Boon: Character in doesnt mean another isnt - who is he referring to?
posted06/30/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
In a recent interview with Boon he said a pet hate was fans assuming that just because one character has been announced, that another character will not make the cut, then whinge at him about it. He said he wants to reassure people those characters are included but it's not part of the reveal plan yet so is frustrating.

Who do you think he was referring to?

Could be:

* D'Vorah being yellow/black female design means Tanya isn't included?
* Casse Cage means Johnny/Sonya won't be in?
* Large roster of new characters means Havik/Bo Rai/Fujin etc won't make the cut?
* All the above

What you think? Do you think that means we'll be getting most of the above? The only safe cut I'd comfortably assume is Sonya - but, that's just me. Two blonde military-esque females doesn't quite make sense when balancing a limited roster. EDIT: Interview Link, from 8mins-22mins in Boon speaking.
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06/17/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
What was the interview?
06/17/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
Hopefully, this includes Sheeva.
06/17/2014 02:33 AM (UTC)
I mostly think he just doesn't want to have to deal with people bitching at him for the next year based on information they don't have yet. There will probably be a few surprises and things that buck the trend.
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06/17/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
Yeah I think he was talking about fans in general, he didn't have a specific example.

But I can say that he heavily hinted Johnny Cage and/or Sonya Cage being in the game, when he brought up Cassie doing a fatality on her parents or vice versa in an interview.
06/17/2014 03:02 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
What was the interview?

This one:
The Ed Boon interview is: 8:00 - 20:30
06/17/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
He's most likely addressing the people who are concerned about the lack of familiar characters right now. Of course, if they'd have some fucking patience then they would realize there's no reason to worry.
06/17/2014 03:26 AM (UTC)
So I take it even with Sub-zero in, Frost will be in too? Boon don't toy with my emotions like this!!!sadsadsad
06/17/2014 03:31 AM (UTC)
I just want to see characters who are new and/or fit into the storyline. I don't want to have characters in the game who are there just because they were someone's favorite back in MK4/DA/Dec/A. In all honesty, more than half of the MK roster could be killed off, and I really think they've been trying to do this since MKA (with the final battle) and most of the heroes getting killed in MK2011.

Now, if they were to remove Scorpion and Sub-Zero, THAT would be a ballsy movie... let's see how well MK stands without one (or both) of its most iconic characters.
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06/17/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
I mean Boon's filthy liar so as always it's a wait and see moment lol.
06/17/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
..Well maybe he is referring to Johnny Cage and Sonya, probably Sonya more specifically since everyone were quick to say that both of them might not be in due to Cassie. But, you know, even Sonya could make a dramatic change to over 25 years. Leave the military and all after the events or whenever she gets preggo with Cassie, then adopt a whole new style, personalizing it even more to show a difference from the two.

Maybe change the color of her damn hair since two blonde girls in one game is such a problem to some people here.

If they could get creative with the new characters, they could get creative with changing the old ones to make sure no one is a clone.
06/17/2014 08:05 AM (UTC)
He's just referring to the way every time a character is revealed hotheaded fans pop up to raise a stink about "Why was it that character and not the one I wanted? Now the one I wanted won't make the cut because you decided to focus on that stupid character instead."

That's pretty much it.
06/20/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
It means I could be a very happy MK fan :)

Mamma Blade and Papa Cage for the win! It seems like they will be in MKX. I don't see why they wouldn't, even with Cassie around. They were the lone 2 survivors of MK9, for heaven's sake :P

lFrost Wrote:
..Well maybe he is referring to Johnny Cage and Sonya, probably Sonya more specifically since everyone were quick to say that both of them might not be in due to Cassie. But, you know, even Sonya could make a dramatic change to over 25 years. Leave the military and all after the events or whenever she gets preggo with Cassie, then adopt a whole new style, personalizing it even more to show a difference from the two.

If they could get creative with the new characters, they could get creative with changing the old ones to make sure no one is a clone.


Except that part about changing Sonya's hair color. Ugh. She's the original and was the only blonde till Cassie. 2 blondes in one game is not a big deal, specially considering that they are related by blood, people!
06/20/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
Ugh, I don't really like this news!

I hope it won't be sonya or johnny, in that way I don't see any use in Cassie...

But I really don't know about who he may talk then?

Tanya, cuz D'vorah also has yellow features? Lol I just hope it will be this and not the humans of the series.
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06/20/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I mean Boon's filthy liar so...

06/20/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
I think that it has to do with the Cassie/Sonya/Johnny dynamic. I don't think that they'll leave people out of the game solely based on wardrobe color.

Just because D'Vorah is black and yellow doesn't mean that they'll leave Tanya out because their colors match. By that rationale, Scorpion shouldn't be in there!
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06/20/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
I'd be happy either way. I like Johnny and Sonya but we don't have to have them in this game. I on the other hand wouldn't mind if they come back.grin
06/20/2014 08:14 PM (UTC)
Ed was likely just talking about impatient fans that want ALL the characters all the time.

And I would bet plural amounts of dollars that Sonya will not be in this game. And not because of this "Two blondes is too much derp" reason. There's way more than that.

Cassie exists as a representation of this "Next Generation" that Ed keeps referring to. Sonya's inclusion would diminish that, unless they DRASTICALLY change Sonya. Having two characters that are so similar would be redundant. (both Special Forces, same body type, similar fighting styles, and ALSO both being blonde, cheeky females in addition to all that)

From a raw aesthetic perspective, when designing Cassie, she would have been given far more differences to Sonya if they both were to be included. Variety is a good thing. From a storytelling perspective, Sonya's absence is potentially far more valuable for Cassie (and Johnny) than her presence. Losing a mother/wife (Due to death or anything else) creates immediate drama and pathos and motivations and stakes. All things stories are made of. There is just way more to gain from leaving Sonya off the roster.

Now, with all that being said, I wouldn't be surprised a bit if Sonya pops up as DLC. DLCs are mostly about making extra $$$, and I could see a good number of people snatching her up that way. Sonya returns years later, after her assumed death. Special Forces Cyber Sonya!
06/23/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
We now have Cassie as the new blonde, so we do not need Sonya. I welcome Johnny back though glasses
06/30/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)
I think we'll see a lot of them, and after seeing Cassie's gameplay vids, I don't see why they would exclude them from a gameplay roster. Cassie is, so far, her own unique character. There's still room for Sonya and Johnny.

Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
We now have Cassie as the new blonde, so we do not need Sonya. I welcome Johnny back though glasses

All this "blonde talk" I have been reading around the board is funny. Though it is cool that after all these years the only other blonde gal in MK just happens to be Sonya's daughter, I do not oppose to a new blonde girl if she has her own identity and style. A wicked blonde chick would be cool.

PS: Johnny was quite blonde in MKDA.

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