Baraka as one of the heroes
posted12/04/2014 09:56 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
This idea probably would have worked better in the old timeline, when the heroes had more victories over the villains, but in the new one, they've still got three (the tournament, the outworld tournament, and the invasion).

So I've been thinking. Baraka and his kind usually ally themselves with whoever is the most powerful at the moment, so why not ally with the heroes, who've managed to defeat Shao Kahn twice? Raiden could begrudgingly accept Baraka and his kind on his side, given how short he is on allies right now. Baraka would be among those trying to claim Outworld's throne, and Raiden would back him up, as having an ally of him ruling Outworld, even a questionable one like Baraka, could prove beneficial in protecting Earth.

Just an idea I had to help make Baraka more than an enforcer. Well okay, he'd still be one, but as one of the "heroes", that role could be more interesting.

Also, Raiden isn't such a goody two-shoes that he'd refuse to have someone like Baraka on his side, anyway. He was willing to offer the souls of dead heroes to Quan Chi (and his own, to his credit), after all.
11/30/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
I would rather have Reptile turn good then Baraka. Reptile would fit the role better in my opinion.
11/30/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
11/30/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I would rather have Reptile turn good then Baraka. Reptile would fit the role better in my opinion.

I think that even if they both turned "good", they'd be different type of heroes.

You know, I wouldn't mind using this thread to discuss any villains, not just Baraka, turning good. An idea of mine regarding the old timeline's Mileena (when she wasn't a woman-child) has her trying to prove her superiority to Kitana being being a better heroine. I'm aware of how similar that would be to the "Superior Spider-Man" storyline.

But Mileena's new childish personality could allow for a story of her trying awkwardly to be good. I could imagine her stopping someone who just stole someone's purse by lunging at the thief and chewing out their throat.
11/30/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
The good guys have mercy and compassion, which Tarkatan society would see as a weakness. They follow the strongest leader when that leader lets them follow their own nature, which is to be barbarians who roam and pillage.
11/30/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The good guys have mercy and compassion, which Tarkatan society would see as a weakness.

Baraka also happens to believe in honor. Make of that what you will. But when did I ever suggest that Baraka become a saint, anyway?

I probably should have said anti-hero. The point is, Baraka would be fighting alongside the heroes.
11/30/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
I cant see Raiden wanting (or be willing) to have Baraka and the Tarkata/Tarkatans on his side. I also think having Baraka rule Outworld wouldn't be much better than Kahn. Sure having more allies is nice and maybe Raiden can manipulate them to fight for him, but it (IMO) would be foolish to put any trust in them, or to rely on them to accomplish an actual goal outside of sending hordes of them in battles as expendable pawns, or maybe to invade and destroy a certain place.

Cool idea though, I would love to see Baraka become more than just a henchmen to defeat. I have always liked him, so naturally I want him to have some sort of significance in the story.
11/30/2014 04:44 PM (UTC)
These guys could have intentions that are in there own right evil and still side with the good momentarily for their own advantageous purposes. I vaguely see a Baraka or a Mileena using unexpected ties to succeed with aims, but they are incapable of differentiating between good and evil because of their ambitions, wild mindstate and tarkatan temperament.
11/30/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I cant see Raiden wanting (or be willing) to have Baraka and the Tarkata/Tarkatans on his side. I also think having Baraka rule Outworld wouldn't be much better than Kahn. Sure having more allies is nice and maybe Raiden can manipulate them to fight for him, but it (IMO) would be foolish to put any trust in them, or to rely on them to accomplish an actual goal outside of sending hordes of them in battles as expendable pawns, or maybe to invade and destroy a certain place.

Cool idea though, I would love to see Baraka become more than just a henchmen to defeat. I have always liked him, so naturally I want him to have some sort of significance in the story.

I could see Raiden become so hellbent on protecting Earth, especially given how bad he fucked up in the last game, that he wouldn't care how Baraka rules Outworld, so long as he leaves Earth alone. Obviously, Raiden's "puppet" doesn't have to be Baraka, just someone on his side. Kotal Kahn is obviously not interesting in allying with Raiden, and neither do D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr, if their intros with Raiden are of any indication, so it leaves Baraka as one potential ally. Goro could be that ally, too, in fact he may even be more fitting, but Baraka really needs a better story.
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11/30/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
Reptile always gets screwed over by siding with the bad guys, maybe he could try the good side for a change. That is, if he's given any intelligence this time.
11/30/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:


If your idea was to remove Baraka (and Reptile) from the useless punching bag role and give them a meaningful presence in Mortal Kombat (like they once did) then SURE.

