Big questions about Sub-Zeros future
Mortal Kombat X
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Big questions about Sub-Zeros future
More than any other character, Sub-Zero has had the most influence on the most people in the shortest amount of time, but that leads to a path that could very well go anywhere. Here are the situations and questions I have:
1. It's pretty well-known, now, that Noob is Sub-Zero's brother. However, he's not the brother he once knew and has instead become an enemy. This readily creates a brother vs. brother conflict that could easily surpass the Scorp vs. Sub rivalry of yesteryear. So, what will come of this newfound
conflict? Can Sub-Zero kill his own brother?
2. Smoke was once Sub-Zero's best friend before being robotized, but Sub-Zero supposedly got Smoke's soul back. How, then, was he able to be reprogrammed if he had his soul?... or could it be that he never got his soul back? Regardless, another interesting scenario of best friend vs. best friend arises, and I wonder if Sub-Zero has it in him to kill his best friend, or will he somehow save his ally from a dark, soulless path?
3. Sareena played a huge part in MK:M and eventually betrayed her master/lover Quan Chi and sided with the original Sub-Zero (Noob), only to be killed later. During her time in the Netherrealm, it was revealed she joined the Brotherhood of Shadow briefly (like Noob), but abandoned them once her human form returned. She made her way back to Earthrealm somehow and was offered shelter and security by the new Sub-Zero within the Lin Kuei, chiefly due to her act of kindness for his brother. However, she is still a demon, and with the original Sub-Zero, now Noob Saibot, returned from death, the man who she died to save, will she betray Sub-Zero and join up with Noob? Or will she moved past her dark nature and stay Sub-Zero's ally?
4. Sektor was "beaten" by Sub-Zero for the battle of the Dragon Medallion, but it was not revealed whether he was destroyed or not. His quest for power and vengence makes him a very deadly, determined enemy of Sub-Zero, but he's still a cyborg, and perhaps a veritable target of Noob Saibot. Will Sub-Zero and Sektor team up to destroy a greater threat, or will Sektor side with Noob to achieve his purposes?
5. It was revealed in MK:DA that the Red Dragon felt that the Lin Kuei was a powerful threat to them. Mavado may or may not be killed, but regardless, the clan still lives. Sub-Zero now must face an entire organization that regards him as dangerous, but the Lin Kuei and the Black Dragon have the same enemy, now. Will a mutual truce be offered, or will Sub-Zero be caught up in a three-way struggle for dominance?
6. MK:D revealed that Frost and Sub-Zero shared similar ancestry, but that raises some questions: Are there others like him out there? After all, in his family tree, his father had three children, himself, Noob, and a daughter. His mother fled with the daughter to America, but he and his brother were taken by their father and trained as Lin Kuei assassins. So, was Frost that forgotten daughter, or is Sub-Zero's sister still alive somewhere with her latent abilities yet to be revealed?
7. MK:D stated that Sub-Zero and Scorpion still regarded each other as foes. In the path that followed, their mutual enemy, Quan Chi, was killed, so will their rivalry take center-stage again, or will Scorpion honor his vow from MKII and become Sub-Zero's protector (not that he needs it, now)?
8. Sub-Zero has gradually showed signs of becoming a god, with his hair becoming snow white and his eyes slowly becoming pupilless, game by game. With Raiden gone nuts, will Fujin step up and confront his godly friend, or will a new Elder God be chosen to take Raiden's place, a God of Ice, perhaps?
9. As far-fetched as it may sound, could there be any connection between the Dragon Medallion, Sub-Zero's Dragon fighting techniques, his Dragon Armor, and the all-powerful Dragon King? Who truly is the "Dragon King"?... just a thought.
10. Sub-Zero has had many friends and many enemies. His "friendship" to Kenshi, however, was one regarded as convenient, but nothing more. Will they instead develop a stronger bond (especially if Kenshi's ending where he kills Sub-Zero's attempted assassin, Hotaru), or will they part ways and leave each other to fend for themselves?
11. Hotaru's always been an ass (imprisoning Shujinko for 20+ years for violating a curfew, dominating other realms in the name of "order", siding with a great evil in the hopes of creating "order", etc.), but chasing after the noble, honor-bound Sub-Zero to kill him was pretty rotten, especially considering Sub-Zero had no grudge against him. So, what was Hotaru's fate, anyway, and does Sub-Zero now have the entire Orderrealm after his ass?
12. Will he sue Scorpion for taking his spine-rip Fatality?
13. It was said Sub-Zero's armor "spoke" to him, and he killed an entire horde of Tarkatan forces single-handedly (something 5 other Earthrealm heroes failed to do together... ouch). What hidden powers does the armor possess, and just how much power does Sub-Zero actually have (since his victory surprised even him!)?
14. Where did his scar go? Was it even a scar? Regardless, if it was a scar, how did it heal, and if it was battle paint, what made him cease marking himself?
15. Cyrax was once Lin Kuei, turned into a cyborg and became evil, then reprogrammed, got his soul back, and joined the Special Forces. Well, last we heard, he was thrown into a void, the Special Forces were all but annihilated, and questions remain. Now that the Lin Kuei is a force for good, will he rejoin, or will he follow his own path, one that doesn't coincide with Sub-Zero's?
That's all I can think of.
1. It's pretty well-known, now, that Noob is Sub-Zero's brother. However, he's not the brother he once knew and has instead become an enemy. This readily creates a brother vs. brother conflict that could easily surpass the Scorp vs. Sub rivalry of yesteryear. So, what will come of this newfound
conflict? Can Sub-Zero kill his own brother?
