build your own mk game
posted05/29/2006 10:36 PM (UTC)by
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06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
ok here you can build your own game you tell whos in it ,the plot ,and the levels
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/17/2005 11:14 PM (UTC)
well i guess im first.ok here i go.

MK: Armageddon. Raiden enfused with the evil power from his travels in Outworld, has gone mad with power. Destroying every thing in his path, he has gained the power to create a new realm and is calling it the Seperaterealm. In this new realm there is no order. Much like the netherealm, evil runs amok. Bodies dropping left and right and since Liu Kang's death no one has been powerful enough to defeat Raiden. All of Earth's best warriors have fallen. Sonya, Johhny Cage, Kabal, Striker, all but a few. Kitana, Subzero, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Cyrax, Baraka, Milleena, Jax, and Sektor. Even a few new warriors. Shintaro, Maganami, Tomas, T.J, and Demarius. But Raiden has resurected the souls of the ones he's defeated and has recruited some others to protect him. Rain, Reptile, Smoke, Ashrah, Li Mei, Darrius, Hotaru, Kung Lao, and one new one his right hand Sallazarr. Who will win? Some of Earth's warriors on the side of good froming alliances inside formerly hated people? Or the ressurected Evil? You decide. But who ever wins, its .... Armageddon.
12/18/2005 12:07 AM (UTC)
This is an interesting idea, but designing your own game would take a good long while. Still, an idea I had but never intended to implement anywhere was this:

Shinnok rises from the Netherealm once again, aware of the machinations of the great One Being. He doesn't want existence to vanish, and so he begins to fight back against it. He sees great potential in Shujinko's fighting skills and rescues him from Raiden, claiming his life as an owed favour, and taking him as his champion. While he is aware of the One Being, he cannot track it, and so seeks someone who can. They find Ermac wandering Outworld and offer him the chance to serve a righteous purpose (saving existence), which he accepts happily. Shinnok also suggests that the coming of the One Being will bring unparalleled order to existence, and so recruits Havik and his entire realm to his cause.

On the other hand, Shao Kahn has taken possession of Shinnok's amulet after the Dragon King was defeated and has ammassed his armies around him once again. With Shang Tsung and Quan Chi dead, he no longer has to worry about servants who are too smart for their own good. Baraka serves him once more, as does Goro. Using the amulet, he plans to open every portal between every realm, causing the veil between worlds to wear so thin that it falls apart completely and merges all realms at their borders. Outworld, still comprised of many, many realms, will be the strongest, and therefore the dominant realm.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Fuijin brings the warriors of light together once more to combat a growing threat, the Tekunin led by Sektor, who are spreading like a plague (or virus) through the realm. Sektor's legions are supplemented by a new allegiance, however, an army of cyber-demons under the control of Noob Saibot and Smoke.

In Edenia, the vampires of the unnamed realm are wreaking havoc, attempting to conquer now that their realm is their own again. Sindel, Kitana and Jade fight against the hordes alongside Bo Rai Cho, who leads their armies. They are also joined by Mileena in a tentative alliance. Without Baraka and Shao Kahn to corrupt her by telling her of her "true place" at their side, she is finally able to be a true sister to Kitana, although her savagery remains, meaning she is regarded with anxiety at best.

Seido has largely fallen apart by now, but the Utopian society remains as a place of equality and freedom, largely brought about by Darrius's control of the realm. He is fully prepared to lend his forces to any who need them to fight tyranny, and so he joins the fight alongside the Edenians, before later siding with the Earthrealm warriors when things begin to come to a head.

Exacerbating matters are the Red and Black Dragon who have been fighting over the Heart of Onaga for several months now. Mavado has returned and is in constant conflict with Kabal, while the ranks of the Black Dragon are larger and more cut throat than before, thanks to his vicious recruiting methods. These two clans are wild cards, with the ability to swing the balance in any way, depending on which course of action favours them more.