Besides.... the Tarkatans were responsible for the carnage after the tournament, killing many Shaolin. Who could really forgive such a low blow? (Gee, I sure hope I'm not getting the two fucking time lines confused. Maybe I should go watch story mode on youtube 10 more times).
11/30/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind it, but I would rather see someone like Goro eventually side with the allies.
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11/30/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
I really don't think so because Baraka is just evil plain and simple.grin
11/30/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Baraka also happens to believe in honor.

Baraka can use the word "honor" all he likes, that doesn't mean he's not full of shit when he says it.

Baraka was mad at Jade for betraying Kahn, but he's switched sides plenty of times. He worked for the Deadly Alliance after they appeared to have killed Kahn, he worked for Onaga after he killed the Deadly Alliance, Baraka doesn't give two shits about loyalty, he sides with whoever the strongest badguy appears to be, it's a survival of the fittest sort of thing.
11/30/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
This idea probably would have worked better in the old timeline, when the heroes had more victories over the villains, but in the new one, they've still got three (the tournament, the outworld tournament, and the invasion).

So I've been thinking. Baraka and his kind usually ally themselves with whoever is the most powerful at the moment, so why not ally with the heroes, who've managed to defeat Shao Kahn twice? Raiden could begrudgingly accept Baraka and his kind on his side, given how short he is on allies right now. Baraka would be among those trying to claim Outworld's throne, and Raiden would back him up, as having an ally of him ruling Outworld, even a questionable one like Baraka, could prove beneficial in protecting Earth.

Just an idea I had to help make Baraka more than an enforcer. Well okay, he'd still be one, but as one of the "heroes", that role could be more interesting.

Also, Raiden isn't such a goody two-shoes that he'd refuse to have someone like Baraka on his side, anyway. He was willing to offer the souls of dead heroes to Quan Chi (and his own, to his credit), after all.

Hmm...I agree with this. I don't think it's so far fetched that Raiden would throw support behind Baraka if it meant removing Outworld as a continuing threat. Raiden compromises his morals (like he did in MK9), secures his Outworld flank, and Baraka claims the throne.

Now, that doesn't mean Baraka will keep his word and not threaten Earthrealm (it's Baraka, right?). I mean Baraka doesn't even have to switch sides, become a hero, or even an anti-hero. He can remain evil and this can still be plausible.

I don't think it has anything to do with honor or loyalty. I think such an arrangment would be all about convenience for both Raiden and Baraka. They both have their own agenda, and by supporting one another, they can each achieve what they want.

All that being said, I don't think this will take place in MKX.
12/01/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I cant see Raiden wanting (or be willing) to have Baraka and the Tarkata/Tarkatans on his side. I also think having Baraka rule Outworld wouldn't be much better than Kahn. Sure having more allies is nice and maybe Raiden can manipulate them to fight for him, but it (IMO) would be foolish to put any trust in them, or to rely on them to accomplish an actual goal outside of sending hordes of them in battles as expendable pawns, or maybe to invade and destroy a certain place.

Cool idea though, I would love to see Baraka become more than just a henchmen to defeat. I have always liked him, so naturally I want him to have some sort of significance in the story.

I could see Raiden become so hellbent on protecting Earth, especially given how bad he fucked up in the last game, that he wouldn't care how Baraka rules Outworld, so long as he leaves Earth alone. Obviously, Raiden's "puppet" doesn't have to be Baraka, just someone on his side. Kotal Kahn is obviously not interesting in allying with Raiden, and neither do D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr, if their intros with Raiden are of any indication, so it leaves Baraka as one potential ally. Goro could be that ally, too, in fact he may even be more fitting, but Baraka really needs a better story.

Good point. I could see Raiden become desperate and maybe help Baraka become the ruler of Outworld IF he agrees to leave Earthrealm alone for as long as he is ruler. Although I would still be cautious when working with a former Kahn henchman lol

I think Goro forming an alliance with Raiden could work too, it wouldn't be the first time he has worked with the good side, if you count him and the Shokan/Edenia alliance in the original timeline. I would love for Goro to become ruler lol the dude used to be so epic, he was one of my favorites as a kid.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/01/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
I'd rather they introduce a new Tarkatan that works with the 'good' side.
12/02/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
What's a hero?
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12/04/2014 09:56 AM (UTC)
Goro/Sheeva definitely fit the concept [of a villain turning 'good'] better than Baraka/Reptile, because Shokans definitely have a sense of honour.

The problem here is that you're assuming the heroes won. Yes, Shao Kahn is defeated and gone, but evil is still lurking around every corner waiting for an opportunity (in the forms of Shinnok, Quan and Kotal). Couple that with the hollow victory that team Earthrealm suffered, losing many of its ranks, I couldn't really see the incentive for a villain changing sides just because they didn't succeed in invading Earth... this time.
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