2. Smoke was once Sub-Zero's best friend before being robotized, but Sub-Zero supposedly got Smoke's soul back. How, then, was he able to be reprogrammed if he had his soul?... or could it be that he never got his soul back? Regardless, another interesting scenario of best friend vs. best friend arises, and I wonder if Sub-Zero has it in him to kill his best friend, or will he somehow save his ally from a dark, soulless path?
3. Sareena played a huge part in MK:M and eventually betrayed her master/lover Quan Chi and sided with the original Sub-Zero (Noob), only to be killed later. During her time in the Netherrealm, it was revealed she joined the Brotherhood of Shadow briefly (like Noob), but abandoned them once her human form returned. She made her way back to Earthrealm somehow and was offered shelter and security by the new Sub-Zero within the Lin Kuei, chiefly due to her act of kindness for his brother. However, she is still a demon, and with the original Sub-Zero, now Noob Saibot, returned from death, the man who she died to save, will she betray Sub-Zero and join up with Noob? Or will she moved past her dark nature and stay Sub-Zero's ally?
4. Sektor was "beaten" by Sub-Zero for the battle of the Dragon Medallion, but it was not revealed whether he was destroyed or not. His quest for power and vengence makes him a very deadly, determined enemy of Sub-Zero, but he's still a cyborg, and perhaps a veritable target of Noob Saibot. Will Sub-Zero and Sektor team up to destroy a greater threat, or will Sektor side with Noob to achieve his purposes?
5. It was revealed in MK:DA that the Red Dragon felt that the Lin Kuei was a powerful threat to them. Mavado may or may not be killed, but regardless, the clan still lives. Sub-Zero now must face an entire organization that regards him as dangerous, but the Lin Kuei and the Black Dragon have the same enemy, now. Will a mutual truce be offered, or will Sub-Zero be caught up in a three-way struggle for dominance?
6. MK:D revealed that Frost and Sub-Zero shared similar ancestry, but that raises some questions: Are there others like him out there? After all, in his family tree, his father had three children, himself, Noob, and a daughter. His mother fled with the daughter to America, but he and his brother were taken by their father and trained as Lin Kuei assassins. So, was Frost that forgotten daughter, or is Sub-Zero's sister still alive somewhere with her latent abilities yet to be revealed?
7. MK:D stated that Sub-Zero and Scorpion still regarded each other as foes. In the path that followed, their mutual enemy, Quan Chi, was killed, so will their rivalry take center-stage again, or will Scorpion honor his vow from MKII and become Sub-Zero's protector (not that he needs it, now)?
8. Sub-Zero has gradually showed signs of becoming a god, with his hair becoming snow white and his eyes slowly becoming pupilless, game by game. With Raiden gone nuts, will Fujin step up and confront his godly friend, or will a new Elder God be chosen to take Raiden's place, a God of Ice, perhaps?
9. As far-fetched as it may sound, could there be any connection between the Dragon Medallion, Sub-Zero's Dragon fighting techniques, his Dragon Armor, and the all-powerful Dragon King? Who truly is the "Dragon King"?... just a thought.
10. Sub-Zero has had many friends and many enemies. His "friendship" to Kenshi, however, was one regarded as convenient, but nothing more. Will they instead develop a stronger bond (especially if Kenshi's ending where he kills Sub-Zero's attempted assassin, Hotaru), or will they part ways and leave each other to fend for themselves?
11. Hotaru's always been an ass (imprisoning Shujinko for 20+ years for violating a curfew, dominating other realms in the name of "order", siding with a great evil in the hopes of creating "order", etc.), but chasing after the noble, honor-bound Sub-Zero to kill him was pretty rotten, especially considering Sub-Zero had no grudge against him. So, what was Hotaru's fate, anyway, and does Sub-Zero now have the entire Orderrealm after his ass?
12. Will he sue Scorpion for taking his spine-rip Fatality?
13. It was said Sub-Zero's armor "spoke" to him, and he killed an entire horde of Tarkatan forces single-handedly (something 5 other Earthrealm heroes failed to do together... ouch). What hidden powers does the armor possess, and just how much power does Sub-Zero actually have (since his victory surprised even him!)?
14. Where did his scar go? Was it even a scar? Regardless, if it was a scar, how did it heal, and if it was battle paint, what made him cease marking himself?
15. Cyrax was once Lin Kuei, turned into a cyborg and became evil, then reprogrammed, got his soul back, and joined the Special Forces. Well, last we heard, he was thrown into a void, the Special Forces were all but annihilated, and questions remain. Now that the Lin Kuei is a force for good, will he rejoin, or will he follow his own path, one that doesn't coincide with Sub-Zero's?
That's all I can think of.
I think it's been clear they're going somewhere with Sub-Zero with his power boosts and all the character's he's connected to. I think they're setting him up to be the next "main hero" of the game. Hopefully MK7 will be the game he finally officially takes that title, because I think they've built it up enough. Now he needs to start doing something.
He'll definitely play a pivotal role with Noob Saibot. I am curious how Sub-Zero react. Since it's been hinted Sub-Zero looked up to his older brother the revelation that he's Noob Saibot will be traumatic. He may be reluctant to fight his brother. But on the other hand, I don't see Sub-Zero as the type of warrior who'd be that wishy-washy. I see him as an all-business type who'd accept his brother's gone and now is this evil thing. But i guess the real conflict will be the other characters involved.
Smoke's role is questionable. He may still be serving Noob Saibot causing Sub-Zero to try to help him. But since Smoke does, or should, still have his soul and in Ashrah's ending they show him resisting he may end up helping turningon Noob. Personally I'd like to see Smoke free himself and help Sub-Zero as opposed to Sub-Zeor saving Smoke and freeing him. I want to see Smoke step up and become his own character.