And of course, there is Rayden, who has decided that he will take no chances in protecting his realm. Going against the wishes of the Elder Gods, he brings his full Godly powers to bear against the threats to Earthrealm, no longer leaving the fate of existence in the hands of mortals. For this, Scorpion has been dispatched to stop Rayden, before he unwittingly brings about the destruction he desires to prevent.

Make of that what you will, its just an outline really.
12/20/2005 04:36 PM (UTC)
those storys are great guys well exept i think smoke will turn against noob
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/20/2005 11:21 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
those storys are great guys well exept i think smoke will turn against noob

Yeah that would just turn the story all upside down! Or what about Kira turning against Kabal and taking over as leader of the black dragon but having a confrotation with Kano?
12/21/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)
YaGreatness Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
those storys are great guys well exept i think smoke will turn against noob

Yeah that would just turn the story all upside down! Or what about Kira turning against Kabal and taking over as leader of the black dragon but having a confrotation with Kano?
hmmm that sound cool can you tell us more
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12/21/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)
If I could make a new MK, I'd make a 2D mini-game to be included as an extra (ala Konquest, Puzzle, Chess).

In the same tradition as the original three MKs, but featuring updated costumes for all the characters, and CG/hand drawn sprites, rather than capture technology.

I guess the real trick would be coming up with an original storyline for this particular game, that wouldn't interfere with existing story, and the story for the game it's featured in (for argument's sake; Armageddon).

That's what I'd like, though.
12/21/2005 03:57 PM (UTC)
MK one: remake.

It's 3d, but looks much like mk1- with really realistic character models and that. Everyone has revamped classic outfits, like monks had. Pure classic outfits are unlockable as well as loads of new ones, inluding from the later games.

The few characters that do have stories have plenty of story scenes inbetween fights.

Everyone has only one fight style, but it's well fleshed out, with extra stances, and a wealth of movement options, and moves with diverse properties, plenty of branching options and that. The fast and big characters play significantly differently. Juggles are almost totally phased out (you can hit someone as they collapse, put not kick them 10 feet into the air...) The game has believable physics, so it feels better and looks more brutal.

Fatalities have realistic bowel physics.
12/31/2005 03:28 AM (UTC)
i like thatgrin
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I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

01/03/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)
I would love to see some Mortal Kombat remakes I mean come on MK2 remake man woo that'd bring back memories but they'd have to use the Shaolin Monks engine to make it fun and interactive and not just sidestepping come on I want to actually walk around like I did in SM so you get to use your resources in Kombat. Plus I want to see Cage rip Liu Kang's arms off in 3d :D.
01/05/2006 04:15 AM (UTC)
i have an idea for the next mk game besides mk 7........ it should be mortal kombat: lin kuei warriors. yea it follows the story of either subzero or scorpion. u encounter many other ninjas from other clans like noob saibot, smoke, cyrax (befor transformation), sektor (before transformation), rain, ermac, reptile, chameleon and many new ninjas too.. this is when the story begins.. u begin with subzero as the first one then as u progress he dies like in the story and your his underling and get revenge on the lin kuei and at the end u partner up with scorpion to destroy the lin kuei as they killed his family... and as scorpion u have the same ending as subzero but at a different path and u start before he dies where u do task for your clan like assassinate other ninjas which u will see theyre children in the future after u die... this is my idea. they should also make a game like shaolin monks but for all the mortal kombats ...
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01/07/2006 09:55 AM (UTC)
I like the story ideas that have been thrown around in this thread, but if I'm looking to put together a new MK game, I'd start with gameplay first, modes second, story third and then flesh out characters to fill the story.

This will be my gameplay post. More to come later.

Gameplay: Fighting stlyes that actually mirror their real world counterparts. If a style is more throw or lock based like wrestling or judo, then they should be represented that way in the game.

