Bring back Kreate a Fighter!!
posted01/01/2009 09:12 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/18/2006 06:19 PM (UTC)
This time make it better
have a lot more options, and make it so we can create items, and clothing.
after your done you can take a picture of your character so it can be on the character selection screen.
12/25/2008 06:15 PM (UTC)
I say the kreate a fighter in MKA sucked. And if they bring it back they should give us all options, like having four armed shokans that would have been sweet to make, all and better clothing that all the characters in the game have plus more.
12/26/2008 04:46 AM (UTC)
You're like the fifthteenth person who begs to have this feature return. For once, I wll say this, yes it was a nice feature, but it's not MK-ish, and that's the first time I ever said that. With the multiple threads that have other users begging for create a character feature to return, I never stated that this feature is no really a MK-ish style. It's just pointless to create a character who has no involvement in the real story at all. Not to mention, if you're going to have something created, don';t you think you should have more special moves that didn't belong to a character already? That was the dumbest thing, and I hated the fact that you can share the same moves as another character. You had like only six moves that were totally new that no body had, but unfortunately they were projectiles.

Not to mention, the different clothes and hair styles they had for your characters made characters look like a retarded anime character that people are to die over. And that you could make another Sub-Zero, only with MK1 or MK3 clothes, as well as Kitana, and Frost's outfit. That didn't impress me that you can make a clone of Sub-Zero and name him Sub-Zero and give him the moves. What's the point on making another Sub-Zero when you have the real one in th game? Same with Scorpion and Ermac as well as Rain and Reptile and Noob... and possibly Human Smoke. Oh, and the cyborgs. Why would you want to recreate something that already exists in the game? Completely pointless.

If they want to bring back this feature, which I highly doubt they will, they sure as hell got a lot of things to fix, and I mean fixing the entire feature that will make a lot of people satisfied with the whole thing. Not just, let's just throw it in there just because it's the last of the generation shit thing they kept mentioning.
12/26/2008 08:11 AM (UTC)
I don't like the idea of creating your own custom fighter in a Mortal Kombat game. To me that is not what will sell a game of that franchise.

I think it would detract from the originality of the already established and also new characters in the franchise. With a rich plot, and interesting characters I feel that there would be no need to build in your own created characters.

Instead of that I'd suggest on customizing already existing characters with new apparel and custom slots for special moves.

In a way add RPG elements to the characters that already exist by giving them custom clothing that add attributes to attack, defense, health, stamina and magic and also alter your character's appearance.

Also for special moves have 8 moves designed for each character but allow access for only 4 moves to be used during a fight. With some clothing you would be allowed 5 moves to use in combat instead.

This I think could add variety and please fans wishing to have customization in their characters. I would not give the player any creative freedom in making a character that is completely irrelevant to the plot of the story.
i disagree. they should have kreate-a-kombatant. what the mk team should do is to start from scratch. take ideas from other games like soul caliber, WWE SvR, but also have lots of option on creating your fighter. human, shokan, demon, cyborg, oni, tarkatan, ect. should be inputed before you can create your fighter. one major addition other than good/evil alignment should be "Your Alliance". Choosing for example brotherhood of shadow and good alignment will have a conflicting story with your fighter. Konquest should just be for the kreated fighters. this will play out with your alignment and alliance. if done correctly this will be one of the best features the MK team could do for the next MK game. now all we need is for the MK team to explain wth happened in the end of Armageddon.
12/28/2008 09:18 PM (UTC)
How is it not MK-ish? Most people probably would like this feature especially over Xbox live. Nobody wants to fight the same few characters over over again. I really like this idea if they were to bring it back i hope they would have a lot of options or else it wudnt be worth it.
12/28/2008 10:23 PM (UTC)
How is it not MK-ish? Most people probably would like this feature especially over Xbox live. Nobody wants to fight the same few characters over over again. I really like this idea if they were to bring it back i hope they would have a lot of options or else it wudnt be worth it.

It's not MK-ish to me because it's something that MK should never had in the first place.

And what are you talking about that nobody wants to fight the same few characters? Where have you been the last 16 years?
12/30/2008 03:43 PM (UTC)
I think they should bring back Kreate-A-Kombatant only to have it play a role in Konquest mode as the main character if it's possible,and maybe playable in arcade mode
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PSN - TrueKage

12/30/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
im 50/50 on this. It is kinda interesting to create a unique warrior, but at the same time its just not MK ish like others have said. Its a fun feature but creating someone thats non-canon with no story and dosent even tie into the MK universe...its not fun. Gets boring quick.
unless they make konquest exclusively for the kak. that will be the best option the MK Team should do.
12/31/2008 12:42 AM (UTC)
FlawlessVictoryFatality Wrote:
unless they make konquest exclusively for the kak. that will be the best option the MK Team should do.

Ehh, not really.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

12/31/2008 04:32 AM (UTC)
I'd go for it if you could make a set of kustom fatalities (not KAF, you could create them move by move, assign a button combo to activate it, and use them when you win, kind of like creating a trick in Tony Hawk games)
this will go well with the kak. but i only want kreate a fighter back if they do use konquest for their story.
Please leave this option for Soul Calibur.

.. and wrestling games.
there was a time when soul caliber and wrestling games never had this feature. once they started to use it for their games, they've improved on the feature. this was MK's 1st try at it. no one gets it right the 1st try.
12/31/2008 05:06 PM (UTC)
FlawlessVictoryFatality Wrote:
there was a time when soul caliber and wrestling games never had this feature. once they started to use it for their games, they've improved on the feature. this was MK's 1st try at it. no one gets it right the 1st try.

Yeah but you know something, those games got a good reception after they featured the create a person feature... MK got a bad one. Yeah, we shouldn't shut down on the feature just because it was executed poorly, but sadly, I am, and I'm going to keep saying no to those who continues making more threads about the topic.
01/01/2009 09:12 PM (UTC)
What can I say about CAF in MKA. Poor.
You should add opportunity to change blood colour. I wanted to create a cyborg, a reptilian race character, but what I see - they all bleed redfurious
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