Then there's Sareena, who I think will play a pivotal role. BTW, Sareena was already a member of the Brotherhood when she helped Sub-Zero(Noob). And she wasn't killed, her human form was destroyed and she was banished to the 5th Plane as punishment. She escaped with the portal Quan Chi and Scorpion used in MK:DA.
So since she's been trapped in the 5th Plane for so long she most likely doesn't even know Sub-Zero was turned into Noob Saibot. In Mythologies they hinted she and Sub-Zero maye have had feelings for each other and she hated the Brotherhood. So when she discovers Noob's true identity she'll be torn on which side to chose.
Sub-Zero I imagine will try to keep her on his side. Noob, assuming he's even going to want her on his side will probably tempt her with promises of power. Where Sareena ends up will depend on where her character goes and what she wants. So far all we know for certain is she hated the Netherealm and the Brotherhood and wanted to escape.
Scorpion will be dragged into this. Bear in mind Scorpion and Noob Saibot worked alongside each other in Shinnok's army during MK4. So apparently Scorpion has no idea and I'm guessing Noob's just biding his time. Now that Noob's in a position of power as ruler of the Netherealm, I think he'll be the one to make the first move against Scorpion.
This may lead to an uneasy alliance between Scorpion and Sub-Zero. I guess in the end, it'll come down to who will take Noob down: his nemesis Scorpion, or his brother Sub-Zero?
Frost may turn up again. There is evidence that she may have been Sub-Zero, and therefore Noob Saibot's sister. If she is indeed dead, there's a chance her soul went to the Netherealm after she died. And Noob is now ruling the Netherealm. Sub-Zero apparently feels no grudge against Frost since he buried her, he also probably feels partially responsible for her death, Noob could use Frost against him.
Since Deception took place mainly in Outworld we got no update on Sektor's Tekunin. I imagine when Sub-Zero returns to Earth he's going to have one hell of a surprise waiting for him. I personally believe Sektor to be Sub-Zero's true nemesis and hopefully he'll live up to that potential when he returns.
I am curious if Kenshi will be involved with what happens with Sub-Zero. In MK:DA he was working for the Special Forces, but only as a mercenary. In Deception he allies with Sub-Zero but that may or may not lead to anything either.
Speaking of which, in MK:DA they revealed the Red Dragon was growing suspicious of the new Lin Kuei. How much did Mavado tell them before Kabal killed him? What if Kabal were to make it look like the Lin Kuei was responsible for Mavado's death? COuld lead to an alliance between the Special Forces, in which Kenshi has connections not to mention Cyrax is a former Lin Kuei...
I don't think his feud with Hotaru will come to anything. Hotaru chasing Sub-Zero seemed like a last-minute decision IMO, without any real developement. If Hotaru even returns he'll probably be too occupied dealing with what's going on in Seido to be concerned about Sub-Zero.
He'll definitely play a pivotal role with Noob Saibot. I am curious how Sub-Zero react. Since it's been hinted Sub-Zero looked up to his older brother the revelation that he's Noob Saibot will be traumatic. He may be reluctant to fight his brother. But on the other hand, I don't see Sub-Zero as the type of warrior who'd be that wishy-washy. I see him as an all-business type who'd accept his brother's gone and now is this evil thing. But i guess the real conflict will be the other characters involved.
Smoke's role is questionable. He may still be serving Noob Saibot causing Sub-Zero to try to help him. But since Smoke does, or should, still have his soul and in Ashrah's ending they show him resisting he may end up helping turningon Noob. Personally I'd like to see Smoke free himself and help Sub-Zero as opposed to Sub-Zeor saving Smoke and freeing him. I want to see Smoke step up and become his own character.
Then there's Sareena, who I think will play a pivotal role. BTW, Sareena was already a member of the Brotherhood when she helped Sub-Zero(Noob). And she wasn't killed, her human form was destroyed and she was banished to the 5th Plane as punishment. She escaped with the portal Quan Chi and Scorpion used in MK:DA.
So since she's been trapped in the 5th Plane for so long she most likely doesn't even know Sub-Zero was turned into Noob Saibot. In Mythologies they hinted she and Sub-Zero maye have had feelings for each other and she hated the Brotherhood. So when she discovers Noob's true identity she'll be torn on which side to chose.
Sub-Zero I imagine will try to keep her on his side. Noob, assuming he's even going to want her on his side will probably tempt her with promises of power. Where Sareena ends up will depend on where her character goes and what she wants. So far all we know for certain is she hated the Netherealm and the Brotherhood and wanted to escape.
Scorpion will be dragged into this. Bear in mind Scorpion and Noob Saibot worked alongside each other in Shinnok's army during MK4. So apparently Scorpion has no idea and I'm guessing Noob's just biding his time. Now that Noob's in a position of power as ruler of the Netherealm, I think he'll be the one to make the first move against Scorpion.
This may lead to an uneasy alliance between Scorpion and Sub-Zero. I guess in the end, it'll come down to who will take Noob down: his nemesis Scorpion, or his brother Sub-Zero?
Frost may turn up again. There is evidence that she may have been Sub-Zero, and therefore Noob Saibot's sister. If she is indeed dead, there's a chance her soul went to the Netherealm after she died. And Noob is now ruling the Netherealm. Sub-Zero apparently feels no grudge against Frost since he buried her, he also probably feels partially responsible for her death, Noob could use Frost against him.
Since Deception took place mainly in Outworld we got no update on Sektor's Tekunin. I imagine when Sub-Zero returns to Earth he's going to have one hell of a surprise waiting for him. I personally believe Sektor to be Sub-Zero's true nemesis and hopefully he'll live up to that potential when he returns.
I am curious if Kenshi will be involved with what happens with Sub-Zero. In MK:DA he was working for the Special Forces, but only as a mercenary. In Deception he allies with Sub-Zero but that may or may not lead to anything either.
