand man, and a servant to his call. Shao Kahn then taught me more advanced tactics in Mortal Kombat, and a little bit of the Black Arts. Shao Kahn then became my master. It was my purpose in life to serve Shao Kahn . . . I was born of piracy. This all takes place after MK Deadly Alliance and a little bit before MK Deception.
05/04/2006 01:36 AM (UTC)
I don't like it....

I mean...first off, you basically took a character that was mentioned in the Waterboy and turned him into an MK character??

And how would Shao Kahn know Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) if Bo' Rai Cho is the one who created the style and seems to exclusively use it?

The story itself is kind of confusing and you really need to make things more organized as you made your story into one huge chunk when you should've broken it down into various paragraphs.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't like it....

I mean...first off, you basically took a character that was mentioned in the Waterboy and turned him into an MK character??

And how would Shao Kahn know Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) if Bo' Rai Cho is the one who created the style and seems to exclusively use it?

The story itself is kind of confusing and you really need to make things more organized as you made your story into one huge chunk when you should've broken it down into various paragraphs.

I think your're being a little harsh, if you compre his original concept with this one than it has increased 10 fold. As for your Drunken fist question, Bo' Rai Cho is the one who created it and theres nothing to say Shao Khan couldn't have stolen those moves or absorbed a soul that was taught it by Bo' Rai Cho himself. Also I really doubt that Bo' Rai Cho is the only one that uses Drunken Fist in all the realms, just the games (if more people used it in the games you would complain about unoriginality.)

Although I do agree with you on the paragraphing, hey RaisnCain maybe you can clear your post up a bit. Also remove the last 3 lines or so theres really no point in them.

05/04/2006 05:22 PM (UTC)
I guess sometimes I can be harsh, but that's probably more so because...well...*looks at you*...uh..nevermind...

Regarding the Drunken Fist stuff, well, you could be right, but then again, I can't imagine someone like Shao Kahn knowing such a style. I mean, he seems more about brute force in his fighting tactics.

And yeah, if RaisnCain can make paragraphs, it'll be much much easier for me to read.
About Me


05/04/2006 10:45 PM (UTC)

Drunken fist requires agility and flexibility.

The dude can swing a hammer, can he stand one on foot fall to the ground and strike someone in the face at the same time.

I dont know about you guys but im dying to see a capoera stype fighting tyle incorporated into an MK game.

dont mention Kai in MK4, It was tasteless and blocky.
05/06/2006 01:25 AM (UTC)
Sorry folks, I can't seem to make paragraphs, I apoligize, I have tried everything and it does not want to work for me, so for now just deal with it until I figure something out . . . again
05/06/2006 03:58 AM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Sorry folks, I can't seem to make paragraphs, I apoligize, I have tried everything and it does not want to work for me, so for now just deal with it until I figure something out . . . again

Try using the
05/06/2006 04:46 AM (UTC)
weres his pic
05/06/2006 12:18 PM (UTC)
What do you mean by weres his pic ShaoKRASH?
05/08/2006 10:44 PM (UTC)
Hey, what do you mean by the "tags" Sub-Zero_7th? confused
05/08/2006 11:29 PM (UTC)
1. Never mind Sub-Zero_7th, I hope I satisfied your needs with my line break strategy, so forget about the tags, ok wink

2. And ShaoKRASH, I now know what you mean by a pic, well I really don't have a picture drawn yet, but I will find one on the internet that would look similar to such a character that I am talking about.

I hope I answered all of your questionssmile
05/08/2006 11:41 PM (UTC)
Now look at the bio, it has been modified better, because I figured out how to leave a space by typing a series of symbols and letters, so that is the final correction . . . enjoy everyone!wink
05/09/2006 01:28 AM (UTC)
Ah, much better now. I can finally read that. Now, after reading all that, I must say that I have various problems with the bio itself.

1. Sindel and Kitana being prisioners and being tortured by Mileena and Tanya conflicts with the storyline.

2. Kano being in Earthrealm at that time makes no sense, because he was still in Outworld, serving Shao Kahn as one of his generals.

3. The Noob Saibot/Red Dragon stuff makes no sense considering that Noob Saibot was working for Shao Kahn post MK4/pre MKDA.

4. There needs to be a catch up to more of the present in the bio. That stuff is so far nonexistant in there.
05/12/2006 01:36 PM (UTC)
Okay, pretty soon I will put this thread in the Fan Submission, since it has a potential to go somewhere, according to a lot of people.wink

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