Bring back Deception style storylines
posted09/05/2007 10:33 PM (UTC)by
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08/28/2007 07:36 PM (UTC)
Deception had one of the best storylines to Mortal Kombat date

none of that good vs evil and good must prevail nonsence.

Good lost the battle, and it became a battle between Chaos and Order, with most of the characters being neutral or evil. All the good characters didn't really fight in the battle but just taught Shujinko some moves and that was it.

We need more stories like that. Evil going after evil, neutral going after neutral
09/05/2007 04:46 PM (UTC)
Midoriryuu Wrote:
Deception had one of the best storylines to Mortal Kombat date

none of that good vs evil and good must prevail nonsence.

Good lost the battle, and it became a battle between Chaos and Order, with most of the characters being neutral or evil. All the good characters didn't really fight in the battle but just taught Shujinko some moves and that was it.

We need more stories like that. Evil going after evil, neutral going after neutral

Are you sure you're talking about the same MK: Deception?

The heroes lost at the end of MKDA, not in MKD. The story still has the good vs. evil theme. If good didn't prevail in MKD and if Onaga had been successful in merging the Kamidogu with Shinnok's Amulet, it would be game over for everyone.

I think you actually need to get an understanding of MKD's story and the alignments of the characters.
About Me

09/05/2007 07:30 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I think you're mixing some MK: DA stuff with MK: D. Deception still retained the Good (Shujinko and Co.) Vs. Evil (Onaga and Co.), and it ends with Shujinko and his allies winning and smacking Onaga into the Netherrealm.

I do agree it had a great storyline, though. The Order vs. Chaos theme was a nice side-aspect to the main battle, and for the first time, I felt the storyline gave as much importance to the side-villains as it did the main villain. I always felt that, in past MKs, the spotlight only really shone over the protagonists (Liu Kang, Sonya, Sub-Zero, etc.) and then on the main threat. The other baddies never really got much depth. This time we had Mileena, like, completely taking over everyone's interest with her usurping Kitana's place, even though she wasn't the main villain (and that's just one example). I do think they need to retain some of the MK:D storyline ideas. Importance and depth to ALL characters, ominous main villain, and a sense that everything might be lost or destroyed with one false move. Basically, a sense of danger throughout.

As for your idea of kicking the heroes' asses and just leaving an Evil Vs. Evil Vs. Neutral thing going... I'm not a fan, and I don't think it's a good idea for MK:8. The MK Team had the heroes defeated in MK:DA, but thats only because they already had a huge plan for the next game that would:

1) Allow them to introduce new characters while the protagonists "took a break".


2) Bring back the heroes in the end like nothing ever happened.

They can't do the same thing again, or people will lose faith in their creativity. This is one aspect of a successful MK that they should stay away from this time around, IMHO.
09/05/2007 09:16 PM (UTC)
First of all thank you LeoBrZ81 for answering my post in a POLITE way. Its great to see some polite people on this board. Thank you!
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Midoriryuu Wrote:
Deception had one of the best storylines to Mortal Kombat date

none of that good vs evil and good must prevail nonsence.

Good lost the battle, and it became a battle between Chaos and Order, with most of the characters being neutral or evil. All the good characters didn't really fight in the battle but just taught Shujinko some moves and that was it.

We need more stories like that. Evil going after evil, neutral going after neutral

Are you sure you're talking about the same MK: Deception?

The heroes lost at the end of MKDA, not in MKD. The story still has the good vs. evil theme. If good didn't prevail in MKD and if Onaga had been successful in merging the Kamidogu with Shinnok's Amulet, it would be game over for everyone.

I think you actually need to get an understanding of MKD's story and the alignments of the characters.

Your post is quite rude, I understand the storyline. Steady on there mister... People aren't going to want to come to this board if they recieve comments like that thrown at them. I know you have an important status on this board but that doesn't give you the right to question my intelligence as a person.
I meant MK: D.

The storyline was that the good guys had lost the battle and it became a battle between Chaos Vs Order.

If I was talking about MK:DA I would have said the good guys were GOING to lose.

