Button Input Leniency?
posted06/20/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)by
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06/16/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
I have a question... Why is that necessary for a fighting game at all? All fighting games seem to have have it except for mortal kombat 9... Even injustice had it where you're trying to do a combo and if you don't play mr.perfect the game won't let you do w.e. you're thinking about... I felt like Mk9 was much easier to get creative and improvise how ever you want cause there wasn't anything to worry about if you press square more than once or don't time something on exact... the game knows what you're trying to do, it's not going to get in your way of doing it... and I love mortal kombat games but this was probably the main reason i put so many hours in mortal kombat 9, cause it didn't test me for everything i did, it allowed me to place the tests my self to actually have more fun... Yes, I reallly really suck at fighting games but i was actually able to get into the mind games and experience what advanced players feel like with mortal kombat 9... i think it's kind of lame to mark a player as casual and then revoke their right to play and feel what other more intense players feel... when the game could have not had any punishments and you can jump into the game when ever you want and do what ever you want when you want to do it... (you know like in mvc3, if you're casual it does that stupid PRESS 1 BUTTON TO DO 1 LONG COMBO THING, that is not very creative, or satisfying at all, at this point i have no idea what the mvc3 engine is capable of cause it's to hard to deal with!!!) but then injustice came along and i feel like it took mk9 button freedom away, (if you suck at fighters, you just get less of the whole gameplay until you put a million hours to finally become good) and now i was watching a video of some one talking about mortal kombat X and he said that the game is lenient as hell compared to injustice... Mortal kombat X looks amazing but with such a mechanic... I am too scared to get hype...

you know what's the funniest thing? other really good hardcore fighting game fans think that mortal kombat9 is to hard... is this a way to actually spoon feed the players instead of let them get creative? mortal kombat 9 is so easy! you can do what ever you want as soon as you learn the basics XD

what is the point of button leniency!???
I rather test my self with my friends experimenting with the game's engine instead of the game testing me all the time >.>
06/16/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
Its still early, but I do hope the combo windows are a bit bigger than in Injustice. Those were pretty strict.

That said, I dont want MKX to be noob sauce. NRS gotta find that balance, yo.
The balance in MK9 was perfect no? atleast i think so :\
I think the only thing that game needs for a sequel is more content
but the combo system and the whole system with the universal basic attacks, and how special moves work as counters and the styles they were done in... idk personally i think that was perfect but all changed in injustice
while changing all of that injustice also added other things like cancels, and fine that's injustice, that system is really hard to learn but it's injustice

I think the content added in mk X is an amazing direction, the run combos are back, and characters have 3 different modes to fight in for each character
I really hope the other MK 9 systems remain untouched how ever :\ ofcourse it's just my opinion... Edit: I just played injustice to make sure of what i'm talking about and realized that the button leniency is the least of my worries lol... even tho it still could become an issue, the methods you have to use to link up combos in injustice is what i actually really don't like about it... and i know for sure mortal kombat methods aren't going to change... I guess i have little worry about
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06/16/2014 02:09 PM (UTC)
well, we don't want a repeat of MKvsDC's 'stupid' pro-moves. That setup had ZERO leniency and was a pain for it.
o.O what
mk vs dc atleast for me was the most difficult from all 3 games, MKvsDC, Mk9 AND injustice...

Doesn't Leniency mean difficult ;_; i am the one that used the word...
oh wow =_= it's the oppisite i just googled I'M A DERP BAG :D
06/20/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
TheAndrogynousKnight Wrote:
o.O what
mk vs dc atleast for me was the most difficult from all 3 games, MKvsDC, Mk9 AND injustice...

Doesn't Leniency mean difficult ;_; i am the one that used the word...
oh wow =_= it's the oppisite i just googled I'M A DERP BAG :D

Haha yeah. Injustice could be pretty strict. I'm really okay with all of Injustice's changes, because it's Injustice. NRS literally got the chance to sit down and hash out a brand new fighting game franchise, and so the last thing they wanted to do was make it a clone of MK. And they came up with some great core mechanics, such as the universal MB back/forward 3s and traits. They really did a pretty great job on that game.

Now, I really don't get why so many people are like "MKX is gonna be Injustice 2!!!" It's not. NRS want to keep their franchises unique. I'm confident that MKX will retain a lot of what make MK9 good, and hopefully NRS will make it better. MK9 was a good game, but in hindsight it was pretty simple. Very simple, actually. With the inclusion of Runs and Variations and environment mobility options, this game is going to looking great.

So yeah, I'm sure the combo system will be more like MK than Injustice, but not identical to either.

Great topic by the way.
06/20/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
I hope it's more like MK9 than Injustice. I can never get into the rhythm when I'm trying to play that game.
06/20/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
Injustice definitely took a lot of time in the lab before I got into the game's flow. It's really a game that takes work. Plus every character feels pretty different, in my opinion. Another reason why MK9 just feels so much simpler, which may or not be a good thing. But yeah, after hours spent in the lab, I really dig Injustice. It's a lot of fun.
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