Blaze Discussion
posted01/29/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 07:59 PM (UTC)
Okay, don't flame me (pun intended) but what do you think about Blaze returning? I know there are a lot of people out there that hate him.. but there are some people out there that like him and are open to him returning.

Do you dislike him because of his moves? His Look? His story?

Personally I think Blaze is nothing but untapped potential. Be honest, how many of you were excited to learn that the mystery character from the background of MK2 was going to be in an MK game? Then MK: Deadly Alliance happened and he was completely underwhelming.. They basically just gave some one orange skin with a bit of a fire/smoke effect.. His moves weren't exciting...and lets not even get started on his fatalities, or lack there of... there was plenty not to like.... but there is so much that COULD be liked.

Give him a better move set.. give him some cool fatalities.. and update his look (They are doing great things with character designs in this game, I bet they could make him awesome. Maybe a mix between his DA and Armageddon designs with better flame effects.. I have always liked his story, and given how it started out and where it went, he technically should have been included in MK9. Since Armageddon didn't happen that means Blaze is still out there. I would be very happy if NRS decided to take another crack at this potentially awesome character.

Just my 2 cents. What do you think?
01/28/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
I'm fine with Blaze coming back but I don't think they'll pull him out of the back of their pocket again untill they are ready to pull another Infinite Crisis on MK.

I would love to be wrong but I don't think NRS is ignorant to what that would signify for...well the kind of people that come to this site.

Unless they are brave enough to look you in the eye and throw out the lore of that character.
01/28/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
To me he has always been a cheap throw away character like Mokap and Meat. Also, I absolutely hate everything about Armaggedon, I hate Taven and Daegon as they were just super generic, I hate that they made Blaze suddenly become the big bad, and I hate how bad they screwed that game up with create a fatality, and generic endings.

I will always associate Blaze with SUCK.
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01/28/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
Well... thanks for that positive post... haha

again.. I'm talking potential... not a poorly made older game
01/28/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
I think most of the less liked or known characters can be improved upon and made interesting with enough time and creativity, including Blaze.

I think he needs a new design, I don't like the human torch looking version, but I don't like the giant hulking version either. What they should do with him from a design perspective is where I am kind of unsure about the character.

His move set can be improved on upon too. Considering he uses fire based techniques, I don't think NRS would have any issues giving him an awesome move set.
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01/28/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
I am a Blaze fan and I want him to be playable and I want him to have a eyes burn out fatality.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/29/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
Blaze needs a little bit of a make over. Dude should have had more powerful moves as a elemental being.
01/29/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Blaze seems like a character but he really lacks to IMO!
Sorry but unless he gets a major overhaul...No Thank you
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01/29/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
NRS can definitely make him an interesting character, design wise maybe something in between his DA and Armageddon's appearance.
01/29/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
I really liked Blaze in MKDA, and while I hated his appearence in MKA, I don't believe his story in it was bad. I think of him as an interesting character. The problem is that for him to come back, Onaga has to be revived, because Blaze will be guarding the dragon egg until that happens. I would love it if brought him back and killed him in the same game, putting a complete end to any posibility of a new armaggedon in this storyline.
01/29/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
As much as I don't care about Blaze as a character or from a design or powers point of view (let's face it, there's nothing he can do that Scorpion or Liu Kang or any other fire wielder can't), he WAS important to the story of the last game and how Armageddon even came to be. He is tied to how the events in MKA started and why a reboot even needed to happen (in the story anyways...).

I think he should have a cameo or at least be mentioned somehow or another. I know Shao Kahn is dead and all but Armageddon is still very much on the road to happen the same as in the old timeline.

I would at least like to see something about him, Taven, or Daegon happen that causes Armageddon either to happen differently OR never happen altogether, all tied together with a convenient but cool set of plot points that lets it make sense.

If it just doesn't happen "just because", I'd find that very curious...
01/29/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
I always thought Blaze was creepy in MKDA. But at the end of thed day, he is just a generic guy in fire. The only thing that was worse was his appearance in Armageddon. I dont see Blaze returning but we could get a cameo.
01/29/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
He made for an unexpected and refreshingly non-evil boss, and his blood was beautiful, but all in all, a meh character.

If his fiery state could factor in his gameplay more, like being immune to Sub-Zero's iceball (which in MKX would probably cripple Sub-Zero, gameplay-wise), then he'd be more entertaining, but I doubt they'd put that much effort in his gameplay.

Blaze would probably bring little more than an unexpected returnee to the table.

So basically, I'm indifferent to him.
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