MK:D = They had already lost

I stick to my post because its right.
Even though Shujinko was of a good allignment. Most of the characters were of Chaos and Order. Hotaru, Darrius, Dairou, Havik. All new characters of a neutral allignment (neither good or evil) in the battle betwen chaos and order.
Those who followed Chaos wanted Shao Kahn to rule
Those who followed Order wanted Onaga to rule.
The idea was not of evil and good. It was Onaga working for One Being. The Elder Gods do not directly interfere with the battle of the realms, they only assure there ARE realms. Onaga had different ideas, yes Onaga was evil, but it was not to do with him being evil... it was to do with him restoring the One Being i.e. fusing all the realms thus destroying all life (including evil life so you could look that he was helping the good guys by destroying the bad guys).
The Elder God's are neutral and it was about them wanting to stop a guy (Onaga) carrying out extremeorder. Even though he was evil it was about him carrying out order. Yes Shujinko was a good character who stopped the evil character, thats mostly coincidence. It feels like you are denying the whole Chaos Vs Order concept, but I dont really know why you would do that when the evidence is there blatently in the games.
Don't act like I don't know anything just because I have jonied the board. Some people just think they know everything just because their discussion board status is different, its very rude.
09/05/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
I never questioned your intelligence as a person, and don't make some assumptions about me just because of my rank or something.

The main story of MKD is not about a battle between Chaos and Order, but a battle to stop Onaga and to save Reality from being erased.

You should've made yourself clearer regarding the loss of the heroes at the end of MKDA.

Dairou is the middle man in the Order/Chaos conflict, even though he is hired by Darrius to retrieve the Declaration of Order as well as kill Hotaru. The Order/Chaos conflict itself mainly took place within Seido itself.

I'm sure Havik and the other Chaosrealm denizens would rather much have no ruling power in Outworld and that them liking Shao Kahn is only because he brings Chaos. Hotaru and maybe the Seidan government are the ones that want Onaga to be successful.

Onaga isn't exactly working for the One Being, perse. He was simply under subconscious manipulation. In the ending concepts for Onaga, he first fused all of the realms together to form One Realm. However, he then fused everything and everyone into his existence to become the One Being.

The Elder Gods wanting Onaga stopped doesn't have to do with him trying to bring his own type of Order in. It has to do with the Elder Gods not wanting the One Being to return.

What I'm saying is that MKD's main story still has the good vs. evil concept to it. The Order/Chaos conflict is a side story. I don't see how Shujinko stopping Onaga is a coincidence.

I'm not saying or implying that you don't know anything. I'm just saying that you are a bit mistaken.

Again, don't make assumptions about me based on my status. Also, don't send me PMs with the same post you made here with all that mess.
09/05/2007 10:33 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I never questioned your intelligence as a person, and don't make some assumptions about me just because of my rank or something.

The main story of MKD is not about a battle between Chaos and Order, but a battle to stop Onaga and to save Reality from being erased.

You should've made yourself clearer regarding the loss of the heroes at the end of MKDA.

Dairou is the middle man in the Order/Chaos conflict, even though he is hired by Darrius to retrieve the Declaration of Order as well as kill Hotaru. The Order/Chaos conflict itself mainly took place within Seido itself.

I'm sure Havik and the other Chaosrealm denizens would rather much have no ruling power in Outworld and that them liking Shao Kahn is only because he brings Chaos. Hotaru and maybe the Seidan government are the ones that want Onaga to be successful.

Onaga isn't exactly working for the One Being, perse. He was simply under subconscious manipulation. In the ending concepts for Onaga, he first fused all of the realms together to form One Realm. However, he then fused everything and everyone into his existence to become the One Being.

The Elder Gods wanting Onaga stopped doesn't have to do with him trying to bring his own type of Order in. It has to do with the Elder Gods not wanting the One Being to return.

What I'm saying is that MKD's main story still has the good vs. evil concept to it. The Order/Chaos conflict is a side story. I don't see how Shujinko stopping Onaga is a coincidence.

I'm not saying or implying that you don't know anything. I'm just saying that you are a bit mistaken.

Again, don't make assumptions about me based on my status. Also, don't send me PMs with the same post you made here with all that mess.

Ok fair enough, I won't make assumptions on your rank if you don't make assumptions on my knowledge. As I never even mentioned MK:DA in my post, that was purely your input.

Under a different light and way of presenting your post I can now see your argument and see what you mean more clearly. But try not to twist my posts in the future.
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