Armageddon Intro and Character Bios (Concept 2) (Updated 12/30)
posted01/04/2006 01:14 AM (UTC)by
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12/31/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
Little did I know that Shujinko was chosen by the One Being to release the existence of the Dragon King, not only because he was just a mere mortal, no there was more to it then that. In fact the reason was not even known by any existence of knowledge besides the One Being himself. Shujinko, was clueless to whom he really was. Mortal Kombat, a tournament that has been fought for thousands of years now to declare who rules which realms in the universe, has seen its far share of fighters. Though, none with such a story to tell as Shujinko’s. You see, Shujinko is like a phoenix. Every so often the Phoenix flies as its flame burns out, and in reincarnated into yet another phoenix via its ashes. The same goes for Shujinko. Every lifespan there is one human being that the One Being is allowed to communicate with. For the spell locking it into non existence has to be able to be broken somehow. SO out of all fairness this is what the Elder gods chose. One life form, in one realm, one chance. For years now the One Being has not been able to find this one life form but I hate to say now is different.
It has been prophesied that if the One Being ever finds this one life form that he has been searching for, all hell will break loose on the universe as we know it. Fires will rage from the depths of hell itself. The sea will rise and blood shall spill. Thunderstorms will rain upon the realms in total Damnation. Every being close and far from existence will be shattered, the only ones will survive are the ones he shall show mercy upon. Shao Kahn, an evil emperor has shown Outworld what destruction he can do, the One Being could snap Kahn with a flick of his fingers. Shujinko is in farther then he knows. If he dies by the hands of a marked follower of the One Being himself then Armageddon will rein upon the worlds. All hope will be lost for all life forms. The end will come without hesitation. The threat of the One Being has begun, and if Shujinko wants to prove any kind man out of himself he will walk the treacherous walk to the top of the mountain. The one gods can hear you from. He shall ask for forgiveness of his tainted soul. She shall kneel down and sacrifice his free life for the rights to declare Mortal Kombat. Something no man has ever done before. But for gods sakes, he if he wished to save the Universe from complete destruction and unholy damnation, he shall declare his soul to the gods above. And we can only sit by and hope, they take pity on his soul, hope they take pity on us all.


(Unlockable in the Beginning)

Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Johnny cage


Noob Saibot
Kung Lao
Night Wolf
Shao Kahn


Johnny Cage
Human Smoke


“The Elder Gods have chosen me to represent them in the Mortal Kombat soon to be on our hands. This Mortal Kombat is much different however, if we loose this imbosile Shujinko in battle, the Universe will be doomed as we know. I rather die a thousand deaths then serve under the One Being itself. I have to remember my objectives this time around, for the Elder Gods will banish me to the Netherrealms for ever if I even cross paths with Noob or shall I say my dear enemy Sub-Zero.â€?

Liu Kang
“Being Earth’s Champion for so long felt good. When I was killed by my enemy Shang Tsung I thought all was lost. My life, my love, everything. I still wonder where Kitana is and if she has been freed by the Dragon King. Raiden sees the potential in me once again to fight in the name of Earth and all good, but I’ve noticed something different in Raiden since Earth was lat put in peril. I think when I died something else died inside of Raiden.â€?

“My brother Noob tried to kill me when we last met. He failed however. He and Smoke were a tough fight but my Ice Powers have evolved even passed Noobs expectations. However, Noob disappeared before I could kill him, along with my Dragon Medallion. My powers are slowly draining as I am againg. If Noob masters the freezing ability along with his own, that Medallion may mean the destruction of the Universe.â€?

“We the souls of this life for have seen so many life forms die in Mortal Kombat tournaments before. Why is this one so different? Armageddon will rein down on the Universe and souls will be lost and wounded. We the souls of this life form known as Ermac will stop whom ever is in our way as we battle for the safety of the Universe and the guidance of all souls lost.â€?

“You can call me ex-Seiden guard now. I’ve lost all order in Seiden and it’s in great peril as we speak. I know the only thing that might mean new ordinance is if the great power of the One Being rules this Universe again. I have elected myself to be his marked follower. I have one goal as I am called to this Mortal Kombat tournament, that is to kill Shujinko so the One Being can harness his powers and rule with order once again.â€?

“When Liu died a part of me went with him. I fought in vein as I tried to hunt down and kill Shang Tsung. To believe I used to sit by and see him serve my step father Kahn for ages. I had so many chances to kill him in the past but I had no idea that he would kill my future love. After the fight between the Deadly Alliance and the five of us I was wounded but not dead. I fled into the mountains soul and mind intact. I had to find my spirit, I was so empty after Liu died. If I may ever see him again, I will confess my love to him and hopefully he will to. I just hope the next place we meet is not in the heavens above.â€?

