Ashrah/Drahmin Biography
posted05/19/2006 01:20 AM (UTC)by
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02/21/2004 03:23 PM (UTC)
Here is a biography I wrote for Ashrah for a new MK game I was planning on. She is the first person I have developed anything for, even before the actual storyline of the game. If you can't figure it out in the text, it is about Lucifer's rise to power once again and the ascension into Edenia, the gateway to the Heavens, there he will strategically make a move on the gods far beyond what was thought of Shinnok's invasion.


Biography Part 1:

In the wake of the near destruction of the realms, I was one of the few warriors who survived the brutal violence that occurred. Still restricted to the Netherealm, I watched as the warrior Sub-Zero destroyed my only way out of this savage place – the wraith known as Noob Saibot. I would have intervened if I did not notice and familiar face. Sareena, a former “sister” of mine assisted him in defeating Saibot and his demon underling Frost. I had always despised the very likes of her, but had she changed for the better? I would not find out however, as they vanished through a nearby portal. Stricken with grief and a feeling of never ending despair, I began to wander through the planes of Hell.

Biography Part 2:

I don’t know how many years it has been since Onaga tried to merge the Komidogu. But the past is unimportant right now, as a new threat emerges from the darkest pits of the underworld. Lucifer, the previous ruler of the Netherealm had returned after a long period of defeat by Shinnok. It now seems he is more powerful than ever now, gaining more collaborators every minute. After pursuing a horde of Oni to Lucifer’s morbid palace, I listened in to a scheme to invade and destroy the Heavens. It was up to me now to warn those in Earthrealm of the impending invasion, but before I could leave undetected, I was spotted by guards. Now on the run I am being trailed by two demons I would have never thought to see again – Kia and Jataaka. My importance now is greater then ever, and I even feel the might of the heavens running through me at this moment.

Biography Part 3:

Able to contact Sub-Zero and warn him about the devious plans of Lucifer, I faced Sareena for the first time in many years. It was a cold reunion; I still did not trust her. But we had to work together to fight for a greater good. The Lin Kuei master sent a band of troops to the Netherealm in order to halt the invasion for a short period in order to give him time to inform the Heavens. Making a stealthy attack on the Devil’s base of operations, we managed to break his troops morale. It was a sure victory I thought, but better the devil knows. All along, my intuition was correct about Sareena. She was a traitor. She had been planning the invasion of Earthrealm ever since she stepped foot into it’s once untouched soil. Ordering Kia and Jataaka to kill me, I fought my former allies to the death. Sareena escaped my wrath, however the defeat of the demons allowed me to ascend from my prison into the Heavens.


The war waged in the Heavens was fierce and ruthless, Lucifer’s minions growing ever closer to their goal. This was my time, however. I was going to make up for my past occurrences and save the only thing that mattered to me at this point. Feeling the power of this place, I grew stronger and stronger. The passion inside allowed me to cut down many enemies and get closer to avenging Sareena and her deception. In the midst of a great hall to one of many of the gods, she confronted me alone. Here, however, she began to loose the energy that granted her the appearance of a beautiful human. Turning into a vile demon that I once was, we fought as the hall around his crumbled from the fire of the surrounding battle. In the end I emerged victorious and Sareena’s black soul was sucked back into the depths of Hell never to be seen again. With Lucifer shortly after defeated, I had rightfully gained my position as an angel in the Heavens forever, waiting to once again conquer any evil with the spirit of the gods.

Please feel free to comment. And for those who desperately wanted Kia and Jataaka back, I found a way to fit them in, even if you know their ultimate fate.
05/18/2006 11:58 PM (UTC)
Sorry to bump this thread, I don't normally, but I really need some insight. Would someone please give some advice/thoughts?
05/19/2006 12:11 AM (UTC)
It's good. Well written and well thought out. Thing is, I don't think Noob Saibot is Ashrah's only way of purifying herself. If Noob was destroyed, why wouldn't she just continue killing other demons or Oni like she was before?

