Bosses, and X-Rays
posted08/17/2014 08:13 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Should bosses be immune to X-rays, or most of them anyway, or would it give them an unfair advantage?

Motaro was the one boss most X-Rays in the last game wouldn't have made sense against, and I wonder if that's one reason he only made some small cameos in a few scenes instead (it's not like 3D gameplay was an issue again in MK9). Then there was that comment from Ed Boon a while back about wanting bosses to work as playable characters, which was once again used as an excuse to exclude Motaro. That leaves me wondering if bosses will be vulnerable to X-rays again, as immunity to most or all of them could risk being an unfair advantage for a playable character, especially if they have an X-Ray of their own.

The whole thing about bosses working as playable characters also leaves me wondering if we can expect Kotal Kahn, or any of the playable characters, to be the final boss. Another Shinnok, though it can work if the playable boss' AI is effective, as it was in MK:DA. It'd just be a little disappointing, that's all.

Anyway, bosses being immune to X-Rays wouldn't bother me, as unfair advantages can make boss fights exciting. It's not like X-Rays in MK9 were absolutely vital in order to win, though on the other hand, no opponents, not even the bosses, were so powerful that X-Ray immunity would have made them that much harder to beat. Maybe Motaro would have been too tough a boss if done right. But I doubt it.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/15/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
No, no, no.

Make bosses completely playable and abide by the same rules as everyone else. It is just cheap facing them otherwise and just forces the player to exploit weakenesses in their programming. It is not fun for me at all.

In my opinion it is just a waste of time and resources making characters which are not playable.
08/15/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
No, no, no.

Make bosses completely playable and abide by the same rules as everyone else. It is just cheap facing them otherwise and just forces the player to exploit weakenesses in their programming. It is not fun for me at all.

In my opinion it is just a waste of time and resources making characters which are not playable.

They can be playable and still have unique advantages. If that makes them too powerful for the EVO scene, then there are two solutions: only make them playable for offline single-player on the hardest difficulty setting, or ban them from tournaments.

Was it an issue in the MK3 era when Motaro was immune to most projectiles? Are X-Rays that much more effective than projectiles that immunity to them would be a much greater issue?
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/15/2014 04:43 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
No, no, no.

Make bosses completely playable and abide by the same rules as everyone else. It is just cheap facing them otherwise and just forces the player to exploit weakenesses in their programming. It is not fun for me at all.

In my opinion it is just a waste of time and resources making characters which are not playable.

They can be playable and still have unique advantages. If that makes them too powerful for the EVO scene, then there are two solutions: only make them playable for offline single-player on the hardest difficulty setting, or ban them from tournaments.

Was it an issue in the MK3 era when Motaro was immune to most projectiles? Are X-Rays that much more effective than projectiles that immunity to them would be a much greater issue?

Still do not like it. They should have no advantadges and abide by the same ruleset as everyone else or there is no point in my opinion. Like Boon said "I don't think people think it through and just say "I want to play as Motaro!" You really don't!".

It is such an antiquated idea. In my opinion get rid of all the unplayable boss characters. Glad Shao Kahn is gone and replaced by Kotal Kahn who is playable. I am thinking with a new generation NRS can leave these old ideas in the past.
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08/15/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
No, no, no.
Make bosses completely playable and abide by the same rules as everyone else. It is just cheap facing them otherwise and just forces the player to exploit weakenesses in their programming. It is not fun for me at all.
In my opinion it is just a waste of time and resources making characters which are not playable.
Same. In the 90's it was fine because arcades eat quarters but in 2015 we're playing arcade and ladders to enjoy the single player experience or unlock endings and content. I'm not interested in doing some tedious wait and exploit weaknesses kind of gameplay.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/15/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
Whatever NetherRealm Studios did for MK9. Keep it that way.
08/15/2014 08:09 PM (UTC)
Honestly, if they're making the boss playable, then just do what they did with Shang in MK9.

When fighting him/her at the end of the ladder:

•Give them a damage boost
•Give them some damage reduction
•And maybe give them a little armor on some of their moves.

Boom, boss character is now a little tougher than his/her playable counterpart.

And don't make them immune to X-Rays.
08/15/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
I'm fine with unplayable cheap bosses tbh. But I wont lie, the second I see something unplayable, I want to play as it.
They can have the bosses be playable just make them completely normal when being selected by a human player and then when you are fighting against them in the story mode or single player arcade ladder just give them ridiculous buffs and make them a difficulty harder than selected.
For example if you are playing on medium the boss will be set on hard, if you select hard, the boss will be on very hard.
08/16/2014 06:14 AM (UTC)
heres my take on this:

When playing a boss character, he should be tough, NOT annoyingly impossible to be. X-rays should be able to be performed on bosses. Cause in all honesty BOSS characters are the biggest spammers no matter the level you play on, more so than spamming players!

I also believe fatalities should be performed on Boss characters IF, IF you can manages a perfect match against them.

08/16/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
Some of the arguments here are depressing. It's like some of you did agree with NRS' decision not to include Motaro in MK9 (and X), not necessarily because you disliked Motaro in the first place, but because doing his gameplay justice would have required that he gets advantages over the others, like being immune to most projectiles and X-Rays. Though they could have made him (or the playable version at least) vulnerable to projectiles, if being immune to both them and X-rays would have been too much.