“I was deceived by Millena. Baraka does not serve anyone! I even loved her passion and dastardly ways. She was so beautiful. That’s why I will not let Kahn sit on the throne again. If he does he will either make Mileena a princess or kill her for betraying him. I only want her for Baraka! That is why I have bowed my grace to the One Being and have been marked as a marked follower. If I kill Shujinko then I can have my Mileena as his pledge with Baraka!â€?

“Baraka was only a pawn in my path to rule. I used him and spit him out. If he wished to even stand beside me when I rule Outworld next to Kahn then he will bow down and grace me. I will see it that the One Being is not released and the true ruler of Outworld sits on his thrown. Long live Kahn!â€?

“Jax died that night we fought the Deadly Alliance. I saw him get torched by Quan Chi and kicked to his death. I watched his eyes, his body, and life fade away. I miss him to this day but I have to put aside personal vengeance, and any remorse because the war we fight now is bigger then any other Mortal Kombat yet. I still don’t know whether I stand next to Raiden or behind him in battle, I don’t know if sees me worthy yet. Some how I will prove myself to him.

“All hope for Earth Realm to pull through this battle is slim to none. I lost hope in they let Shijuno be deceived and Liu their champion die. Without me Earth would have been lost many years ago. Now, I don’t put up with stupidity that puts my realm into peril. I shall not let the One Being ruin what I have kept safe, I have more power and rage now that not even Kahn can stand between me and the One Being. If Shujinko dies, so be it. The One Being will be released. He will have to get through me to dominate Earth Realm, and I now have power of the gods.â€?

“I couldn’t sit by and see my old friend Raiden be corrupted by the anger he holds in. I have a feeling when he blasted towards the Dragon King that the old sorcerer Shang Tsung may have corrupted Raiden’s Deity soul. I will bring Raiden to his knees and hopefully talk sense into him, try to work whatever evil has corrupted him out. I will do anything to see it the One Being never walks again.â€?

“For years now I have heard of Princess Kitana and this Earth realm warrior Liu Kang. Edenian stories travel fast. Ive sat back and let them have their fun as any true Edenian warrior does for his Princess. Though, I can’t say I was to remorseful when Kang was found dead. I can now vow my love for Kitana and hopefully she will take me. To Edenia, and god bless her.â€?

“I decided to track down my heritage throw a friend who calls himself Nightwolf. Through many pain staking life trials I finally found what I was looking for. A glyph in a rock bed that my father had once made. I read it through ancient Japanese which my father had wrote it in. It told how my father once worked to bring back the One Being, and how that was a mistake. But it also said that my father was promised a great deal of wealth and other things had he gone along, but since he didn’t a curse would be placed upon his only born. I knew right away it was my eyes. I was a sacrifice for the better of man, and again I shall sacrifice myself in the fight against the One Being.â€?

Shang Tsung
“I didn’t realize when I made a deal with Quan Chi that I was actually making a deal with the son of the devil. I do believe that Quan Chi is a creation of the one being to corrupt not only the good of the Universe but also the evil. My sorcery skills of the dark arts were equal to his, until I sold my sould to the devil himself. I am now more powerful then his own son, I am a marked follower, in trade for powers stronger then any other dark sorcerer, and for as long as the One Being rules my soul will wreck havoc for eternal life.â€?

“My soul was left half gone and I was wounded after that blast between Shang, Raiden, and I. I dissaperted, was gone from existence, banished again to the Netherrealms. That’s where the One Being contacted me. He told me he had made a deal with Shang Tsung, and if I wanted to free him I needed to kill Tsung. He gave me such strength to do so. My one task as a marked follower is to kill Tsung, I will do so at all costs.

Johnny Cage
“If the worlds in peril, who you gunna call? The Cagebuster! So they wrang me up again on my cellular phone, asked me to help them out again. I said what the heck I’m between movies. I just finished “My Life after Deceptionâ€? and now I’m moving onto, “The True Endingâ€?… I need script ideas now don’t I! I hope Sonya is there; she looks so much better in a dress then Liu Kang.

“My ChipXRProgrammer110 is very well protected so I shall never be slaved by another being. I have built an army of cyborgs that shall help me vanquish the tarkaten horde and one day rule Outworld. Soon all beings will know what its like to be cyborg as they will all kneel before me as machine.â€?

“I’m the rightful hair to the thrown of Edenia. As soon as that vile women Sindel dies, accidently or killed, I will fight that tramp Kitana to the thrown. To make sure that’s the way it plays out I have dealt with the one being and if his power reins in the universe again he sees it fit for me to rule Edenia. I will be queen Tanya!â€?
01/04/2006 01:14 AM (UTC)
does anyone have any feedback whatso?
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