Speaking of which, in MK:DA they revealed the Red Dragon was growing suspicious of the new Lin Kuei. How much did Mavado tell them before Kabal killed him? What if Kabal were to make it look like the Lin Kuei was responsible for Mavado's death? COuld lead to an alliance between the Special Forces, in which Kenshi has connections not to mention Cyrax is a former Lin Kuei...
I don't think his feud with Hotaru will come to anything. Hotaru chasing Sub-Zero seemed like a last-minute decision IMO, without any real developement. If Hotaru even returns he'll probably be too occupied dealing with what's going on in Seido to be concerned about Sub-Zero.
Probably, and don't forget that Hotarus mind is probably a complete alien intelect. As an elemental personification of strict order, it was his opinion that Sub-Zero should be terminated.
Let's play that you are in command of the tarkatas and other armies (alongside Baraka) and you get your men sent back in pieces of ice thanks to Sub. What would you do?
Also, remember that Hotaru regards Onaga as a potent leader and a non egocentric ruler. Onaga hasn't been obsessive about the Kamidogu all the time, and if yes, than perhaps he was intelligent enough to play the noble but strict ruler before Seido.
Being compelled to think the "orderly" way, I think Hotaru is much more of a victim or a pawn, than a tool of Onagas power and sway. If so, than Sub-Zero needs to realize this, and if he is becoming indeed soft enough, than he might reconsider any retribution on the asasilant. But more likely, he should fend him off.
I would like to see Scorpion return to his wow, if Quan is indeed dead, and let Sub-Zero focus more on his brother and Mavado. Meanwhile, Hotaru has the charisma to be established as his new nemesis, but please Midway, round the story up a bit more, and make the newbies actually worth living.
Let's play that you are in command of the tarkatas and other armies (alongside Baraka) and you get your men sent back in pieces of ice thanks to Sub. What would you do?
Also, remember that Hotaru regards Onaga as a potent leader and a non egocentric ruler. Onaga hasn't been obsessive about the Kamidogu all the time, and if yes, than perhaps he was intelligent enough to play the noble but strict ruler before Seido.
Being compelled to think the "orderly" way, I think Hotaru is much more of a victim or a pawn, than a tool of Onagas power and sway. If so, than Sub-Zero needs to realize this, and if he is becoming indeed soft enough, than he might reconsider any retribution on the asasilant. But more likely, he should fend him off.
I would like to see Scorpion return to his wow, if Quan is indeed dead, and let Sub-Zero focus more on his brother and Mavado. Meanwhile, Hotaru has the charisma to be established as his new nemesis, but please Midway, round the story up a bit more, and make the newbies actually worth living.
Well, yes, I'm sure we are bound to see a huge rivalry between Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot, and that will more than likely be part of Sub-Zero's main storyline in MK7. Sub-Zero is very business-like, especially from the way he was in MK2 and in MK: DA. Sub-Zero does have respect and even admiration for his older brother and perhaps he will be a bit torn between killing his brother or not. Then again, Noob Saibot is undead so I don't think it would be easy to kill him unless Noob Saibot loses his body if he's killed unlike how Scorpion can keep coming back.
Speaking of Scorpion, I'd like to see him involved with Sub-Zero's and Noob Saibot's storylines in MK7. I think having Sub-Zero and Scorpion listed as enemies of each other in their MK: D bios has no significance whatsoever. It doesn't make sense, because Scorpion's MK: DA Konquest talks about how he will no longer harm Sub-Zero due to knowing that Quan Chi is the true killer of his family and clan. And Sub-Zero doesn't really much against Scorpion even though he did kill his older brother. The root of all of this evil is of course Quan Chi.
I think that he and possibly Shinnok put in their part into turning the older Sub-Zero into Noob Saibot. Now, we know that Noob Saibot is a wraith and has powers of shadow and darkness. I wonder if he still retains his ice powers or maybe that he simply has a different body and abilities altogether. I would like to see a broader explanation on how exactly the older Sub-Zero was transformed into Noob Saibot and whether or not he still has ice powers.
Of course, there's also Smoke, Sub-Zero's best friend and ally. Smoke is pretty much the main tragic character of the series, going all the way back to MK3. I would like to see him have more to his storyline and fight his programming so he can turn against Noob Saibot and help Sub-Zero destroy him once and for all. Btw, Smoke still had his soul. It's just that Sub-Zero helped Smoke regained his memories.
With Sareena in Earthrealm, staying at the Lin Kuei headquarters, her ending in MK: TE seems to hint that she has something up her sleeve. If that's the case, what do you think it is? Or perhaps she simply wants to have a better life for herself and she just wants to stay in Earthrealm and not go back to Netherrealm. After all, she did want to escape the Netherrealm and now, she's finally free. I guess the real question is, what is she going to do with her newfound freedom? I'm sure there'll perhaps be ties with Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot in her storyline and yeah, maybe she will have to decide between the two. I have a feeling she'll go with Sub-Zero, because Noob Saibot is not the same as he was when he was human. Also, she doesn't want to go back to the Netherrealm.
Sektor was beaten by Sub-Zero, but he wasn't destroyed. He fled to Japan and recruited people for automation process thus leading to the formation of his clan of cyborg ninjas, the Tekunin. He plans to take over Japan, the country Scorpion was from in his human life. I'm sure Sektor will also have plans for trying to destroy Sub-Zero and the new Lin Kuei clan. Perhaps Sareena might also tie into Sektor's storyline and vice versa. I don't think Sektor and Noob Saibot would want to team up as they both seem to strive to be their own leaders. They would conflict with each others' plans even if they could help each other destroy Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei. Anyway, I think Sektor should be like Brainiac from the Superman series, especially from the pictures in his ending in MK: TE. What I mean is that Brainiac has a bunch of copies of himself, and I think Sektor should be a lot like that. He could upload the essence of his mind into his cyborg ninjas.