Combos should be simpler and easier to pull off. It always felt like the combo structure of the last few games was too slow, too rigid and too awkward. There seemed to be a small delay between imputting a few commands and then seeing them on the screen. I'd make the combos a bit closer to dead or alive (X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y) instead of (X, A, L, B, L, B, X, B). Yeah, no more manual style switches in a combo either. Talk about unatural feeling. If combo (X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y) up there has sword parts, maybe the second Y automatically draws the sword out while the 3rd and 4th Y combo attacks use the sword. No more pressing a sensitive trigger during a combo for me please.

I'd also return to what MK began with incorporating throws into combos as an end piece on a good pop up combo. Jax's backbreaker and Scorpion's air throw are two examples that go all the way back to MK2. Similarly, some throws should set up punch/kick combos.

Also, can we get a real ground game? I'm talkin kip ups, flip ups, rolling on the ground, moving from your back to your stomach, getting up with a high or low kick etc. Please? How about kicks, punches, joint locks or other types of throws to a person on the ground? How about counters to those kicks, punches and throws?

Speaking of counters (and escapes and evades, and a new idea of my own, the reprisal) this would be my move list (xbox 360 controls):

X= Punch
Y= Kick
A=Counter/Reprisal: Every non-special move should have a countermove.

Up/back or down/back and A (traps attack) then A = Counter attack with attack

Up/back or down/back and A (traps attack) then RB = Counter attack with throw

Up/back or down/back and RB (traps throw) then A = Counter throw with attack

Up/back or down/back and RB (traps throw) then RB = Counter throw with throw

The trick is, you can't press up/back or down/back and A to trap the throw. You have to press up/back or down/back and RB to trap the throw. You have to figure out right away whether the the opponent is coming in with a high or low punch or kick or high or low throw. Some moves may look like throws, but they'd be disguised attacks and vice versa. Also, players will be able to do fake attempts at throwing but then punch or kick. Similarly, players will be able to fake punch or kick and then go into a throw.

Reprisals are countering a countermove. It's the same principal, only the original attacker that had his/her move turned against them by a counter gets the chance to counter as well. Reprisals work the same way as counter attacks, counter throws, or escapes with one exception: The person that now must counter after being counter attacked has less of a time window to counter. Trap time slightly decreases, and after the initial attack is countered, and the counter receives a reprisal, the next reprisal slightly increases in speed. They continue to get slightly faster.

Reprisal moves can go back and forth until either one player opts to escape or someone lands a hit/throw. Combos cannot be countered in mid air. Traps appear as a very brief pause (a grabbing of a fist or ankle or a movement that would block a throw) while the player that's performing the counter/reprisal enters the command. As soon as the counter/reprisal begins movement-wise on the screen, the other player has the chance to reprise the move until their character is hit or grabbed by the other character. You only guess once though. If you're tapping up/back and A because you're expecting a high attack, you can't start tapping down/back and RB because you're now certain it's a low throw.

Weapon Counters:
LB & Toward = Block weapon attack and push enemy back
LB & Back = Block weapon attack and pull enemy toward you
A then RB = Counter weapon attack into a throw
A then A = counter weapon attack, put away weapon and attack with fists or feet.

B & directions = Escape/Evade (whether it be rolling to the side, flipping backwards, hopstepping backwards or summersaulting, each character would have three ways of evading attacks with the B button, but speed and fighting style would determine how adept they would be at dodging attacks)

Pressing back, up/back, or down/back and B as a counter to a punch, kick or throw would be an escape move. This move pushes back your opponent and briefly staggars them, but damage is significantly less (almost nothing) than a counter move and neither player comes away with positional advantage. These can also be done as reprisal moves.

RTrig = Neijin (charge up for temporary stronger attacks)

RB& A/X/Y (and directions) = Throw (joint lock, flip, takedown depending on style)

LTrig = Style Change

LB = Block (note, block can no longer be held down. You must press it when you are about to be hit. If someone goes to do a five hit combo on you, you must press Block five times accurately to block each attack. No more turtling. Also, you must have your weapon drawn in order to block a weapon attack.

