Big bad and Big guys
posted02/28/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/28/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Hello to all :)
I love the big character of MK (Goro,Shao Kahn,Kintaro,Onaga,Moloch and other), and I was wondering if :

1) You prefer a Big boss or a normal size boss ? (For example, Shao Kahn or Shinnok ?)
2) Do you think there will be other big characters (besides Goro and Torr) ?
3) Would you like to see a new big character ?

I personally hope that there will be other big chars in MKX (maybe another new) and I hope the boss is enormous.
Shao kahn as big bad on MKX would be boring... but hope for her return (also as DLC).
I hope for return of Onaga (as the big bad), big in all senses XD
What do you think ?

However sorry for my bad english, I'm Italian and actually studying English :)
02/28/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
I personally think that larger characters work better as the bosses, that's kind of the issue I had with Shinnok in MK4, he didn't really feel like a true boss because of how small and easy he was to beat. I had a similar feeling in MK1, I felt like Goro was the true boss of that game as he was much larger and harder to defeat than Tsung.

Same goes with Injustice, Superman didn't seem very boss to me, I get that he was because of story reasons but he just didn't come off as a good "boss" character to me.
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