When it comes to the Red Dragon, Mavado was informed by Quan Chi of the threat of the Lin Kuei. It's hard to say if Mavado was able to get the word out to the other Red Dragon members. If he did, then Sub-Zero has yet another enemy to deal with. Mavado is most likely dead. If he somehow pulled a Kabal and has a bit of life left in him, then I suppose Mavado could come back and try to lead his fellow Red Dragon in a battle against Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei. I don't think Sub-Zero would ever team up with the Black Dragon, even if it meant he could get help against the Red Dragon. Perhaps the Lin Kuei and what remains of the Special Forces can team up which would hopefully boost Sonya's and Jax's storylines up a bit.
Frost and Sub-Zero are both descendants of the cryomancers, but they are NOT relatives of each other. It had been confirmed a long time ago that they are not related. I may not be able to recall where I remember that from, but I'm certain that they aren't related and that Frost ISN'T Sub-Zero's younger sister. I have a feeling that Frost isn't quite dead.
I don't know if there'll be any kind of interaction with Fujin and Raiden though Raiden may be a possibility since Sub-Zero and Raiden are allies of each other, and I'm sure Sub-Zero would not be pleased at Raiden's new persona.
I know about the whole theory that there is a connection between Sub-Zero's fighting style, medallion, and armor with the Dragon King, but I really don't buy it. It's simply that people are interpreting things in a way that they are really not. However, if John Vogel and the other story writers in MK decide to have a connection amongst those things, I'll be a bit displeased. I personally feel that would be a stupid idea.
I think Sub-Zero's alignment with Kenshi is just so that they can help each other. However, perhaps they will become friends and good allies of each other. They are pretty much on the same side anyway.
I doubt Hotaru's little spy game against Sub-Zero is going to be successful. I think one of two or three things will happen. First off, if Hotaru catches up to Kenshi and Sub-Zero, perhaps his fate will be like it was in Kenshi's ending where Kenshi slices Hotaru in half. Or perhaps Sub-Zero simply kicks Hotaru's ass. Now, it is possible that Dairou has tracked Hotaru in Outworld and confronts him while Hotaru is spying on Sub-Zero and Kenshi. What will happen afterwards can go either way though I would lean more towards Dairou being successful in killing Hotaru. I think that maybe it is possible that Sub-Zero became an enemy of Seido. Then again, Darrius will most likely take over Seido with the help from Dairou so it may not make much of a difference either way.
I didn't like the fact that Scorpion had Sub-Zero's Spine Rip Fatality. They could've just given him a new and improved version of the Toasty Fatality.
I'm sure that we have only begun to know about the armor as well as Sub-Zero's ancestry. I really hope that they'll go more into it, because I'm very interested. Maybe the armor healed his scar. There still has not been an official explanation as to how Sub-Zero got the scar in the first place. Either way, I have the feeling that both the Dragon Medallion and the ancestral armor are making Sub-Zero become a lot like Mr. Freeze from the Batman series in that the aging process of his will slow down.
I think Cyrax is satisfied being a part of the Special Forces. If he somehow makes it back to Earthrealm, I think that he should either be somewhere in Japan and be captured and turned evil or he should try to fight against Sektor and the Tekunin.
Speaking of Scorpion, I'd like to see him involved with Sub-Zero's and Noob Saibot's storylines in MK7. I think having Sub-Zero and Scorpion listed as enemies of each other in their MK: D bios has no significance whatsoever. It doesn't make sense, because Scorpion's MK: DA Konquest talks about how he will no longer harm Sub-Zero due to knowing that Quan Chi is the true killer of his family and clan. And Sub-Zero doesn't really much against Scorpion even though he did kill his older brother. The root of all of this evil is of course Quan Chi.
I think that he and possibly Shinnok put in their part into turning the older Sub-Zero into Noob Saibot. Now, we know that Noob Saibot is a wraith and has powers of shadow and darkness. I wonder if he still retains his ice powers or maybe that he simply has a different body and abilities altogether. I would like to see a broader explanation on how exactly the older Sub-Zero was transformed into Noob Saibot and whether or not he still has ice powers.
Of course, there's also Smoke, Sub-Zero's best friend and ally. Smoke is pretty much the main tragic character of the series, going all the way back to MK3. I would like to see him have more to his storyline and fight his programming so he can turn against Noob Saibot and help Sub-Zero destroy him once and for all. Btw, Smoke still had his soul. It's just that Sub-Zero helped Smoke regained his memories.
With Sareena in Earthrealm, staying at the Lin Kuei headquarters, her ending in MK: TE seems to hint that she has something up her sleeve. If that's the case, what do you think it is? Or perhaps she simply wants to have a better life for herself and she just wants to stay in Earthrealm and not go back to Netherrealm. After all, she did want to escape the Netherrealm and now, she's finally free. I guess the real question is, what is she going to do with her newfound freedom? I'm sure there'll perhaps be ties with Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot in her storyline and yeah, maybe she will have to decide between the two. I have a feeling she'll go with Sub-Zero, because Noob Saibot is not the same as he was when he was human. Also, she doesn't want to go back to the Netherrealm.
Sektor was beaten by Sub-Zero, but he wasn't destroyed. He fled to Japan and recruited people for automation process thus leading to the formation of his clan of cyborg ninjas, the Tekunin. He plans to take over Japan, the country Scorpion was from in his human life. I'm sure Sektor will also have plans for trying to destroy Sub-Zero and the new Lin Kuei clan. Perhaps Sareena might also tie into Sektor's storyline and vice versa. I don't think Sektor and Noob Saibot would want to team up as they both seem to strive to be their own leaders. They would conflict with each others' plans even if they could help each other destroy Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei. Anyway, I think Sektor should be like Brainiac from the Superman series, especially from the pictures in his ending in MK: TE. What I mean is that Brainiac has a bunch of copies of himself, and I think Sektor should be a lot like that. He could upload the essence of his mind into his cyborg ninjas.