LB & LTrig = Quick draw weapon block: Instantly brings weapon out and into the blocking position. This may only be done when the attackers weapon is drawn. Either way, it's completely goofy to me to see a character in MK blocking a sword attack with his arms.

Toward toward = Dash forward

Back back = Dash backwards

If this sounds scary or difficult or too much like Tekken or DOA, or SC, relax. Change is good. These changes would make MK feel more complete. I'm not talking about getting rid of special moves or projectiles. Not at all. I'd never entertain the notion. Same goes for uppercuts and roundhouses and sweeps. They're all mainstays of the MK world. But the actual fighting needs depth, and I think these changes would help. Let me know what you think!
About Me

I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

01/10/2006 02:30 AM (UTC)
I'll give this a try, but its a bit more of an incomplete thought so bear with me, oh and I created a new character and added a new spin to an old favorite:
Reptile Intro:
Outworld is in ruins, the Dragon king is dead and there are rumors that Shao Khan has returned, as has Shinnok but this is not the threat that we should worry about. The God of Thunder Raiden has become tired of the mortals putting themselves in danger, becoming more and more like a dictator and less and less like the gentle protector we all knew, or thought we knew, even me.

My name is Reptile, and I am a wanted creature. I have ruined my own life by serving the darkness but I have been given a second chance, an ally to guide me to redemption. Her name is Mage, and she knew the truth. She is a Chi master, she controls the energy of life and souls, but at the cost of her own body, though she is strong, if she kills, she will weaken, if she fails in her mission, the world will end. She is to defeat Raiden, for she knew his true nature, and never belived his lies. His 'change' was not accident, no corruption of his essance, it was his nature hidden under a mask, but still his warriors belive him, and follow him blindly, the fools. I was like that once, but I know better now, it is your own hand that creates your fate, not the gods, but he would have his pets belive otherwise. The orderrealm has sided with Raiden as well, while the rumors of Shao Khan include Chaos realm. When Mage found me, and began to guide me she taught me one thing, one mantra that will save us all, if only those with power would hear it, and let it ring true in their ears. "Entrophy and Order"

Mage's Intro:

He has finally done it, his true nature shines in the faces of his minons and yet they still follow him to the death. Pure order bah, nothing but an unchanging and dead world, and even the neatherworld changes from time to time. The thunder god has gone too far, and only we two stand before him as a barrier now. Shao Khan and Shinnok combined do not create the threat that Raiden does, he is a demon possing as a god. The elder gods do nothing, for they too fear him, with great wisdom, for he somehow retained the powers of his elder god status. Why couldn't he have stayed an elder god, or dead? I was once his student, forced to train under the dark shadow of the god, but now I will fight back, he will no longer control me...

Reptile is my only friend now, for we maintain the balance of the realms, without chaos there is no order and without order there is no chaos. A world can not be chaotic only, for death will reign and wars will never end, but on the same coin pure order will prevent the world from adapting if something changes greatly, and there is nothing to stop it. Order holds in the chaos and chaos allows the order to bend to the river of time. Force threaten the balance, and I fear that even with help, I might not stop it in time.... Damn Raiden, Damn him


A wanted creature, he hides from those who see him as a traitor and those that see him as a servent to chaos, but now, he is neither. He tires of be someone's little pet, being tossed around like a ragdoll while is current master hides, he now follows his own path, the path of balance, the path of unity, the path of the true warrior, the path that was lost for centuries in favor of mortal kombat, the blood sport.