My only real gripe is Sareena being evil....but that's more of a fanboy-ish complaint than legitimite criticism.
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05/19/2006 12:18 AM (UTC)
I like it, but I don't like the fact that she relied on killing Noob to be freed; the Netherealm's filled with demons, why not kill one of them?
I don't like the fact that Sareena is 100% on Earthrealm's side though; I really can't picture her killing Noob Saibot, especially since she is closer to him than to the current Sub-Zero.
Ashrah becoming an angel... I just don't think she should. Going to Heaven as a permanent residence is one thing, but becoming an angel? Seems like a stretch for any of the MK characters, especially since Ashrah was a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow.
05/19/2006 12:50 AM (UTC)

Biography Part 1:

I am Drahmin, a former leader of a once great civilization. Banished to the Netherealm, I became nothing more then a rotting denizen of Hell. But things would change forever from this point on. Even though I sought freedom, I have once again returned to this morbid realm to look for vengeance. The sorcerer Quan Chi betrayed my Oni companion Moloch and I by promising us freedom to Earthrealm in exchange for his protection. His pursuit by the specter Scorpion gave us a chance at a new life. We barely got it, however. Only by escaping narrowly through a portal did we hunt down and try to murder Quan Chi. Unsuccessful, our only progression forward was the killing of Scorpion. Now lost without any sort of goal, we returned to the only place we could call home now. But I would have another chance to resume my leadership position once more.

Biography Part 2:

Lucifer, the once great leader of the Netherealm, had risen again after his apparent dethroning by the fallen elder god Shinnok. Scouting for generals to lead his troops into an onslaught against the Heavens, it was a perfect opportunity to show my skills once more on the battlefield. Our first target was the serene realm of Edenia. The attack would be easy, but my soul would now have to fight an even deeper emotion inside my tainted soul, for I am the former leader of Edenia – King Jerrod. Something that I have not felt in me has been stirred up after such a long period. My daughter, Kitana, was the new Queen of the peaceful realm. She had been crowned after my wife Sindel’s life was cut short at the hands of Kahn. With this upsetting event Kitana ad just been faced with, it was a hard decision to make on my part, but she would not even recognize the face that hides behind this horrid mask. It was either obey Lucifer, or face a torment even I have not ever experience, even through all my suffering.

Biography Part 3:

The assault on Edenia was ruthless, yet the enemy had somehow known about the foreboding attack. My aggression fueled by the bloodshed that surrounded me. The monster that I am took control of me. Threw the bodies and violence ahead, I spotted Kitana leading her troops into glorious war. It seems she took after me, my beautiful daughter. A sharp pain caught my chest. This feeling again, what was it? I could not remember, it was so long ago... While I was down on the battlefield, the ninja Rain caught me by surprise, striking me down. As I lay dying on the green grasses of my home, a face appeared in the glowing of the moon. Sindel. She was speaking to me, assuring me who I really was. This was not right; I had to side with which my soul truly desires.

Biography Part 3:

Renewed with a sense of my past and my actual persona, I rushed to Kitana. Shoving the Oni out of my way, I attacked the first soldier surrounding her. The tides could be turned; all that was needed was some assistance. Reaching my daughter, I reached out my hand, almost expecting her to reach back for it. Instead she turned to swipe at me with her fan. Rage built up in my muscular frame, but I held it down. I would not harm her. Then, Moloch swung threw the crowd and knocked Kitana through a wall. Not expecting a traitorous blow, I head him over the head with my clubbed hand. Taking him down was not simple, but I no longer considered him the friend I once did. In the end, the giant beast fell to the hard ground. My body ached, but not from this feeling it was from the wounds I received. Kitana rushed to my aid, speaking softly to me. The look on her face then drastically changed. I peered around to see why. Looking at my body, I no longer saw the rotting flesh and muscle of my Oni form. Instead, the body of my former life transformed me into its original state. I told her the truth, all of it. A holding me, a single teardrop fell from her eye, and I ascended into the Heavenly beyond.

05/19/2006 12:53 AM (UTC)
I kind of made her rely on Noob cause it seems like she was in MK:D. Maybe she was because Noob was so powerful and really the only demon she could get close to, since most of them seem to reside in that city in the Netherealm, which would be highly dangerous to visit in her case.

And Sareena wasn't 100% on Earth's side, she had been scheming with Lucifer to plot it's downfall for a long period.
05/19/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)
Firstly, I should say I'm not keen on the Drahmin being Jerrod theory. Aside from Drahmin's backstory specifically stating he ruled his empire and was killed 500 years ago...I just think more interesting things can be done with him than that.

As for the bios themselves, I think Drahmin sounds way too sane and rational. According to MK:DA, Drahmin's torture in the Netherealm was so horrific that his sanity completely devolved into a murderous, bloodthirty monster.
I think there should have been more to his apparent redemption than there was. Struck me as a little too easy.
05/19/2006 01:20 AM (UTC)
Okay, I'll try changing it. But you don't think Ashrah could eventually become an angel? I think it would be kinda cool for her to go from very evil to having a place in the Heavens because she has worked so hard on redeeming her soul. Maybe it could take a bit more progression though.
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