When it comes to the Red Dragon, Mavado was informed by Quan Chi of the threat of the Lin Kuei. It's hard to say if Mavado was able to get the word out to the other Red Dragon members. If he did, then Sub-Zero has yet another enemy to deal with. Mavado is most likely dead. If he somehow pulled a Kabal and has a bit of life left in him, then I suppose Mavado could come back and try to lead his fellow Red Dragon in a battle against Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei. I don't think Sub-Zero would ever team up with the Black Dragon, even if it meant he could get help against the Red Dragon. Perhaps the Lin Kuei and what remains of the Special Forces can team up which would hopefully boost Sonya's and Jax's storylines up a bit.
Frost and Sub-Zero are both descendants of the cryomancers, but they are NOT relatives of each other. It had been confirmed a long time ago that they are not related. I may not be able to recall where I remember that from, but I'm certain that they aren't related and that Frost ISN'T Sub-Zero's younger sister. I have a feeling that Frost isn't quite dead.
I don't know if there'll be any kind of interaction with Fujin and Raiden though Raiden may be a possibility since Sub-Zero and Raiden are allies of each other, and I'm sure Sub-Zero would not be pleased at Raiden's new persona.
I know about the whole theory that there is a connection between Sub-Zero's fighting style, medallion, and armor with the Dragon King, but I really don't buy it. It's simply that people are interpreting things in a way that they are really not. However, if John Vogel and the other story writers in MK decide to have a connection amongst those things, I'll be a bit displeased. I personally feel that would be a stupid idea.
I think Sub-Zero's alignment with Kenshi is just so that they can help each other. However, perhaps they will become friends and good allies of each other. They are pretty much on the same side anyway.
I doubt Hotaru's little spy game against Sub-Zero is going to be successful. I think one of two or three things will happen. First off, if Hotaru catches up to Kenshi and Sub-Zero, perhaps his fate will be like it was in Kenshi's ending where Kenshi slices Hotaru in half. Or perhaps Sub-Zero simply kicks Hotaru's ass. Now, it is possible that Dairou has tracked Hotaru in Outworld and confronts him while Hotaru is spying on Sub-Zero and Kenshi. What will happen afterwards can go either way though I would lean more towards Dairou being successful in killing Hotaru. I think that maybe it is possible that Sub-Zero became an enemy of Seido. Then again, Darrius will most likely take over Seido with the help from Dairou so it may not make much of a difference either way.
I didn't like the fact that Scorpion had Sub-Zero's Spine Rip Fatality. They could've just given him a new and improved version of the Toasty Fatality.
I'm sure that we have only begun to know about the armor as well as Sub-Zero's ancestry. I really hope that they'll go more into it, because I'm very interested. Maybe the armor healed his scar. There still has not been an official explanation as to how Sub-Zero got the scar in the first place. Either way, I have the feeling that both the Dragon Medallion and the ancestral armor are making Sub-Zero become a lot like Mr. Freeze from the Batman series in that the aging process of his will slow down.
I think Cyrax is satisfied being a part of the Special Forces. If he somehow makes it back to Earthrealm, I think that he should either be somewhere in Japan and be captured and turned evil or he should try to fight against Sektor and the Tekunin.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think that he and possibly Shinnok put in their part into turning the older Sub-Zero into Noob Saibot. Now, we know that Noob Saibot is a wraith and has powers of shadow and darkness. I wonder if he still retains his ice powers or maybe that he simply has a different body and abilities altogether. I would like to see a broader explanation on how exactly the older Sub-Zero was transformed into Noob Saibot and whether or not he still has ice powers.
I think that he and possibly Shinnok put in their part into turning the older Sub-Zero into Noob Saibot. Now, we know that Noob Saibot is a wraith and has powers of shadow and darkness. I wonder if he still retains his ice powers or maybe that he simply has a different body and abilities altogether. I would like to see a broader explanation on how exactly the older Sub-Zero was transformed into Noob Saibot and whether or not he still has ice powers.
I think Shinnok and Quan Chi were definitly the ones who turned Sub-Zero into Noob Saibot. Remember, in Mythologies they wanted him to join the Brotherhood. But he refused and defied them. So after he's killed by Scorpion, who was sent by Quan Chi and Shinnok most likely, and damned to the Netherealm what's the ultimate punishment? They turn him into what he didn't want to be: their dutiful slave.
I suspect when he was turned into a wraith he was given a new body like Scorpion was after he died which probably means he no longer has ice powers.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Frost and Sub-Zero are both descendants of the cryomancers, but they are NOT relatives of each other. It had been confirmed a long time ago that they are not related. I may not be able to recall where I remember that from, but I'm certain that they aren't related and that Frost ISN'T Sub-Zero's younger sister. I have a feeling that Frost isn't quite dead.
Frost and Sub-Zero are both descendants of the cryomancers, but they are NOT relatives of each other. It had been confirmed a long time ago that they are not related. I may not be able to recall where I remember that from, but I'm certain that they aren't related and that Frost ISN'T Sub-Zero's younger sister. I have a feeling that Frost isn't quite dead.
I believe someone from the MK team said that in an interview shortly before MK:DA came out. But this is Mortal Kombat. If they can say Johnny Cage never died, what's stopping them from pretending that was never said?
For the sake of argument though, suppose Frost isn't Sub-Zero's sister after all...that would mean, like Garlador suggested, that Sub-Zero and Noob's real sister could still be alive somewhere.