As a child, she was taken from her parents to train with the god of thunder himself, as well as a village chi master. As she grew she knew she had to get away from the temple in which she trained, for to her, Raiden would be the end all of existance unless she destroyed him. She escaped after twenty years, running fast. One year later she found her friend, Reptile, and offered her hand in redemption for the creature, a decision she will never regret for know another follows the path of balance once more, and soon mortal kombat will come to an end, and true peace will begin

The dark god of Thunder, determined to lead his army against those who would bring chaos to any of the realms. To bring an end to Entrophy is to bring eternal order, but a new element is in the air. He knows of Mage's plans and has a few of his own, and he will stop at nothing to obtain both eternal order and the chi master once more, even if it means going against the elder gods themselves

This is all I got so far, kind of a rebel group against a great army plus two opposing dark forces (darkness chaos and darkness order) that causes problems. should I add more bios to this, if so who?tongue
01/11/2006 03:11 AM (UTC)
How about an stealth game staring Noob/Smoke between UMK3 and MKD that would be VERY cool and would be a new concept for Midway.As long as they don't make it stupid like MKSM than I'm all up for a Noob/Smoke game.
About Me

I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

01/12/2006 01:20 AM (UTC)
6volt Wrote:
How about an stealth game staring Noob/Smoke between UMK3 and MKD that would be VERY cool and would be a new concept for Midway.As long as they don't make it stupid like MKSM than I'm all up for a Noob/Smoke game.

meh never was a fan of those stealth games, kinda dull if you ask me
01/24/2006 03:50 AM (UTC)
please close it
01/25/2006 03:42 AM (UTC)
Close this thread now!
01/25/2006 04:35 AM (UTC)
Ladymage Wrote:
6volt Wrote:
How about an stealth game staring Noob/Smoke between UMK3 and MKD that would be VERY cool and would be a new concept for Midway.As long as they don't make it stupid like MKSM than I'm all up for a Noob/Smoke game.

meh never was a fan of those stealth games, kinda dull if you ask me

Too boring for you huh?How about Subby BEFORE MKSB and learn more about his Lin-Kuei background,it then continues to MKSB, and then just when you thought the credits were coming it continues to MK1 where he gets killed and we discover how he became Noob it thens continues to where he finds Smoke and it STILL goes on until you're in Pre MK7(Or MK8).Now THAT would be one heck of a game.
About Me

I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

01/25/2006 05:32 AM (UTC)
6volt Wrote:
Ladymage Wrote:
6volt Wrote:
How about an stealth game staring Noob/Smoke between UMK3 and MKD that would be VERY cool and would be a new concept for Midway.As long as they don't make it stupid like MKSM than I'm all up for a Noob/Smoke game.

meh never was a fan of those stealth games, kinda dull if you ask me

Too boring for you huh?How about Subby BEFORE MKSB and learn more about his Lin-Kuei background,it then continues to MKSB, and then just when you thought the credits were coming it continues to MK1 where he gets killed and we discover how he became Noob it thens continues to where he finds Smoke and it STILL goes on until you're in Pre MK7(Or MK8).Now THAT would be one heck of a game.

that would be intresting, it would give the fans more of an idea about the mk world itself
01/25/2006 01:29 PM (UTC)
I would make an rpg, since everyone is intrigued by the story of Mortal Kombat.

It would be it's own game and I would release it on xbox 360.

the end
02/11/2006 09:02 PM (UTC)
Here my idea:
In Edenia king jerrod is revived. mileena is is kitans true sister and the royal family are: King jerrod +Queen Sindel -----------Jade------------Sheeva Kitania Mileena + Liu Kang. Key --------- freind + lovers - kids anyway Jerrod gives Mileena and Kitaina a Edeniain realm sword each he says ' It Grants u portals to travel to other realms In Earth realm Earths greatest warrior train the next generation so they are read for mortal kombat In The userwel evil realms lots of evil charaters are planin evil plots like: noob's thinkin joinin sketor so that he can use his perfect technollogy and creatin a shadow cyborges.he thinkin of usin frost as a side kick.
02/11/2006 09:55 PM (UTC)
I like that
02/11/2006 11:14 PM (UTC)
I would remake trilogy in 3-D, with the same fatalitys, agressors and everything. And alt costumes that you get through the krypt like in deception and da.
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03/09/2006 03:57 AM (UTC)
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