Biblical Characters
posted05/11/2011 10:02 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/18/2006 02:42 PM (UTC)
Satan better be in the next game fighting for shinnok I think it would be bad ass. Supposedly Shinnok was able to take hell over from Satans control. And I was thinking since we have the nether realm should we have something like a heaven realm for the chosen people. How would you feel if they brought in a 1 or 2 characters from that realm to the next mortal kombat. Maybe michael the arch angel or gabriel or maybe just make their own up. I think it would be pretty bad ass it would make shit feel like theres more at stake while playing. Satan could be an awesome character i picture the satan off that movie Legend ...shit would be tyte!
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05/02/2011 07:09 AM (UTC)
And that would be pretty the stupidest thing done on Earth.

besides, angels .... well, they are not exactly humanoid in the Bible. Here and then, yes, read the Old Testament, and Metatron for example is pretty much taller than the whole planet.

Also, implying their presence would imply the presence of God, who would by all means not allow such idiocy as the Mortal kombat tournament in the first place. And if he would, then he would not be God.

Plus it would be offensive. Not because of religious themes in a video game, it would be because they would be in Mortal Kombat.
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05/02/2011 08:23 AM (UTC)
I would rather believe in Shinnok than god.
05/02/2011 11:37 AM (UTC)
Yea I guess your right. I was loaded off my ass when I posted that but I would still like to see the devil in.
05/10/2011 02:01 AM (UTC)
totally no, like said before many people would get offended. even for the devil appearence.

so the answer, no.
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

05/10/2011 10:33 PM (UTC)
You don't even have to be a christian *Like I am* to see how idiotic this plan is. And even with the rename of The Devil with Lucifier, it'll still make people cringe. Having him being glorified in a game.... oh gosh that debate would reign for enternity.
05/11/2011 08:01 PM (UTC)
DeadmanWalking Wrote:
You don't even have to be a christian *Like I am* to see how idiotic this plan is. And even with the rename of The Devil with Lucifier, it'll still make people cringe. Having him being glorified in a game.... oh gosh that debate would reign for enternity.

Idiotic you say? Could this be the reason Tobias was let go for throwing Lucifer's name in the story line? Maybe so huh? if everyone thinks like you but dont call my opinion idiotic because I was actually a huge fan of mk mythologies and the idea of Shinnok taking over hell from "Lucifer". And isnt cringing part of what mk USED to be about? I dunno how long u been playing mk but fatalities dont make me cringe too much anymore. And any publicity is good publicity especially for mk. even though i was loaded at the time i realize the shit about Michael the arch angel was lame as fuck but for some reason I wish i could yank you by the hair really fuckin hard right now..
05/11/2011 08:36 PM (UTC)
not any publicity is good, especialy the one that could make some fans to leave the series because they became blasphemous, and as far as i am concerned the catholic/christian population is quite large.

and if you are thinking about it, being zealot would be like leaving the series because the characters kill each other, but it wouldnt be that, to leave the series if they put Archangel Michael in the game, since he is someone to respect if you are a beliver.

btw it would be better if they erase the lucifier thing at all, it doesnt seems to fit (leaving aside the problems it might create if it became more important in the mk story), they should replace it with some invented demon or if they are short of ideas, hades could work, i mean they already put in cerberus.

man, i wont call your idea idiotic, but mk doesnt need more problems that the ones already has, like the ban in Australia. and after all, they should concentrate in making a good game wich people can see as a true fighting game rather than in creating controversy.
05/11/2011 10:02 PM (UTC)
badboylb32 Wrote:
Could this be the reason Tobias was let go for throwing Lucifer's name in the story line?

Not at all. Mythologies came out long before Tobias left, and he was never fired, he quit because he either wanted more money or more ownership over his creations.

And he never wrote Lucifer to be "the" devil, the story Tobias wrote said that Lucifer was just the name of the current ruler of Hell at the time Shinnok was banished there, that he was one of many generic demons who held the throne, until he was killed by Quan Chi and Shinnok.

Tobias's concept of mythology in the MK universe, and this is still pretty consistent in the newer games, was that many religions' gods were real, but our stories about them were all misunderstood or wrong. That's why he used names like "Raiden", "Edenia", and "Lucifer". There's no garden of Eden, people just heard about Edenia and misunderstood what it was. Lucifer wasn't Satan, Shinnok is, the names just got confused. EVERY legend humans have about thunder gods, they're really talking about Raiden but the details aren't always true, or they're calling him "Thor" or "Zeus" (or in the case of Nightwolf's people, "Haokah") or what have you because that's their local mythology.
If anything, it was Vogel that made Lucifer a bigger deal, because in Deception, he added in a retcon that says Lucy's not just a generic demon, he was the protector-god of the Netherealm before Shinnok killed him.
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