But then again, if she were to turn up then we'd have two female Sub-Zero's so maybe she's best left in the shadows. Unless Sektor were to get to her first...
Good point about the retconning thing. I personally wouldn't want Frost to be Sub-Zero's sister. I don't think they should involve Sub-Zero's mother and sister into the storyline. But still, I would like to know more about Frost and I wonder if she's really dead.

all these are great story lines for sub zero to follow....
in regards to noob saibot's current status....i believe ashrah's ending could have an effect on him....i don't think ashrah will be succesful...but...imagine if noob managed to get his hands on her sword(since he doesn't have a weapon) and could kill ashrah....some of the humanity taken from him(which i consider his mastery of cold to be a part of) could theoretically return(hey, it was working for ashrah) this could give him more of an edge in playing mind games with his brother
in regards to noob saibot's current status....i believe ashrah's ending could have an effect on him....i don't think ashrah will be succesful...but...imagine if noob managed to get his hands on her sword(since he doesn't have a weapon) and could kill ashrah....some of the humanity taken from him(which i consider his mastery of cold to be a part of) could theoretically return(hey, it was working for ashrah) this could give him more of an edge in playing mind games with his brother

Hey do you think noob will go after ruling the lin kuei
that will be an interesting story dont ya think?
and why did noob lost his freezing powers and has gone to the darkside
that will be an interesting story dont ya think?
and why did noob lost his freezing powers and has gone to the darkside

Don't answer that 

I agree with most of that. But I dont think cyrax will join back with Sub-Zero.
1. Cyrax has not been with the Lin Kuei since he was a human
2. Cyrax has not seen what the Lin Kuei was like since he was human and the clan was evil
3. Sonya and Jax were freed from the dragon king's control (in ermac's ending anyways)
4. I think Cyrax will maybe MAYBE try and destroy Sektor by himself.
5. Cyrax maybe will team up with Kenshi and be a double team like Noob and Smoke other then that I loved all of your other thoughts
1. Cyrax has not been with the Lin Kuei since he was a human
2. Cyrax has not seen what the Lin Kuei was like since he was human and the clan was evil
3. Sonya and Jax were freed from the dragon king's control (in ermac's ending anyways)
4. I think Cyrax will maybe MAYBE try and destroy Sektor by himself.
5. Cyrax maybe will team up with Kenshi and be a double team like Noob and Smoke other then that I loved all of your other thoughts
Well the younger Sub-Zero has a few options and issues.
-I would like to see his development come to a climax. He has been incre-asing his value as a character ever since MKDA, and now he found out his origins can be traced to outworld. I think Sub-Zero will be interested in the issues this new armor and hereditary powers he obtained in MKD.
-the Scorpion and Sub-Zero feud should be over. Sure they can have grud-ges, but it's time to move on. Both of them tie into the other, but the main conflict has been fought.
-the Noob Saibot issue can be a serious threat to him. Not only is the youn-ger Subs partially "good", but Sektors Tekunin and Noobs Brotherhood are both impressive threats. I think the Special Forces should play an alliance like part in thoat conflict. Sub-Zero should focus more on the unseen threat from the nethers, and the Spec. Forces would have a fitting oponent, the Tekunin. This would allow for a logical battle between SF (USA) and the cyborgs (Japan, so thats a political question in MK's world, kind of unique don't you think? Especially if the Tekunin is controlling the nations gover-ment. That would allow the SF to have a meaningfull foe)..add Cyrax to the game.
-Sub-Zeros new nemesis could be Hotaru. Noob Saibot is more like an antithesis of Sub-Zero, but not emotionally opposing him. Noob Saibot, according to MKD has lost his emotions as a wraith. No compasionate struggle can come from that.
However I think that if they developed the seidan flagman a bit more (Midway you screwed a potent character with a reasonless background) than Hotaru should be more than a match for Sub-Zero. Why?
-Hotarus prespective and belief is entirely alien from ours. In his wiew, Sub-Zero endangered all when he used his might against Onaga, and threatened an otherwise well developing peace- it's not freedom he longs to (as in the freedom to decide your actions over and under the law) but controll. Controll for the wellbeing of others and avoiding conflicts.
So it comes down to: wether Hotaru is fanatical enough to pursue Sub-Zero due to his powers posing as a great threat towards Outworlds stabili-zation USING MEANS THAT would put him at ODDS with his own gover-ment and core beliefs. bring Dairou in as Hotarus counterpart and we have a well develo-ped characters with a good storyline.
-I would like to see his development come to a climax. He has been incre-asing his value as a character ever since MKDA, and now he found out his origins can be traced to outworld. I think Sub-Zero will be interested in the issues this new armor and hereditary powers he obtained in MKD.
-the Scorpion and Sub-Zero feud should be over. Sure they can have grud-ges, but it's time to move on. Both of them tie into the other, but the main conflict has been fought.
-the Noob Saibot issue can be a serious threat to him. Not only is the youn-ger Subs partially "good", but Sektors Tekunin and Noobs Brotherhood are both impressive threats. I think the Special Forces should play an alliance like part in thoat conflict. Sub-Zero should focus more on the unseen threat from the nethers, and the Spec. Forces would have a fitting oponent, the Tekunin. This would allow for a logical battle between SF (USA) and the cyborgs (Japan, so thats a political question in MK's world, kind of unique don't you think? Especially if the Tekunin is controlling the nations gover-ment. That would allow the SF to have a meaningfull foe)..add Cyrax to the game.
-Sub-Zeros new nemesis could be Hotaru. Noob Saibot is more like an antithesis of Sub-Zero, but not emotionally opposing him. Noob Saibot, according to MKD has lost his emotions as a wraith. No compasionate struggle can come from that.
