At least 11 NEW characters (theory)
posted08/20/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)by
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12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Not sure if this has been discussed BUT I was bored and I remember Boon saying this game would have the most new characters out of any MK game to date. So I tallied up the scores:

*This list does not include unplayable secrets or bosses and does not count towards their subsequent playability in future games e.g. Reptile in MK2, Noob in MKT, Goro in MK4 etc.

MK2: 5 new playable characters (not counting Smoke, Jade, Noob)

MK3: 8 new playable characters (DOES include Cyber-Smoke)

MKU: 2 new characters (Rain and Ermac)

MKT: 2 new characters (Chameleon and Khameleon, depends on system)

MK4/G: 7 new characters

MKDA: 10 new characters (includes Blaze and Mokap)

MKD: 8 new characters

MKA: 2 new characters (Taven and Daegon)

MK2011: 2 new characters (Cyber-Sub and Skarlet—I’m not counting Kratos and Krueger)

MKDA had the most new characters at 10 (this does not include the sub-boss Moloch since he wasn't playable). So this would mean the MKX roster should be getting at least 11* new characters. By looking at the current select screen featuring Kano, all of the new characters are on the bottom, and there are 12 spaces.

12 new, 12 returning.

As for the returning characters, so far we have:


All of whom debuted in the original MK. So, based on those who survived MK2011 (according to the story mode canon), potential returns:

Johnny Cage

And then potential post-MK3 characters


Out of these characters, I would assume the following will return:

08/20/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
Not sure if you should include Kenshi, Rain and Skarlet in the section of potential MK9 characters. None were in story-mode.

Sheeva has more of a chance and would love to have her return over those three. However, the only one that could be likely to return from the 3 is Kenshi.
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08/20/2014 02:15 AM (UTC)
Boon has confirmed in just about every interview that 24 is not the roster size. He never give an exact number other than saying that the game will ship with as many characters as MK9 including DLC

In his last interview he actually said 30 plus DLC

08/20/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people. I'm still betting on a 24 playable roster until I see otherwise.
08/20/2014 03:31 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people. I'm still betting on a 24 playable roster until I see otherwise.

24 is a joke when half r new,thats too big of a risk. Gotta have minimum 28-30 at launch to plz the ppl who will b turned off by the new kharacters n all around ive seen quite a few ppl complain about having too much new in this game,just saying. If they wanna attract a wide audience then having 28-30 would b the smart route to start
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08/20/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
Boon also said (multiple times) that this game may have the most new characters since MK1.

That statement makes it pretty clear that Boon probably doesn't remember off the top of his head how many new characters MKDA actually introduced. If he did, why would he constantly be referencing MK1 when it comes to character count? Why not just reference MKDA? It's not like he left it ambiguous. He constantly compared the number of new characters to MK1.

So I don't weigh the approximation with much salt. It could be 12. It could be 8. I realize people are using the character select screen as evidence, but there's always the possibility the top slots are reserved for MK9 vets while the bottom merely represents anyone who wasn't in MK9.
EDIT: And given the amount of exposure the post-MK4 characters had since 2006, they might as well be new characters in the eyes of modern fans.
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people. I'm still betting on a 24 playable roster until I see otherwise.

You weren't here back in the MKDA days, they showed a select screen that was completely different. Even though 90% of MKX's will stay the same, the character walking forward, it being horizontal, ect. The number can change, easily. Boon said around the same, if not the same as MK9, which means 28. And just remember, Cyborg Sub and Quan Chi were off to the side as hidden characters. It'll happen again with this game.
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08/20/2014 04:30 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
And just remember, Cyborg Sub and Quan Chi were off to the side as hidden characters.

I have a feeling that that approach to character select is going to disappear completely. It created a lot of problems with hidden select, and I'm sure that's why we didn't see that menu structure in Injustice.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
And just remember, Cyborg Sub and Quan Chi were off to the side as hidden characters.

I have a feeling that that approach to character select is going to disappear completely. It created a lot of problems with hidden select, and I'm sure that's why we didn't see that menu structure in Injustice.

It's possible, I wouldn't mind either way as long as there are secret characters. Even if they get put on the select screen like they were in Injustice, not hidden windows like MK9.
08/20/2014 05:27 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people. I'm still betting on a 24 playable roster until I see otherwise.

Too late to change the character select screen? That's ridiculous.
08/20/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people.

You know they did it with MKDA right? And they will be changing things constantly until release date.
08/20/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)
I was here during the MKDA days (albeit on a different username) but I was just pulling everyone's legs. I'm sure the select screen will change but I am still rooting for a majority of new characters over old ones (especially since most of the good guys from MK1-3 were killed)
08/20/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
I don't care how many new characters are in, as long Reiko and Tanya makes it. ^^
08/20/2014 06:40 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I was here during the MKDA days (albeit on a different username) but I was just pulling everyone's legs. I'm sure the select screen will change but I am still rooting for a majority of new characters over old ones (especially since most of the good guys from MK1-3 were killed)

Oh ok, you had me fooled, lol. They could end up changing the select screen like 50 times before they settle on the final version.
08/20/2014 11:44 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I think Boon is trolling us.

They have already created the character select screen and there are twelve boxes top and bottom. It's too late to change--they've already made it and shown it to people. I'm still betting on a 24 playable roster until I see otherwise.

24 is a joke when half r new,thats too big of a risk. Gotta have minimum 28-30 at launch to plz the ppl who will b turned off by the new kharacters n all around ive seen quite a few ppl complain about having too much new in this game,just saying. If they wanna attract a wide audience then having 28-30 would b the smart route to start
08/20/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
I get the feeling that the select screen is pretty much what the final version's gonna look like, with the roster in the bottom half and a nice shot of the character models doing their animations on the top half. That's not to say that the can't bunch the slots together, maybe shrink them down a little bit, and squeeze in a few more. I think they could probably fit four more slots on there if they were bunched together; two on top and two on bottom.

But all in all, I think it's pointless to take the select screen as any indication. If NRS has more than 24 characters, they'll find a way to make the select screen work. In MK9 two of the 28 slots were for Cyber Sub-Zero and DLC characers, so we ended up with 27, then we got the DLC later and wound up with more. And like others have said, the select screens have changed while in development before.
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08/20/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
Boon keeps saying "I THINK" There's the most newbs in MKX. He also said in his IGN interview that they haven't decided on who DLC is yet. So let's just say they made 12 newbs. They're probably debating if 2 or 3 of these guys will be saved for DLC. So we might only end up with 10 newbs on-disc. This is just my theory why he won't just come out and say an exact number.
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08/20/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
I can see the roster slots change maybe 15 on the top and 15 on the bottom I was hoping for a lot more than this but I can cope with this.
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