I thought of posting the following ideas in another thread, but it'd be rather similar to this one so I'm posting these in this thread instead. It has to do with certain characters having unique advantages, like bosses being immune to X-Rays.

Cyborgs: I think their armor should actually factor in their gameplay, by making them tougher than than most of the regular roster, and weaker than the bosses (at least those of the hulking brute variety). After substaining enough damage, parts of their armor should crack, leaving them more vulnerable.

Carnivorous characters: Like Mileena, Nitara, the Oni, Baraka, Reptile, etc. In any backgrounds that feature people or corpses around, these characters , along with being able to use them as projectiles, should be able to feed on them to get some health back. In Mileena's case, she should be able to vacuum them, and hurt the opponent by actually spitting the bones at them.

Baraka and Mileena (and/or new Tarkatans): We know Tarkatans have an heightened sense of smell, though Mileena's isn't as effective as a "pure" Tarkatan's. It should give them an advantage against invisible characters, who'd have an aura around their bodies showing exactly where they are.

If Nitara or new vampires make an appearance in this game along with zombies like Drahmin or Liu Kang's undead self, then vampires (and Mileena) should lose health if they bite the zombies. They should be unable to even bite cyborgs, because of their armor.

And finally, brace yourselves for impact people, because the ideas below involves a character of the infamous G variety.

Spinal, from Killer Instinct: If he ended up as an X-Bone (heh) exclusive, then most fatalities and X-Rays wouldn't make sense on him, so I'm suggesting that only those that don't involve organs should be doable on him. Against most characters save for the few that have the appropriate fatalities, defeating Spinal should result in him crumbling to pieces. Some characters however could kill him in unique ways, like Raiden and fire-based characters reducing him to ashes, or Sub-Zero freezing and shattering him.

During Ferra and Torr's X-Ray, Spinal's face when Ferra stabs it should remain skeletal. During all the few X-Rays that are plausible against him, Spinal's skeleton should remain bleach white.

And of course he shouldn't bleed when attacked.
08/16/2014 03:09 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Some of the arguments here are depressing. It's like some of you did agree with NRS' decision not to include Motaro in MK9 (and X), not necessarily because you disliked Motaro in the first place, but because doing his gameplay justice would have required that he gets advantages over the others, like being immune to most projectiles and X-Rays. Though they could have made him (or the playable version at least) vulnerable to projectiles, if being immune to both them and X-rays would have been too much.

I thought of posting the following ideas in another thread, but it'd be rather similar to this one so I'm posting these in this thread instead. It has to do with certain characters having unique advantages, like bosses being immune to X-Rays.

Cyborgs: I think their armor should actually factor in their gameplay, by making them tougher than than most of the regular roster, and weaker than the bosses (at least those of the hulking brute variety). After substaining enough damage, parts of their armor should crack, leaving them more vulnerable.

Carnivorous characters: Like Mileena, Nitara, the Oni, Baraka, Reptile, etc. In any backgrounds that feature people or corpses around, these characters , along with being able to use them as projectiles, should be able to feed on them to get some health back. In Mileena's case, she should be able to vacuum them, and hurt the opponent by actually spitting the bones at them.

Baraka and Mileena (and/or new Tarkatans): We know Tarkatans have an heightened sense of smell, though Mileena's isn't as effective as a "pure" Tarkatan's. It should give them an advantage against invisible characters, who'd have an aura around their bodies showing exactly where they are.

If Nitara or new vampires make an appearance in this game along with zombies like Drahmin or Liu Kang's undead self, then vampires (and Mileena) should lose health if they bite the zombies. They should be unable to even bite cyborgs, because of their armor.

And finally, brace yourselves for impact people, because the ideas below involves a character of the infamous G variety.

Spinal, from Killer Instinct: If he ended up as an X-Bone (heh) exclusive, then most fatalities and X-Rays wouldn't make sense on him, so I'm suggesting that only those that don't involve organs should be doable on him. Against most characters save for the few that have the appropriate fatalities, defeating Spinal should result in him crumbling to pieces. Some characters however could kill him in unique ways, like Raiden and fire-based characters reducing him to ashes, or Sub-Zero freezing and shattering him.

During Ferra and Torr's X-Ray, Spinal's face when Ferra stabs it should remain skeletal. During all the few X-Rays that are plausible against him, Spinal's skeleton should remain bleach white.

And of course he shouldn't bleed when attacked.

I would be ok with Motoro in MKX, even if X-rays and fatalities couldn't work on him. It could be more challenging, id like for them to try to emulate his mk3 self, where one kick shoots you across the screen and takes away a lot of health and he keeps teleporting and shooting those blasts from his tail lol I don't think he would be able to be playable though unless he was nerfed ALOT because if there is a playable character that x rays and some specials don't work on, people would get upset. I guess they could not nerf him and just make him unplayable/banned in tournaments and online?
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/17/2014 08:13 AM (UTC)
I used to love the idea of unplayable bosses but Superman in Injustice changed my mind. He was a perfect boss and still fine as a playable character
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