However I think that if they developed the seidan flagman a bit more (Midway you screwed a potent character with a reasonless background) than Hotaru should be more than a match for Sub-Zero. Why?
-Hotarus prespective and belief is entirely alien from ours. In his wiew, Sub-Zero endangered all when he used his might against Onaga, and threatened an otherwise well developing peace- it's not freedom he longs to (as in the freedom to decide your actions over and under the law) but controll. Controll for the wellbeing of others and avoiding conflicts.
So it comes down to: wether Hotaru is fanatical enough to pursue Sub-Zero due to his powers posing as a great threat towards Outworlds stabili-zation USING MEANS THAT would put him at ODDS with his own gover-ment and core beliefs. bring Dairou in as Hotarus counterpart and we have a well develo-ped characters with a good storyline.
Chrome Wrote:
Well the younger Sub-Zero has a few options and issues.
-I would like to see his development come to a climax. He has been incre-asing his value as a character ever since MKDA, and now he found out his origins can be traced to outworld. I think Sub-Zero will be interested in the issues this new armor and hereditary powers he obtained in MKD.
-the Scorpion and Sub-Zero feud should be over. Sure they can have grud-ges, but it's time to move on. Both of them tie into the other, but the main conflict has been fought.
-the Noob Saibot issue can be a serious threat to him. Not only is the youn-ger Subs partially "good", but Sektors Tekunin and Noobs Brotherhood are both impressive threats. I think the Special Forces should play an alliance like part in thoat conflict. Sub-Zero should focus more on the unseen threat from the nethers, and the Spec. Forces would have a fitting oponent, the Tekunin. This would allow for a logical battle between SF (USA) and the cyborgs (Japan, so thats a political question in MK's world, kind of unique don't you think? Especially if the Tekunin is controlling the nations gover-ment. That would allow the SF to have a meaningfull foe)..add Cyrax to the game.
-Sub-Zeros new nemesis could be Hotaru. Noob Saibot is more like an antithesis of Sub-Zero, but not emotionally opposing him. Noob Saibot, according to MKD has lost his emotions as a wraith. No compasionate struggle can come from that.
However I think that if they developed the seidan flagman a bit more (Midway you screwed a potent character with a reasonless background) than Hotaru should be more than a match for Sub-Zero. Why?
-Hotarus prespective and belief is entirely alien from ours. In his wiew, Sub-Zero endangered all when he used his might against Onaga, and threatened an otherwise well developing peace- it's not freedom he longs to (as in the freedom to decide your actions over and under the law) but controll. Controll for the wellbeing of others and avoiding conflicts.
So it comes down to: wether Hotaru is fanatical enough to pursue Sub-Zero due to his powers posing as a great threat towards Outworlds stabili-zation USING MEANS THAT would put him at ODDS with his own gover-ment and core beliefs. bring Dairou in as Hotarus counterpart and we have a well develo-ped characters with a good storyline.
Well the younger Sub-Zero has a few options and issues.
-I would like to see his development come to a climax. He has been incre-asing his value as a character ever since MKDA, and now he found out his origins can be traced to outworld. I think Sub-Zero will be interested in the issues this new armor and hereditary powers he obtained in MKD.
-the Scorpion and Sub-Zero feud should be over. Sure they can have grud-ges, but it's time to move on. Both of them tie into the other, but the main conflict has been fought.
-the Noob Saibot issue can be a serious threat to him. Not only is the youn-ger Subs partially "good", but Sektors Tekunin and Noobs Brotherhood are both impressive threats. I think the Special Forces should play an alliance like part in thoat conflict. Sub-Zero should focus more on the unseen threat from the nethers, and the Spec. Forces would have a fitting oponent, the Tekunin. This would allow for a logical battle between SF (USA) and the cyborgs (Japan, so thats a political question in MK's world, kind of unique don't you think? Especially if the Tekunin is controlling the nations gover-ment. That would allow the SF to have a meaningfull foe)..add Cyrax to the game.
-Sub-Zeros new nemesis could be Hotaru. Noob Saibot is more like an antithesis of Sub-Zero, but not emotionally opposing him. Noob Saibot, according to MKD has lost his emotions as a wraith. No compasionate struggle can come from that.
However I think that if they developed the seidan flagman a bit more (Midway you screwed a potent character with a reasonless background) than Hotaru should be more than a match for Sub-Zero. Why?
-Hotarus prespective and belief is entirely alien from ours. In his wiew, Sub-Zero endangered all when he used his might against Onaga, and threatened an otherwise well developing peace- it's not freedom he longs to (as in the freedom to decide your actions over and under the law) but controll. Controll for the wellbeing of others and avoiding conflicts.
So it comes down to: wether Hotaru is fanatical enough to pursue Sub-Zero due to his powers posing as a great threat towards Outworlds stabili-zation USING MEANS THAT would put him at ODDS with his own gover-ment and core beliefs. bring Dairou in as Hotarus counterpart and we have a well develo-ped characters with a good storyline.
Those are some pretty good ideas Chrome. I will state that the Scorpion/Sub-Zero has long been finished with. According to either Scorpion's or Sub-Zero's MK: DA Konquest storyline (I think it was most likely Scorpion's), it states that Scorpion will no longer harm Sub-Zero since he knows that Quan Chi is the true murderer of his family and clan.
I consider Noob Saibot to be Sub-Zero's biggest nemesis. To me, I get this kind of Star Wars type feel to the Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot conflict like the Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader conflict.
On a side note, I would like Noob Saibot to really have that Darth Vader feel to him and maybe have a helmet similar to his except have the mask look he had in MKD and have the dark blue eyes like in MK4 and MKTE. I want him to look like he's really stepped up and has that dark leader type look.
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